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Can we please nerf Mirage + Simulor?


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3 minutes ago, NativeKiller said:

I personally don't remember seeing any non-Mirage players spamming with their Simulors even when there are no enemies.


Also, an ammo pool of 35 for a weapon that needs multiple shots overlapping in order to make a vortex seems kinda too harsh.


Maybe, 45, more likely 60 could be more reasonable, but not 35 if you ask me.


Just saying.

I've seen plenty of non-Mirage players do exactly that, but to be fair, it's the Mirage/Synoid combo you see abusing the trigger most often. 

I've considered the fact that 35 may be a bit low. I don't know exactly what number would be the best, 35 is just my suggestion. But I do think that it needs to be low enough to make spamming impossible, and merely barely viable with Carrier and Primed Ammo Mutation.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

I would LOVE to play solo. Too bad the game insists on putting random people into my group. 


I also shouldn't have to quit a match and find another lobby just to be able to play the game. This isn't some witch hunt against a single frame. I'm not asking DE to remove Mirage's abilities. I simply want them to adjust the ability to where it is far less effective when using weapons like the Simulor. 


Nyx and Scindo Prime. Have at it kid lol 

No, you can play Solo and not have to get paired with anyone. At the top of the screen hit "Y" on XBOX or if you have PlayStation his Triangle and it gives you the option to change from Public, Friends Only, Private and Solo. You have options and if you have friends then you don't have to play with randoms. 

Edited by (XB1)MBN EXi7aiN007
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Gotta love it how every now and then threads like this pop up.

"Slow Nova should be nerfed, one ult cast and my precious Mercury mission is no fun anymore!"

"Equinox needs to be nerfed!"

"Ember and her WoF don't allow me to shoot my MK-1 Paris at bad guyz!"

"Banshee takes away all the fun by stunlocking the entire map!"



There are FOUR grouping options in Warframe. They're called SOLO, Friends Only, Invite Only and Public. Yes, 3 out of 4 will keep the bad, bullying Simulor Mirages (and everyone else, for that matter) away from you and your precious gaming experience.

I'd rather there was an option banning people with un-potatoed, poorly modded frames and weapons away from Sorties, to be honest, but hey. that magical "Recruiting" tab in chat kinda solves the problem already. So why do you "Nerfplz" crowd people have to come here and whine every week? 



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4 hours ago, Duavey said:

I'd be ok if they just changed the noise the Simulor made.

bya bya bya bya bya bya bya bya bya bya bya

Hearing that all mission is a new level of annoying.

I'd love that. I joined a sortie mission with two Mirages both spamming Simulor so I had to hear that annoying sound amplified way up.

lol, to make it worst one was using bright blue and other was using bright red for their Simulor power color and I couldn't see f*** all. 

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The Synoid Simulor has a long and troubled history with game balance. The Tonkor got put in line (its still a amazing gun) and now its time for the Simulor to follow suit. AoE has been handled incorrectly in this game. And it has and still is a major problem with game balance. But id rather see all AoE guns/powers be balanced because at the end of the day a simulor nerf only fixs one thing but doesnt do any real good as some players will just migrate to another problem weapon (im looking at you quanta). Solve the core of the issue.

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Being one that plays Public only when really needed and when I care more about the final prize than how the squad gets there (mainly Sorties), I don't mind if someone clears rooms with a Simulor.

About my use of it, I loved it when it first came out, but nowadays I don't find it particularly entertaining. However I end up using it when I want the Suda buff on a primary. So, in order for me to not play with Synoid Simulor anymore, DE should just release a new Suda augment for a primary weapon that I find interesting... sorry for those who like Supra, I personally don't find it interesting.

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I don't see a big problem with this combination. Simulor has pretty short range, so you could outdamage it easily - if you want.

I just get a bit mad about people, who don't give me a chance to cast my energy vampire. Damn, why should i fly like a hurricane through the enemies just to be able to cast my abilities, to give YOU shields and free energy. Maybe..maybe people don't need it anymore? I myself use Zenurik and maximum efficiency, so i don't need Trinity in my squad. And her ult giving only 75% reduction - is pure meh. Also Volt is so much better for generating overshields. Only her Insta heal is great. Sorry about this little complaint, i probably have to create my own thread.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)SageHeed said:

Mirage/Simulor noobs don't have 200 anything.

sure. My mirage build needs 6 forma and more than 200 000+ endo and 10 000 000+ credits to max the mods. Do you really think that having to drop ammo restores would stop me?

I'll tell you, that it doesn't, because I use my 6 forma amprex with mirage, so I had to bind "drop ammo restore" to mouse button 8 even though I use carrier.

2 hours ago, megastorm said:

We play games to smile and feel good about ourselves because life sucks. We need that moment to feel like we are gods.

