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Did I miss something with Nezha?


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When Nezha came out I thought he already needed reworking but he hasn't been and it makes me think he is supposed to be what he is which confuses me. Many of his abilities and qualities seem to negatively synergise including:

- Fast movement but long cast times make blazing chakram almost redundant in terms of mobility.

- Low friction and fast movement makes his handling of corners atrocious (for me at least), making Firewalker as much a speed reduction as it is speed boost (in most games an icy/slippery floor is usually considered an environmental hazard).

- Using Firewalker + Chakram combo for damage or control seems odd given that Divine Spears has comparable damage, does not require line of sight, does not dispel Firewalker, has a much wider area, a better control effect, and, even with the second slam animation, a comparable (if not faster) cast time.

- Low health pool and access to an overshield (Warding Halo) makes the healing effect of blazing chakram a dubiously reliable team thing at best. He himself certainly doesn't need it.

- Inability to refresh Warding Halo (outside of conclave) and low health pool makes him poorly suited for close combat yet Firewalker, Chakram and to a lesser extent Halo all are geared for this (you might think Quick Thinking and high energy capacity saves you but at high levels in the middle of the fight, that stagger is a death sentence)

- All of which would make him suitable for longer ranged combat but there, his low friction means that unless you are accustomed to it, the drift makes moving and shooting unusually finicky.


So, if anyone has the time to tell me- have I missed something big with him? Is he supposed to work by keeping everyone in the entire room speared or in the panicking on fire animation or something? I'm not trying to be down on him per se but I genuinely can't see how the developers envisaged me using such a seemingly self-contradicting frame.


Incidentally he actually does do one thing very well- while speared, enemies do not contest interception objectives, making capping/recapping them much quicker and easier- but I suspect this is a bug. If you're reading this DE, you may like to fix that, but, you know, no rush...

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5 minutes ago, Impulse_Nine said:

Incidentally he actually does do one thing very well- while speared, enemies do not contest interception objectives, making capping/recapping them much quicker and easier- but I suspect this is a bug. If you're reading this DE, you may like to fix that, but, you know, no rush...


You know something is very wrong when the only good thing is a bug...

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As a Nezha "main" (most played frame) , all i can tell you is he is fine. Blazing chakram is just a gimmick ability and has no use outside getting to hard to reach areas. I personally play him as a mobile tank. run in wreak havock and get out as fast as possible. its the way he was built to be played. His long cast animations are specifically there to encourage you to move around a lot. Divine spears is a death trap. it will be the cause of you going down 2 out of 5 times and i only use it casually or when swamped by enemies as a last resort get away ability. His strongest ability is warding halo. i do agree he should be able to recast but it is what it is. About the shooting whiles running, a shotgun will fix that. All in all, i think he is perfect the way he is and has a bit of a learning curve.

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I love running around with a long duration/ high damage firewalker. I also like the super slitterpy and slidey movement. (which is funny cus Im never the best with moment in general and often get stuck on/in doorways in any frame kek) speeding around laying a trail of doom, impaling a cluster of enemies for giggles. it's a super fun frame for me and one of my top 4 (frost, hydroid, nezha and nyx) 

he is a bit squishy but keep an eye on your halo, keep moving and its generally fine. 

only power I don't really use is the second power.

Edited by morningstar999
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He needs some QoL improvements, but he's really fine as is and doesn't really need any major rework at the moment.  You might think his individual abilities don't make sense and contradict to each other, but they do work well together.  He's definitely not a press 4 to win kind of frame.  

Yes, you do need to go as fast as you can.  You weave in and out of crowds.  It takes a while to get used to the slide, but once you do, it's incredibly fun and useful.  All of his powers have crowd control abilities so you want to use them and you can layer damage as well.   He's good playing support for the team using Firewalker to cleanse teammates while cc enemies, Blazing Chakram to heal allies (teammates, pets, hostages, etc.), and Safeguard+Warding Halo to cast a halo on allies.  Even with the low base health and shield, he's surprisingly tanky, but you do need to watch out on halo running out.

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