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Проблемы со входом в игру/обновлением клиента/подключением к игрокам

Message added by White_Lugaru

Пожалуйста, прочтите первое сообщение этой темы и выполните все возможные пункты, описанные там, прежде чем что-то написать.




Тема создана для поиска решений технических проблем с соединением подручными средствами. Здесь не место сообщениям "оо, плюсую!!" / "у меня то же самое!!" и т.п. Подобные сообщения будут скрываться.
При особом упорстве - РО на 1 день.

Прочитали первое сообщение темы - попробовали способы. Сначала читать - потом писать.
Не помогло - отписались в службу поддержки и здесь. Кто-то уже сегодня отписался о такой же проблеме? Не стоит писать ещё раз. Стоит просто нажать стрелочку вверх около сообщения в знак того, что вы солидарны/испытываете ту же проблему.


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32 минуты назад, Peeckey сказал:

я уже устал боротся с ошибкой 10054 (вроде как чат) но по факту из-за этого столько миссий про***л, тупо выкидывает из группы, перепробовал все и впн ставлю по инструкции, ошибка остается так еще и отряды не ищет сам и друзей приглашать не могу, что за цирк с игрой творится?

Чат никак не связан с нахождением в отряде и/или поиском отрядов. Если ошибка в чате сопровождается выкидыванием из отряда, то это означает обрыв вашего соединения с интернетом.

Проверяйте сетевую плату, роутер и далее по линии к провайдеру.

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il y a 17 minutes, White_Lugaru a dit :

Чат никак не связан с нахождением в отряде и/или поиском отрядов. Если ошибка в чате сопровождается выкидыванием из отряда, то это означает обрыв вашего соединения с интернетом.

Проверяйте сетевую плату, роутер и далее по линии к провайдеру.

любой другой проект или онлайн сервис работает без проблем, только варфрейм такая ерунда 

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Не играл около года, игра стимовская. Заходя в свой аккаунт отправили письмо с подтверждение на почту. На почту ничего не пришло. Писал в поддержку 3 раза, каждый раз приходит письмо от бота с просьбой предоставить больше данных. Присылал им все данные что у меня есть по покупке платины и стим id. Всё бестолку. Кто знает как мне вернуть доступ к аккаунту в такой ситуации? Заранее спасибо всем за помощь.

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Играю через сервис Geforce Now. Буквально вчера было все нормально, а сейчас захожу в игру и не могу зайти дальше экрана логина с паролем. Правильно ввожу данные, но пишет "Ошибка входа.Проверьте введенную информацию." Может кто сталкивался с таким? Что делать?

Примечательно то, что если я запускаю игру не через сервис, а через свое лагающее ведро, то все нормально. Получается проблема на стороне сервиса Geforce Now.

Нашел  проблему на англоязычном форуме, там говорится про Evolution Engine в брандмауэре. Но каким образом может это влиять, если со своего компа все нормально работает?



UPD: починили, проблема решена

Edited by The_jFore
починили, проблема решена
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Регулярно ходим группой и в последнее время первый заход регулярно выпинывает "лишних" и остаётся только хост и например рандом который цепанулся к пати позже.

Гуляли в космос похожая тема при заходе не из "космоса", а из додзе, т.е. лучше ливнуть и после старта по приглосу придти.

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1 час назад, Mentat49 сказал:

Регулярно ходим группой и в последнее время первый заход регулярно выпинывает "лишних" и остаётся только хост и например рандом который цепанулся к пати позже.

Гуляли в космос похожая тема при заходе не из "космоса", а из додзе, т.е. лучше ливнуть и после старта по приглосу придти.

Включай "Только друзья", если с кем-то в пати играешь. К тебе присоединиться рандомы не смогут, а вручную любой желающий, т.е. после вылета все смогут вернуться.

А в плане совместной игры у DE реально очень большая проблема. Особенно, в Рашке.

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9 минут назад, zxzDeathLordzxz сказал:


А в плане совместной игры у DE реально очень большая проблема. Особенно, в Рашке.

Это не у ДЕ проблема, это у нашей Рашки проблема, что они блочат скопом подсети, а не отдельные айпишники.

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8 минут назад, DryMind сказал:

Это не у ДЕ проблема, это у нашей Рашки проблема, что они блочат скопом подсети, а не отдельные айпишники.

Да я имею ввиду не только это.

Кстати, я минуту назад понял, что у меня тоже проблема с портами появилась. А я думал, почему это ко мне сегодня никто в Долине и на РД не присоединяется...



После этого "Не удалось доставить" люди ко мне присоединялись все время, так что я не сильно обращал внимание, а тут вот...

Edited by zxzDeathLordzxz
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В России забанены некоторые, но не все, сервера подбора отрядов. Игра сама выбирает, к какому серверу ей обращаться (не рандом, но близко), отрегулировать это, к сожалению, невозможно.

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Так вот почему у меня все вылетают на старте миссии когда все прогрузились, при условии что я хост. Осталось найти человека из моей страны и проверить будет ли та же проблема.

Edited by -RS-Max_HitmaN
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Добрый вечер. Второй раз сталкиваюсь с такой ошибкой, второй раз после обновления. В первый раз пришлось сносить винду 😕 
Я уже просто не знаю, что с этим делать, первый раз писал в техподдержку, они и посоветовали снести винду и переустановить драйвера видеокарты. Видеокарта невероятна древняя и AMD уже не поддерживают её драйвера, поэтому в прошлый раз обновить их не удалось. Но снесённая винда чудом вылечила ошибку. Второй раз сносить её я не готов, поэтому прошу помощи у вас 😞
Собственно ответ от ТП. Все пункты, предложенные в первом сообщении я уже попробовал, но ничего не помогло 😞


Пожалуйста, попробуйте выполнить чистую установку графических драйверов AMD, выполнив следующие действия:

Шаг 1 - Обновление Windows и создание точки восстановления

Пожалуйста, выберите операционные системы, перечисленные ниже, для получения дополнительной информации о том, как создать точку восстановления:

Шаг 2 - Загрузите последнюю версию графического драйвера и программного обеспечения Non-BETA

  • Нажмите здесь, чтобы загрузить графический драйвер для вашего компьютера на рабочий стол. (Пожалуйста, следуйте шагам 1-5 и не используйте «автоопределение и установка»)
  • Нажмите здесь, чтобы загрузить программу удаления драйвера дисплея (пожалуйста, загрузите последнюю версию внизу ссылки)

Шаг 3 - Удалить графический драйвер

Перед установкой графического драйвера, пожалуйста, сначала удалите существующие драйверы с Вашего компьютера:

  1. Пожалуйста, одновременно нажмите клавиши Window и R на клавиатуре
  2. В появившемся новом окне Run введите 'appwiz.cpl' и нажмите Enter
  3. Выберите Диспетчер установки AMD / ATI Catalyst или ATI - Утилита удаления программного обеспечения
  4. Следуйте инструкциям и выберите Удалить ВСЕ ПО ATI, чтобы удалить

Шаг 4. Запустите программу удаления display driver в безопасном режиме.

1.Перезагрузитесь в безопасный режим

  • Для Windows 7 нажмите здесь
  • Для Windows 8 и выше, пожалуйста, нажмите здесь

2.В безопасном режиме запустите программу удаления драйвера дисплея, которую Вы только что загрузили на шаге 2, чтобы очистить все.

Примечание: DDU следует рассматривать как бета-версию или экспериментальную, поэтому, если вы не создали точку восстановления на шаге 1, сделайте это сейчас!

Шаг 5 Перезагрузите и установите новый пакет драйверов.

Надеемся это поможет! Пожалуйста, сообщите нам, если Вы столкнулись с какой-либо проблемой или у Вас есть вопросы, следуя инструкциям выше.

С уважением,
Команда поддержки Warframe.

UPD. Снова снёс винду. Отпишу ещё раз, если поможет ._.

UPD. Снос винды не помог. Грущу и подумываю удалять. 😞

Edited by AnonSenpai
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3 часа назад, zxzDeathLordzxz сказал:

Кстати, я минуту назад понял, что у меня тоже проблема с портами появилась. А я думал, почему это ко мне сегодня никто в Долине и на РД не присоединяется...

Тоже появилась такая проблема. Днем когда заходил в игру было нормально, после рестарта игры у меня появилось сообщение про порты...

Только думал что поменяв провайдера, я больше не увижу это сообщение, но видимо не долго длилась радость...


1 час назад, White_Lugaru сказал:

В России забанены некоторые, но не все, сервера подбора отрядов. Игра сама выбирает, к какому серверу ей обращаться (не рандом, но близко), отрегулировать это, к сожалению, невозможно.

Новая волна блокировок?

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Играю примерно чуть больше месяца. За всё время игры такую ошибку видел раз 5, максимум 10. После последнего обновления (фиксов) вот уже все выходные и по сей день примерно в 60% (а то и 70%) миссий загрузка миссии проходит, игра подвисает на 10-20 секунд (намертво) и происходит разрыв соединения

"Соединение с сервером потеряно. Сейчас вы вернетесь на стартовый экран"

Да, после этого предлагает переподключиться, но пару раз на выходных с другом на индекс пошли и нас таким образом разбросало по разным пати.

Как сегодня после очередного потерянного соединения спросил в пати про эту ерунду - сказали, что не у одного меня такая проблема и тоже достала. Разработчики вообще в курсе о данной проблеме? Судя по гуглу - она была еще в бороданые 2014-2015 годы и тогда предлагали решать отключением галочки ДХ10 в лаунчере. Но вот в чем прикол - галочка-то там и не стоит... 

В общем, у многих нынче после последнего "фикса" данная ошибка вылазит? А то уже обрадовался, что действительно (как хвалили многие обзорщики) игра хороша, багов особо нет (ну, если не брать в расчет отключающихся кнопок на клаве или застревающих в углах перебежчиках (хотя, может, я о чем-то еще не знаю)), денежку разрабам занес... И, видимо, когда начинаешь заносить кровные - контролер доната осознает: "на крючке пациент" и переключает свитчер и игра начинает выдавать баги?

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22 часа назад, -RS-Max_HitmaN сказал:

Так вот почему у меня все вылетают на старте миссии когда все прогрузились, при условии что я хост. Осталось найти человека из моей страны и проверить будет ли та же проблема.

Вынужденно тестанули соклана "с наружи", вышло что те кто варились "в своём шарде" видимо вынуждают как либо переподключиться(отмечу что только в первом заходе если собрались в космосе, на самой миссии никаких проблем с подключением нет).

Но нынче(опять же я грю про хоста "за стенкой") есть прикол что прогрузка дополнительно багается на этапе загрузки. Что из чего вытекает не знаю, но помоему сначала начался баг с тормозом загрузки на 2/3 потом уже начались выпинывания.

Edited by Mentat49
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3 часа назад, zxzDeathLordzxz сказал:

@White_Lugaru, сегодня обнаружил, что не смотря на "проблему" с портами, фактически проблем нет, т.е. я без проблем могу приглашать всех, присоединяться к кому угодно.

И да, и нет. Случаи разные бывают, на кого-то влияет, на кого-то нет. Сообщение о портах всплывает в момент, собственно, проверки доступности серверов подбора. А дальше уже как повезёт, куда будет стучаться игра при приглашениях и подключению к отряду.

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Пишет  не удалось обновить. Пожалуйста попробуйте позже.Логи ниже


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Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\cef_extensions.pak
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\d3dcompiler_43.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\d3dcompiler_47.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\devtools_resources.pak
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\icudtl.dat
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\libcef.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\libEGL.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\libGLESv2.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\natives_blob.bin
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\snapshot_blob.bin
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\widevinecdmadapter.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\cef.pak
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\cef_100_percent.pak
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\cef_200_percent.pak
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\chrome_elf.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\d3dcompiler_47.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\devtools_resources.pak
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\icudtl.dat
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\libcef.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\libEGL.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\libGLESv2.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\natives_blob.bin
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\snapshot_blob.bin
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\v8_context_snapshot.bin
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysX3CharacterKinematic_x64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysX3Common_x64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysX3Cooking_x64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysX3Gpu_x64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysX3_x64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PxFoundation_x64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PxPvdSDK_x64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\discord-rpc.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final\oo2core_4_win64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final\oo2core_5_win64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final\oo2core_6_win64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final\oo2core_7_win64.dll
Purging vestigial D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final\oo2net_7_win64.dll
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x86\final\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\locales\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V4\locales\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x86\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x86\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\OpenSSL\x86\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x86\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC15\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\VC14\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V4\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Apex\x86\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Apex\x64\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3\
Purging empty D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Apex\
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Bink2\bink2w64.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CachePlan.txt...
Got 3744F280686B33D87A60C142EBE855BB but expected 8392E06BAD4154D40C5227FD1AED7A6E
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final\oo2core_8_win64.dll...
Got C1A0DD317543035221327D44F07C3D06 but expected 224DF07F2FC2BD829F3B221BB5EF1A31
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final\oo2net_8_win64.dll...
Got F7A7A04BE3A9D08C3F71292E56849746 but expected FBA4B1144BBB07CD03522E96F05EE2AE
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\OpenSSL\x64\license.txt...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysX.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysXCommon.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysXCooking.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysXFoundation.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\nvToolsExt64_1.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\amd_ags_x64.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\concrt140.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\discord_game_sdk.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\msvcp140.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\msvcp140_1.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\msvcp140_2.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\ucrtbase.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\vccorlib140.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\vcruntime140.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\xaudio2_9redist.dll...
Hashing D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Warframe.x64.exe...
Got BDF939E4268FA633465EF871BD7DFC1E but expected C7892D6C0B1F9598C784CE57B4F0F3DB

HTTP GET /Warframe.x64.exe.C7892D6C0B1F9598C784CE57B4F0F3DB.lzma

HTTP GET /Tools/CachePlan.txt.8392E06BAD4154D40C5227FD1AED7A6E.lzma
GET /Tools/CachePlan.txt.8392E06BAD4154D40C5227FD1AED7A6E.lzma HTTP/1.1
Host: content.warframe.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 16:52:02 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive
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X-HW: 1590943921.dop003.am5.t,1590943922.cds134.am5.c
Age: 2606821

GET /Warframe.x64.exe.C7892D6C0B1F9598C784CE57B4F0F3DB.lzma HTTP/1.1
Host: content.warframe.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 16:52:02 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive
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X-HW: 1590943922.dop027.am5.t,1590943922.cds007.am5.c
Age: 353216

Downloading @ 685 KB/s

HTTP GET /Tools/Oodle/x64/final/oo2core_8_win64.dll.224DF07F2FC2BD829F3B221BB5EF1A31.lzma
GET /Tools/Oodle/x64/final/oo2core_8_win64.dll.224DF07F2FC2BD829F3B221BB5EF1A31.lzma HTTP/1.1
Host: content.warframe.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 16:52:02 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: public, max-age=86400
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X-HW: 1590943922.dop003.am5.t,1590943922.cds116.am5.c
Age: 2606821

HTTP GET /Tools/Oodle/x64/final/oo2net_8_win64.dll.FBA4B1144BBB07CD03522E96F05EE2AE.lzma
GET /Tools/Oodle/x64/final/oo2net_8_win64.dll.FBA4B1144BBB07CD03522E96F05EE2AE.lzma HTTP/1.1
Host: content.warframe.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 16:52:03 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive
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Content-Length: 71975
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Age: 2606822

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Downloading @ 988 KB/s
Downloading @ 979 KB/s
Downloading @ 975 KB/s
Downloading @ 972 KB/s
Downloaded 14,518,491 bytes total ~ 1,100,719 B/s
Finished Binaries1 (18.8 seconds)
Finished Repair (0.0 seconds)
ReqSpawnProcess - InitDialog

"D:\game 3\steamapps\common\Warframe\Warframe.x64.exe" -silent -log:/Preprocess.log -dx10:0 -dx11:1 -threadedworker:1 -cluster:public -language:ru -deferred:0 -applet:/EE/Types/Framework/ContentUpdate
Process returned 0
Finished Preprocess (1.1 seconds)
Total time: 21.8 seconds
Finished RetryPrompt (9.3 seconds)
Finished MakeLogDirectory (0.3 seconds)

GET /api/clientIP.php HTTP/1.1
Host: ToS violation
Cache-Control: no-cache

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
Content-Length: 30
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 16:52:26 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

Finished ClientIP (0.4 seconds)
ReqSpawnProcess - InitDialog

tracert.exe -d -w 1000 content.warframe.com

’а ббЁа®ўЄ  ¬ аиагв  Є cds.b5q9z7i8.hwcdn.net []
б ¬ ЄбЁ¬ «м­л¬ зЁб«®¬ Їал¦Є®ў 30:

  1    <1 ¬б    <1 ¬б    <1 ¬б 
Process returned 0
Waiting for applet to gracefully shut down
Finished TraceRoute (0.6 seconds)
ReqSpawnProcess - InitDialog


€¬п ®Ўа §                      PID €¬п бҐббЁЁ          ь ᥠ­б        Џ ¬пвм
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
System Idle Process              0 Services                   0        24 ЉЃ
System                           4 Services                   0       900 ЉЃ
smss.exe                       324 Services                   0     1я372 ЉЃ
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wininit.exe                    512 Services                   0     7я456 ЉЃ
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services.exe                   568 Services                   0    10я976 ЉЃ
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svchost.exe                    388 Services                   0    13я524 ЉЃ
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spoolsv.exe                   1264 Services                   0    20я144 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1304 Services                   0    25я608 ЉЃ
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svchost.exe                   1500 Services                   0    17я236 ЉЃ
taskhost.exe                  1820 Console                    1    30я956 ЉЃ
dwm.exe                       2024 Console                    1    20я016 ЉЃ
explorer.exe                  1032 Console                    1   112я208 ЉЃ
WUDFHost.exe                  2064 Services                   0    17я656 ЉЃ
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jusched.exe                   2280 Console                    1    33я748 ЉЃ
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svchost.exe                   2448 Services                   0    47я644 ЉЃ
reaItek.exe                   2740 Console                    1    32я296 ЉЃ
jucheck.exe                   3724 Console                    1    32я176 ЉЃ
audiodg.exe                   2956 Services                   0    24я028 ЉЃ
SearchIndexer.exe             5392 Services                   0    33я132 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                  11164 Services                   0    11я996 ЉЃ
service_update.exe            7000 Services                   0    18я796 ЉЃ
service_update.exe           11384 Services                   0    15я044 ЉЃ
searchbandapp64.exe          12960 Console                    1       588 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                  15148 Console                    1   132я260 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                  15352 Console                    1    76я804 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                  15016 Console                    1    13я648 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                  15696 Console                    1     3я168 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                  15996 Console                    1     5я080 ЉЃ
steam.exe                    20200 Console                    1    62я584 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe           20368 Console                    1    42я360 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe           20400 Console                    1     4я284 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe           18748 Console                    1   166я916 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe           19476 Console                    1    16я284 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe           10380 Console                    1   137я832 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe           26972 Console                    1    25я024 ЉЃ
taskhost.exe                 58892 Console                    1     1я084 ЉЃ
sidebar.exe                  14800 Console                    1    23я836 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                 118124 Console                    1   156я032 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe          118424 Console                    1    75я052 ЉЃ
WmiPrvSE.exe                191936 Services                   0     7я860 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                192280 Console                    1   117я112 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                192384 Console                    1   132я972 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                192416 Console                    1    35я604 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                192428 Console                    1    41я200 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                192436 Console                    1   127я932 ЉЃ
GameOverlayUI.exe           191828 Console                    1    26я220 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                192192 Console                    1    36я056 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe          192120 Console                    1    41я172 ЉЃ
dllhost.exe                 191916 Console                    1     6я440 ЉЃ
tasklist.exe                191856 Console                    1    25я476 ЉЃ
conhost.exe                 189976 Console                    1     5я052 ЉЃ
Process returned 0
Waiting for applet to gracefully shut down
Finished TaskList (0.5 seconds)
DxDiag.exe /dontskip /whql:off /tDxDiag.log
Process returned 0
Finished DxDiag (0.3 seconds)

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Называется поиграл, вы думаете , в описании я это всё не делал или кто-то другой? Ничего не помогло. Вот пусть комьюнити модеры и подгоняют администрацию с их проблемами. Просто банально вылетает постоянно и пишет ошибка входа,либо кода захожу 5  минут играю и пишет ошибка соединения. До этого всё было отлично.