This is why I play warframe. Because I can be OP AF. And, since I do it myself, I do'nt mind if someone else is "stealing" all kills. Heck, I even play an EV trin often in public games, and it did lead to excellent result more often than not (especially when there is a Banshee or Saryn player in the lobby)

If I want challenge, or a "fair" battle I play other games:

  • My all-time favourite is the quake series, Quake Live is still up and running on steam, and Quake Champions is (hopefully) coming next year.
  • If someone wants a more noob-friendly, but still fast paced shooter, Doom is a good choice (although the multiplayer is somewhat dead)
  • I play a lot of Dirty Bomb recently. I wouldn't recommend that game either if you are new to FPS games.


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I get sick of seeing it too. Its rare seeing a Mirage with no simulor equipped. It got old really quik. But I still won't ask for a nerf or think it deserves it. The simulor alone is mostly efficient on defence type missions. And on Mirage every weapon gets a lot more powerfull. The simulor works extra well with her since the projectiles join a lot quiker.

In pubs you should be expecting such annoyances to occur. Otherwise solo or playing with friends is the way to go. Lets not hit the nerf hammer on every little thing.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Knight Raime said:

not once did I ever downplay the power of the combo. If you quote me at least actually read.

Ultimates don't get a free pass just because they are ultimates. if that were the case DE wouldn't have nerfed so many of them.

My god it's like arguing with a brick wall.  Here let me dumb this down so even a stubborn jackhole like yourself can understand.

I am not saying the combo is balanced. I won't be mad if it's ever nerfed. My entire point is that it's literally a double standard of you or anyone else to condemn this combo but allow other equally strong combos that factually reach the same end result.

to put it simple if you hate the mirage simulor combo because of how easy it makes content then you can't logically accept let alone defend other stuff that does so. If you do you're just a biased twat that should be ignored. I dislike anything that makes the game easy mode. But at least i've the maturity to set aside my feelings to complete the mission im in and the balls to be against all forms of cheese instead of playing favorites like you.

I'm done here.

You have resulted into insults, Nice job.

I'm fine with combos that are strong but require brain capacity to maintain or do, its not a double standard.

If mirage required atleast aiming in the general direction I would be fine.

All of the stuff you talked about require more setup and effort then Mirage, even if its minimal effort, its noticable.

Maturity? You started insulting me on a forum post, so much for being mature. And again more assumptions, Playing favorites? What favorites? what makes you think that I in anyway supported cheese? I even pointed out that I'm against some of the stuff that you were posting. But its ok, keep insulting and making assumptions.


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6 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

This would require a simple tweak: make mirage clones no longer produce singularities or blasts.

This, so much this.


Mirage would still be useful, it would only effect certain weapons so a lot of Mirage players wouldn't even notice it. 


6 hours ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

- that's explain why you are asking for a nerf,, no wonder   NYX  lol

A lot of people want it nerfed or removing completely. 


Mirage and Simulor is the single most annoying thing in the game for a good chunk of people. Sooner or later DE will look at it and it will get hit with the nerf bat. 


6 hours ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

- I guess i am old enough to be your grand father Kiddo :)

Your comment suggests otherwise.


I'm not exactly a spring chicken and my eldest just made me a grandmother but I don't go around calling people kiddo. I don't know anyone that does.


The only people that refer to other people as kids or kiddo are those in their teens to late 20's that are trying to sound far older than they actually are. 

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May i ask? If you met on your path a wall, will you call the police or try to jump over? Or maybe more logicaly would be just to go round the obstacle?:D

The point is...your pesronal defenition of fun and how things must be setted up is only your own. Other people might think in a differnt way and it's okay.

Yeah, i don't like when i meet in my squad Mirage with Simulor, but you know what? I'm free to leave or just finish the mission quickly if i'm going for the reward itself. And this is completely okay.

Also, like others said :D Sometimes i'm lazy / tired too much to do all things by myself and then i let people do whatever it needs to do, so someone with Mira + Simulor just perfect for it <3

So many men, so many minds, you know!

Edited by WhyNotBro
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1 hour ago, CTanGod said:

If you don't like it then exit or play solo (or both). This is a farm game, many people want to do it efficiently.

It would be far more efficiently when you farm solo, duo or create a cheese team yourself rather than teaming up with pugs if your aim is to get the most out of the mission.

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2 hours ago, Yagamilight123 said:

Ember can easily do more damage than mirage in enemies +40  .

Banshee ... yes , because you cant have infinite energy in this game (/sarcasm)....

Equinox , you have to build it ? and ? it does more damage than a mirage .... no matter "how" .

Saryn , "100 times more brain power" ? really , "clone , torid shot , 1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 " ... ye , i see a lot of brain power using there .

No she can't.

Infinite energy or not, It requires her to pay in order to maintain it, something that Mirage never had to do.

Yes it matters how, If I have to build up my ultimate for 20\30 seconds in order to get the damage that Mirage+simulor gets in a press of a button, then yes it matters.

Saryn that require from your post 14 power casts, thats 13x more casting then Marimulor has to do. again more setup and effort then a mirage.

