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Who Else Wants A Synoid Simulor NERF?


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i find it a shame that so many ppl cry so hard about a weapon thats mainly overpowered on one specific frame, simulor is strong but all ur crying does is get it nerfed to a point where its borderline useless

so, instead of crying i would suggest to not care about the rare cases of meeting a simulor mirage because anyone else with a simulor equipped cant outdps as easily and when someone still does its maybe ur own setup and/or just be happy and enjoy the easy ride until the player with named combination is out of steam and needs help, which is very late but happens cause mirage is squishy af

ive played simulor mirage some time myself and noone ever complained ingame, but strangely here on the forums ppl cry their eyes out for no reason

whats next...crying about chroma ? crying about nova having such a good ultimate ? tonkor being opizzle as fck ? zarr being too much fun ? if its not simulor having the crown then it will prolly be tonkor...and zarr next ? if u find it noob or too easy then just dont use it urself but if others find it fun let them play it...its not like u have simulor mirages in every of ur games

nerfing simulor specifically is not the issue, the issue is ppl crying just to force a killnerf of a weapon when there is imbalance everywhere...frames or weapons...u can find imbalance anywhere...getting upset about someone's choice of loadout once in a while is no reason for nerf...i can already see the threads bout soma prime being too OP...something is always best, thats just the way of things, if its not simulor its something else, still arguably id say on average tonkor is more OP because its unspecific of the frame and u see tonkor spammers more often



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It's good to have because it lets you know immediately who's trash and unreliable. You see a mr22 using mirage and simulor, 90% they haven't been around longer than 6 months. If they have been around a while, they're garbage. No innovation in their gameplay and you can see this as all the frames they use are other peoples builds.  Keep it, just change the name to "scrub identifier" or "my old favorite frame was mesa" or the forever true "cookie cutter".

90% of warframes fanbase is fairweather players. They'll be here 6-8 months, put nothing into it, and claim it sucks in the end. I've seen it time and time again. Most of the people who don't want changes are those players. They can't keep up so allowing mirage and simulor to dominate 90% of the game with minimal effort was the easiet way to try and hook them in for DE. 

These forums are lined with posts about a what's game breaking and why. Dedicated posts to how unbalanaced certain aspects are. Some from years ago. Lack of balance brings controversy, controversy brings attention, attention brings money. They'll nerf what they want, when they want. Don't expect great ideas to get noticed. They're often overlooked as "headcanons". Simulor is garbage and anyone who uses it is too. Justify your actions in your brain however you want, a spade is a spade. 

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I agree with the fact that its not really the simulors fault though, have seen many mirages do crazy dmg with tonkor and zarr too, now thats its available on PC.

As a whole, I would prefer it if say weapons were actually tested before implementation so we won't spend like waste time nerfing and buffing it till its considered viable but not OP. I'd rather they focus on new content, or making PVP more rewarding (would prefer if arena matches like Rathuum and Index fights actually gave conclave standing and stuff like that)

That said though, my only issue here is the affinity radius. Say u brought a Frost/Vauban (slow cc frames) to like...a kuva flood exterminate mission. Whats gonna happen here is that the mirage/ember is gonna speedrun the map and bye bye affinity (once u're outta the affinity radius) though u were more essential towards destroying the kuva siphon but they were more suited for doing the extermination. 

Where's the fairness in that?


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20 hours ago, KIREEK said:

This topic can be sumarizes as "i don't like when other players are either more efficient than me or use a gameplay that upsets me"

Nope, I am fine when other players are more efficient than me. I just can't stand that the simulor take zero brain power to use. It does a lot of damage and sucks enemies in. People aren't even aiming it. They are just running around spamming it.

That's why I suggested giving it a charge time, similar to the Opticor, and limiting it to 3 orbs out at a time. That way, it can still be extremely powerful (such as dropping an orb in a choke point), but you actually have to use your brain (such as deciding to drop an orb in a choke point).

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On 12/4/2016 at 4:57 PM, Xydeth said:

rare cases of meeting a simulor mirage

Forgive, the rudeness, but do you actually play the game? Like, actually join missions? You might be finding it hard to see other player's gear with the constant light flash/screen shake/audio FX.