Current time: Thu Jun  4 16:42:36 2020 [UTC Thu Jun  4 09:42:36 2020]
Using single cluster mode

EnableFullScreen: 1
EnableBulkDownload: 0
EnableAggressiveDownload: 0
LauncherGPU: 1
EnableMTRendering: 1
EnableDeferred: 0

OS Version: 6.2 (SP0)
Finished Platform (0.0 seconds)
Finished PickDirectory (0.0 seconds)

Windows Firewall is enabled for the Public profile type.
Firewall rule group already enabled for the Public profile type.
Finished Firewall (0.2 seconds)
Finished GameRunning (0.0 seconds)

WinINET configuration:

HTTP GET /origin/3D4E1C67/index.txt.lzma
GET /origin/3D4E1C67/index.txt.lzma HTTP/1.1
Host: origin.warframe.com
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: no-cache

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Wed, 27 May 2020 15:05:23 GMT
ETag: "1c5f-5a6a28a9a97d1"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 7263
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:49:45 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP GET /Lotus/Language/MOTD_ru.rtf.lzma
GET /Lotus/Language/MOTD_ru.rtf.lzma HTTP/1.1
Host: content.warframe.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:49:46 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cache-Control: public, max-age=79
Content-Length: 20509
Content-Type: application/rtf
Last-Modified: Fri, 01 May 2020 20:20:53 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "501d-5a49beb04d851"
X-HW: 1591264186.dop166.fr8.t,1591264186.cds143.fr8.c
Age: 2899731

Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Launcher.exe...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\cef.pak...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\cef_100_percent.pak...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\cef_200_percent.pak...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\chrome_elf.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\d3dcompiler_47.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\devtools_resources.pak...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\icudtl.dat...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\libEGL.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\libGLESv2.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\libcef.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\natives_blob.bin...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\snapshot_blob.bin...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\v8_context_snapshot.bin...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\launcher.zip...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\RemoteCrashSender.exe...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\steamController.vdf...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\dbghelp.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\steam_api64.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\symsrv.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Lotus\Language\CBA_ru.rtf...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Lotus\Language\EULA_ru.rtf...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\APR2007_xinput_x64.cab...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\APR2007_xinput_x86.cab...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\DSETUP.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\DXSETUP.exe...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\Jun2010_XAudio_x64.cab...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\Jun2010_XAudio_x86.cab...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\Oct2005_xinput_x64.cab...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\Oct2005_xinput_x86.cab...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\dsetup32.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Drivers\DirectX9\dxupdate.cab...
Finished Binaries0 (3.0 seconds)
Finished CBA (0.0 seconds)
Finished EULA (0.0 seconds)
Checking D3D support...
Found D3D adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0)
Ignoring software D3D adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver (D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0)
Finished DirectX (0.1 seconds)
Purging empty F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CEF3_1\V5\locales\
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Bink2\bink2w64.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\CachePlan.txt...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final\oo2core_8_win64.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Oodle\x64\final\oo2net_8_win64.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\OpenSSL\x64\license.txt...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysX.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysXCommon.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysXCooking.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\PhysXFoundation.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\PhysX\x64\nvToolsExt64_1.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\amd_ags_x64.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-console-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-file-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-handle-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-heap-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-interlocked-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-namedpipe-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-processenvironment-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-profile-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-core-util-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-process-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\concrt140.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\discord_game_sdk.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\msvcp140.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\msvcp140_1.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\msvcp140_2.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\ucrtbase.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\vccorlib140.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\vcruntime140.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools\Windows\x64\xaudio2_9redist.dll...
Hashing F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Warframe.x64.exe...
Finished Binaries1 (2.0 seconds)
Finished Repair (0.0 seconds)
ReqSpawnProcess - InitDialog

"F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Warframe.x64.exe" -silent -log:/Preprocess.log -dx10:1 -dx11:0 -threadedworker:1 -cluster:public -language:ru -deferred:0 -applet:/EE/Types/Framework/ContentUpdate unaggressive
0.064 Sys [Diag]: Process Command-line: -silent -log:/Preprocess.log -dx10:1 -dx11:0 -threadedworker:1 -cluster:public -language:ru -deferred:0 -applet:/EE/Types/Framework/ContentUpdate unaggressive
0.065 Sys [Diag]: Build Label: 2020. Retail Windows x64 [Stripped]
0.066 Sys [Diag]: Build Unique ID: 3439024100
0.068 Sys [Diag]: Windows user-name: Admin
0.068 Sys [Diag]: Windows computer-name: DESKTOP-81K61DE
0.070 Sys [Diag]: Current time: Thu Jun  4 16:42:42 2020 [UTC: Thu Jun  4 09:42:42 2020]
0.070 Sys [Diag]: Current directory: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools
0.081 Sys [Diag]: Processor: Intel Quad Core i5-2300 2800MHz MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/SSE41/SSE42/AVX/POPCNT F/M/S/EF/EM: 6/A/7/0/2
0.081 Sys [Diag]: Physical Memory: 12GB / 16GB free
0.081 Sys [Diag]: Address Space: 128TB / 128TB free
0.081 Sys [Diag]: C:\pagefile.sys: 2,403MB of 2,432MB free
0.081 Sys [Diag]: Page size: 4KB (Granularity: 64KB)
0.082 Sys [Diag]: Operating System: Windows 10
0.083 Sys [Diag]: System Processes: 149
0.083 Sys [Diag]: System Threads: 1,773
0.083 Sys [Diag]: System Handles: 57,244
0.085 Sys [Diag]: System GDI Objects: 0
0.085 Sys [Diag]: System USER Objects: 0
0.085 Sys [Diag]: System Up-Time: 0d 1h 48m 31s
0.085 Sys [Diag]: Free Disk Space on 😄 63,970,492,416 bytes
0.086 Sys [Diag]: Free Disk Space on F: 143,762,350,080 bytes
0.086 Sys [Diag]: Found Monitor: (0, 0) - (1920, 1080) : 1920x1080
0.086 Sys [Diag]: Process is DPI-aware
0.086 Sys [Diag]: Clock frequency: 10,000,000Hz
0.102 Gfx [Info]: Private shader options need 33 bits
0.103 Sys [Info]: CancelJobs batchcount 0
0.119 Sys [Info]: Loading packages took 0.0ms
0.120 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\Editor.cfg
0.120 Sys [Info]: Windows caching enabled
0.120 Sys [Info]: Dx9 caching enabled
0.120 Sys [Info]: Dx11 caching enabled
0.121 Sys [Info]: Switch caching disabled
0.121 Sys [Info]: Scanning F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Cache.Windows\ for cache blocks...
0.122 Sys [Info]: Found 27 cache blocks...
0.125 Sys [Info]: Cache languages enabled: _ru
0.126 Sys [Info]: Loading Oodle DLL: oo2core_8_win64.dll
0.128 Sys [Info]: Loading Net Oodle DLL: oo2net_8_win64.dll
0.137 Sys [Info]: Downloading cache manifest index...
1.184 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc (took 210ms, loaded 124497 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.186 Sys [Info]: Used shared /H.Cache.bin (880B Copy: 40us Write: 212ms Latency: 1.05s)
1.270 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc (took 78.4ms, loaded 80852 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.284 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Font (took 12.6ms, loaded 2976 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.296 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Font (took 9.13ms, loaded 2965 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.312 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.AnimRetarget (took 14.8ms, loaded 5025 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.329 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.AnimRetarget (took 14.0ms, loaded 4527 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.330 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.01ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.332 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.01ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.351 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.VideoTexture (took 0.07ms, loaded 12 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.586 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc (took 5.10ms, loaded 5232 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.722 Sys [Info]: Cache manifest hash pg-wazEHuWV8D1Bz9EXIfQ
1.726 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ru (took 0.36ms, loaded 66 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.726 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.VideoTexture (took 0.02ms, loaded 12 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.727 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ru (took 0.13ms, loaded 65 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.731 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.Shader (took 0.85ms, loaded 336 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.769 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.ShaderPermutation (took 12.8ms, loaded 8789 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.771 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.Shader (took 0.20ms, loaded 102 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.788 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Emblem (took 0.02ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.799 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.ShaderPermutation (took 10.7ms, loaded 8789 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.800 Sys [Error]: Reading large file /Windows/H.Misc/Packages.bin (file size 143879951)
1.802 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Emblem (took 0.04ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.136 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture (took 73.5ms, loaded 72898 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.902 Sys [Info]: Loading package cache took 1.1s (Parse: 0.8s)
3.000 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture (took 46.5ms, loaded 62779 entries, found 0 deleted)
3.405 Sys [Info]: Load deps cache took 454ms
3.453 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\EE.cfg
3.453 Sys [Diag]: Engine config profile: /Configs/EE.cfg/Windows_Config
3.453 Sys [Info]: JobMgr: 2 threads (+2 low)
3.497 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: ScriptDriver Supported types: [Script]
3.498 Script [Info]: ScriptMgr::Initialize() 2,681,440 bytes, 25,931 allocs
3.499 Sys [Info]: Using language: _ru
3.502 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ru (took 0.09ms, loaded 12 entries, found 0 deleted)
3.545 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/F.Texture (took 43.1ms, loaded 56672 entries, found 0 deleted)
3.696 Sys [Info]: Loading language cache took 0.197137s
3.696 Sys [Diag]: Command line: -silent -log:/Preprocess.log -dx10:1 -dx11:0 -threadedworker:1 -cluster:public -language:ru -deferred:0 -applet:/EE/Types/Framework/ContentUpdate unaggressive
3.697 Sys [Diag]: SRand seeded with: -3556253907830931040
3.697 Phys [Info]: Custom physx allocator in use
3.705 Gfx [Info]: PhysX Core Version:
3.706 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager initialized.
3.707 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: MaterialLibrary Supported types: [PhysicsMaterial]
3.708 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Physics/Materials/Default
3.709 Sys [Info]: Found 3 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 229,463,232/229,703,680 Footprint: 273,154,048 Handles: 435]
3.709 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ru (took 0.07ms, loaded 12 entries, found 0 deleted)
3.711 Sys [Error]: Could not find platform icon collection: /EE/Types/GraphicsRes/DefaultPlatformIconCollection
3.711 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
3.711 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 2 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
3.711 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 0 of 3)
3.728 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 19.1ms
3.729 Net [Info]: UPnP enabled.
3.729 Net [Info]: NAT-PMP enabled.
3.729 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Net/UDPDriver
3.732 Sys [Info]: No stripped assets to preprocess (manifest hash matched)
3.734 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 0 instances (0.00ms) and unbuilt 0 types (1.43ms) in 0.00ms
3.734 Sys [Info]: Startup time: 3.73s
3.734 Sys [Info]: Done.
3.747 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_xx (took 11.9ms, loaded 12598 entries, found 0 deleted, spot-loaded)
3.756 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_xx (took 8.62ms, loaded 12595 entries, found 0 deleted, spot-loaded)
3.767 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_xx (took 8.79ms, loaded 12598 entries, found 0 deleted, spot-loaded)
3.768 Sys [Info]: Wasted cache space: 0 bytes (0%)
3.768 Sys [Info]: All stripped assets preprocessed
3.768 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Initiated.
3.770 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 0 instances (0.00ms) and unbuilt 0 types (1.48ms) in 0.00ms
3.772 Sys [Info]: Shutting down content update...
3.772 Net [Info]: MatchingService::DeleteSession
3.772 Net [Info]: DeleteSessionCallback(1, 
3.773 Net [Info]: Deleted session
3.774 Net [Info]: MatchingServiceWeb::LeavePlatformPartyDone
3.778 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package save to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\EE.cfg
3.779 Sys [Info]: Skipping SavePackage for /Configs/EE.cfg (no changes detected)
3.779 Sys [Info]: Saved package: /Configs/EE.cfg
3.780 Sys [Info]: Used 1 shared assets (0 async, 1 sync)
3.780 Sys [Info]: Total Hash: 0us Copy: 40us Write: 212ms)
3.783 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager shutdown.
Sys [Info]: All smart pointers were destroyed!
3.800 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Complete.
Sys [Info]: All AnimController memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All CacheMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All CacheSharing memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All CacheToc memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Deps memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All EditorBase memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All External memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All GameSwf memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Instances memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All JobMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All LZMA memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Lua memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Navigation memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PhysX memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PhysicsData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All RegionMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Sound memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Temp memory was freed!
Process returned 0
Finished Preprocess (3.9 seconds)
Finished Defrag (0.0 seconds)
Total time: 9.2 seconds
Finished ReadyToPlay (8.6 seconds)
Finished MakeLogDirectory (0.0 seconds)

Could not send request for clientIP.php (ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)

Finished ClientIP (0.2 seconds)
ReqSpawnProcess - InitDialog

tracert.exe -d -w 1000 content.warframe.com

’а ббЁа®ўЄ  ¬ аиагв  Є cds.b5q9z7i8.hwcdn.net []
б ¬ ЄбЁ¬ «м­л¬ зЁб«®¬ Їал¦Є®ў 30:

  1     6 ms     2 ms     2 ms 
  2   113 ms    76 ms    70 ms 
  3     *        *        *     ЏаҐўл襭 Ё­вҐаў « ®¦Ё¤ ­Ёп ¤«п § Їа®б .
  4    85 ms    90 ms    71 ms 
  5    78 ms    95 ms    88 ms 
  6   150 ms   133 ms   134 ms 
  7   255 ms   247 ms   271 ms 
  8   202 ms   228 ms   177 ms 
  9     *        *        *     ЏаҐўл襭 Ё­вҐаў « ®¦Ё¤ ­Ёп ¤«п § Їа®б .
 10   196 ms   198 ms   181 ms 
 11   237 ms   192 ms   183 ms 
 12   188 ms   173 ms   175 ms 
 13   307 ms   211 ms   201 ms 
 14   175 ms   289 ms   214 ms 
 15   193 ms   238 ms   176 ms 
 16   188 ms   158 ms   158 ms 
 17   161 ms   154 ms   161 ms 

’а ббЁа®ўЄ  § ўҐа襭 .
Process returned 0
Waiting for applet to gracefully shut down
Finished TraceRoute (24.9 seconds)
ReqSpawnProcess - InitDialog


€¬п ®Ўа §                      PID €¬п бҐббЁЁ          ь ᥠ­б        Џ ¬пвм
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
System Idle Process              0 Services                   0         8 ЉЃ
System                           4 Services                   0     1я128 ЉЃ
Registry                       104 Services                   0    73я624 ЉЃ
smss.exe                       352 Services                   0     1я180 ЉЃ
csrss.exe                      536 Services                   0     5я268 ЉЃ
wininit.exe                    624 Services                   0     6я880 ЉЃ
csrss.exe                      632 Console                    1     5я368 ЉЃ
winlogon.exe                   724 Console                    1    11я324 ЉЃ
services.exe                   764 Services                   0     9я756 ЉЃ
lsass.exe                      780 Services                   0    15я456 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                    904 Services                   0     3я896 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                    928 Services                   0    22я592 ЉЃ
fontdrvhost.exe                948 Services                   0     3я800 ЉЃ
fontdrvhost.exe                956 Console                    1     8я596 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                    360 Services                   0    11я940 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                    520 Services                   0     8я220 ЉЃ
dwm.exe                        944 Console                    1    59я608 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1136 Services                   0    10я516 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1192 Services                   0    11я512 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1200 Services                   0     6я116 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1252 Services                   0    11я480 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1340 Services                   0    15я052 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1452 Services                   0    10я004 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1500 Services                   0     6я072 ЉЃ
NVDisplay.Container.exe       1548 Services                   0    15я352 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1564 Services                   0    16я988 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1680 Services                   0     5я868 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1688 Services                   0    12я676 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1700 Services                   0     7я664 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1708 Services                   0     7я756 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1780 Services                   0     7я604 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1824 Services                   0     8я244 ЉЃ
Memory Compression            1860 Services                   0     3я744 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1896 Services                   0     8я216 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1904 Services                   0     7я352 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1976 Services                   0    12я340 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1308 Services                   0     9я416 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2132 Services                   0    13я660 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2208 Services                   0    12я908 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2212 Services                   0     6я704 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2224 Services                   0     8я604 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2280 Services                   0    12я184 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2404 Services                   0     7я108 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2476 Services                   0    16я764 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2560 Services                   0    14я128 ЉЃ
spoolsv.exe                   2652 Services                   0    14я796 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2692 Services                   0    18я844 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2736 Services                   0     8я268 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2916 Services                   0     5я748 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3004 Services                   0    20я544 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3016 Services                   0    32я200 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3024 Services                   0    13я812 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3036 Services                   0     7я852 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3044 Services                   0    17я332 ЉЃ
RaRegistry64.exe                 8 Services                   0     5я068 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3120 Services                   0     7я268 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3128 Services                   0     8я252 ЉЃ
RaRegistry.exe                3164 Services                   0    10я424 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3180 Services                   0    21я072 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3188 Services                   0     5я580 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3248 Services                   0     6я648 ЉЃ
nvcontainer.exe               3280 Services                   0    16я928 ЉЃ
NvTelemetryContainer.exe      3288 Services                   0    12я896 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3380 Services                   0     5я460 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3572 Services                   0    12я020 ЉЃ
unsecapp.exe                  4084 Services                   0     6я588 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   4548 Console                    1    20я628 ЉЃ
sihost.exe                    4556 Console                    1    26я696 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   4644 Console                    1    24я024 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   4652 Services                   0    11я364 ЉЃ
taskhostw.exe                 4748 Console                    1    14я600 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   4944 Services                   0     7я888 ЉЃ
ctfmon.exe                    4988 Console                    1    17я276 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   5056 Services                   0    15я788 ЉЃ
explorer.exe                  4588 Console                    1   132я992 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   5176 Console                    1    16я180 ЉЃ
ShellExperienceHost.exe       5416 Console                    1    80я800 ЉЃ
SearchUI.exe                  5600 Console                    1   162я092 ЉЃ
RuntimeBroker.exe             5800 Console                    1    15я976 ЉЃ
RuntimeBroker.exe             5860 Console                    1    34я544 ЉЃ
NVDisplay.Container.exe       5992 Console                    1    36я828 ЉЃ
RuntimeBroker.exe             6320 Console                    1    13я972 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   6532 Services                   0     8я848 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   6564 Services                   0    12я608 ЉЃ
mqsvc.exe                     6584 Services                   0    13я024 ЉЃ
SearchIndexer.exe             7072 Services                   0    27я748 ЉЃ
nvcontainer.exe               6712 Console                    1    23я144 ЉЃ
NVIDIA Web Helper.exe         2972 Console                    1     1я756 ЉЃ
conhost.exe                    896 Console                    1       316 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   7672 Services                   0     7я840 ЉЃ
SecurityHealthSystray.exe     7264 Console                    1     8я620 ЉЃ
SecurityHealthService.exe     7416 Services                   0    16я204 ЉЃ
RAVCpl64.exe                  4468 Console                    1    14я720 ЉЃ
RaUI.exe                      8516 Console                    1    56я440 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                  11152 Console                    1    11я684 ЉЃ
SgrmBroker.exe                2976 Services                   0     5я916 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   7400 Services                   0    10я268 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   2948 Services                   0     9я212 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1424 Services                   0     6я052 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   4764 Services                   0     8я652 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   7096 Services                   0     8я664 ЉЃ
steam.exe                     8488 Console                    1    80я052 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe            5260 Console                    1    82я184 ЉЃ
SteamService.exe              7568 Services                   0    12я836 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe            4872 Console                    1    13я848 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe            8524 Console                    1   185я568 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe            2392 Console                    1    30я256 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe            8716 Console                    1    83я004 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe            8664 Console                    1   144я116 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                    3960 Console                    1   151я956 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                    7456 Console                    1     6я976 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                    2592 Console                    1   142я952 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                    2468 Console                    1    42я064 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                   10584 Console                    1    47я176 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3992 Services                   0     5я508 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   4144 Services                   0     7я576 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                    9512 Console                    1   294я564 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                    8456 Console                    1    42я904 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                    6000 Console                    1    17я764 ЉЃ
audiodg.exe                   2572 Services                   0    17я064 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   3908 Services                   0    11я032 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                  10304 Console                    1    65я416 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                   9816 Console                    1   109я072 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                   1372 Console                    1    25я384 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                  10808 Console                    1    13я372 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                  10988 Console                    1   221я600 ЉЃ
Discord.exe                   6900 Console                    1    18я572 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   4232 Services                   0     7я172 ЉЃ
dllhost.exe                   4836 Console                    1    11я284 ЉЃ
ApplicationFrameHost.exe       752 Console                    1    29я212 ЉЃ
WindowsInternal.Composabl     6080 Console                    1    53я540 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                    7084 Console                    1    83я140 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe            1848 Console                    1    99я172 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                    9640 Console                    1   122я552 ЉЃ
SystemSettings.exe           10432 Console                    1     9я284 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   1092 Services                   0     5я740 ЉЃ
chrome.exe                   10248 Console                    1    21я812 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                  3628 Console                    1   125я752 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                  2876 Console                    1   112я296 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                 10492 Console                    1    38я708 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                   700 Console                    1    43я064 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                  5648 Console                    1   114я856 ЉЃ
svchost.exe                   8292 Services                   0     7я736 ЉЃ
GameOverlayUI.exe             1460 Console                    1    28я944 ЉЃ
Launcher.exe                  1212 Console                    1    38я040 ЉЃ
steamwebhelper.exe            4016 Console                    1    44я276 ЉЃ
WmiPrvSE.exe                  9672 Services                   0     9я492 ЉЃ
SearchProtocolHost.exe       10764 Services                   0    11я376 ЉЃ
SearchFilterHost.exe          7592 Services                   0     6я212 ЉЃ
tasklist.exe                  6176 Console                    1    26я992 ЉЃ
conhost.exe                   2752 Console                    1    12я964 ЉЃ
Process returned 0
Waiting for applet to gracefully shut down
Finished TaskList (0.2 seconds)
DxDiag.exe /dontskip /whql:off /tDxDiag.log
Process returned 0
Finished DxDiag (10.6 seconds)


