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Impossible. You see, on console, your account is property of Sony/Microsoft and they will not lose customers/money by allowing the transfer, makes no sense to lose profit.

Migrations from PC are possible cause the accounts are property of DE and they can strike deals to move them to console.

Basically, it has been said many times before but a migration from consoles to PC is impossible and won't ever happen.

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On 2/12/2016 at 11:42 AM, (Xbox One)smilingangel87 said:

Hello to all !!!!
I would like to know when we could make the migration from console account ....
we can do something to improve the times?
a petition or something else?

thanks to all:suda:

they won't  migrate console accounts to   pc because of some  rules and agreements with sony and  microsoft, even tho they could  transfer  from pc to  consoles


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  • 2 months later...

I have a question regarding the migration in question. Mainly concerning this statement: 

 Your PC account will remain unaffected and unchanged after migration.


Can anyone explain to me what it means? [And sorry if its evident for some of you, but I'd just like to make sure.] 

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It means that after migration from PC to console your account content will not be touched. Everything you had will still be there and no changes will be made. Basically, you won't lose any of your current progress. 

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3 minutes ago, VirtualPeanut said:

It means that after migration from PC to console your account content will not be touched. Everything you had will still be there and no changes will be made. Basically, you won't lose any of your current progress. 

Except for founder exclusives or any other item that doesn't exist on that console. 

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