That aside, the rest of your post is a poorly worded attempt at deflection from the Mirage/SySim wombo combo, by attempting to red herring other things as "problems".

Is Chroma powerful? Yes, but has almost no CC/AOE effects without actual high cost.

Nova was/is a mistake.

Tonkor isn't as bad after the AOE crit bugfix, but at least it requires you to somewhat aim.

I've tried a pretty well modded Zarr on level 100 Gunners. Not 145 like I can spawn, but 100 (a lot less armor and health). Not even as close to as effective as other meta weapons. Very satisfying to use, though/

The SySim has a god-tier level of DPs, combined with brain-dead use and no reward for skillfull gameplay. As a player, I am "rewarded" (no, having a mission played practically for me isn't rewarding, it's damn obnoxious) more by spamming an AOE non-stop than using precision, skill-based weapons. That is why it has to be changed.It completely screws over skill/reward mechanics in a way that is likely to shorten player retention.

"Oh hey, new content!"


"Man, DE needs to learn how to balance! That was way too easy! I'm going to go play something that is actually difficult, LOL!"

There's a constant in the equation, and it sure as hell ain't the enemies.

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2 hours ago, Magneu said:

Forgive, the rudeness, but do you actually play the game? Like, actually join missions? You might be finding it hard to see other player's gear with the constant light flash/screen shake/audio FX.


That aside, the rest of your post is a poorly worded attempt at deflection from the Mirage/SySim wombo combo, by attempting to red herring other things as "problems".

Is Chroma powerful? Yes, but has almost no CC/AOE effects without actual high cost.

Nova was/is a mistake.

Tonkor isn't as bad after the AOE crit bugfix, but at least it requires you to somewhat aim.

I've tried a pretty well modded Zarr on level 100 Gunners. Not 145 like I can spawn, but 100 (a lot less armor and health). Not even as close to as effective as other meta weapons. Very satisfying to use, though/

The SySim has a god-tier level of DPs, combined with brain-dead use and no reward for skillfull gameplay. As a player, I am "rewarded" (no, having a mission played practically for me isn't rewarding, it's damn obnoxious) more by spamming an AOE non-stop than using precision, skill-based weapons. That is why it has to be changed.It completely screws over skill/reward mechanics in a way that is likely to shorten player retention.

"Oh hey, new content!"


"Man, DE needs to learn how to balance! That was way too easy! I'm going to go play something that is actually difficult, LOL!"

There's a constant in the equation, and it sure as hell ain't the enemies.

Don't know about Nova so no comment on that.

Tonkor much worse because you don't even need to aim with it just shoot yourself and deal 7 times more damage then S Simulor.

Don't know how you're modding you zarr but mine can knock down and kill a level 100 gunner in 3-4 cannon shots and shotgun them in 2-3 usually.

Do you know what actually makes the synoid simulor op? It mirage that what. Her clones make multiple vortexs and can pump out more orb into the vortex and this is not with eclipes at all.

Now my question to you is have you used the s simulor without mirage?  It sucks against high level armoured enemies so where is it Uber damage? Is it against a lancer?

Test it against a level 100 gunner and tell me how long it took you to kill it and this is with no mirage of course. It defensive style weapon that become an offensive op weapon when mirage use it as she takes all of it downsides away. Just watch nerf it to the ground and tell me what the mirages is using next week? My bet on the amprex.

If want to nerf anything then it should be HoM because that ability is the game breaker.



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17 hours ago, Magneu said:

Forgive, the rudeness, but do you actually play the game? Like, actually join missions? You might be finding it hard to see other player's gear with the constant light flash/screen shake/audio FX.


That aside, the rest of your post is a poorly worded attempt at deflection from the Mirage/SySim wombo combo, by attempting to red herring other things as "problems".

Is Chroma powerful? Yes, but has almost no CC/AOE effects without actual high cost.

Nova was/is a mistake.

Tonkor isn't as bad after the AOE crit bugfix, but at least it requires you to somewhat aim.