0.146 Sys [Diag]: Process Command-line: -fullscreen:1 -dx10:1 -dx11:0 -threadedworker:1 -cluster:public -language:ru -clienttype:Steam -deferred:0
0.146 Sys [Diag]: Build Label: 2020. Retail Windows x64 [Stripped]
0.147 Sys [Diag]: Build Unique ID: 3439024100
0.149 Sys [Diag]: Windows user-name: Admin
0.149 Sys [Diag]: Windows computer-name: DESKTOP-81K61DE
0.149 Sys [Diag]: Current time: Thu Jun  4 16:28:10 2020 [UTC: Thu Jun  4 09:28:10 2020]
0.149 Sys [Diag]: Current directory: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Tools
0.159 Sys [Diag]: Processor: Intel Quad Core i5-2300 2800MHz MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/SSE41/SSE42/AVX/POPCNT F/M/S/EF/EM: 6/A/7/0/2
0.159 Sys [Diag]: Physical Memory: 13GB / 16GB free
0.159 Sys [Diag]: Address Space: 128TB / 128TB free
0.159 Sys [Diag]: C:\pagefile.sys: 2,402MB of 2,432MB free
0.159 Sys [Diag]: Page size: 4KB (Granularity: 64KB)
0.159 Sys [Diag]: Operating System: Windows 10
0.161 Sys [Diag]: System Processes: 143
0.161 Sys [Diag]: System Threads: 1,671
0.161 Sys [Diag]: System Handles: 54,949
0.162 Sys [Diag]: System GDI Objects: 0
0.162 Sys [Diag]: System USER Objects: 0
0.162 Sys [Diag]: System Up-Time: 0d 1h 33m 58s
0.162 Sys [Diag]: Free Disk Space on 😄 63,985,582,080 bytes
0.162 Sys [Diag]: Free Disk Space on F: 143,762,362,368 bytes
0.162 Sys [Diag]: Found Monitor: (0, 0) - (1920, 1080) : 1920x1080
0.162 Sys [Diag]: Process is DPI-aware
0.162 Sys [Diag]: Clock frequency: 10,000,000Hz
0.176 Gfx [Info]: Private shader options need 33 bits
0.176 Sys [Info]: CancelJobs batchcount 0
0.190 Sys [Info]: Loading packages took 0.0ms
0.190 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\Editor.cfg
0.190 Sys [Info]: Windows caching enabled
0.190 Sys [Info]: Dx9 caching enabled
0.190 Sys [Info]: Dx11 caching enabled
0.190 Sys [Info]: Switch caching disabled
0.190 Sys [Info]: Scanning F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Warframe\Cache.Windows\ for cache blocks...
0.190 Sys [Info]: Found 25 cache blocks...
0.191 Sys [Info]: Cache languages enabled: _ru
0.191 Sys [Info]: Loading Oodle DLL: oo2core_8_win64.dll
0.193 Sys [Info]: Loading Net Oodle DLL: oo2net_8_win64.dll
0.203 Sys [Info]: Downloading cache manifest index...
1.360 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc (took 183ms, loaded 124497 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.361 Sys [Info]: Used shared /H.Cache.bin (880B Copy: 91us Write: 184ms Latency: 1.16s)
1.433 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc (took 64.6ms, loaded 80852 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.444 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Font (took 8.15ms, loaded 2976 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.455 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Font (took 7.86ms, loaded 2965 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.470 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.AnimRetarget (took 14.9ms, loaded 5025 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.483 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.AnimRetarget (took 10.5ms, loaded 4527 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.484 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.01ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.487 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.CharacterCodesCache (took 0.01ms, loaded 1 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.710 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc (took 5.31ms, loaded 5232 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.712 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.VideoTexture (took 0.07ms, loaded 12 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.841 Sys [Info]: Cache manifest hash pg-wazEHuWV8D1Bz9EXIfQ
1.843 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_ru (took 0.16ms, loaded 65 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.843 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_ru (took 0.11ms, loaded 66 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.844 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.VideoTexture (took 0.03ms, loaded 12 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.845 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.Shader (took 1.06ms, loaded 336 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.847 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.Shader (took 0.28ms, loaded 102 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.885 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/B.ShaderPermutation (took 12.6ms, loaded 8789 entries, found 0 deleted)
1.897 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx10/H.ShaderPermutation (took 10.2ms, loaded 8789 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.135 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture (took 65.5ms, loaded 62779 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.197 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture (took 60.6ms, loaded 72898 entries, found 0 deleted)
2.383 Sys [Error]: Reading large file /Windows/H.Misc/Packages.bin (file size 143879951)
2.440 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/F.Texture (took 54.3ms, loaded 56672 entries, found 0 deleted)
3.244 Sys [Info]: Loading package cache took 1.0s (Parse: 0.6s)
3.286 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/B.Texture_ru (took 0.09ms, loaded 12 entries, found 0 deleted)
3.286 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Dx9/H.Texture_ru (took 0.03ms, loaded 12 entries, found 0 deleted)
3.624 Sys [Info]: Load deps cache took 341ms
3.664 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package load to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\EE.cfg
3.665 Sys [Diag]: Engine config profile: /Configs/EE.cfg/Windows_Config
3.665 Sys [Info]: JobMgr: 2 threads (+2 low)
3.702 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: ScriptDriver Supported types: [Script]
3.703 Script [Info]: ScriptMgr::Initialize() 2,681,504 bytes, 25,931 allocs
3.703 Sys [Info]: Using language: _ru
3.831 Sys [Info]: Loading language cache took 0.128062s
3.831 Sys [Diag]: Command line: -client
3.831 Sys [Diag]: SRand seeded with: -4924482603544889776
3.831 Phys [Info]: Custom physx allocator in use
3.925 Gfx [Info]: PhysX Core Version:
3.925 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager initialized.
3.925 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: MaterialLibrary Supported types: [PhysicsMaterial]
3.925 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Physics/Materials/Default
3.926 Sys [Info]: Found 1,089 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 229,551,488/229,769,216 Footprint: 267,808,768 Handles: 410]
3.976 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.05s and 2 frames at 24 ms/frame avg, 3 ms/update peak], 33 item(s)
4.198 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.22s and 13 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 15 ms/update peak], 152 item(s)
4.695 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.50s and 15 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 160 ms/update peak], 5 item(s)
4.710 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/H.Misc_xx (took 15.2ms, loaded 12598 entries, found 0 deleted, spot-loaded)
4.850 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/B.Misc_xx (took 106ms, loaded 12598 entries, found 0 deleted, spot-loaded)
5.353 Sys [Error]: Could not find platform icon collection: /EE/Types/GraphicsRes/DefaultPlatformIconCollection
5.353 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
5.353 Sys [Error]: Could not use platform icon collection: /EE/Types/GraphicsRes/DefaultPlatformIconCollection (broken)
5.353 Sys [Error]: Required by game config /EE/Types/GameRules/GameConfig
5.558 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Types/UISys/FontMapper during batch loading!
5.562 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Interface/ModLibrary_l.swf
5.718 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.
5.797 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [1.10s and 11 frames at 100 ms/frame avg, 484 ms/update peak], 484 item(s)
5.867 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 377 item(s)
5.971 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/TennoRangeOfMotion_physics.fbx built 30 objects in 6.45 ms
5.987 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.12s and 6 frames at 20 ms/frame avg, 13 ms/update peak], 4 item(s)
5.987 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Types/GameRules/LotusGameConfig) in one pass and 2.1s (I/O ~= 24%, inherited 0 of 1089)
6.004 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 2079ms
6.021 Net [Info]: UPnP enabled.
6.021 Net [Info]: NAT-PMP enabled.
6.033 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Net/UDPDriver
6.033 Sys [Info]: Initializing UPnP
6.080 Sys [Info]: Getting INATEventManager
6.083 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/MusicSubmixCfg
6.083 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/DialogCfg
6.083 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/MPNarrativeDialogMixerCfg
6.083 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/OrdisDialogMixerCfg
6.083 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/AllyMusicSubmixCfg
6.083 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/UIChatNotifications
6.083 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Input/GamepadPresetOne
6.083 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Input/GamepadPresetTwo
6.089 Sys [Info]: Profile hash on read: 4C795FDD5C5F7245C5C97F46ECA398C5
6.089 Sys [Info]: Serializing profile...
6.156 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Types/Boosters/ResourceDropChanceBooster
6.177 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Types/Boosters/CreditBooster
6.220 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/GraphicsWorker
6.254 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/Dx11PCDriver
6.272 Gfx [Info]: IDXGIFactory7 features available
6.305 Sys [Error]: Could not initialize AMD GPU Services
7.061 Gfx [Info]: Using D3D adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 VendorId: 0x10DE DeviceId: 0x13C2 SubSysId: 0x31601462 Revision: 161
7.061 Gfx [Info]: Dedicated Video Memory: 4GB
7.061 Gfx [Info]: Shared System Memory: 8GB
7.103 Gfx [Info]: Dedicated Memory Available: 3GB
7.103 Sys [Info]: NVIDIA driver version is: 44250 (Driver string: r442_47)
7.103 Gfx [Info]: IDXGIAdapter4 features available
7.103 Gfx [Info]: ID3D11Device5 features available
7.103 Gfx [Info]: ID3D11DeviceContext2 features available
7.103 Gfx [Info]: DriverConcurrentCreates are supported
7.111 Gfx [Info]: Device supports DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM
7.143 Gfx [Info]: Dx11PCSwapChain::Reset
7.143 Gfx [Info]: Dx11SwapChain::Shutdown
7.143 Gfx [Info]: Dx11PCSwapChain::Shutdown
7.143 Gfx [Info]: Dx11PCSwapChain::PrivateCreate
7.145 Gfx [Info]: IDXGISwapChain4 features available
7.177 Gfx [Warning]: D3DAssert: SetFullScreenState(true) failed returned 0x887A0022 (A resource is not available at the time of the call, but may become available later.)
7.177 Gfx [Info]: Using full-screen mode 1920x1080 @60.0Hz
7.177 Gfx [Info]: Using a minimum sync-interval of 30.0Hz
7.224 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: Dx11PCDriver Supported types: [Texture, VideoTexture, Material, Shader, ShaderPermutation, VertexInputLayout, Mesh]
7.224 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/CombinerFXFill.hlsl during batch loading!
7.228 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/CombinerFXDistortion.hlsl during batch loading!
7.231 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Distortion.hlsl during batch loading!
7.233 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Shaders/SpotGlow.hlsl during batch loading!
7.236 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Emissive.hlsl during batch loading!
7.240 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Shield.hlsl during batch loading!
7.242 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Shaders/StunProjection.hlsl during batch loading!
7.245 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/PBRFill.hlsl during batch loading!
7.249 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/PBR.hlsl during batch loading!
7.253 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Deferred/PBRFillDeferred.hlsl during batch loading!
7.256 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Lighting/ShadowMap.hlsl during batch loading!
7.258 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Lighting/ShadowProject.hlsl during batch loading!
7.261 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Lighting/OmniShadow.hlsl during batch loading!
7.264 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Lighting/ShadowLightMap.hlsl during batch loading!
7.267 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Lighting/OmniShadowLightMap.hlsl during batch loading!
7.270 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Lighting/ProjectOnly.hlsl during batch loading!
7.273 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Depth.hlsl during batch loading!
7.276 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/PostFX/LocalReflection.hlsl during batch loading!
7.279 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Lighting/MotionBlur.hlsl during batch loading!
7.282 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Editor/Darkitect/Materials/Shaders/UnlitAmbient.hlsl during batch loading!
7.286 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/CausticsFX.hlsl during batch loading!
7.288 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/LensFlare.hlsl during batch loading!
7.291 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/LensFlareDistortion.hlsl during batch loading!
7.294 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/BeamShading.hlsl during batch loading!
7.297 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/SDFProcedurals.hlsl during batch loading!
7.300 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/FlashProcedurals.hlsl during batch loading!
7.304 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Projectors/ProjectedBadge.hlsl during batch loading!
7.306 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/GPUParticlesDraw.hlsl during batch loading!
7.317 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/ParticleShading.hlsl during batch loading!
7.320 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/ParticleShadingDistortion.hlsl during batch loading!
7.323 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/ProceduralWeaponTrails.hlsl during batch loading!
7.326 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/ProceduralWeaponTrailsDistortions.hlsl during batch loading!
7.329 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/SmokeSpriteShading.hlsl during batch loading!
7.333 Sys [Info]: Found 666 items to load (1ms) [Heap: 239,364,704/240,058,368 Footprint: 325,111,808 Handles: 590]
7.448 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.11s and 6 frames at 19 ms/frame avg, 12 ms/update peak], 152 item(s)
7.525 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.08s and 4 frames at 19 ms/frame avg, 5 ms/update peak], 97 item(s)
7.877 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.35s and 16 frames at 22 ms/frame avg, 35 ms/update peak], 377 item(s)
7.877 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (663 root types) in one pass and 0.5s (I/O ~= 42%, inherited 33 of 666)
7.893 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 560ms
7.894 Gfx [Info]: Creating Graphics Worker Thread
7.905 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultMedium
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Generic/None
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Effects/Slomo
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/Default
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/HeadOcclusion/Default
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/OcclusionSettings/DefaultObstruction
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/DistanceFxSettings/Default
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Distance/DefaultDistance
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/MasterDspEffect
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/ReverbUpmix
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_Mono
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_Stereo
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_5_1
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Sounds/Mixer/SpeakerSetup_7_1
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultSmall
7.906 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Sounds/ReverbSettings/Default/DefaultLarge
7.938 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/NullSoundDriver
7.938 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Drivers/XAudio2Driver
8.032 Sys [Diag]: XAudio2: 48,000Hz Master (48,000Hz Native)
8.035 Snd [Info]: XAudio2Driver Initialized
8.035 Snd [Diag]: XAudio2: Found device {}.{06a67e6e-6740-42f5-aeb6-4442b156ed7c} (Realtek High Definition Audio)
8.035 Snd [Diag]: XAudio2: 5.1 output (6 channels)
8.035 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: XAudio2Driver Supported types: [OcclusionSetting, Bank, DistanceFxSetting, DspEffect, HeadOcclusion, SoundInstanceRtpcContainer, MixEffect, MixingGroup, ReverbSetting, Sample]
8.035 Sys [Info]: Found 97 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 248,249,056/255,721,472 Footprint: 381,636,608 Handles: 651]
8.104 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 94 item(s)
8.104 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
8.104 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (90 root types) in one pass and 0.1s (I/O ~= 5.8%, inherited 0 of 97)
8.121 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 86.1ms
8.232 Input [Info]: Found Клавиатура(Keyboard (Enhanced)), emulated
8.244 Input [Info]: Found Мышь(Mouse), 8-buttons, emulated
11.099 Sys [Info]: No UPnP gateway found
11.114 Net [Info]: Checking 1 gateways for NAT-PMP support
13.335 Input [Info]: Enumerated STEAM controller: 0
13.338 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Input/Xbox360GamepadMap
13.340 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: InputMgrWin Supported types: []
13.341 Input [Info]: InputMgrImpl Initialized
13.341 Sys [Info]: Loading driver resources...
13.341 Sys [Info]: Found 2,833 items to load (1ms) [Heap: 250,296,832/255,721,472 Footprint: 384,053,248 Handles: 741]
13.345 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/Frame
13.346 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/Frame 1920x1080
13.346 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/FrameDepth
13.348 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/FrameDepth 1920x1080
13.348 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/FrameDepthStencil
13.348 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/AuxTarget0
13.349 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget0 1920x1080
13.350 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/AuxTarget1
13.351 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget1 1920x1080
13.351 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/AuxTarget2
13.351 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget2 1920x1080
13.352 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BlursTexture
13.353 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BlursTexture 960x540
13.353 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/SceneScaledTexture
13.354 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/SceneScaledTexture 960x540
13.354 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BrightPassTexture
13.354 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BrightPassTexture 960x540
13.354 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/DownsampledTarget
13.355 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/DownsampledTarget 960x540
13.355 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/DownsampledDepth
13.356 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/DownsampledDepth 960x540
13.356 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture0
13.357 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture0 480x270
13.357 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture1
13.357 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture1 240x135
13.357 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture2
13.358 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture2 120x67
13.358 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture3
13.359 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture3 60x33
13.359 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture4
13.359 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture4 30x16
13.359 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/PortraitTarget
13.360 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/PortraitTarget 640x640
13.360 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/ShadowMapHigh
13.361 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/ShadowMapHigh 2048x2048
13.362 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/OmniShadowMapVSDCT
13.362 Gfx [Info]: Creating dynamic cube texture: /Textures/DynamicCubeMap0
13.363 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/AuxTarget3
13.365 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget3 1920x1080
13.365 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/AuxTarget4
13.366 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget4 1920x1080
13.366 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/FinalLuminance0
13.366 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/FinalLuminance0 1x1
13.367 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/FinalLuminance1
13.367 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/FinalLuminance1 1x1
13.367 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample0
13.368 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample0 240x135
13.368 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample1
13.368 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample1 60x33
13.368 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample2
13.369 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample2 15x8
13.369 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/HZB
13.370 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/HZB 960x540
13.370 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/HZBQueryOutput0
13.371 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/HZBQueryOutput0 128x128
13.371 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/HZBQueryOutput1
13.372 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/HZBQueryOutput1 128x128
13.372 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BNWWeightsTarget
13.372 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BNWWeightsTarget 960x540
13.372 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.03s and 0 frames at 28 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 30 item(s)
13.503 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.13s and 7 frames at 19 ms/frame avg, 32 ms/update peak], 112 item(s)
13.537 Sys [Info]: Finished load of CharacterCodesCache batch [0.03s and 2 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
13.814 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.28s and 16 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 6 ms/update peak], 165 item(s)
13.905 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Scripts/Effects/MaterialFade.lua
13.905 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.
13.949 Sys [Error]: Could not use object: /Lotus/Commands/CmdForcePurchaseItem (broken)
13.949 Sys [Error]: Required by script /Lotus/Scripts/Cmds/CmdActivateRailjack.lua
14.008 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.19s and 9 frames at 22 ms/frame avg, 30 ms/update peak], 17 item(s)
14.382 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.37s and 10 frames at 37 ms/frame avg, 97 ms/update peak], 1226 item(s)
14.382 Gfx [Info]: Creating dynamic volume texture: /EE/Materials/ColorCorrectionVolume
14.383 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView For Volume /EE/Materials/ColorCorrectionVolume 32x32x32
14.384 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 2 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 153 item(s)
14.827 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.44s and 19 frames at 23 ms/frame avg, 65 ms/update peak], 658 item(s)
14.912 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.08s and 5 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 4 item(s)
14.912 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (17 root types) in one pass and 1.6s (I/O ~= 43%, inherited 378 of 2833)
14.929 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 1587ms
14.943 Gfx [Info]: Creating dynamic texture: /Textures/DynamicTexture0
14.955 Gfx [Info]: Creating dynamic texture: /Textures/DynamicTexture1
14.971 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesPosTarget0
14.971 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesPosTarget1
14.971 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesVelTarget0
14.971 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesVelTarget1
14.971 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Materials/Defaults/GPUParticlesInjectionDefMaterial
14.971 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Materials/Defaults/GPUParticlesSimDefMaterial
14.995 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesPosTarget0
14.997 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesPosTarget0 1024x1024
14.997 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesPosTarget1
14.998 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesPosTarget1 1024x1024
14.998 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesVelTarget0
14.998 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesVelTarget0 1024x1024
14.998 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesVelTarget1
15.000 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/GPUParticlesVelTarget1 1024x1024
15.000 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Materials/Defaults/GPUParticlesInjectionDefMaterial
15.002 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Shaders/Particles/GPUParticlesInject.hlsl
15.002 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/GPUParticlesInject.hlsl
15.062 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Materials/Defaults/GPUParticlesSimDefMaterial
15.065 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Shaders/Particles/GPUParticlesSim.hlsl
15.065 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Particles/GPUParticlesSim.hlsl
15.365 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Materials/Util/PerlinNoiseRGBAFallback_vn.tga
15.365 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Materials/Util/PerlinNoiseRGBAFallback_vn.tga
15.438 Input [Info]: GamepadDeviceSteam::InitMapping() called with unknown InputFilter 'InputFilter' (may need adding to SteamActionSets in InputController)
15.438 Sys [Info]: FlashMgrImpl::Initialize
15.490 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: FlashDriver Supported types: [FlashMovie]
15.491 Sys [Info]: Found 584 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 291,073,072/304,414,720 Footprint: 638,881,792 Handles: 749]
15.492 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 6 item(s)
15.526 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Interface/ModLibrary_l.swf
15.536 Sys [Error]: Could not choose resource bucket for: /Lotus/Interface/ModLibrary_l.swf.gsc
15.536 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.
15.574 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.08s and 4 frames at 20 ms/frame avg, 10 ms/update peak], 71 item(s)
15.574 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 68 item(s)
15.643 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 4 ms/update peak], 6 item(s)
15.643 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (8 root types) in one pass and 0.2s (I/O ~= 1.2%, inherited 407 of 584)
15.660 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 169ms
15.661 Script [Info]: UISTYLE: initialized 1
15.661 Script [Info]: UIBACKGROUND: initialized 1
15.661 Script [Info]: UISOUNDS: initialized 1
15.680 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Physics/NormalPhysics
15.680 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Physics/AsyncPhysicsMgrDesc
15.680 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Physics/StreamingPhysicsMgrDesc
15.680 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/EntityVisibility
15.680 Sys [Info]: RegionMgrImpl::SetLevel 
15.819 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: AnimationDriver Supported types: [AnimResourceBase, AnimRetarget]
15.855 Sys [Error]: Could not find base npc team: /EE/Types/Npc/NpcTeamUnmanaged
15.855 Sys [Error]: Required by npc sys /EE/Types/Npc/NpcSys
15.855 Sys [Error]: Failed to create run-time type: NpcTeamUnmanaged (parent BaseNpcTeam is abstract)
15.855 Sys [Error]: Could not create /EE/Types/Npc/NpcTeamUnmanaged as a BaseNpcTeam
15.855 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Npc/DangerZoneMgrImpl
15.877 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Npc/CombatManager
15.877 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/Avatar
15.878 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/ConversationContextAction
15.878 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Npc/AgentController
15.878 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/AnimTreeController
15.878 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/FinisherController
15.901 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/CameraController
15.901 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/ClimbController
15.901 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/GrappleHookHelpers
15.901 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/WallSlideController
15.901 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/DamageController
15.901 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/InjuryHandlers/StandardDeathHandler
15.901 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/GameActionController
15.901 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/GameActionData
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/FinisherAction
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Interface/Widgets/Button/HudButtonA
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Interface/Widgets/Button/HudButtonB
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Interface/Widgets/Button/HudButtonX
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Interface/Widgets/Button/HudButtonY
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Interface/Widgets/Button/HudButtonCross
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Interface/Widgets/Button/HudButtonCircle
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Interface/Widgets/Button/HudButtonSquare
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Interface/Widgets/Button/HudButtonTriangle
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Interface/Graphics/PlatformKeys/ButtonGlow
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/InputController
15.902 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/AimAssist
15.908 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/InventoryController
15.908 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/UpgradeManager
15.908 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/MotionController
15.908 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Physics/FullBody
15.908 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Npc/CoverReservationMgrImpl
15.908 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Npc/NpcTeam
15.908 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Npc/TeamTargeterImpl
15.908 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Npc/GroupCoverSelector
16.002 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Npc/Encounters/EncounterManager
16.002 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Npc/Encounters/DynamicRandomEncounterHint
16.010 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/Camera
16.027 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Engine/Listener
16.029 Sys [Info]: Monitor (GSM597D) physical size detected: 48cm X 27cm.
16.029 Sys [Info]: Client Initialized [GraphicsSysImpl, SoundSysImpl]
16.038 Sys [Info]: Changing Key-Bindings to: /Configs/EE.cfg/LotusWindows_KeyBindings
16.038 Sys [Info]: Found 205 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 291,744,352/304,414,720 Footprint: 640,245,760 Handles: 770]
16.038 Sys [Info]: Started async load of flash movie: /Lotus/Interface/Progress.swf
16.041 Input [Info]: GamepadDeviceSteam::InitMapping() called with unknown InputFilter 'InputFilter' (may need adding to SteamActionSets in InputController)
16.115 Sys [Info]: discord_game_sdk.dll loaded
16.231 Sys [Error]: Discord core failed to initialize: result 4
16.282 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 0 instances (0.00ms) and unbuilt 89 types (2.05ms) in 0.00ms
16.294 Sys [Info]: Found 73 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 291,802,992/304,414,720 Footprint: 640,290,816 Handles: 775]
16.414 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.12s and 7 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 27 item(s)
16.482 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
16.545 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.06s and 2 frames at 31 ms/frame avg, 17 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
16.545 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip) in one pass and 0.3s (I/O ~= 31%, inherited 44 of 73)
16.561 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 267ms
16.561 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip has only one segment (no objectives will be placed)
16.567 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip generating layout with segments: SE
16.568 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp
16.568 Sys [Info]: Generated layout in 7.4ms
16.568 Sys [Info]: 
16.568 Sys [Info]: S: /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion.level
16.568 Sys [Info]: E: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/LisetExit.level
16.568 Sys [Info]: Cm: /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/EarthRegion.level
16.568 Sys [Info]: 
16.571 Sys [Info]: Found 73 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 291,932,176/304,414,720 Footprint: 640,290,816 Handles: 775]
16.571 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
16.572 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 70 of 73)
16.588 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 16.3ms
16.675 Sys [Info]: Generated 5 deps and 45 exclusions in 87ms (vetting took 78ms)
16.675 Game [Info]: ServerFramework:OpenLevel - /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp
16.684 Sys [Info]: Found 41,205 items to load (5ms) [Heap: 292,783,408/305,266,688 Footprint: 641,191,936 Handles: 775]
16.684 Sys [Info]: ChangeLobbyStatus(0)
16.684 Sys [Info]: BaseClientFramework::StopServer - client already disconnected.
16.685 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 0 instances (0.00ms) and unbuilt 21 types (1.50ms) in 0.00ms
16.686 Sys [Info]: CancelRegionStreaming, has 0 region(s) queued
16.686 Net [Info]: Local binding: localhost:4970
16.692 Net [Info]: UDP socket created: localhost:4970 [private address:], thread send: 1
16.692 Net [Info]: Listening: localhost:4970
16.692 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Types/Warframetraffic.ood during batch loading!
16.725 Sys [Info]: Loading Net Oodle DLL: oo2net_8_win64.dll
16.852 Net [Info]: Oodle version: 2.8.5
16.852 Net [Info]: Oodle Net version: 2.8.5
16.852 Net [Info]: OodleNetwork1UDP Loading; dic comp: 1871529, state 306621->290769
16.852 Net [Info]: Compressor type: OodleLZ_Compressor_Kraken[8]
17.092 Net [Info]:  ReplicationMgr::Initialize(1), init count=1, 0x000001B065F9DBE0, master: 1
17.103 Game [Info]: SetCurrentServerLayerIndex(4294967295)
17.103 Sys [Info]: Loading /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp
17.103 Sys [Info]: HostRegion: Acquired 18 root types to load [Heap: 306,747,360/319,029,248 Footprint: 656,572,416 Handles: 803]
17.103 Sys [Warning]: Ignoring dep to transient type: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp from /Regions/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp
17.108 Sys [Info]: Found 41,205 items to load (5ms) [Heap: 307,600,672/319,881,216 Footprint: 657,424,384 Handles: 803]
17.116 Sys [Info]: Acquired 1807 resources (8ms)
17.116 Sys [Info]: HostRegion: added layer 4294967295, level=/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp
17.116 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 1
17.117 Sys [Info]: TexturePrioritizerImpl::Reinitialize 0.6 ms
17.117 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 0
17.117 Net [Info]:  ReplicationMgr::Initialize(1), init count=1, 0x000001B065F9DBE0, master: 1
17.117 Sys [Info]: RegionMgrImpl::SetLevel /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp
17.118 Sys [Info]: Server ready for load [Heap: 310,421,536/320,471,040 Footprint: 659,382,272 Handles: 824], sessionPlayers=1
17.118 Game [Info]: SetCurrentServerLayerIndex(4294967295)
17.119 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 0.05ms [Heap: 310,229,168/320,471,040 Footprint: 659,382,272 Handles: 824]
17.120 Net [Info]: Local binding: localhost:4975
17.120 Net [Info]: UDP socket created: localhost:4975 [private address:], thread send: 1
17.120 Sys [Info]: Loading Net Oodle DLL: oo2net_8_win64.dll
17.121 Game [Info]: HostMigration::ResetOldServerConnection()
17.121 Net [Info]:  ReplicationMgr::Initialize(1), init count=1, 0x000001B0653F6C10, master: 0
17.121 Sys [Info]: Client::Connect - localhost:4970
17.121 Sys [Info]: ClientImpl::Connect sending CMSG_CONTACT message to server localhost:4970 (no session), connection: 0
17.121 Net [Info]: Created virtual connection for: [handle: 0]
17.121 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.00s and 169 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
17.152 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.03s and 54350 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 7 item(s)
17.179 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.03s and 50993 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 11 item(s)
17.225 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.05s and 84711 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak], 53 item(s)
17.225 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 7 item(s)
17.306 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.08s and 118440 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 13 item(s)
17.337 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.03s and 60761 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
17.337 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/Progress.swf) in one pass and 1.3s (I/O ~= 16%, inherited 112 of 205)
17.337 Sys [Info]: ===[ Entering main loop ]===================================================================================
17.984 Script [Info]: Progress.lua: UISTYLE: _G.CurrStyle invalid, updating theme
17.984 Script [Info]: Progress.lua: UISTYLE: overlayMgr valid
17.984 Script [Info]: Progress.lua: UISTYLE: style valid, _G.CurrStyle assigned
17.985 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/LoadingScreens/Update9LoadingScreen.png during batch loading!
18.047 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Progress.swf
18.049 Sys [Info]: Executing valid open callback for /Lotus/Interface/Progress.swf
18.049 Sys [Info]: Startup time: 18.0s
18.049 Net [Info]: Created virtual connection for: [handle: 0]
18.049 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 20 * 1
18.049 Sys [Info]: Contact received; sending challenge to Player. Setting connection timeout to 20
18.071 Sys [Info]: Cleaned 411 resource-objects
18.073 Sys [Info]: Texture streaming DISABLED -> NORMAL [Heap: 297,494,400/319,619,072 Footprint: 662,511,616 Handles: 829]
18.075 Sys [Info]: Loaded 0/728 resources at 0 ms/frame
18.075 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
18.075 Sys [Info]: Accepted challenge from: Player
18.075 Sys [Info]: Starting load for Player
18.075 Game [Info]: Server::LoadClient: Context objects:
18.075 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/GameRules/AlternateLotusFrontEndGameRules
18.075 Game [Info]: Level=/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp
18.075 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 20 * 1
18.160 Gfx [Warning]: Dx11Driver::Present(): fullscreen mismatch - window=1,swapchain=0
18.160 Gfx [Warning]: Dx11Driver::Present(): queuing reset
18.163 Sys [Info]: FSM::LoadLevel
18.163 Sys [Info]: Lobby: 1
18.163 Sys [Info]: 1 region(s):
18.163 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp: 0, prio: 1, layer: 4294967295, (0, 0, 0, 1), autonomous: 0
18.237 Sys [Info]: Generated 5 deps and 45 exclusions in 73ms (vetting took 73ms)
18.237 Sys [Info]: HostRegion: Acquired 18 root types to load [Heap: 289,393,888/319,619,072 Footprint: 702,382,080 Handles: 866]
18.237 Sys [Warning]: Ignoring dep to transient type: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp from /Regions/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp
18.237 Script [Info]: ScriptMgr::ResetGlobals()
18.237 Sys [Info]: Shutting down context... [Heap: 289,394,976/319,619,072 Footprint: 702,382,080 Handles: 866]
18.237 AI [Info]: NpcManager::ClearAgents() ReadyToCreateAgents = false
18.237 AI [Info]: NpcManager::ClearAgents() ReadyToCreateAgents = false
18.237 Sys [Info]: CancelJobs batchcount 0
18.238 Sys [Info]: Context shutdown complete [Heap: 287,767,184/319,619,072 Footprint: 701,018,112 Handles: 845]
18.238 Net [Info]:  ReplicationMgr::Initialize(1), init count=1, 0x000001B0595F12A0, master: 0
18.238 Sys [Info]: Level: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp, id: 1
18.238 Sys [Info]: ClientImpl::LoadLevel setting connection timeout to 20
18.238 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 20 * 1
18.238 Sys [Info]: LOAD_MESSAGE received .
18.238 Sys [Info]: Client ready for load [Heap: 287,766,912/319,619,072 Footprint: 701,018,112 Handles: 845]
18.239 Sys [Info]: Texture streaming NORMAL -> DISABLED [Heap: 287,689,616/319,619,072 Footprint: 701,022,208 Handles: 845]
18.239 Sys [Info]: Pre-load flush took 0.00ms [Heap: 287,689,616/319,619,072 Footprint: 701,022,208 Handles: 845]
18.257 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/FluidHeightField0
18.266 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/FluidHeightField0 512x512
18.267 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/FluidHeightField1
18.276 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/FluidHeightField1 512x512
18.276 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.02s and 1 frames at 20 ms/frame avg, 28 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
18.401 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.12s and 4 frames at 31 ms/frame avg, 16 ms/update peak], 63 item(s)
20.541 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [2.14s and 64 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 32 ms/update peak], 1103 item(s)
21.120 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of B.Font/Lotus/Interface/ProjectionRewardChoice.lua (413 ms)
21.120 Sys [Info]: Loaded 1170/22722 resources at 34 ms/frame
21.338 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of B.Font/Lotus/Interface/Libs/ActionFigureLoadoutLoader.lua (18.9 ms)
21.421 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of B.Font/Lotus/Interface/ItemInfoPopup.lua (50.5 ms)
21.978 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Types/Enemies/TennoReplicants/ReplicantEquipLoadout.lua during batch loading!
22.007 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of B.Font/Lotus/Interface/Background.lua (119 ms)
22.013 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/Cyst/InfestationCyst.lua during batch loading!
22.147 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [1.61s and 30 frames at 54 ms/frame avg, 445 ms/update peak], 5 item(s)
22.321 Sys [Info]: Loaded TOC for Windows/F.Misc_xx (took 113ms, loaded 12595 entries, found 0 deleted, spot-loaded)
22.321 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of H.Misc_xx/Lotus/Sounds/Dialog/Barks/Battle/GrineerWolf/BbSplAtkHitGrineerWolf0360_en.wav (82.1 ms)
22.531 Sys [Error]: Could not find texture: /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Operator/Clothes/ClothesA/BodySuitAPackMap
22.531 Sys [Error]: Required by material /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Operator/Clothes/ClothesA/OperatorBodySuitA
22.880 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of H.Misc/Lotus/Types/Lore/PrimaryCodexManifest (26.1 ms)
23.184 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Scripts/KubrowController.lua during batch loading!
23.245 Sys [Error]: Could not use object: /EE/Types/Darkitect/RecastHighDetailNavMeshDesignOptions (broken)
23.245 Sys [Error]: Required by level info /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShipLevelInfo
24.064 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [1.92s and 54 frames at 35 ms/frame avg, 114 ms/update peak], 17447 item(s)
24.064 Gfx [Info]: Creating dynamic texture: /EE/Materials/MapFogTexture
24.087 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.02s and 0 frames at 24 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 6729 item(s)
24.130 Sys [Info]: Loaded 9069/22722 resources at 34 ms/frame
24.658 Sys [Error]: PreLoad failed for: /EE/Materials/Util/PerlinNoiseRGBAB_vn.tga