I would be fine with Mirage simulor if it actually required effort to maintain.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

I would LOVE to play solo. Too bad the game insists on putting random people into my group. 


you know you can set the match making to Solo, right? that way you play all missions solo, and the game won't insist on giving you anyone

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3 minutes ago, Midrib said:

I would be fine with Mirage simulor if it actually required effort to maintain.

And what exactly gives *you* the right to judge what is the right amount of effort and to what end? 

You can enter a low-level Defense mission with no primary or secondary and an unranked melee, place a Xiphos turret and drink tea while enemies get killed without as much as touching the controls. Zero effort. Or kill all enemies in Mercury exterminate runs (and likely higher) with a properly modded sentinel and nothing else, just by walking into them. Again, zero effort.

Are these things OP as well? Nope, they're just meant for higher level content. If players enjoy overkilling low-level stuff using setups that are meant for Sortie-level encounters... Well, it's their choice. If you cringe every time you see powerful loadouts annihilate weak enemies - play only with friends who share your views, but for <insert deity of choice>'s sake, DO NOT act like you're entitled to judge every player in every scenario just because your ego says so. Those Simulor Mirages are a welcome sight for many when faced with stuff like "Sortie Grineer Survival - Enhanced Armor". 



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6 minutes ago, (PS4)maso_sage-mode said:

do not ruin mirage cause that poopgun ! the best change ? make synoid simulor mr 20/21 gun.  This is the only solution to avoid joining games with noobs shooting orbs everywhere and damaging my eyes with stupid colors

Don't think that high ranks are different

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12 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

And what exactly gives *you* the right to judge what is the right amount of effort and to what end? 

You can enter a low-level Defense mission with no primary or secondary and an unranked melee, place a Xiphos turret and drink tea while enemies get killed without as much as touching the controls. Zero effort. Or kill all enemies in Mercury exterminate runs (and likely higher) with a properly modded sentinel and nothing else, just by walking into them. Again, zero effort.

Are these things OP as well? Nope, they're just meant for higher level content. If players enjoy overkilling low-level stuff using setups that are meant for Sortie-level encounters... Well, it's their choice. If you cringe every time you see powerful loadouts annihilate weak enemies - play only with friends who share your views, but for <insert deity of choice>'s sake, DO NOT act like you're entitled to judge every player in every scenario just because your ego says so. Those Simulor Mirages are a welcome sight for many when faced with stuff like "Sortie Grineer Survival - Enhanced Armor". 



I didn't judge other players, I played Mirage simulor before and based my opinion on my experience.

You are talking about Low level missions when Mirage clears eximus sorties with ease. Which aren't exactly weak.

Again more assumptions, can your ego handle 2 minutes without making assumptions about the person you are talking too?


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1 minute ago, Midrib said:

Mirage clears eximus sorties with ease.

So let me get this straight... You want to have a hard time killing stuff because you like it that way, and because of that you support the idea of ruining the game for those who like exactly the opposite, i.e. using OP frames/weapons to blow things up at will? Self-righteous much? 


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20 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

So let me get this straight... You want to have a hard time killing stuff because you like it that way, and because of that you support the idea of ruining the game for those who like exactly the opposite, i.e. using OP frames/weapons to blow things up at will? Self-righteous much? 


You want to have a Combo breeze through high level content because you like it that way, and because of that you support the idea of ruining the game for those who like exactly the opposite, i.e. using op frames\weapons that require effort to blow things up?

I'm fine with Op weapons and frames, I'm not fine with a combo that trivialize the whole game, even the small amount of endgame missions we have.

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I think that main problem is not the Simulor + Mirage combo but players using those, even if you ask them to stop since they [eat your fps/make you dizzy/sound annoys you very much/want to enjoy the game] most of the time they do not listen at all and keep doing what they are doing which is ruining the entire game for other players.

Before you tell me to go solo or with friends, why can this player select solo himself? he doesnt need his team to survive or deal more damage, so... why?

You want to abuse one thing, fine but when others are asking you to stop, it would be polite to either stop or leave the game since YOU are the problem in the cell which ruings experience for everyone, especialy when you run off on your own denying everyone the affinity share due to range.

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3 minutes ago, Date_Terumune said:

I think that main problem is not the Simulor + Mirage combo but players using those, even if you ask them to stop since they [eat your fps/make you dizzy/sound annoys you very much/want to enjoy the game] most of the time they do not listen at all and keep doing what they are doing which is ruining the entire game for other players.

What would you have them do, given that they're already in that mission with that primary? Just use their secondary/melee or not use clones, because that's how you want to constrain their gameplay?

3 minutes ago, Date_Terumune said:

You want to abuse one thing, fine but when others are asking you to stop, it would be polite to either stop or leave the game since YOU are the problem in the cell which ruings experience for everyone, especialy when you run off on your own denying everyone the affinity share due to range.

It's a PUBLIC matchmaking mission, if you want the ability to control how cell members play then there are also matchmaking options to support that.

Like it or not, most public missions are a race to complete as quickly as possible and get to extraction, that has nothing to do with which frames or weapons people are using. If you're not in affinity range of where the remaining living enemies are, that's on you.

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