I've tried a pretty well modded Zarr on level 100 Gunners. Not 145 like I can spawn, but 100 (a lot less armor and health). Not even as close to as effective as other meta weapons. Very satisfying to use, though/

The SySim has a god-tier level of DPs, combined with brain-dead use and no reward for skillfull gameplay. As a player, I am "rewarded" (no, having a mission played practically for me isn't rewarding, it's damn obnoxious) more by spamming an AOE non-stop than using precision, skill-based weapons. That is why it has to be changed.It completely screws over skill/reward mechanics in a way that is likely to shorten player retention.

"Oh hey, new content!"


"Man, DE needs to learn how to balance! That was way too easy! I'm going to go play something that is actually difficult, LOL!"

There's a constant in the equation, and it sure as hell ain't the enemies.

why would i forgive rudeness u do on purpose ?

it doesnt support ur points anyway, its quite the contrary actually. Even if they are just attempted ones. Insults/rudeness are always a sign of a lack in good arguments so its actually to ur own disadvantage.


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7 hours ago, Xydeth said:

why would i forgive rudeness u do on purpose ?

it doesnt support ur points anyway, its quite the contrary actually. Even if they are just attempted ones. Insults/rudeness are always a sign of a lack in good arguments so its actually to ur own disadvantage.


Aaaaand you ignored everything I actually said. Congragulations.

I said "forgive the rudeness" because my inquiry sounded a little brusque, but was still a questions I wanted to ask. It's a slightly fancier way of saying "no offense".

Nowhere in your reply post do you address any of the red herrings I claimed I saw, or even attempt to disapprove them (good luck). In fact, you didn't address any of my post, except for trying to take an opening statement out of context (an opening statement showing my doubt of the statement "rare case of meeting a SySim Mirage", as in my anecdotal experience, 9/10 sorties/Kuva missions contain them spamming the fire button). It could be interpreted as an insult, but only if you're really stretching for it.

At least the first guy to respond to me even tried.

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On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 0:21 PM, Tesseract7777 said:

Apart from self damage it doesnt need nerfing, same with tonkor.


Some of you dont seem to understand how flavor of the month meta works. Apart from the fact they dont do self damage significantly they are hardly op compared to other bruisers. And any top tier weapon plus mirage is insane.


All you are doing is playing popular weapon whack a mole, but it wont do anything to stop the absurd complaints this thread is based on -- players upset someone greatly outkilled them. Stop worrying so much about getting highest kill count in a pve game where kills dont matter. It just amounts to silly epeen measuring.

Apart from the fact that you literally don't even have to aim with the simulor. Whenever I see someone with a simulor, I just go "whatever, let's get this over with," because it's an obnoxious weapon that requires no ability to use, with or without Mirage, it's the equivalent of a noobtoob in COD but without having to even aim it, and no self damage. Tonkor is the same, but you have to actually aim it. Simulor definitely needs some balance tweaks, Tonkor just needs self damage like the Zarr. Otherwise, it's balanced out by being clunky as all hell and having a depressingly steep shot arc.


In a game about killing things, it's annoying to have someone else kill everything by doing virtually nothing. You could be taking a wank while using the simulor and still get top DPS, which is a $&*^slap in the face to people who are actually working for their kills.

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2 hours ago, Daggerpaw1 said:

Apart from the fact that you literally don't even have to aim with the simulor. Whenever I see someone with a simulor, I just go "whatever, let's get this over with," because it's an obnoxious weapon that requires no ability to use, with or without Mirage, it's the equivalent of a noobtoob in COD but without having to even aim it, and no self damage. Tonkor is the same, but you have to actually aim it. Simulor definitely needs some balance tweaks, Tonkor just needs self damage like the Zarr. Otherwise, it's balanced out by being clunky as all hell and having a depressingly steep shot arc.


In a game about killing things, it's annoying to have someone else kill everything by doing virtually nothing. You could be taking a wank while using the simulor and still get top DPS, which is a $&*^slap in the face to people who are actually working for their kills.