25.332 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [1.24s and 38 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 32 ms/update peak], 13477 item(s)
25.473 Sys [Error]: Localizer didn't find _root.ItemMessage!
25.502 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Animations/BoxMan/BoxmanFrozenROM_physics.fbx built 20 objects in 0.85 ms
25.503 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Animations/Corpus/Biped/RangeOfMotion_physics.fbx built 16 objects in 0.63 ms
25.515 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.18s and 5 frames at 37 ms/frame avg, 34 ms/update peak], 175 item(s)
25.515 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (36 root types) in one pass and 8.4s (I/O ~= 55%, inherited 1807 of 41205)
25.515 Sys [Info]: Frames issuing: 17, frames loading: 25, frames retiring: 173
25.515 Sys [Info]: Wall time: 8.4s (time waiting to start: 0.97s)
25.515 Sys [Info]: Total budget: 6261 ms, min: 1.99ms, max: 32.0ms, avg: 31.5ms, stddev: 3.09ms, num samples: 199, samples below 2.00ms: 2
25.515 Sys [Info]: Total time: 2896 ms, min: 0.01ms, max: 445ms, avg: 14.6ms, stddev: 36.1ms, num samples: 198, samples below 2.00ms: 91
25.515 Sys [Info]: ResLoader time: 373 ms, min: 0.00ms, max: 43.4ms, avg: 1.88ms, stddev: 6.91ms, num samples: 198, samples below 2.00ms: 182
25.515 Sys [Info]: CacheMgr: 2539 ms, min: 0.00ms, max: 445ms, avg: 12.8ms, stddev: 35.9ms, num samples: 199, samples below 2.00ms: 102
25.515 Sys [Info]: Total retire read time: 2.52s
25.515 Sys [Info]: 
25.515 Sys [Info]:     Loaded: 430,374,912 B (6567 pages) at 89.1 MB/s (4.60s)
25.515 Sys [Info]:     Loaded (batch): 428,605,440 B (6540 pages) [99.6%]
25.515 Sys [Info]:     Idle IO time: 3.38s
25.515 Sys [Info]:     Decomp: 387,047,735 B -> 764,113,106 B (2.0:1) at 125 MB/s (2.96s)
25.515 Sys [Info]:     Seeked: 228x (3.42s)
25.515 Sys [Info]:     Wasted: 14,155,201B (3.29%)
25.515 Sys [Info]:     Scheduling: 58ms
25.515 Sys [Info]: 
25.515 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 1,007,170,848/1,111,621,632 Footprint: 1,883,381,760 Handles: 850]
25.554 Sys [Info]: Unloaded 7 types in 0.30ms
25.556 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 56 instances (0.03ms) and unbuilt 1596 types (2.22ms) in 0.03ms
25.559 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/UICommonResources.swf
25.559 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: Style changed callback registered
25.559 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background.lua: Initialize
25.559 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Background.swf
25.559 Game [Info]: Region index=1, layer=4294967295
25.559 Sys [Info]: Client finished loading /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp. Sending CMSG_LOAD_COMPLETE to server.
25.559 Game [Info]: SynchronizingState::Enter
25.560 Sys [Info]: 4294967295 loaded resources, connect mode=0
25.560 Sys [Info]: DebugChallenges CreateChallengeManager
25.560 Sys [Info]: Loading game rules: AlternateLotusFrontEndGameRules
25.560 Sys [Info]: Setting gGameRules
25.560 Net [Info]: GameRulesImpl - changing state from SS_INVALID to SS_WAITING_TO_START
25.561 Sys [Info]: Clearing *all* inventory checkpoint info
25.561 Sys [Info]: Removing 0 requested supply drops
25.561 Game [Info]: LevelLoader, added batch /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp
25.561 Game [Info]: LevelLoader, InitBatch
25.561 Sys [Info]: Load complete for Player [Heap: 985,206,896/1,111,425,024 Footprint: 1,883,119,616 Handles: 849]
25.561 Sys [Info]: Cleaned 1,503 resource-objects
25.561 Gfx [Warning]: ResetDriver called on: Dx11PCDriver
25.561 Gfx [Warning]: Dx11Driver::Reset(): window inactive -> forcing minimized
25.563 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_COMPLETE -> LS_PREPARE
25.563 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_PREPARE -> LS_CREATE_EX
25.578 Sys [Warning]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp cannot tag zone 
25.578 Sys [Warning]: /Layer0/Layer4/ZoneAttribs1 from /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion.level
25.578 Sys [Warning]: (it already has a tag: Backdrop)
25.584 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Backgrounds/Helminth/HelminthBackground.swf
25.585 Sys [Info]: Found 1,097 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 986,112,832/1,111,425,024 Footprint: 1,883,459,584 Handles: 849]
25.585 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ThemedButtonBar.swf
25.585 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ToolTip.swf
25.587 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ItemInfoPopup.swf
25.587 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ContextAction.swf
25.588 Sys [Info]: Found 25 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 986,783,408/1,111,425,024 Footprint: 1,883,459,584 Handles: 849]
25.588 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading flash movie: /Lotus/Interface/ImeTip.swf
25.656 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
25.690 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.03s and 2 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
25.690 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
25.774 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.08s and 5 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
25.842 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
25.842 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/ImeTip.swf) in one pass and 0.3s (I/O ~= 13%, inherited 15 of 25)
25.859 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 271ms
25.860 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ImeTip.swf
25.860 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background::PushChildMovie(Default)
25.863 Sys [Info]: Found 27,347 items to load (3ms) [Heap: 987,649,008/1,111,425,024 Footprint: 1,883,721,728 Handles: 849]
25.863 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading flash movie: /Lotus/Interface/ThemedMainMenu.swf
25.882 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
25.967 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.08s and 5 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 19 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
26.325 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.36s and 21 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
26.515 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.19s and 11 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 4 ms/update peak], 7786 item(s)
26.519 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 5593 item(s)
26.641 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.12s and 7 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 4 ms/update peak], 29 item(s)
26.675 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/Interface/ThemedMainMenu.swf [FlashMovie] had problems with its property text:
26.675 Sys [Error]: Ignoring duplicate property _addResourceDeps
26.730 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.09s and 5 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak], 4 item(s)
26.730 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/ThemedMainMenu.swf) in one pass and 0.9s (I/O ~= 24%, inherited 13867 of 27347)
26.746 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 883ms
26.748 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: *** Main menu -- initialize ***
26.755 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ThemedMainMenu.swf
26.757 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background.lua: in hub changed: false
26.792 Sys [Warning]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp cannot tag zone 
26.792 Sys [Warning]: /Layer3/ZoneAttribs1 from /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/EarthRegion.level
26.792 Sys [Warning]: (it already has a tag: Backdrop)
26.792 Sys [Info]: Generated level objects in 53ms [4 component(s), 3 frame(s)]
26.792 Sys [Info]: Layer /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion/Scope rep mode=0
26.796 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp had problems with /Layer0/Layer2/ScriptTrigger14's property text:
26.796 Sys [Error]: Ignoring duplicate property _syndicateMovie
26.857 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp had problems with /Layer0/Layer21/ScriptAction0's property text:
26.857 Sys [Error]: Ignoring duplicate property _syndicateMovie
26.870 Sys [Info]: Layer /Lotus/Levels/Proc/LisetExit/Scope rep mode=0
26.870 Sys [Info]: Layer /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/EarthRegion/Scope rep mode=0
26.873 Sys [Info]: Region server created 1757 new objects. [Heap: 996,087,504/1,111,425,024 Footprint: 1,884,958,720 Handles: 850]
26.873 Sys [Info]: Replication mode override: 0
26.873 Game [Info]: Added streaming layer /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion/Scope, 1640 objects, 65 server-only objects
26.873 Game [Info]: Added streaming layer /Lotus/Levels/Proc/LisetExit/Scope, 4 objects, 0 server-only objects
26.873 Game [Info]: Added streaming layer /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/EarthRegion/Scope, 48 objects, 0 server-only objects
26.873 Net [Info]: NAT-PMP request opcode 0 timed request.
26.873 Sys [Info]: No NAT-PMP gateway found
26.879 Game [Info]: 2047 - 1559 autonomous, 65 server-only, ready: 0, incomplete: 0
26.879 Sys [Info]: Connectivity update flags: 1, requires full update: 0
26.912 Net [Info]: NotifyStreamedRegionReady [2047]
26.913 Sys [Error]: Could not find material: /EE/Materials/Defaults/CubeReferencePBR
26.913 Sys [Error]: Required by entity /EE/Types/Engine/CubeMapProbeReference
26.913 Sys [Error]: Could not find material: /EE/Materials/Defaults/CubeMapProbe
26.913 Sys [Error]: Required by cube map probe /EE/Types/Engine/CubeMapProbe
27.009 Sys [Info]: Initial update of physics complete [Heap: 1,005,597,104/1,111,097,344 Footprint: 1,884,696,576 Handles: 849]
27.009 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun updating level loader state CS_PHYSICS_UPDATE (31.0 ms)
27.042 Sys [Info]: Initial update of connectivity complete [Heap: 1,005,599,184/1,111,097,344 Footprint: 1,884,696,576 Handles: 849]
27.043 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_CREATE_EX -> LS_CREATE_EX_SAVE
27.043 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_CREATE_EX_SAVE -> LS_POST_CREATE
27.043 Sys [Warning]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp: multiple initial player spawns
27.043 Sys [Info]: Level loader: OnCreateLevelObjectsComplete called
27.046 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 2.82ms [Heap: 1,001,317,376/1,111,097,344 Footprint: 1,884,696,576 Handles: 849]
27.046 Game [Info]: SetCurrentServerLayerIndex(4294967295)
27.046 Net [Info]: Replication count by concrete type:
27.046 Net [Info]: 
27.046 Net [Info]:       24 /EE/Types/Engine/Mover
27.046 Net [Info]:       16 /EE/Types/Game/MultiAvatarTrigger
27.046 Net [Info]:       16 /Lotus/Types/Game/UIConsoleTrigger
27.046 Net [Info]:       13 /EE/Types/Game/Cinematic
27.046 Net [Info]:        7 /EE/Types/Alias/Decoration
27.046 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Game/MarkerInfos/ObjectiveMarkerInfo
27.046 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Game/LotusCinematic
27.046 Net [Info]:        4 /EE/Types/Actions/ScriptAction
27.046 Net [Info]:        4 /Lotus/Types/Game/LisetDecorationRoomTrigger
27.046 Net [Info]:        4 /EE/Types/Engine/Decoration
27.046 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Types/Game/ActionFigurePlaceableAreaTrigger
27.046 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NoShipDecoTrigger
27.046 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Sounds/Hub/LisetLowerDeck/LisetDoorCloseSeq
27.046 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Sounds/Hub/LisetLowerDeck/LisetDoorOpenSeq
27.046 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Sounds/Misc/SleighBells/SleighBellsFadeOutPosSeq
27.046 Net [Info]:        3 /EE/Types/Engine/ScriptTrigger
27.046 Net [Info]:        3 /EE/Types/Game/PortDispatch
27.046 Net [Info]:        3 /EE/Types/Npc/NpcDoorHint
27.046 Net [Info]:        2 /Lotus/Fx/Liset/LisetChristmasSnowPS
27.046 Net [Info]:        2 /EE/Types/Engine/Trigger
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/Navigation/RecastNavVolume
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/Actions/HitSwitch
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/GameRules/AlternateLotusFrontEndGameRules
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Actions/KneelReplicatedHitSwitch
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Game/CrewShip/DefaultCrewShipMgr
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Music/LisetCradle/CradleOperatorCustomizeSeq
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Sounds/Hub/LisetAlchemyLab/LisetAlchemyLabDoorOpenDripsSeq
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Sounds/Cinematics/Sacrifice/SacrificeArsenal/SacrificeArsenalMemoryTransitionHeartbeatLoopSeq
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/GameRules/GameStateImpl
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/Npc/NpcMigrationData
27.046 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Game/LisetDecoration
27.046 Net [Info]: 
27.046 Net [Info]: Replication count by type:
27.046 Net [Info]: 
27.046 Net [Info]:       24 /EE/Types/Engine/Mover
27.046 Net [Info]:       16 /EE/Types/Game/MultiAvatarTrigger
27.046 Net [Info]:       16 /Lotus/Types/Game/UIConsoleTrigger
27.046 Net [Info]:       13 /EE/Types/Game/Cinematic
27.046 Net [Info]:        7 /EE/Types/Alias/Decoration
27.046 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Game/MarkerInfos/ObjectiveMarkerInfo
27.046 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Game/LotusCinematic
27.046 Net [Info]: 
27.046 Net [Info]: Total count: 0, static objects: 133
27.046 Net [Info]: 51 object(s) not logged (less than 4 instance(s)).
27.046 Net [Info]: RepMgr: baseline object number: 0
27.047 Sys [Info]: NavigationImpl::ProcessChanges status NS_CHANGES_PENDING pendingChangesDuringInit 0, missing refs: 0, force=1
27.047 Sys [Info]:      NavZones    0
27.047 Sys [Info]:      PendingAdds 1
27.047 Sys [Info]:      PendingRems 0
27.047 Sys [Info]: CancelJobs batchcount 0
27.047 Sys [Info]: Creating high level graph for 1 nodes
27.047 Sys [Info]: Initialization took 0.16ms
27.047 Sys [Info]: LevelLoader finished in 217/1487 ms [total/latency], 1,757 new objects [133 replicated].
27.047 Sys [Info]: LS_PREPARE: 0.00ms (peak: 0.00ms), LS_CREATE_EX: 212ms (peak: 61.4ms,  max overrun: 31.0ms), LS_CREATE_EX_SAVE: 0.00ms (peak: 0.00ms), LS_POST_CREATE: 0.24ms (peak: 0.24ms), LS_COMPLETE: 4.64ms (peak: 4.64ms)
27.047 Sys [Info]: CS_PREPARE: 0.00ms, latency: 0.02ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 19.9, CS_CLEAR_LINKS: 0.00ms, latency: 0.00ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 19.9
27.047 Sys [Info]: CS_CREATE_OBJECTS: 130ms, latency: 1309ms (peak: 31.7ms, avg: 26.0ms), budget avg: 26.8, CS_REGISTRATION: 16.8ms, latency: 56.1ms (peak: 16.2ms, avg: 5.61ms), budget avg: 22.5
27.047 Sys [Info]: CS_RESOLVE_INSTANCES: 3.36ms, latency: 3.36ms (peak: 3.36ms, avg: 3.36ms), budget avg: 15.5, CS_FULL_UPDATE: 0.18ms, latency: 0.18ms (peak: 0.18ms, avg: 0.18ms), budget avg: 12.1
27.047 Sys [Info]: CS_ZONE_SETUP: 0.02ms, latency: 14.9ms (peak: 0.02ms, avg: 0.02ms), budget avg: 30.4, CS_FIND_LEVEL_INFO: 0.46ms, latency: 0.46ms (peak: 0.46ms, avg: 0.46ms), budget avg: 30.4
27.047 Sys [Info]: CS_POST_LINK: 0.00ms, latency: 0.00ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 30.4, CS_PHYSICS_UPDATE: 60.9ms, latency: 60.9ms (peak: 60.9ms, avg: 60.9ms), budget avg: 29.9
27.047 Sys [Info]: CS_CONNECTIVITY_UPDATE: 0.00ms, latency: 33.8ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 31.7, CS_GRAPHICS_UPDATE: 0.00ms, latency: 0.14ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 31.7
27.047 Sys [Info]: 
27.047 Sys [Info]: Budget min: 20.0ms, max: 31.7ms, avg: 29.1ms, stddev: 4.83ms, num samples: 10, samples below 2.00ms: 0
27.047 Sys [Info]: 
27.048 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_POST_CREATE -> LS_COMPLETE
27.048 Game [Info]: StartClientReplication(0)
27.048 Game [Info]: ClientImpl::PlayersChanged. Player=, change=REGISTERED
27.048 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/Interface/HUD/MiniMap is missing a MMMT_CUSTOM_ROTATOR mini-map icon
27.048 Game [Info]: CreatePlayerForClient. id=0, user name=Player
27.048 Net [Info]: ReplicationMgr::ClientSubscribe(0)
27.048 Net [Info]: Has 1 client(s)
27.048 Sys [Info]: Trying to spawn at player-spawn /Layer0/Layer2/PlayerSpawn0
27.048 Sys [Info]: Trying to spawn avatar /Lotus/Types/Player/TennoShipAvatar
27.072 Game [Info]: Player - new avatar: TennoShipAvatar0
27.072 Sys [Info]: TennoShipAvatar0 with ID 0 [1857383879072] has new player: Player
27.072 Sys [Info]: Give inventory - no migration data
27.072 Sys [Info]: GiveInventory() 0ms
27.073 Sys [Error]: /Layer0/Layer9/ScriptTrigger0 Broken resources detected for ScriptTrigger with scripts /Lotus/Scripts/Effects/LisetEffects.lua:FlickerDecorations
27.073 Sys [Error]: Check the Instance() argument paths for your script!
27.073 Sys [Error]: The default slot (SLOT_2) had no weapon or ammo, falling back to another weapon.
27.073 Sys [Info]: Initialized 1 NavZones in 0.0031ms
27.074 Game [Info]: Prev game rules was FrontEnd 1
27.075 Sys [Info]: Creating loader for /Temp/LocalPlayer loadout...
27.075 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Scripts/Restoratives/GlyphDeploy.lua during batch loading!
27.085 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Scripts/Restoratives/HealAvatar.lua during batch loading!
27.092 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Scripts/Restoratives/Scanner.lua during batch loading!
27.099 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/Cyst/InfestationCyst.lua during batch loading!
27.105 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/Rhino/RhinoPassive.lua during batch loading!
27.113 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/RhinoChargeAbility.lua during batch loading!
27.120 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/IronSkin.lua during batch loading!
27.126 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/RhinoDamageRoar.lua during batch loading!
27.132 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/RhinoStompAbility.lua during batch loading!
27.146 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Scripts/Effects/HarrierEffects.lua during batch loading!
27.167 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/Archwing/ArchwingAbilities/FireShield.lua during batch loading!
27.173 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/Archwing/ArchwingAbilities/FlareCounterMeasure.lua during batch loading!
27.179 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/Archwing/ArchwingAbilities/MissileVolley.lua during batch loading!
27.185 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/Archwing/ArchwingAbilities/EMPPush.lua during batch loading!
27.193 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Scripts/WeaponAttachments/ArchMeleeWeapon.lua during batch loading!
27.201 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/Excalibur/ExcaliburPassive.lua during batch loading!
27.217 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/SlashDashNew.lua during batch loading!
27.223 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/RadialBlindAbility.lua during batch loading!
27.229 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/RadialJavelinAbility.lua during batch loading!
27.235 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/SwordOfDoom.lua during batch loading!
27.248 Sys [Info]: Found 10,111 items to load (1ms) [Heap: 1,001,035,232/1,109,655,552 Footprint: 1,883,254,784 Handles: 849]
27.250 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/PostCameraUpdateHud.swf
27.250 Game [Warning]: Old player not found!
27.250 Sys [Info]: Player acquired; enabling input on client.
27.250 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 1,001,492,416/1,109,655,552 Footprint: 1,883,254,784 Handles: 849]
27.250 Sys [Info]: SetHighLevelGraph numPoints 6 numLinks 3 numNodes 4
27.250 Sys [Info]: CompleteHighLevelGrapInit took 0.02ms
27.250 Sys [Info]: Entire process took 2 frames
27.250 Sys [Info]: Creating road network graph
27.250 Sys [Info]: CreateRoadNetworkGraph - total time: 0.0742ms
27.252 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 0
27.252 Sys [Info]: Reached replication fence; started prefetching...
27.252 AI [Info]: TacticalAreaMap::AddZone /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion/0.tmf adding 55 areas for total: 55
27.252 Sys [Info]: Nav init complete, finalize took 1 frame(s)
27.252 Game [Info]: ====== Completed Initializing Nav and Tac
27.286 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.41s and 9 frames at 46 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
27.288 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 2 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 125 item(s)
27.288 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Types/Game/VendorManifests/Events/RadioLegionVendorScreenLauncher) in one pass and 1.7s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 655 of 1097)
27.326 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
27.387 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.06s and 2 frames at 30 ms/frame avg, 6 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
28.155 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.77s and 23 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak], 163 item(s)
28.523 Sys [Info]: Fullscreen WM_SIZE(1920, 1080, 0)
28.691 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.54s and 16 frames at 34 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
30.264 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [1.57s and 47 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 33 ms/update peak], 2608 item(s)
30.275 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.01s and 0 frames at 11 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1773 item(s)
30.275 Sys [Info]: Loaded 2162/2345 resources at 34 ms/frame
30.700 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.42s and 13 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 21 ms/update peak], 175 item(s)
30.700 Sys [Error]: Can't create header stream for /Lotus/Interface/ClanEmblems/f/5cc048e557904a2f3e21bfaf_em.png (not in Dx9 cache)
30.700 Sys [Error]: Can't create header stream for /Lotus/Interface/ClanEmblems/8/5e2305caed2bb43b076e2218_em.png (not in Dx9 cache)
30.700 Sys [Error]: Could not preprocess: /Lotus/Interface/ClanEmblems/8/5e2305caed2bb43b076e2218_em.png (not in cache manifest)
31.201 Sys [Info]: Used shared /Lotus/Interface/ClanEmblems/f/5cc048e557904a2f3e21bfaf_em.png (9,406B Copy: 19.8ms Write: 25us Latency: 501ms)
31.335 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Emblem batch [0.64s and 19 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
31.469 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.13s and 4 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak], 6 item(s)
31.469 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Temp/LocalPlayer) in one pass and 4.2s (I/O ~= 59%, inherited 5280 of 10111)
31.501 Script [Info]: Background.lua: LoadOut resource loader is done; showing avatar
31.503 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /EE/Types/Game/WeaponSemiAutomaticStateBehavior
31.506 Game [Info]: UpgradeManager::Clear()
31.506 Sys [Info]: BuildLoadOut for Player
31.508 Sys [Info]: Calculating (item based) player XP
31.508 Sys [Info]: Player has 0 (item based) XP
31.509 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Types/StoreItems/AvatarImages/FanChannel/AvatarImageAdmiralBahroo
31.509 Gfx [Warning]: ResetDriver called on: Dx11PCDriver
31.509 Sys [Info]: Attempting to match mode 1920 x 1080.
31.510 Gfx [Info]: Calling DXGISwapChain::ResizeTarget(w=1920, h=1080, refresh=60000/1000, scanline=progressive, scaling=unspecified)
31.511 Gfx [Error]: Dangling reference to SwapChain ID3D11Texture2D detected!
31.552 Sys [Info]: Dx11PCSwapChain::Resize(1) calling DXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers(1920, 1080, flags=2)
31.553 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/Frame 1920x1080
31.553 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/FrameDepth 1920x1080
31.553 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget0 1920x1080
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget1 1920x1080
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget2 1920x1080
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BlursTexture 960x540
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/SceneScaledTexture 960x540
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BrightPassTexture 960x540
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/DownsampledTarget 960x540
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/DownsampledDepth 960x540
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture0 480x270
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture1 240x135
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture2 120x67
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture3 60x33
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture4 30x16
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget3 1920x1080
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget4 1920x1080
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample0 240x135
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample1 60x33
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample2 15x8
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/HZB 960x540
31.554 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BNWWeightsTarget 960x540
31.554 Gfx [Info]: Calling DXGISwapChain::SetFullscreenState(fullscreen=1)
31.572 Sys [Info]: Dx11PCSwapChain::Resize(1) calling DXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers(1920, 1080, flags=2)
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/Frame 1920x1080
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/FrameDepth 1920x1080
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget0 1920x1080
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget1 1920x1080
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget2 1920x1080
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BlursTexture 960x540
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/SceneScaledTexture 960x540
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BrightPassTexture 960x540
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/DownsampledTarget 960x540
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/DownsampledDepth 960x540
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture0 480x270
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture1 240x135
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture2 120x67
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture3 60x33
31.574 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture4 30x16
31.575 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget3 1920x1080
31.575 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget4 1920x1080
31.575 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample0 240x135
31.575 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample1 60x33
31.575 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample2 15x8
31.575 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/HZB 960x540
31.575 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BNWWeightsTarget 960x540
31.575 Gfx [Info]: Calling DXGISwapChain::ResizeTarget(w=1920, h=1080, refresh=60000/1000, scanline=progressive, scaling=unspecified)
31.586 Sys [Info]: Dx11PCSwapChain::Resize(1) calling DXGISwapChain::ResizeBuffers(1920, 1080, flags=2)
31.588 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/Frame 1920x1080
31.588 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/FrameDepth 1920x1080
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget0 1920x1080
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget1 1920x1080
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget2 1920x1080
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BlursTexture 960x540
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/SceneScaledTexture 960x540
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BrightPassTexture 960x540
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/DownsampledTarget 960x540
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/DownsampledDepth 960x540
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture0 480x270
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture1 240x135
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture2 120x67
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture3 60x33
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture4 30x16
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget3 1920x1080
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget4 1920x1080
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample0 240x135
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample1 60x33
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/LuminanceDownsample2 15x8
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/HZB 960x540
31.589 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BNWWeightsTarget 960x540
31.589 Sys [Info]: Applied custom display settings:
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Resolution=1920x1080
31.589 Sys [Info]:  AspectRatio=AutoDetect
31.589 Sys [Info]:  VSync=VSM_NEVER_SYNC
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Dynamic Decals=1
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Texture Quality=TQ_MEDIUM
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Shadow Quality=SQ_MEDIUM
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Geometry Detail=GD_MEDIUM
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Enable HDR=1
31.589 Sys [Info]:  AntiAliasing=AA_FXAA
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Enable Bloom=0
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Enable DOF=1
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Enable MotionBlur=1
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Enable Distortions=1
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Enable Sharpen Temporal VFX=1
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Enable Color Correction=1
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Hybrid Shadows=1
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Dynamic Lighting=1
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Local Reflections=0
31.589 Sys [Info]:  Tessellation=0
31.589 Gfx [Info]: Using a minimum sync-interval of 30.0Hz
31.590 Sys [Info]: Post mode change, IsFullscreen(1)
31.590 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 1
31.590 Input [Error]: InputMgrWin::Initialize called without shutdown: dispatching Shutdown
31.590 Input [Error]: InputMgrWin::Shutdown
31.592 Input [Info]: Found Клавиатура(Keyboard (Enhanced)), emulated
31.592 Input [Info]: Found Мышь(Mouse), 8-buttons, emulated
31.597 Input [Info]: Enumerated STEAM controller: 0
31.599 Sys [Info]: Driver registered: InputMgrWin Supported types: []
31.599 Input [Info]: InputMgrImpl Initialized
31.599 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 0
32.135 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 1
32.141 Sys [Info]: TexturePrioritizerImpl::Reinitialize 6.8 ms
32.142 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 0
32.143 Sys [Info]: Texture streaming DISABLED -> PREFETCHING [Heap: 820,213,440/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,176,696,320 Handles: 898]
35.218 Sys [Info]: Texture streaming PREFETCHING -> NORMAL [Heap: 820,392,992/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,432,249,856 Handles: 911]
35.250 Sys [Info]: ConnectedState::Enter setting connection timeout to 7.5
35.250 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
35.250 Sys [Info]: UpdateLobbyState(1)
35.250 Sys [Info]: ChangeLobbyStatus(1)
35.250 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 820,394,128/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,432,643,072 Handles: 911]
35.250 Sys [Info]: ===[ Game successfully connected to: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DAA.lp ]===
35.251 AI [Info]: NpcManager::SetEnabled() ReadyToCreateAgents = 1
35.251 Game [Info]: FinalizeHostMigration, have data for 0 agent(s)
35.251 AI [Info]: FinalizeHostMigration - num killed agents: 0
35.251 AI [Info]:  FinalizeHostMigration MaxPop now 18446744073709551615 NumKilledPreMigrate 0 numKilled 0 numSpawned 0 allyFaction 
35.251 AI [Info]: ENCMGR: FinalizeHostMigration - no encounter info for migration!
35.251 AI [Info]: AIDIR: FinalizeHostMigration - complete
35.251 Sys [Info]: Server::OnData(CMSG_PREFETCH_COMPLETE) setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5
35.251 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
35.253 Script [Info]: Progress.lua: Starting Vignette close animation...
35.254 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: MainMenu::SetCurrentState(0)
35.254 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: SetCurrentState checking states: nil currentState: 0
35.254 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: UpdateButtons(true)
35.254 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background::ForceClearChildMovie()
47.923 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: StartLogin()
47.923 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: DispatchLogin()
47.923 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: UpdateButtons(false)
47.927 Sys [Info]: Logging in as ccgbxfr@mail.ru
48.974 Sys [Warning]: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
48.974 Sys [Warning]: Content-Type: text/html
48.974 Sys [Warning]: Content-Length: 0
48.974 Sys [Warning]: Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:36:06 GMT
48.974 Sys [Warning]: Connection: keep-alive
48.974 Sys [Warning]: Server: AkamaiGHost
48.975 Sys [Error]: Login failed: 
48.975 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: MainMenu::LoginDone result=false
48.975 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Configs/EE.cfg/LotusDedicatedServerAccountSettings
48.975 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: Login failed.
48.975 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: ResetLogin
48.975 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: UpdateButtons(true)
48.977 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
48.977 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOk(description=/Lotus/Language/Launcher/LoginFailed, leftItem=/Menu/Confirm_Item_Ok)
49.877 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: SendResult_MENU_SELECT()
49.877 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::SendResult(4)
50.001 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: Login failed, confirmed
65.212 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: StartLogin()
65.212 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: DispatchLogin()
65.212 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: UpdateButtons(false)
65.214 Sys [Info]: Logging in as ccgbxfr@mail.ru
65.522 Sys [Info]: Logged in Omgknackered (5e4add9e483ff357b759fe21)
65.522 Sys [Info]: Using profile dir C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\7F37DD83B98FB5411DFA90E06744C096
65.524 Sys [Info]: Profile hash on read: 4C795FDD5C5F7245C5C97F46ECA398C5
65.524 Sys [Info]: Serializing profile...
65.545 Sys [Info]: InitializeChallengeManager
65.545 Sys [Info]: DebugChallenges context ok
65.545 Sys [Info]: DebugChallenges CreateChallengeManager
65.546 Sys [Info]: SyncInventoryFromDB
65.546 Net [Info]: Binding server address:
65.546 Net [Info]: Binding server address:
65.546 Net [Info]: Binding server address:
65.546 Net [Info]: Binding server address:
65.546 Net [Info]: Binding server address:
65.629 Net [Info]: Name lookup: arbiter.warframe.com
65.629 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun updating WebGet (95.3 ms)
65.630 Sys [Info]: Calculating (item based) player XP
65.630 Sys [Info]: Player has 0 (item based) XP
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
65.630 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
65.890 Net [Info]: Server test reply from (259ms), public address
65.907 Net [Info]: Client test reply from (277ms), public address
65.950 Net [Info]: Client test reply from (320ms), public address
65.965 Net [Info]: Server test reply from (335ms), public address
66.133 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
66.133 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
66.133 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
66.133 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
66.134 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
66.134 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
66.635 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
66.635 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
66.635 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
66.635 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
66.635 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
66.635 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
66.734 Sys [Info]: OnInventoryResults
66.736 Sys [Info]: mReceivedStartingGear=1
66.737 Sys [Error]: Bad data from inventory.php:
66.737 Sys [Error]: Incorrect bracing for CurrentLoadOutIds[8] (expected bracing, not just a raw value)
66.737 Sys [Error]: Unknown property: RepVotes
66.737 Sys [Error]: Unknown property: Version
66.737 Sys [Info]: Calculating (item based) player XP
66.737 Sys [Info]: Player has 28500 (item based) XP
66.738 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot HEAVY_GUN_SLOT
66.740 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot LONG_GUN_SLOT
66.741 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Scripts/Mods/ModDescriptionStats.lua
66.762 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot SUIT_SLOT
66.762 Sys [Warning]: No items in inventory list for slot 0, this slot will be empty in loadout!
66.763 Sys [Info]: Creating loader for /Temp/LocalPlayer loadout...
66.765 Sys [Info]: Found 10,142 items to load (1ms) [Heap: 811,308,112/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,391,441,408 Handles: 926]
66.766 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: Style changed callback called
66.766 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: _G.CurrStyle invalid, updating theme
66.766 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: overlayMgr valid
66.766 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: style valid, _G.CurrStyle assigned
66.766 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: Style changed callback called
66.766 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: _G.CurrStyle invalid, updating theme
66.766 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: overlayMgr valid
66.766 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: style valid, _G.CurrStyle assigned
66.767 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: Style changed callback called
66.767 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: _G.CurrStyle invalid, updating theme
66.767 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: overlayMgr valid
66.767 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: style valid, _G.CurrStyle assigned
66.767 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun updating WebGet (21.5 ms)
66.775 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
66.845 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.07s and 22 frames at 3 ms/frame avg, 6 ms/update peak], 5 item(s)
66.845 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
66.880 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.04s and 10 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak], 690 item(s)
66.881 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 1 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1800 item(s)
66.916 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.04s and 10 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 6 item(s)
66.916 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Temp/LocalPlayer) in one pass and 0.2s (I/O ~= 74%, inherited 7539 of 10142)
67.041 Sys [Error]: Bad data from getFriends.php:
67.041 Sys [Error]: Unknown property: ActiveAvatarImageType
67.138 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
67.138 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
67.138 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
67.138 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
67.138 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
67.138 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
67.640 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
67.640 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
67.640 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
67.640 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
67.640 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
67.640 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
68.080 Sys [Info]: Found 323 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 816,250,480/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,401,222,656 Handles: 922]
68.090 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.01s and 4 frames at 2 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 4 item(s)
68.098 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.01s and 2 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 54 item(s)
68.099 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 1 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 119 item(s)
68.140 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.04s and 12 frames at 3 ms/frame avg, 2 ms/update peak], 17 item(s)
68.140 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Temp/WorldState) in one pass and 0.1s (I/O ~= 55%, inherited 129 of 323)
68.144 Sys [Info]: Found 21 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 816,549,584/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,390,700,032 Handles: 922]
68.144 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
68.144 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
68.144 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
68.144 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
68.144 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
68.144 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
68.183 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.04s and 11 frames at 3 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 7 item(s)
68.184 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 11 item(s)
68.184 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (12 root types) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 28%, inherited 0 of 21)
68.479 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot HEAVY_GUN_SLOT
68.480 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot LONG_GUN_SLOT
68.481 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot SUIT_SLOT
68.481 Sys [Warning]: No items in inventory list for slot 0, this slot will be empty in loadout!
68.482 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading resources for /Temp/LocalPlayer loadout...
68.484 Sys [Info]: Found 10,143 items to load (1ms) [Heap: 816,099,712/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,390,884,352 Handles: 923]
68.490 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
68.491 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
68.492 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 1 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1800 item(s)
68.492 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Emblem batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
68.492 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Temp/LocalPlayer) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 7554 of 10143)
68.508 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 22.6ms
68.508 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun updating WebGet (19.9 ms)
68.646 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
68.646 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
68.646 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
68.646 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
68.646 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
68.646 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
69.062 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot HEAVY_GUN_SLOT
69.064 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot LONG_GUN_SLOT
69.065 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot SUIT_SLOT
69.065 Sys [Warning]: No items in inventory list for slot 0, this slot will be empty in loadout!
69.148 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
69.148 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
69.148 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
69.148 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
69.148 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
69.148 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
69.617 Sys [Info]: SyncShipDecos
69.650 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
69.650 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
69.650 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
69.650 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
69.650 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
69.650 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
69.880 Sys [Info]: LotusProfileData::CompleteLoginTasks
69.880 Sys [Info]: Game specific login tasks result: 1 - 
69.883 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: MainMenu::LoginDone result=true
