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2 hours ago, Xzorn said:


Try Pure physical Galantine or Venka Prime using Lasting Sting on Ash.

That's where the real dumb is at.

Buncha garbage mods and one outrageously OP one...... 4 years now and Same o'l mistakes.

loss press 4 wait til I mark all enemies on my screen 2 seconds later teammates destroyed every marked target.. Until we get proper end game(out of our solar system planets) ash will still be trash

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17 minutes ago, XaelathRavenstorm said:

loss press 4 wait til I mark all enemies on my screen 2 seconds later teammates destroyed every marked target.. Until we get proper end game(out of our solar system planets) ash will still be trash



Any Slash b Slash Procs inflicted by Ash (from both weapons and abilities) deal 25% more damage and last 50% longer.


I never use Bladestorm before or now.

Peacemaker has put it to shame for months now and Fatal Teleport scales better.


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2 hours ago, Xzorn said:


Try Pure physical Galantine or Venka Prime using Lasting Sting on Ash.

That's where the real dumb is at.

Buncha garbage mods and one outrageously OP one...... 4 years now and Same o'l mistakes.

Melee players still can't keep up with Synoid Simulor for example. Rifle players got their Riven Mods to play with, we got these mods. I've never understood the babyrage about anything that made endgame a bit viable, this "OMG NERF IT" stuff is what keeps endgame dead.

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5 minutes ago, R.o.D_Pr1destalker said:

Melee players still can't keep up with Synoid Simulor for example. Rifle players got their Riven Mods to play with, we got these mods. I've never understood the babyrage about anything that made endgame a bit viable, this "OMG NERF IT" stuff is what keeps endgame dead.


There's nothing wrong with a little Power Creep it just seems... well...

They add weapons and frames that are dead on arrival. They add mods like these which most will never get used and one that's incredibly strong. Balance isn't possible but you can try and get close at least.

Also Synoid Simulor falls off pretty quick against armor. Even then it's not gunna be doing 1-8 million like melee is doing right now. I always start off an endurance run with an AoE primary then swap to melee after about an hour or so cuz melee just devastates and guns would otherwise start to fall off in kill rate by that point. You can meta group it to make guns last longer but in the end melee is going to win.

An all melee group is the highest damage output possible right now.

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31 minutes ago, Xzorn said:


There's nothing wrong with a little Power Creep it just seems... well...

They add weapons and frames that are dead on arrival. They add mods like these which most will never get used and one that's incredibly strong. Balance isn't possible but you can try and get close at least.

Also Synoid Simulor falls off pretty quick against armor. Even then it's not gunna be doing 1-8 million like melee is doing right now. I always start off an endurance run with an AoE primary then swap to melee after about an hour or so cuz melee just devastates and guns would otherwise start to fall off in kill rate by that point. You can meta group it to make guns last longer but in the end melee is going to win.

An all melee group is the highest damage output possible right now.

These mods are pretty strong, if you find the build to use them with. I will definitely try a Toxic Lash Saryn build Condition Overload and Healing Return, maybe with Enduring Affliction for very long runs. I love all of these mods, they make so many builds viable. 

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6 minutes ago, R.o.D_Pr1destalker said:

These mods are pretty strong, if you find the build to use them with. I will definitely try a Toxic Lash Saryn build Condition Overload and Healing Return, maybe with Enduring Affliction for very long runs. I love all of these mods, they make so many builds viable. 


Yea I theory craft a lot. Sadly that also means I find deficiencies in the damage system and I have to spend hours in an endless mission just to see if something works.

Naramon Saryn is prolly the 2nd strongest melee right now after Banshee.

If I'm dealing with armor I go Pure physical on my melee for her since she gets a free Viral proc; you maximize your Bleed damage against 50% health and it's really strong.

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I'm surprised Telos still hasn't been nerfed.

Not because it's good by any means but because using a macro slide attack seems in the grey area of ban-able offenses.

A fire macro is simply pressing a button to substitute a feature that should be in the game already and to overcome disabilities such as arthritis and carpel tunnel however a slide macro is controlling your character's movements and exploiting a very specific movement based attack.

Not to mention it creates a needlessly busy screen making it's user very obnoxious and Mirage was nerfed for far less.


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Man I hate it when people always say please "nerf this" "nerf that". If you don't like it, don't use it end of story. If we start nerfing we should nerf EVERYTHING in this game. Rhino is OP, chroma is OP, mirage is OP, tonkor is OP, synoid is OP, lex is OP, Banshee is OP, DEX Sybaris is OP, hell even hydroid and Oberon can become OP if played right. The list goes on and on and on. You know what else is OP. Bullet jump. The fact that you can revive 4 times per game is OP. Also split chamber is OP. Serration, whats up with that, DE plz nerf. Vacuum??!?! OP please I want to collect loot from the ground like a trash collector. I don't even use stuff like synoid or tonkor anymore because they have got boring as hell. Nerfing them though ain't gonna fix anything. It won't make the game more enjoyable. It won't make enemies scale less or one-shot you less at higher levels. It wont cause high level Interceptions to stop dropping vitalities as rewards. Stop playing public if you don't want people using this stuff. I know don't and I am much happier man. The only thing that annoys me is these hipsters that scream "Nerf" and suddenly they are the cool kid around the block. Even if they nerf everything, warframe will still be an easy and casual game for those with half a brain cell to get a good build right. Unless they remove all warframe powers, remove all mods and turn all weapons into potato launcher there will always be something "OP" in this game. Deal with it.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)odysseas1313 said:

Man I hate it when people always say please "nerf this" "nerf that". If you don't like it, don't use it end of story. If we start nerfing we should nerf EVERYTHING in this game. Rhino is OP, chroma is OP, mirage is OP, tonkor is OP, synoid is OP, lex is OP, Banshee is OP, DEX Sybaris is OP, hell even hydroid and Oberon can become OP if played right. The list goes on and on and on. You know what else is OP. Bullet jump. The fact that you can revive 4 times per game is OP. Also split chamber is OP. Serration, whats up with that, DE plz nerf. Vacuum??!?! OP please I want to collect loot from the ground like a trash collector. I don't even use stuff like synoid or tonkor anymore because they have got boring as hell. Nerfing them though ain't gonna fix anything. It won't make the game more enjoyable. It won't make enemies scale less or one-shot you less at higher levels. It wont cause high level Interceptions to stop dropping vitalities as rewards. Stop playing public if you don't want people using this stuff. I know don't and I am much happier man. The only thing that annoys me is these hipsters that scream "Nerf" and suddenly they are the cool kid around the block. Even if they nerf everything, warframe will still be an easy and casual game for those with half a brain cell to get a good build right. Unless they remove all warframe powers, remove all mods and turn all weapons into potato launcher there will always be something "OP" in this game. Deal with it.


I've played this game nearly 4 years and I've watched it transform from a fun and rewarding tactical shooter which rewards good aim and smart choices into a an AoE spam filled fight-cheese-with-cheese mess and it's very much because of the over-popularity of certain grossly unbalanced weapons and/or damage options.

Instead of properly addressing the issue and dealing with backlash of angry players who don't understand anything beyond their own perspective DE instead creates equally unbalanced and obnoxious enemies and mechanics.

It's gotten to the point this game really isn't fun unless you play the meta way. You like Bows? Well tough, Nullifiers x3. You like single target weapons? Well here, fight 30 enemies at once. You want to fight high level grineer for a good o'l shoot out? Well tough Napalm one shot 15m radius or Scorcher 40m one shot through a wall. Bring CC / Disarm next time.

The enemies in this game have become downright obnoxious, unfair and annoying to play against unless you use these "OP options". If not from their mechanics then from their sheer numbers. Just look at what Corpus have become. I avoid Corpus like a disease.

Sure.. There will always be a #1 option for something but it didn't have to be this drastic. I hate to say it but despite the cool abilities, weapons and things to do. The core game play. The gun play, was better 4 years ago.

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12 hours ago, Xzorn said:


I've played this game nearly 4 years and I've watched it transform from a fun and rewarding tactical shooter which rewards good aim and smart choices into a an AoE spam filled fight-cheese-with-cheese mess and it's very much because of the over-popularity of certain grossly unbalanced weapons and/or damage options.

Instead of properly addressing the issue and dealing with backlash of angry players who don't understand anything beyond their own perspective DE instead creates equally unbalanced and obnoxious enemies and mechanics.

It's gotten to the point this game really isn't fun unless you play the meta way. You like Bows? Well tough, Nullifiers x3. You like single target weapons? Well here, fight 30 enemies at once. You want to fight high level grineer for a good o'l shoot out? Well tough Napalm one shot 15m radius or Scorcher 40m one shot through a wall. Bring CC / Disarm next time.

The enemies in this game have become downright obnoxious, unfair and annoying to play against unless you use these "OP options". If not from their mechanics then from their sheer numbers. Just look at what Corpus have become. I avoid Corpus like a disease.

Sure.. There will always be a #1 option for something but it didn't have to be this drastic. I hate to say it but despite the cool abilities, weapons and things to do. The core game play. The gun play, was better 4 years ago.

Well I played the game since Ember Prime first released on consoles and it was the same mess back then. Endless missions where: Loki disarm,rhino stomp,negative duration Saryn spamming 4, nyx doing what nyx does. If you wanted to go even further it was mag spam shield polarize and an EV to give her energy. So to be honest nothing really changed in this perspective. From the day you got mag,rhino and banshee in the game the game was an AOE spam. However, if you want to play this game as a tactical shooter instead of AOE spam no-one is stopping you. Do you really believe that even if they nerf every single AOE weapon/ability in the game that the game will improve? That nulifiers will suddenly disappear? That enemy scaling will be fixed. Trust me it won't. Its DE's way of doing things. They want these things in there to always force you to become stronger and want the new stuff that they release. So instead of trying to fight the flow embrace it ;).

You will be much less stressed. Oh and if you want to play this game as a tactical shooter I strongly suggest using chroma. He rejuvenated my love for warframe. If build right he can do x7 damage and have x12 armor. He can make ANY weapon viable, yes I can even bring a lato in a high level mission and still do some damage. From the moment I maxed this dude I have tried more weapons than I ever think I would (4 forma panthera,5 forma lato etc.)

Edited by (PS4)odysseas1313
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On 02/12/2016 at 5:53 AM, Xzorn said:


There's nothing wrong with a little Power Creep it just seems... well...

They add weapons and frames that are dead on arrival. They add mods like these which most will never get used and one that's incredibly strong. Balance isn't possible but you can try and get close at least.

Also Synoid Simulor falls off pretty quick against armor. Even then it's not gunna be doing 1-8 million like melee is doing right now. I always start off an endurance run with an AoE primary then swap to melee after about an hour or so cuz melee just devastates and guns would otherwise start to fall off in kill rate by that point. You can meta group it to make guns last longer but in the end melee is going to win.

An all melee group is the highest damage output possible right now.

Wow man. nice feedback. I agree entirely. I warm up long runs with Staticor for instance and them go full melee madness.Not even a Mirage + Syn Simulor is capable to sustain the same damage as melee in the long run.

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