I think you need to supply a good reason to nerf it (beyond self damage). With all respect, I have seen the same exact argument from you and many, many, many others in this thread: It takes no real skill because you just aim and spam aoe's without any consequence. And to be frank it is the SAME complaint people still have about the Tonkor. The only reason the Tonkor isn't the weapon people are complaining about right now is because it isn't the flavor of the month -- it is still just as ab-abusable because of the lack of significant self damage. 


I think many of you don't realize just how hard a nerf self damage alone would be to the Simulor. You make people using that weapon take the same self damage as they would using a Penta/Ogris and I guarantee you the whole "Simulor OP" complaint vanishes literally OVER NIGHT. The thing is the biggest complaint is how you can just spam orbs all over and how abusable that is -- which is currently true. But that would NOT be true if it did self damage. People wouldn't be able to just spam it without hurting themselves. They would have to think and still be way more strategic, and they would have to watch out for orbs that are going to explode soon as they would deal even more damage all at once to their health. It would fix the fact that it is a no skill spam weapon in one fell swoop. 

But why nerf the numbers? You don't even understand what you are asking for when you ask to nerf the numbers. You haven't compared the math to other weapons, or frames, or into the overall balance of the game. You don't have a good reason to nerf the actual numbers on the Simulor besides a "feeling" that it is too OP. I absolutely agree that it should do self damage like other AOE weapons, as should the Tonkor, but I have not yet seen a single convincing argument in favor of nerfing the stats. Just lots of "omg it's not fun that people spam and get most kills with it". 

And I bring up Mirage because the OP brings up Mirage and so do lots of people in this thread. Sure Mirage + Simulor is OP, but it wouldn't be NEARLY as OP if it did self damage, in fact, if it did self damage, it would be a high risk high reward playstyle like it SHOULD be. In other words, it should be a glass cannon playstyle, but right now it carries far too little risk. 

But I also point out Mirage because the OP, again, brings up Mirage as do others, and if a big part of their reason is to nerf the Simulor is because of Mirage then their reasoning is incredibly faulty and their ideas are not good for the game. Nerfing a weapon just because it is OP with a frame that greatly enhances ANY weapon, is not going to get us anywhere. You nerf one weapon and that frame will start abusing another weapon, because that frames whole thing is abusing weapons with HoM. You will just be playing nerf whack-a-mole, constantly nerfing guns over and over again, while Mirage remains the bigger problem overall. 

Maybe the bigger problem is that HoM is too overpowered in general, especially with AOE weapons of any kind. Maybe the ability itself need some serious balancing. 

And maybe we need to make sure ALL launchers have appropriate self damage for the sake of game balance. 


However, I have still not seen a single person explain the math as to why the Simulor should have its numbers nerfed down. I remain unconvinced on that front. I think the self damage nerf is really all it and the Tonkor need to find that place of balance in the game. With self damage, they become different choices for launchers. Right now the whole reason they are so OP and so abused is because they do no significant self damage and carry no real risk, and require no real thought. That is the only fix needed. 


Edit: Also, just a couple other things. This game is a coop game with many different roles and is about far more than just "getting kills". That is one thing you can do in the game... but DPS is only one role in the team. 

Kills mean nothing. They really mean nothing. Maybe you get a highest kill count in a match, maybe you don't, but it doesn't change the outcome of rewards you get at all, or your xp. And maybe you were a more support role so who cares if you got the highest kills? 

This is just an aside from the rest, but this line of thinking always perplexes me. This is a PvE game where by design, kill count is nothing more than silly epeen measuring. The devs went to great pains to design it that way to make it coop, and lots of the most important roles in a mission don't even getting a bunch of kills. Warframe is definitely not just "a game about getting the most kills". That's just not true at all. 


Edited by Tesseract7777
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36 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:
  • the SAME complaint people still have about the Tonkor
  • how hard a nerf self damage alone would be to the Simulor
  • a good reason to nerf the actual numbers on the Simulor
  • Mirage being the problem
  • the dubious necessity and relevance of getting kills

Just cutting your post down into points to make it easier to reply without doubling post size from sheer quote.