69.884 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: MainMenu::SetCurrentState(2)
69.884 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: SetCurrentState checking states: 0 currentState: 2
69.884 Sys [Info]: LotusProfileData::UpdateStoreCatalog: catalogue already processed
69.885 Game [Info]: SetReturnToLobbyLevelArgs, reset to default
69.887 Sys [Info]: Player name changed to Omgknackered Clan: Unnecessary AccountId: 5e4add9e483ff357b759fe21
69.887 Game [Info]: Mission progress XP: 8975
70.164 Sys [Error]: Couldn't obtain the Razer Chroma module version.
70.165 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Objects/Tenno/Ships/LisetUniversalDoor/LisetUniversalDoor
70.167 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/PBRFill/AA800E0201_p.hlsl
70.537 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/PBR/2807001_p.hlsl
70.601 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /EE/Shaders/Deferred/PBRFillDeferred/1540070201_p.hlsl
70.969 Script [Info]: PlayerShip.lua: Creating pet loader for 11 types.
70.970 Sys [Info]: Found 6,572 items to load (1ms) [Heap: 819,835,200/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,396,794,880 Handles: 924]
70.971 Sys [Error]: Could not use /Lotus/Objects/GrnExplodingBarrel as a Item (it's a Decoration)
70.971 Sys [Error]: Could not use /Lotus/Objects/ExplodingBarrel as a Item (it's a Decoration)
70.971 Sys [Error]: Could not use /Lotus/Objects/ExplodingBarrelFrozen as a Item (it's a Decoration)
70.971 Sys [Error]: Could not use /Lotus/Objects/OrokinExplodingBarrel as a Item (it's a Decoration)
70.971 Sys [Error]: Could not find item: /Lotus/Language/Bosses/BossSeargentNefAnyo
70.972 Sys [Error]: Could not find entity: /Stalker
70.972 Sys [Warning]: LotusOnlinePlayerStats stats parse warnings:
Unknown property: Tutorial
70.975 Sys [Info]: Parsed player stats from server (4 ms)
70.975 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: Main menu.lua - received stats
70.975 Sys [Info]: LotusProfileData::SyncChallengeStats()
70.975 Sys [Info]: UploadChallengeProgress nothing changed, skipping upload
70.975 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun updating WebGet (3.10 ms)
70.977 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
70.977 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
70.977 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
70.977 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
70.977 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
70.977 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
70.983 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
70.983 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: MainMenu::SetCurrentState(1)
70.983 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: SetCurrentState checking states: 2 currentState: 1
70.985 Game [Info]: Mission progress XP: 8975
70.985 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background::OnLoginDone()
70.985 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Login: No Daily
70.985 Script [Info]: Background.lua: LoadOut resource loader is done; showing avatar
70.987 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot HEAVY_GUN_SLOT
70.989 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot LONG_GUN_SLOT
70.990 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot SUIT_SLOT
70.990 Sys [Warning]: No items in inventory list for slot 0, this slot will be empty in loadout!
70.991 Game [Info]: UpgradeManager::Clear()
70.991 Sys [Info]: BuildLoadOut for Omgknackered
70.993 Sys [Info]: Player is 0.0347167% towards all available items at max rank
70.994 Game [Info]: RequestResource: /Lotus/Types/Keys/SolarisQuest/SolarisQuestKeyChain [persistent: 1]
70.994 Sys [Info]: Found 58 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 819,345,824/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,399,350,784 Handles: 925]
70.994 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background: world state refreshed from db
71.010 Sys [Error]: Could not find object: /Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerM16Homage/GrineerM16RiflePrime
71.011 Script [Info]: Background.lua: EliteAlert: generated boosts for Omgknackered: suitType=/Lotus/Powersuits/Trapper/Trapper wepType=/Lotus/Weapons/Grineer/LongGuns/GrineerM16Homage/GrineerM16Rifle
71.011 Script [Info]: Background.lua: EliteAlertMission at SolNode149 (Церера - Casta)
71.011 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background::ForceClearChildMovie()
71.159 Script [Info]: ChatRedux.lua: UISTYLE: using legacy colors
71.167 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ChatRedux.swf
71.168 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Notifications.swf
71.168 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background::ForceClearChildMovie()
71.169 Sys [Info]: Found 132 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 840,509,328/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,394,583,040 Handles: 925]
71.169 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading flash movie: /Lotus/Interface/AcceptInvitePanel.swf
71.287 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.12s and 7 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 5 item(s)
71.287 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
71.355 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
71.355 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/AcceptInvitePanel.swf) in one pass and 0.2s (I/O ~= 37%, inherited 123 of 132)
71.372 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 203ms
71.373 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/AcceptInvitePanel.swf
71.374 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/GenericNotification.swf
71.376 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: SquadOverlay -- Initialize
71.377 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: Create(SquadInfo)::Initialize()
71.379 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: Current UI mode: 1
71.380 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: OnLoginComplete - squad overlay
71.380 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: UISTYLE: SquadOverlay::InitializeColors()
71.380 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ThemedSquadOverlay.swf
71.380 Script [Info]: Background.lua: CheckForAvailableRankUp()
71.380 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Goal check is now false
71.383 Net [Info]: AddSquadMember: Omgknackered, mm=A1B52261B7C00CA848A601DE, squadCount=1
71.384 Script [Info]: Hub.lua: Initializing UI triggers
71.384 Script [Info]: Hub.lua: Inventory sync done
71.384 Script [Info]: Background.lua: initializing region challenges
71.385 Script [Info]: Background.lua: regions: 21
71.385 Sys [Info]: UploadChallengeProgress nothing changed, skipping upload
71.387 Game [Info]: RequestResource: /Lotus/Interface/Graphics/Store/Banners/TennoCon2020MarketFeatureBanner.png [persistent: 1]
71.388 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/StoreLite.swf
71.389 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/CodexLite.swf
71.389 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/DiegeticNews.swf
71.389 Script [Info]: DiegeticNews.lua: DiegeticNews:SetLiteMode(true)
71.390 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/SyndicatesLite.swf
71.390 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ConclaveLite.swf
71.390 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/RadialSolarMapLite.swf
71.392 Game [Info]: RequestResource: /Lotus/Interface/Graphics/Store/Banners/TennoCon2020MarketFeatureBanner.png [persistent: 1]
71.393 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/StoreLite.swf
71.394 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/CodexLite.swf
71.394 Script [Info]: DiegeticNews.lua: DiegeticNews:SetLiteMode(true)
71.394 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/SyndicatesLite.swf
71.395 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ConclaveLite.swf
71.397 Sys [Warning]: Invalid item ID for loadout item at slot HEAVY_GUN_SLOT
71.397 Sys [Info]: Creating loader for /Temp/FavouriteLoadOut loadout...
71.398 Sys [Info]: Found 7,746 items to load (1ms) [Heap: 850,206,992/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,398,924,800 Handles: 929]
71.400 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.42s and 1 frames at 417 ms/frame avg, 4 ms/update peak], 4 item(s)
71.400 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 48 item(s)
71.478 Net [Error]: Could not contact
71.478 Net [Error]: Could not contact
71.478 Net [Error]: Could not contact
71.478 Net [Error]: Could not contact
71.478 Net [Error]: Could not contact
71.478 Net [Error]: Could not contact
71.478 Net [Warning]: Blacklisting
71.478 Net [Warning]: Blacklisting
71.478 Net [Warning]: Blacklisting
71.478 Net [Info]: Network analysis complete. 4 of 10 tests passed.
71.478 Net [Info]: NRS Server 0 selected as home binding server []
71.478 Net [Warning]: Strict NAT detected!
71.478 Net [Info]: Network analysis: Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что в брандмауэре открыты UDP порты 4970 & 4975.
71.650 Net [Info]: Name lookup: arbiter.warframe.com
71.654 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.25s and 6 frames at 42 ms/frame avg, 9 ms/update peak], 476 item(s)
71.659 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 1 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1057 item(s)
71.660 Net [Info]: Address changed (->localhost:4970)
71.660 Net [Info]: Address changed (->localhost:4975)
71.687 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.03s and 10 frames at 3 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 7 item(s)
71.687 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (11 root types) in one pass and 0.7s (I/O ~= 12%, inherited 4976 of 6572)
71.720 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.03s and 14 frames at 2 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
71.721 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 1 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 12 item(s)
71.732 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.01s and 6 frames at 2 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
71.732 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Types/Keys/SolarisQuest/SolarisQuestKeyChain) in one pass and 0.7s (I/O ~= 15%, inherited 31 of 58)
71.733 Sys [Info]: Found 1 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 852,778,112/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,409,484,288 Handles: 930]
71.733 Script [Info]: Background.lua: ActiveQuestLoaded=true
71.740 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
71.740 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
71.741 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 1 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1361 item(s)
71.741 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Temp/FavouriteLoadOut) in one pass and 0.3s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 5823 of 7746)
71.745 Sys [Info]: Player is 0.0347167% towards all available items at max rank
71.757 Script [Info]: PlayerShip.lua: Pet resource loader is done; spawning pets...
71.757 Sys [Info]: SentinelAvatar: registering SentinelHubAvatar2
71.772 Sys [Info]: SentinelAvatar: registering MoaPetHubAvatar3
71.773 Sys [Info]: SentinelAvatar: registering KubrowShipAvatar4
71.773 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 4 setting owner player to Omgknackered
71.773 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 4 setting owner Avatar to TennoShipAvatar0
71.773 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 4 got creator change. OldCreator: NULL, NewCreator: TennoShipAvatar0
71.773 Sys [Info]: Out with the old, in with the new
71.773 Sys [Info]: Did not have previous creator Avatar
71.773 Sys [Info]: Waiting for player replication
71.773 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 4 setting owner player to Omgknackered
71.773 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 4 setting owner Avatar to TennoShipAvatar0
71.773 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 3 setting owner player to Omgknackered
71.773 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 3 setting owner Avatar to TennoShipAvatar0
71.773 Sys [Info]: Found Sentinel with ID 4 also owned by Tenno Avatar TennoShipAvatar0
71.774 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 3 got creator change. OldCreator: NULL, NewCreator: TennoShipAvatar0
71.774 Sys [Info]: Out with the old, in with the new
71.774 Sys [Info]: Did not have previous creator Avatar
71.774 Sys [Info]: Waiting for player replication
71.781 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.03s and 8 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
71.781 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (2 root types) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 21%, inherited 0 of 1)
71.782 Game [Warning]: /Lotus/Interface/Graphics/Store/Banners/TennoCon2020MarketFeatureBanner.png can't execute OnLoaded callback, invalid owner
71.784 Sys [Info]: Found 1,344 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 855,724,336/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,408,325,120 Handles: 928]
71.799 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 6 item(s)
71.802 Game [Info]: OperatorHubAvatar5 - changing anim controller to OperatorAnimController
71.892 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Login: Setup 1 Done
71.892 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Login: Setup 2 Done
71.895 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.10s and 26 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 5 ms/update peak], 202 item(s)
71.895 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 316 item(s)
71.911 Net [Info]: NAT bound for server to
71.928 Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
71.928 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.929 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
71.929 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.929 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
71.929 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.929 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
71.929 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.929 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
71.929 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
71.929 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.032 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.14s and 38 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 5 item(s)
72.032 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Polearms/PolearmWeapon) in one pass and 0.2s (I/O ~= 85%, inherited 815 of 1344)
72.171 Net [Error]: IRC connected: TLSv1.3 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
72.185 Net [Info]: Server test reply from (257ms), public address
72.185 Net [Info]: Server test reply from (257ms), public address (bait untaken)
72.198 Net [Info]: Client test reply from (270ms), public address
72.204 Net [Info]: Client test reply from (276ms), public address (bait untaken)
72.247 Net [Info]: Client test reply from (318ms), public address (bait untaken)
72.247 Net [Info]: Client test reply from (318ms), public address
72.264 Net [Info]: Server test reply from (335ms), public address (bait untaken)
72.264 Net [Info]: Server test reply from (335ms), public address
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.429 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.667 Net [Info]: IRC out: NICK Omgknackered
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
72.931 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.432 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.484 Script [Info]: NemesisShipTransmissions.lua: NemesisGenerator generating profile
73.484 Script [Info]: NemesisShipTransmissions.lua: no manifest type
73.484 Script [Info]: NemesisShipTransmissions.lua: null manifest!
73.932 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.932 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
73.933 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.435 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.688 Net [Info]: IRC out: JOIN #C5cc048e557904a2f3e21bfaf
74.688 Script [Info]: ChatRedux.lua: ChatRedux::AddTab: Adding tab with channel name: C5cc048e557904a2f3e21bfaf to index 1
74.689 Script [Info]: ChatRedux.lua: Chat: Filters for C5cc048e557904a2f3e21bfaf:
74.690 Net [Info]: IRC out: JOIN #A5e2305caed2bb43b076e2218
74.691 Script [Info]: ChatRedux.lua: ChatRedux::AddTab: Adding tab with channel name: A5e2305caed2bb43b076e2218 to index 2
74.692 Script [Info]: ChatRedux.lua: ChatRedux::RemoveTab: Removing tab with name D, pSkipRedraw: nil
74.693 Script [Info]: ChatRedux.lua: ChatRedux::AddTab: Adding tab with channel name: G_RU to index 3
74.694 Script [Info]: ChatRedux.lua: ChatRedux::AddTab: Adding tab with channel name: R_RU to index 4
74.695 Script [Info]: ChatRedux.lua: ChatRedux::AddTab: Adding tab with channel name: T_RU to index 5
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
74.936 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.437 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
75.938 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.439 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
76.943 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.443 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
77.946 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.446 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.948 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.948 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.948 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.948 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.948 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.948 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.949 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.949 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.949 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.949 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
78.949 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
78.949 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.449 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.836 Sys [Info]: Executing command: /EE/Editor/ToolMenus/Commands/CmdShowPauseMenu
79.839 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/EpisodeStatus.swf
79.839 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/TopMenu.swf
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
79.952 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
79.995 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.454 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
80.957 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
80.958 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.457 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.457 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.457 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.461 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.461 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.461 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.461 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.461 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.461 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.461 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.461 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.461 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.647 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
81.647 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOkCancel(description=/Lotus/Language/Menu/NavBar_QuickMatchPleaseWait, leftItem=nil, rightItem=nil)
81.647 Script [Info]: TopMenu.lua: TopMenu: Loading /Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf
81.648 Sys [Info]: Found 584 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 842,714,720/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,430,443,520 Handles: 923]
81.648 Sys [Info]: Started async load of flash movie: /Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf
81.700 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.05s and 13 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 10 item(s)
81.706 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.01s and 2 frames at 3 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 52 item(s)
81.706 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 78 item(s)
81.758 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.05s and 14 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 17 item(s)
81.802 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.04s and 11 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
81.802 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf) in one pass and 0.2s (I/O ~= 64%, inherited 389 of 584)
81.805 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::Initialize()
81.813 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::RemoveUnwantedSettings() Platform=WINDOWS InFrontEnd=false ChatRestriced=false CensoredBuild=falseChinaBuild=falseGAPP Build=false
81.818 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: HDROptionsState: HDROutput false AA 3 dynres 0 hdr true
81.985 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf
81.985 Sys [Info]: Executing valid open callback for /Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf
81.985 Script [Info]: TopMenu.lua: TopMenu: MovieLoaded
81.988 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
81.990 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.493 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.493 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.493 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.493 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.493 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.493 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.493 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.494 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.494 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.494 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.494 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.494 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
82.996 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
83.499 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
83.500 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.001 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.002 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.002 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
84.504 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.005 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.400 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=13, value=4950 & 4955)
85.508 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.508 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
85.509 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
85.767 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=13, value=4990 & 4995)
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.010 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.341 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=13, value=4980 & 4985)
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from client
86.512 Net [Info]: Pinging from server
86.770 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=13, value=4970 & 4975)
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Error]: Could not contact
87.013 Net [Warning]: Blacklisting
87.013 Net [Warning]: Blacklisting
87.013 Net [Warning]: Blacklisting
87.013 Net [Info]: Network analysis complete. 8 of 20 tests passed.
87.013 Net [Warning]: Strict NAT detected!
87.013 Net [Info]: Network analysis: Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что в брандмауэре открыты UDP порты 4970 & 4975.
87.014 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: Network analysis done: firewall
87.018 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
87.018 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOkCancel(description=Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что в брандмауэре открыты UDP порты 4970 & 4975., leftItem=/Lotus/Language/Menu/NetTest_Help, rightItem=/Menu/Continue)
88.193 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: SendResult_MENU_CANCEL()
88.193 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::SendResult(5)
104.408 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
104.408 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=22, checked=false)
104.408 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=4)
113.670 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=34, value=0)
113.670 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=4)
117.170 Net [Info]: NAT bound for server to
117.192 Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to
119.008 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
119.008 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=37, checked=false)
119.009 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=4)
119.839 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
119.839 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=38, checked=false)
119.839 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=4)
126.421 Script [Info]: SaveSpinner.lua: SaveSpinner:Initialize
126.421 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/SaveSpinner.swf
126.421 Script [Info]: SaveSpinner.lua: SaveSpinner:SetMessage(/Menu/CheckPoint)
126.424 Sys [Info]: Applied custom display settings:
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Resolution=1920x1080
126.424 Sys [Info]:  AspectRatio=AutoDetect
126.424 Sys [Info]:  VSync=VSM_NEVER_SYNC
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Dynamic Decals=1
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Texture Quality=TQ_MEDIUM
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Shadow Quality=SQ_MEDIUM
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Geometry Detail=GD_MEDIUM
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Enable HDR=1
126.424 Sys [Info]:  AntiAliasing=AA_DISABLED
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Enable Bloom=0
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Enable DOF=0
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Enable MotionBlur=0
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Enable Distortions=1
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Enable Sharpen Temporal VFX=1
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Enable Color Correction=1
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Hybrid Shadows=1
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Dynamic Lighting=1
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Local Reflections=0
126.424 Sys [Info]:  Tessellation=0
126.427 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package save to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\Editor.cfg
126.428 Sys [Info]: Skipping SavePackage for /Configs/Editor.cfg (no changes detected)
126.428 Sys [Info]: Saved package: /Configs/Editor.cfg
126.431 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package save to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\EE.cfg
126.432 Sys [Info]: Saved package: /Configs/EE.cfg
126.432 Sys [Info]: PlayerProfileCommon::SaveProfile()
126.432 Sys [Info]: UploadChallengeProgress nothing changed, skipping upload
126.434 Sys [Info]: Profile hash on write: 854DDB16BC8F26C088662CD0ADDD42C8
126.436 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::OnProfileSaved
126.436 Script [Info]: SaveSpinner.lua: SaveSpinner:Finished
127.628 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
127.628 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOk(description=/Lotus/Language/Menu/Global_RestartRequired, leftItem=/Menu/Confirm_Item_Ok)
129.105 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: SendResult_MENU_SELECT()
129.105 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::SendResult(4)
129.744 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
133.278 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
141.137 Sys [Info]: UIConsoleTrigger::Open() /Layer0/Layer2/UIConsoleTrigger2
141.139 Script [Info]: DiegeticFoundry.lua: InitializeGrid()
141.186 Sys [Info]: Found 1,344 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 855,155,920/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,550,034,432 Handles: 911]
141.186 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/DiegeticFoundry.swf
141.194 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 6 item(s)
141.194 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 316 item(s)
141.194 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/Melee/Polearms/PolearmWeapon) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 894 of 1344)
141.289 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
162.430 Net [Info]: NAT bound for server to
162.456 Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to
183.347 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
187.562 Sys [Info]: Executing command: /EE/Editor/ToolMenus/Commands/CmdShowPauseMenu
187.565 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/EpisodeStatus.swf
187.565 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/TopMenu.swf
187.716 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
189.248 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
189.248 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOkCancel(description=/Lotus/Language/Menu/NavBar_QuickMatchPleaseWait, leftItem=nil, rightItem=nil)
189.248 Script [Info]: TopMenu.lua: TopMenu: Loading /Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf
189.248 Sys [Info]: Found 584 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 854,440,336/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,570,780,672 Handles: 914]
189.249 Sys [Info]: Started async load of flash movie: /Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf
189.252 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 10 item(s)
189.252 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 78 item(s)
189.252 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 413 of 584)
189.255 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::Initialize()
189.261 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::RemoveUnwantedSettings() Platform=WINDOWS InFrontEnd=false ChatRestriced=false CensoredBuild=falseChinaBuild=falseGAPP Build=false
189.265 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: HDROptionsState: HDROutput false AA 0 dynres 0 hdr true
189.419 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf
189.419 Sys [Info]: Executing valid open callback for /Lotus/Interface/Settings.swf
189.419 Script [Info]: TopMenu.lua: TopMenu: MovieLoaded
189.422 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
197.402 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=1)
197.402 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.402 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=16, checked=true)
197.402 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.402 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=17, checked=false)
197.402 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.402 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=18, checked=false)
197.402 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.402 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=19, checked=false)
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=20, checked=false)
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=23, checked=true)
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=24, checked=false)
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=27, value=0)
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=28, value=0)
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=29, value=0)
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=30, value=0)
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=31, value=0)
197.403 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=32, value=0)
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=33, value=0)
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=34, value=0)
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=37, checked=true)
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=38, checked=true)
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=42, checked=false)
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=43, checked=false)
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=44, checked=false)
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.404 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=45, checked=false)
197.791 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=2)
197.791 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.791 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=16, checked=false)
197.792 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.792 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=18, checked=true)
197.792 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.792 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=19, checked=true)
197.792 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.792 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=20, checked=true)
197.792 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.792 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=21, checked=false)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=23, checked=false)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=24, checked=true)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=27, value=1)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=28, value=1)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=29, value=1)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=30, value=1)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=31, value=1)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=32, value=1)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=33, value=2)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=34, value=3)
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.793 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=37, checked=false)
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=38, checked=false)
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=40, checked=true)
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=42, checked=true)
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=43, checked=true)
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.794 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=44, checked=true)
197.795 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
197.795 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=45, checked=true)
198.098 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=3)
198.098 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.098 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=16, checked=true)
198.098 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.098 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=17, checked=true)
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=18, checked=false)
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=19, checked=false)
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=20, checked=false)
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=23, checked=true)
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=24, checked=false)
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=27, value=2)
198.099 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=28, value=2)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=29, value=3)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=30, value=2)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=31, value=2)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=32, value=2)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=33, value=2)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=34, value=1)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=37, checked=true)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=38, checked=true)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=42, checked=false)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=43, checked=false)
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.100 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=44, checked=false)
198.101 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
198.101 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=45, checked=false)
202.744 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
202.744 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=17, checked=false)
202.744 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=4)
207.709 Net [Info]: NAT bound for server to
207.723 Net [Info]: NAT bound for client to
222.920 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
222.920 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=37, checked=false)
222.920 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=4)
223.747 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::PressCheckbox()
223.747 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetCheckBoxValue(rowId=38, checked=false)
223.747 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::SetToggleValue(rowId=14, value=4)
224.640 Script [Info]: SaveSpinner.lua: SaveSpinner:Initialize
224.640 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/SaveSpinner.swf
224.640 Script [Info]: SaveSpinner.lua: SaveSpinner:SetMessage(/Menu/CheckPoint)
224.650 Sys [Info]: Applied custom display settings:
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Resolution=1920x1080
224.650 Sys [Info]:  AspectRatio=AutoDetect
224.650 Sys [Info]:  VSync=VSM_NEVER_SYNC
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Dynamic Decals=1
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Texture Quality=TQ_HIGH
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Shadow Quality=SQ_HIGH
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Geometry Detail=GD_HIGH
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Enable HDR=0
224.650 Sys [Info]:  AntiAliasing=AA_SMAA
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Enable Bloom=1
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Enable DOF=0
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Enable MotionBlur=0
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Enable Distortions=1
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Enable Sharpen Temporal VFX=1
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Enable Color Correction=0
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Hybrid Shadows=0
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Dynamic Lighting=0
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Local Reflections=1
224.650 Sys [Info]:  Tessellation=0
224.651 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BlursTexture
224.652 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BlursTexture 960x540
224.652 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/SceneScaledTexture
224.652 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/SceneScaledTexture 960x540
224.653 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/Frame
224.654 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/Frame 1920x1080
224.654 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture0
224.654 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture0 480x270
224.654 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture1
224.655 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture1 240x135
224.655 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture2
224.655 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture2 120x67
224.655 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture3
224.655 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture3 60x33
224.655 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/BloomTexture4
224.656 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/BloomTexture4 30x16
224.656 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/AuxTarget3
224.656 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget3 1920x1080
224.656 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/AuxTarget4
224.657 Sys [Info]: CreateRenderTargetView /EE/Materials/AuxTarget4 1920x1080
224.657 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/OmniShadowMapVSDCT
224.657 Gfx [Info]: Creating dynamic cube texture: /Textures/DynamicCubeMap1
224.660 Gfx [Info]: Creating render target: /EE/Materials/ShadowMapHigh
224.660 Sys [Info]: CreateDepthStencilView /EE/Materials/ShadowMapHigh 4096x4096
224.662 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 1
224.669 Sys [Info]: TexturePrioritizerImpl::Reinitialize 7.2 ms
224.670 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 0
224.676 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package save to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\EE.cfg
224.677 Sys [Info]: Saved package: /Configs/EE.cfg
224.677 Sys [Info]: PlayerProfileCommon::SaveProfile()
224.677 Sys [Info]: UploadChallengeProgress nothing changed, skipping upload
224.679 Sys [Info]: Profile hash on write: A3E7A5FE58C43D9327FA6180DE765721
224.682 Script [Info]: Settings.lua: Settings::OnProfileSaved
224.682 Script [Info]: SaveSpinner.lua: SaveSpinner:Finished
224.686 Sys [Info]: Texture streaming NORMAL -> DISABLED [Heap: 871,190,096/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,680,320,000 Handles: 910]
224.694 Sys [Info]: Texture streaming DISABLED -> NORMAL [Heap: 870,714,496/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,681,511,936 Handles: 912]
226.387 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
228.995 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
248.179 Game [Info]: RequestResource: /Lotus/Interface/Graphics/Store/Banners/TitaniaPrimeAccessMarketFeature.png [persistent: 1]
248.180 Sys [Info]: Found 1 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 853,863,088/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,707,419,136 Handles: 909]
248.211 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.03s and 12 frames at 2 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
248.211 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/Graphics/Store/Banners/TitaniaPrimeAccessMarketFeature.png) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 60%, inherited 0 of 1)
248.224 Game [Info]: RequestResource: /Lotus/Interface/Graphics/Store/PrimeVaultTrinityNovaDualPackMarketFeature.png [persistent: 1]
248.224 Sys [Info]: Found 1 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 853,688,928/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,707,681,280 Handles: 909]
248.237 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.01s and 4 frames at 2 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
248.237 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/Graphics/Store/PrimeVaultTrinityNovaDualPackMarketFeature.png) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 4.1%, inherited 0 of 1)
250.130 Sys [Info]: UIConsoleTrigger::Open() /Layer0/Layer2/UIConsoleTrigger1
250.132 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/MapRedux.swf
250.133 Net [Info]: MatchingService::AggregateSessions
250.283 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
250.283 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: Setting mHostBailedCheckPending (2)
250.284 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: Hosting lobby from Update following OnSquadMemberLeft
250.284 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _Host lobby. mForceExitLeavingSquad=false
250.284 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
250.284 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOkCancel(description=/Lotus/Language/Menu/Session_Creating, leftItem=nil, rightItem=nil)
250.284 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: HostSquadSession (HostLobby). Matching service state=0
250.285 Net [Info]: MatchingService::HostSquadSession
250.285 Net [Info]: MatchingService::HostSession
250.285 Net [Info]: MatchingService::mState: None
250.285 Net [Info]: VOIP: Set volume to 1
250.285 Sys [Info]: VoiceMgrWindows initialized (Total: 0.1ms)
250.285 Net [Info]: MatchingServiceWeb::HostSession - settings: {"maxPlayers":4,"minPlayers":1,"privateSlots":0,"scoreLimit":15,"timeLimit":900,"gameModeId":0,"eloRating":16,"regionId":3,"difficulty":0,"hasStarted":false,"enableVoice":true,"matchType":"NORMAL","maps":[],"originalSessionId":"","usingPlayNow":false,"customSettings":"","rewardSeed":-1,"guildId":"","buildId":3698005425,"freePublic":3,"freePrivate":0,"StrictNAT":""}
250.285 Sys [Info]: RegisterLocalPlayer (A1B52261B7C00CA848A601DE:0)
250.285 Sys [Info]: UpdateChannels 0x00000002 for (local A1B52261B7C00CA848A601DE)
250.289 Sys [Info]: Changing VOIP sound output device to {}.{06a67e6e-6740-42f5-aeb6-4442b156ed7c}
250.330 Sys [Info]: Changing voice input device to {}.{86fac780-4589-41c1-837e-7350b07af294}
250.391 Sys [Warning]: http://content.warframe.com/3B43D4AC/dynamic/aggregateSessions.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: content.warframe.com), retrying
250.396 Sys [Warning]: http://content.warframe.com/3B43D4AC/dynamic/aggregateSessions.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: content.warframe.com), retrying
250.401 Sys [Warning]: http://content.warframe.com/3B43D4AC/dynamic/aggregateSessions.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: content.warframe.com), retrying
250.406 Sys [Error]: http://content.warframe.com/3B43D4AC/dynamic/aggregateSessions.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: content.warframe.com)
250.409 Net [Error]: Aggregate sessions failed: Error: Could not resolve host: content.warframe.com