  • The Tonkor absolutely still needs to be directly addressed (the autoheadshot bugfix does not count). It needs self-damage, at least, if not further numerical tweaks. Turns out the 2-grenade magazine doesn't hinder the output as much as people think, because everything is mathematically relatable; damage value, magazine, fire rate, reload; the Tonkor excels among launchers in all those factors but mag size, plus having the best AOE radius from a single (conventional explosive) projectile. In the old 56 page thread calling for fixes, I showed my working and was not refuted.
    • (Self-damage as a whole needs rebalancing to be less immediately fatal, but DE have said they will be looking at selfdamage balances in the new year)
  • The reason we suggest against self-damage to the Simulor when requesting a change to bring its performance down is not that it shouldn't pose a risk, it's that the risk is too great. Due to the AOE radius, launch range and slight gravitation of Simulor orbs, there is almost a 100% chance of hitting yourself with the combinatory explosion. Even if you're careful. Obviously, that takes it from 'OP' to 'literally useless'. Therefore, we need to look at something else, since it is NOT the goal of intelligent balance changes to tip the scales just as unbalanced the other way.
  • Per the previous point, a change to numbers is the better option in limiting the overbearing presence of the weapon, short of a mechanic change (which risks losing the identity of the weapon, may not be desirable). This doesn't just have to be "damage nerf". As I said in relation to the Tonkor, the other stats are just as relatable, tweaking them could also bring down the effectiveness adequately.
    • Range: The Simulor's lack of aiming input comes from the fact its AOE radius (Synoid variant particularly) is enormous, far beyond even that of the Tonkor. Combined with the ability for orbs to simply hover, this provides a wall-penetrating sphere of effectiveness around the user (distorted by walls within the inner sphere of orb launch ranges). Reducing the range increases the need to aim, not just fly around at thrice the speed of sound leaving nothing in your wake but blinding vortices of energy colour.
    • Fire rate: The common builds for the SySim often include Vile Acceleration, as I recall. Fire rate above and beyond other launcher weapons, while only having the 'caveat' of beginning to work from the second shot onwards (Mirage notwithstanding). If regular launchers are n = damage * firerate, the Simulor by itself is n = damage * (firerate - 1 / firerate). I think. Arbitrary brainmaths to hopefully represent the time taken to fire one additional initial shot. Point being, having significantly larger fire rate not only outstrips the one-orb 'setup time' already, but scaling with mods allows the 'drawback' to be rendered even more irrelevant, and speeds up reaching the full-vortex combination which is even more output.
      • For reference, the base sustained DPS of a Tonkor is 330.4; the base sustained DPS of a Simulor is already 325.8 even with that setup, assuming my formula correctly represents it (and using the low-end of orb combination damage, base 175, not the fully-powered vortex combination value, base 225, with a definite sustained DPS of 487.3 from that point onwards).
    • Damage: As mentioned before, the combination damage is 175 up to 225. This is around half of the average launcher. Combined with those other factors, it's quite easy to see that the SySim statistically outweighs its brethren. Better AOE, noticeably better fire rate, output in spite of halved damage is going to be larger. It already competes with the Tonkor and Secura Penta for straight DPS at its minimal end, while being much more easily wielded and affecting larger areas. Some changes to stats are definitely valid.
    • And finally, ammo? Well, we've established that it does exceptionally well with a large fire rate, but what really allows it to continue as such is ammo types. As technically a rifle, the Simulor uses one of the most common ammo drops, which also replenishes double the launcher/sniper equivalent per pickup. Switching it over to special-ammo could effectively curtail the spammy nature, unless a slot is sacrificed to Ammo Mutation, or a Carrier is brought, or the user stands around on ammo pads. Carrier, unfortunately, is an option to alleviate this which doesn't impede the output/momentum like a slot sacrifice or waiting on restores.
  • Mirage being the problem? Well, as I've said before, both could use a look. DE needs to aggressively check that weapon 'duplication' from Hall of Mirrors doesn't oversynergise with any existing or future weapon, but as I've shown, the Synoid Simulor is already broken all by itself, without that oversynergistic combo.
  • Kills are not necessarily relevant. Engaging with the mission is. You might get to kill everything locked in spawn rooms by a low-power Resonant Quake Banshee during an Interception or Defense mission, but you have not engaged with them. They're dumb targets, completely controlled and just being put out of their misery. Much the same, you cannot engage with dead enemies, which is all a Mirage/Simulor player generally leaves behind. Nobody should be forced to leave a mission or solo just to get the chance to actually play.




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17 hours ago, Magneu said:

Aaaaand you ignored everything I actually said. Congragulations.

I said "forgive the rudeness" because my inquiry sounded a little brusque, but was still a questions I wanted to ask. It's a slightly fancier way of saying "no offense".

Nowhere in your reply post do you address any of the red herrings I claimed I saw, or even attempt to disapprove them (good luck). In fact, you didn't address any of my post, except for trying to take an opening statement out of context (an opening statement showing my doubt of the statement "rare case of meeting a SySim Mirage", as in my anecdotal experience, 9/10 sorties/Kuva missions contain them spamming the fire button). It could be interpreted as an insult, but only if you're really stretching for it.

At least the first guy to respond to me even tried.

why would i ? i have better things to do than argue with you, i stated a part of my opinion and thats totally enough for me here. if u want to write novels go ahead i hardly care, i dont have to prove u anything so stop wasting my time, go on with the discussion but dont try to provoke ppl just because u think ur 100% right, which in fact u arent but again, i have better things to do than prove parts of ur comments wrong...the time per day i have for myself is already short enough and the amount of work way too big.


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Ya know, OP, if I didn't have to run the same stuff for literally over 10-20 times, maybe. Just maybe. I wouldn't have been looking for shortcuts like S.Simulor and etc.

Sure, we all love, for example, cake. Now be a dear and eat all 10 pieces in one sitting. Or 15. Or 20. Or 5. Idk, random decides how much you have to eat. Not so enjoyable now, eh? But if you don't eat that cake now, you won't be getting any nice bacon tomorrow!

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It needs to happen.

I'm all for weapon diversification and people choosing weapons to add or delete challenge but the Synulor is definitely way too powerful by itself and especially with Mirage (which likely were most of the complaints are about). Combeam Ignis is powerful and room clearing too but it doesn't trivialize 99% of the game like the synulor does.

Add more stack requirements (8 merges vs the 4) and no Halls interaction or at least base the explosion damage on whatever caused the explosion (25% if its the clone ball).

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On 12/5/2016 at 10:48 AM, (PS4)R-Zab__v2 said:

It's good to have because it lets you know immediately who's trash and unreliable. You see a mr22 using mirage and simulor, 90% they haven't been around longer than 6 months. If they have been around a while, they're garbage. No innovation in their gameplay and you can see this as all the frames they use are other peoples builds.  Keep it, just change the name to "scrub identifier" or "my old favorite frame was mesa" or the forever true "cookie cutter".

So i who side with nerfing of simulor+Mirage' HoM combo is garbage? I support the nerf becuz:

  1. over spamming of visual effects which hurts other player's PC (don't say get a new PC, unless you'r willing to get one for us(the players affected))
  2. Flash-photography hurting other player' eyes. (half brightness and it's hurting my eye by this annoying bust of white light. I'm not suppose to lower/reduce brightness just because of mirage+simulor combo enter into session!)

And will be happy if DE will to only nerf mirage' HoM, as it cause spike FPS lag even when i'm using ignis+mirage' HoM combo, by the unnecessary amount of damage dealt by ignis. (Isn't the reason the ignis' shown damage converted into showing damage dealt in per second was that it cause 'lag'?)

Perhaps you need to look at the wider picture.

2 hours ago, NeonNemesis said:

Don't let the mirage clones combine the orbs, solved.

On Telos Boltace make so that only the main mirage gets the wave the clones just deal regular weapon damage, solved.

Agreed on both.

Or better, remove all effects/projectile from clones and give mirage (the main one) additional electrical damage bonus (clone' damage element)

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