250.409 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: OnAggregateComplete
250.664 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/hostSession.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
250.669 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/hostSession.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
250.674 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/hostSession.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
250.679 Sys [Error]: https://ToS violation/api/hostSession.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation)
250.681 Sys [Warning]: HTTP request failed.
250.681 Sys [Warning]: 
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.681 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 125ms
250.681 Sys [Warning]: 
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.681 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.681 Sys [Warning]: 
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.681 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.681 Sys [Warning]: 
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.681 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.681 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.681 Net [Error]: Create session failed: Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation

250.681 Sys [Info]: VoiceMgrWindows::Shutdown()
250.681 Sys [Info]: VOIP: Unregistering A1B52261B7C00CA848A601DE
250.688 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: Lobby creation failed.  Bailing out
250.689 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
250.689 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOk(description=Не удалось создать сессию. Попробуйте снова., leftItem=/Menu/Confirm_Item_Ok)
250.690 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
250.690 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOk(description=/Lotus/Language/Menu/BackgroundError_FailedToConnect, leftItem=/Menu/Confirm_Item_Ok)
250.697 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _PlayersChanged. 1 member(s) left
250.697 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: Setting mHostBailedCheckPending (2)
250.728 Script [Info]: MapRedux.lua: Hosting lobby from MapRedux.lua (InitializeMore)
250.728 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: _Host lobby. mForceExitLeavingSquad=false
250.729 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
250.729 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOkCancel(description=/Lotus/Language/Menu/Session_Creating, leftItem=nil, rightItem=nil)
250.729 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: HostSquadSession (HostLobby). Matching service state=0
250.729 Net [Info]: MatchingService::HostSquadSession
250.729 Net [Info]: MatchingService::HostSession
250.729 Net [Info]: MatchingService::mState: None
250.729 Net [Info]: VOIP: Set volume to 1
250.729 Sys [Info]: VoiceMgrWindows initialized (Total: 0.1ms)
250.729 Net [Info]: MatchingServiceWeb::HostSession - settings: {"maxPlayers":4,"minPlayers":1,"privateSlots":0,"scoreLimit":15,"timeLimit":900,"gameModeId":0,"eloRating":16,"regionId":3,"difficulty":0,"hasStarted":false,"enableVoice":true,"matchType":"NORMAL","maps":[],"originalSessionId":"","usingPlayNow":false,"customSettings":"","rewardSeed":-1,"guildId":"","buildId":3698005425,"freePublic":3,"freePrivate":0,"StrictNAT":""}
250.729 Sys [Info]: RegisterLocalPlayer (A1B52261B7C00CA848A601DE:0)
250.729 Sys [Info]: UpdateChannels 0x00000002 for (local A1B52261B7C00CA848A601DE)
250.732 Sys [Info]: Changing VOIP sound output device to {}.{06a67e6e-6740-42f5-aeb6-4442b156ed7c}
250.732 Game [Info]: RequestResource: /Lotus/Types/Keys/SolarisQuest/SolarisQuestKeyChain [persistent: 1]
250.732 Sys [Info]: Found 58 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 855,203,952/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,714,443,776 Handles: 929]
250.734 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/hostSession.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
250.737 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/WorldStateWindow.swf
250.738 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/EpisodeStatus.swf
250.739 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/hostSession.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
250.739 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ResourceDrone.swf
250.744 Sys [Info]: Changing voice input device to {}.{86fac780-4589-41c1-837e-7350b07af294}
250.744 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/hostSession.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
250.744 Sys [Info]: Found 791 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 864,592,720/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,714,152,960 Handles: 947]
250.749 Sys [Error]: https://ToS violation/api/hostSession.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation)
250.749 Sys [Warning]: HTTP request failed.
250.749 Sys [Warning]: 
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.749 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.749 Sys [Warning]: 
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.749 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.749 Sys [Warning]: 
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.749 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.749 Sys [Warning]: 
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.749 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.749 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.749 Net [Error]: Create session failed: Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation

250.749 Sys [Info]: VoiceMgrWindows::Shutdown()
250.754 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/drones.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
250.759 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/drones.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
250.762 Sys [Info]: VOIP: Unregistering A1B52261B7C00CA848A601DE
250.764 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/drones.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
250.766 Script [Info]: ThemedSquadOverlay.lua: Lobby creation failed.  Bailing out
250.767 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
250.767 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOk(description=Не удалось создать сессию. Попробуйте снова., leftItem=/Menu/Confirm_Item_Ok)
250.767 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun updating WebGet (16.2 ms)
250.769 Sys [Error]: https://ToS violation/api/drones.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation)
250.771 Sys [Warning]: HTTP request failed.
250.771 Sys [Warning]: 
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.771 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.771 Sys [Warning]: 
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.771 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.771 Sys [Warning]: 
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.771 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.771 Sys [Warning]: 
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:20 GMT
250.771 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
250.771 Sys [Warning]: Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation

250.910 Gfx [Info]: Uploaded pshader permutation (6ms) /EE/Shaders/PBRFill/AC802C0221_p.hlsl _2_INDEX_LIGHT_MAP _AMBIENT_LIGHT _LOW_SHADER_QUALITY
251.033 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/RadialSolarMapLite.swf
251.033 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/RadialSolarMapLite.swf
251.072 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 1 frames at 2 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
251.072 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 12 item(s)
251.072 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Types/Keys/SolarisQuest/SolarisQuestKeyChain) in one pass and 0.3s (I/O ~= 86%, inherited 32 of 58)
251.073 Game [Warning]: /Lotus/Types/Keys/SolarisQuest/SolarisQuestKeyChain can't execute OnLoaded callback, invalid owner
251.287 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.51s and 123 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 3 ms/update peak], 74 item(s)
251.287 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 4 item(s)
251.468 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.18s and 39 frames at 5 ms/frame avg, 7 ms/update peak], 193 item(s)
251.476 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.01s and 0 frames at 8 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 98 item(s)
251.740 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.26s and 74 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 11 ms/update peak], 122 item(s)
251.740 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (52 root types) in one pass and 1.0s (I/O ~= 92%, inherited 300 of 791)
251.763 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: SendResult_MENU_SELECT()
251.763 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::SendResult(4)
252.298 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: SendResult_MENU_SELECT()
252.298 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::SendResult(4)
252.422 Script [Info]: Background.lua: DoLogoff
252.422 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background.lua - _DoLogoff()
252.427 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package save to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\EE.cfg
252.428 Sys [Info]: Skipping SavePackage for /Configs/EE.cfg (no changes detected)
252.428 Sys [Info]: Saved package: /Configs/EE.cfg
252.429 Net [Info]: IRC out: QUIT :Logged out of game
252.431 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: Main menu - LogOut()
252.431 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: ResetLogin
252.431 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: UpdateButtons(true)
252.431 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: Main menu - _LogOut()
252.431 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: MainMenu::SetCurrentState(0)
252.431 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: SetCurrentState checking states: 1 currentState: 0
252.431 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: UpdateButtons(true)
252.431 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background::ForceClearChildMovie()
252.433 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/stats/upload.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
252.434 Sys [Info]: BaseClientFramework::Disconnect(1, )
252.434 Net [Info]: MatchingService::DeleteSession
252.434 Net [Info]: DeleteSessionCallback(1, 
252.434 Net [Info]: Deleted session
252.434 Net [Info]: MatchingServiceWeb::LeavePlatformPartyDone
252.434 Game [Info]: FrameworkCmd::OpenLevel - /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip
252.435 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background::PushChildMovie(Default)
252.438 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/stats/upload.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
252.443 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/stats/upload.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
252.448 Sys [Error]: https://ToS violation/stats/upload.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation)
252.453 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/logout.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
252.454 Sys [Warning]: Stats upload failed:
Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation

252.454 Sys [Info]: Found 73 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 881,862,384/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,741,829,632 Handles: 921]
252.458 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/logout.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
252.463 Sys [Warning]: https://ToS violation/api/logout.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation), retrying
252.468 Sys [Error]: https://ToS violation/api/logout.php failed (Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation)
252.522 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 22 item(s)
252.590 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
252.627 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.04s and 2 frames at 18 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
252.627 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip) in one pass and 0.2s (I/O ~= 0.6%, inherited 49 of 73)
252.643 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 189ms
252.643 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip has only one segment (no objectives will be placed)
252.643 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip generating layout with segments: SE
252.643 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp
252.643 Sys [Info]: Generated layout in 0.0ms
252.643 Sys [Info]: 
252.643 Sys [Info]: S: /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion.level
252.643 Sys [Info]: E: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/LisetExit.level
252.643 Sys [Info]: Cm: /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/ErisRegion.level
252.643 Sys [Info]: 
252.646 Sys [Info]: Found 73 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 881,951,296/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,737,913,856 Handles: 918]
252.646 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
252.646 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip) in one pass and 0.0s (I/O ~= 0.0%, inherited 70 of 73)
252.662 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 16.2ms
252.736 Sys [Info]: Generated 5 deps and 47 exclusions in 73ms (vetting took 73ms)
252.736 Game [Info]: ServerFramework:OpenLevel - /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp
252.743 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: *** Main menu -- shutdown ***
252.744 Sys [Info]: Found 205 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 881,142,544/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,742,169,600 Handles: 918]
252.744 Sys [Info]: Started async load of flash movie: /Lotus/Interface/Progress.swf
252.749 Sys [Info]: Found 41,215 items to load (6ms) [Heap: 882,128,288/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,740,928,512 Handles: 918]
252.749 Sys [Info]: ChangeLobbyStatus(0)
252.749 Sys [Info]: BaseClientFramework: attempting graceful disconnect
252.750 Sys [Info]: ChangeLobbyStatus(0)
252.750 Game [Info]: ClientImpl::Disconnect
252.753 Sys [Info]: ClientImpl::DisconnectDeleteSessionCallback
252.766 Game [Info]: ClientImpl::DisconnectCleanup [host promotion mode=0, seamless=0]
252.766 Net [Info]: Destroying virtual connection for:
252.766 Net [Info]: RTT: -1000, RTT var: 0, lost packets: 0, acked packets: 297
252.768 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 17 instances (0.03ms) and unbuilt 459 types (1.93ms) in 0.03ms
252.768 Net [Info]: MatchingService::ClientDisconnected
252.768 Sys [Info]: BaseClientFramework: disconnected.
252.769 Sys [Info]: BaseClientFramework: disconnection timeout = 5.01s
252.769 Sys [Info]: BaseClientFramework: disconnected gracefully
252.769 Sys [Info]: Shutting down context... [Heap: 876,855,392/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,740,572,160 Handles: 918]
252.770 AI [Info]: NpcManager::ClearAgents() ReadyToCreateAgents = false
252.770 Game [Info]: LotusAttractModeGameRules::MasterDestroy()
252.774 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 3 got creator change. OldCreator: TennoShipAvatar0, NewCreator: NULL
252.774 Sys [Info]: Out with the old, in with the new
252.774 Sys [Info]: Did not have previous creator Avatar
252.774 Sys [Info]: Waiting for player replication
252.774 Sys [Info]: LotusSentinelAvatar with ID 4 got creator change. OldCreator: TennoShipAvatar0, NewCreator: NULL
252.774 Sys [Info]: Out with the old, in with the new
252.774 Sys [Info]: Did not have previous creator Avatar
252.774 Sys [Info]: Waiting for player replication
252.774 Sys [Info]: Destroying Operator Avatar OperatorHubAvatar5
252.774 Game [Info]: ClientImpl::PlayersChanged. Player=Omgknackered, change=UNREGISTERED
252.775 Sys [Info]: Connectivity update flags: 4, requires full update: 2
252.775 AI [Info]: NpcManager::ClearAgents() ReadyToCreateAgents = false
252.775 Sys [Info]: CancelJobs batchcount 0
252.783 Sys [Info]: Clearing gRegion and gGameRules
252.784 Sys [Info]: Context shutdown complete [Heap: 857,025,984/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,740,076,544 Handles: 897]
252.786 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 2450 instances (0.06ms) and unbuilt 0 types (1.87ms) in 0.06ms
252.786 Sys [Info]: Server stopped...
252.788 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 0 instances (0.02ms) and unbuilt 0 types (1.80ms) in 0.02ms
252.788 Sys [Info]: CancelRegionStreaming, has 0 region(s) queued
252.788 Net [Info]:  ReplicationMgr::Initialize(1), init count=1, 0x000001B000E74E00, master: 1
252.788 Game [Info]: SetCurrentServerLayerIndex(4294967295)
252.788 Sys [Info]: Loading /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp
252.788 Sys [Info]: HostRegion: Acquired 18 root types to load [Heap: 856,574,064/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,739,175,424 Handles: 897]
252.788 Sys [Warning]: Ignoring dep to transient type: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp from /Regions/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp
252.793 Sys [Info]: Found 41,215 items to load (6ms) [Heap: 857,558,592/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,737,381,376 Handles: 897]
252.807 Sys [Info]: Acquired 41014 resources (14ms)
252.807 Sys [Info]: HostRegion: added layer 4294967295, level=/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp
252.808 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 1
252.816 Sys [Info]: TexturePrioritizerImpl::Reinitialize 7.8 ms
252.817 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 0
252.817 Net [Info]:  ReplicationMgr::Initialize(1), init count=1, 0x000001B07BC46590, master: 1
252.818 Sys [Info]: RegionMgrImpl::SetLevel /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp
252.818 Sys [Info]: Server ready for load [Heap: 859,914,672/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,738,905,088 Handles: 918], sessionPlayers=0
252.818 Game [Info]: SetCurrentServerLayerIndex(4294967295)
252.820 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 0.04ms [Heap: 859,887,392/1,121,714,176 Footprint: 2,739,494,912 Handles: 918]
252.820 Game [Info]: HostMigration::ResetOldServerConnection()
252.820 Net [Info]:  ReplicationMgr::Initialize(1), init count=1, 0x000001B07AECC8E0, master: 0
252.820 Sys [Info]: Client::Connect - localhost:4970
252.820 Sys [Info]: ClientImpl::Connect sending CMSG_CONTACT message to server localhost:4970 (no session), connection: 0
252.820 Net [Info]: Created virtual connection for: [handle: 0]
252.821 Net [Info]: Created virtual connection for: [handle: 0]
252.821 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 20 * 1
252.821 Sys [Info]: Contact received; sending challenge to Player. Setting connection timeout to 20
252.844 Sys [Info]: Cleaned 4,064 resource-objects
252.844 Sys [Warning]: HTTP request failed.
252.844 Sys [Warning]: 
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:22 GMT
252.844 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
252.844 Sys [Warning]: 
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:22 GMT
252.844 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
252.844 Sys [Warning]: 
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:22 GMT
252.844 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
252.844 Sys [Warning]: 
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Could not resolve host: ToS violation
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Host-IP: 
252.844 Sys [Warning]: Client-Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 09:32:22 GMT
252.844 Sys [Warning]: DNS: 0us, Connect: 0us, Handshake: 0us, Server: 0us
252.844 Sys [Error]: Logout failed: Error: Could not resolve host: ToS violation

252.845 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
252.845 Sys [Info]: Accepted challenge from: Player
252.845 Sys [Info]: Starting load for Player
252.845 Game [Info]: Server::LoadClient: Context objects:
252.845 Game [Info]: /Lotus/Types/GameRules/AlternateLotusFrontEndGameRules
252.845 Game [Info]: Level=/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp
252.845 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 20 * 1
252.846 Sys [Info]: FSM::LoadLevel
252.846 Sys [Info]: Lobby: 0
252.846 Sys [Info]: 1 region(s):
252.846 Sys [Info]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp: 0, prio: 1, layer: 4294967295, (0, 0, 0, 1), autonomous: 0
252.846 Input [Info]: GamepadDeviceSteam::InitMapping() called with unknown InputFilter 'LoadingInputFilter' (may need adding to SteamActionSets in InputController)
252.920 Sys [Info]: Generated 5 deps and 47 exclusions in 74ms (vetting took 74ms)
252.920 Sys [Info]: HostRegion: Acquired 18 root types to load [Heap: 779,106,336/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,740,690,944 Handles: 915]
252.920 Sys [Warning]: Ignoring dep to transient type: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp from /Regions/Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp
252.920 Script [Info]: ScriptMgr::ResetGlobals()
252.920 Net [Info]:  ReplicationMgr::Initialize(1), init count=1, 0x000001B007FDEDD0, master: 0
252.920 Sys [Info]: Level: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp, id: 1
252.921 Sys [Info]: ClientImpl::LoadLevel setting connection timeout to 20
252.921 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 20 * 1
252.921 Sys [Info]: LOAD_MESSAGE received .
252.921 Sys [Info]: Client ready for load [Heap: 778,606,352/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,740,019,200 Handles: 915]
252.922 Sys [Info]: Pre-load flush took 0.04ms [Heap: 778,706,064/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,740,236,288 Handles: 917]
252.923 Sys [Info]: Cleaned 1 resource-objects
252.956 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.11s and 4 frames at 28 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 11 item(s)
253.024 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.07s and 2 frames at 34 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 45 item(s)
253.024 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 8 item(s)
253.157 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.13s and 4 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 7 item(s)
253.291 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.13s and 4 frames at 34 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
253.291 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/Progress.swf) in one pass and 0.5s (I/O ~= 0.3%, inherited 133 of 205)
253.325 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/LoadingScreens/Update9LoadingScreen.png during batch loading!
253.367 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Progress.swf
253.368 Sys [Info]: Executing valid open callback for /Lotus/Interface/Progress.swf
253.369 Sys [Info]: Loaded 0/185 resources at 33 ms/frame
253.403 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Shader batch [0.03s and 2 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
253.470 Sys [Info]: Finished load of CharacterCodesCache batch [0.07s and 2 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
253.637 Sys [Info]: Finished load of ShaderPermutation batch [0.17s and 5 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 1 ms/update peak], 14 item(s)
253.771 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.13s and 4 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
254.076 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch [0.31s and 9 frames at 34 ms/frame avg, 20 ms/update peak], 131 item(s)
254.076 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 15 item(s)
254.275 Sys [Error]: PreLoad failed for: /EE/Materials/Util/PerlinNoiseRGBAB_vn.tga
254.340 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.26s and 8 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 4 ms/update peak], 28 item(s)
254.474 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.13s and 4 frames at 33 ms/frame avg, 4 ms/update peak], 7 item(s)
254.474 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (36 root types) in one pass and 1.7s (I/O ~= 7.3%, inherited 41014 of 41215)
254.474 Sys [Info]: Frames issuing: 9, frames loading: 2, frames retiring: 34
254.474 Sys [Info]: Wall time: 1.7s (time waiting to start: 0.58s)
254.474 Sys [Info]: Total budget: 1099 ms, min: 20.0ms, max: 31.8ms, avg: 31.4ms, stddev: 1.99ms, num samples: 35, samples below 2.00ms: 0
254.474 Sys [Info]: Total time: 39.1 ms, min: 0.01ms, max: 19.7ms, avg: 1.15ms, stddev: 3.47ms, num samples: 34, samples below 2.00ms: 29
254.474 Sys [Info]: ResLoader time: 3.44 ms, min: 0.00ms, max: 1.96ms, avg: 0.10ms, stddev: 0.34ms, num samples: 34, samples below 2.00ms: 34
254.474 Sys [Info]: CacheMgr: 35.7 ms, min: 0.00ms, max: 19.7ms, avg: 1.02ms, stddev: 3.43ms, num samples: 35, samples below 2.00ms: 30
254.474 Sys [Info]: Total retire read time: 0.04s
254.474 Sys [Info]: 
254.474 Sys [Info]:     Loaded: 15,073,280 B (230 pages) at 114 MB/s (0.12s)
254.474 Sys [Info]:     Loaded (batch): 13,762,560 B (210 pages) [91.3%]
254.474 Sys [Info]:     Idle IO time: 1.55s
254.474 Sys [Info]:     Decomp: 10,223,552 B -> 19,845,254 B (1.9:1) at 155 MB/s (0.06s)
254.474 Sys [Info]:     Seeked: 89x (1.33s)
254.474 Sys [Info]:     Wasted: 4,717,406B (31.3%)
254.474 Sys [Info]:     Scheduling: 1ms
254.474 Sys [Info]: 
254.474 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 792,550,720/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,706,880 Handles: 916]
254.520 Sys [Info]: Unloaded 7 types in 0.45ms
254.521 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 0 instances (0.02ms) and unbuilt 2588 types (1.80ms) in 0.02ms
254.523 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/UICommonResources.swf
254.523 Script [Info]: Background.lua: UISTYLE: Style changed callback registered
254.523 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background.lua: Initialize
254.523 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Background.swf
254.523 Game [Info]: Region index=1, layer=4294967295
254.523 Sys [Info]: Client finished loading /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp. Sending CMSG_LOAD_COMPLETE to server.
254.523 Game [Info]: SynchronizingState::Enter
254.524 Sys [Info]: 4294967295 loaded resources, connect mode=0
254.524 Sys [Info]: DebugChallenges CreateChallengeManager
254.524 Sys [Info]: Loading game rules: AlternateLotusFrontEndGameRules
254.524 Sys [Info]: Setting gGameRules
254.524 Net [Info]: GameRulesImpl - changing state from SS_INVALID to SS_WAITING_TO_START
254.525 Game [Info]: LevelLoader, added batch /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp
254.525 Game [Info]: LevelLoader, InitBatch
254.525 Sys [Info]: Load complete for Player [Heap: 790,759,920/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,641,344 Handles: 916]
254.525 Sys [Info]: Cleaned 17 resource-objects
254.525 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_COMPLETE -> LS_PREPARE
254.525 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_PREPARE -> LS_CREATE_EX
254.532 Sys [Warning]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp cannot tag zone 
254.532 Sys [Warning]: /Layer0/Layer4/ZoneAttribs1 from /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion.level
254.532 Sys [Warning]: (it already has a tag: Backdrop)
254.546 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Backgrounds/Helminth/HelminthBackground.swf
254.546 Sys [Info]: Found 1,097 items to load (0ms) [Heap: 791,886,256/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,706,880 Handles: 916]
254.547 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ThemedButtonBar.swf
254.547 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ToolTip.swf
254.548 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ItemInfoPopup.swf
254.549 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ContextAction.swf
254.549 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background::PushChildMovie(Default)
254.551 Sys [Info]: Found 27,347 items to load (2ms) [Heap: 792,983,632/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,706,880 Handles: 916]
254.551 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading flash movie: /Lotus/Interface/ThemedMainMenu.swf
254.562 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
254.699 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.14s and 8 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 12 ms/update peak], 3 item(s)
254.702 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 4 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 5593 item(s)
254.770 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Texture batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 4 ms/update peak], 2 item(s)
254.804 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/Interface/ThemedMainMenu.swf [FlashMovie] had problems with its property text:
254.804 Sys [Error]: Ignoring duplicate property _addResourceDeps
254.838 Sys [Info]: Finished load of AnimRetarget batch [0.07s and 4 frames at 17 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
254.838 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Interface/ThemedMainMenu.swf) in one pass and 0.3s (I/O ~= 0.4%, inherited 13916 of 27347)
254.855 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader spot-loaded in 304ms
254.856 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: *** Main menu -- initialize ***
254.860 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/ThemedMainMenu.swf
254.862 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background.lua: in hub changed: false
254.872 Sys [Warning]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp cannot tag zone 
254.872 Sys [Warning]: /Layer3/ZoneAttribs0 from /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/ErisRegion.level
254.872 Sys [Warning]: (it already has a tag: Backdrop)
254.873 Sys [Warning]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp cannot tag zone 
254.873 Sys [Warning]: /Layer3/ZoneAttribs1 from /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/ErisRegion.level
254.873 Sys [Warning]: (it already has a tag: Backdrop)
254.873 Sys [Info]: Generated level objects in 31ms [4 component(s), 2 frame(s)]
254.873 Sys [Info]: Layer /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion/Scope rep mode=0
254.876 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp had problems with /Layer0/Layer2/ScriptTrigger14's property text:
254.876 Sys [Error]: Ignoring duplicate property _syndicateMovie
254.932 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp had problems with /Layer0/Layer21/ScriptAction0's property text:
254.932 Sys [Error]: Ignoring duplicate property _syndicateMovie
254.942 Sys [Info]: Layer /Lotus/Levels/Proc/LisetExit/Scope rep mode=0
254.942 Sys [Info]: Layer /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/ErisRegion/Scope rep mode=0
254.944 Sys [Info]: Region server created 1750 new objects. [Heap: 800,235,056/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,706,880 Handles: 916]
254.944 Sys [Info]: Replication mode override: 0
254.945 Game [Info]: Added streaming layer /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion/Scope, 1640 objects, 65 server-only objects
254.945 Game [Info]: Added streaming layer /Lotus/Levels/Proc/LisetExit/Scope, 4 objects, 0 server-only objects
254.945 Game [Info]: Added streaming layer /Lotus/Levels/Backdrops/ErisRegion/Scope, 41 objects, 0 server-only objects
254.946 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Font batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 1 item(s)
254.946 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch [0.00s and 0 frames at 0 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 126 item(s)
254.946 Sys [Info]: Resource load completed (/Lotus/Types/Game/VendorManifests/Events/RadioLegionVendorScreenLauncher) in one pass and 0.4s (I/O ~= 0.3%, inherited 655 of 1097)
254.950 Game [Info]: 2047 - 1554 autonomous, 65 server-only, ready: 0, incomplete: 0
254.951 Sys [Info]: Connectivity update flags: 1, requires full update: 0
254.984 Net [Info]: NotifyStreamedRegionReady [2047]
255.023 Sys [Info]: Initial update of physics complete [Heap: 806,072,336/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,641,344 Handles: 915]
255.050 Sys [Info]: Initial update of connectivity complete [Heap: 806,073,792/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,706,880 Handles: 915]
255.050 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_CREATE_EX -> LS_CREATE_EX_SAVE
255.050 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_CREATE_EX_SAVE -> LS_POST_CREATE
255.050 Sys [Warning]: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp: multiple initial player spawns
255.051 Sys [Info]: Level loader: OnCreateLevelObjectsComplete called
255.052 Sys [Info]: ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader() in 1.88ms [Heap: 805,328,672/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,706,880 Handles: 915]
255.052 Game [Info]: SetCurrentServerLayerIndex(4294967295)
255.053 Net [Info]: Replication count by concrete type:
255.053 Net [Info]: 
255.053 Net [Info]:       22 /EE/Types/Engine/Mover
255.053 Net [Info]:       16 /EE/Types/Game/MultiAvatarTrigger
255.053 Net [Info]:       16 /Lotus/Types/Game/UIConsoleTrigger
255.053 Net [Info]:       13 /EE/Types/Game/Cinematic
255.053 Net [Info]:        7 /EE/Types/Alias/Decoration
255.053 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Game/MarkerInfos/ObjectiveMarkerInfo
255.053 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Game/LotusCinematic
255.053 Net [Info]:        4 /EE/Types/Actions/ScriptAction
255.053 Net [Info]:        4 /Lotus/Types/Game/LisetDecorationRoomTrigger
255.053 Net [Info]:        4 /EE/Types/Engine/Decoration
255.053 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Types/Game/ActionFigurePlaceableAreaTrigger
255.053 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Types/Gameplay/NoShipDecoTrigger
255.053 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Sounds/Hub/LisetLowerDeck/LisetDoorCloseSeq
255.053 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Sounds/Hub/LisetLowerDeck/LisetDoorOpenSeq
255.053 Net [Info]:        3 /Lotus/Sounds/Misc/SleighBells/SleighBellsFadeOutPosSeq
255.053 Net [Info]:        3 /EE/Types/Engine/ScriptTrigger
255.053 Net [Info]:        3 /EE/Types/Game/PortDispatch
255.053 Net [Info]:        3 /EE/Types/Npc/NpcDoorHint
255.053 Net [Info]:        2 /Lotus/Fx/Liset/LisetChristmasSnowPS
255.053 Net [Info]:        2 /EE/Types/Engine/Trigger
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/Navigation/RecastNavVolume
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/Actions/HitSwitch
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/GameRules/AlternateLotusFrontEndGameRules
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Actions/KneelReplicatedHitSwitch
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Game/CrewShip/DefaultCrewShipMgr
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Music/LisetCradle/CradleOperatorCustomizeSeq
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Sounds/Hub/LisetAlchemyLab/LisetAlchemyLabDoorOpenDripsSeq
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Sounds/Cinematics/Sacrifice/SacrificeArsenal/SacrificeArsenalMemoryTransitionHeartbeatLoopSeq
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/GameRules/GameStateImpl
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /EE/Types/Npc/NpcMigrationData
255.053 Net [Info]:        1 /Lotus/Types/Game/LisetDecoration
255.053 Net [Info]: 
255.053 Net [Info]: Replication count by type:
255.053 Net [Info]: 
255.053 Net [Info]:       22 /EE/Types/Engine/Mover
255.053 Net [Info]:       16 /EE/Types/Game/MultiAvatarTrigger
255.053 Net [Info]:       16 /Lotus/Types/Game/UIConsoleTrigger
255.053 Net [Info]:       13 /EE/Types/Game/Cinematic
255.053 Net [Info]:        7 /EE/Types/Alias/Decoration
255.053 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Game/MarkerInfos/ObjectiveMarkerInfo
255.053 Net [Info]:        5 /Lotus/Types/Game/LotusCinematic
255.053 Net [Info]: 
255.053 Net [Info]: Total count: 0, static objects: 131
255.053 Net [Info]: 51 object(s) not logged (less than 4 instance(s)).
255.053 Net [Info]: RepMgr: baseline object number: 0
255.053 Sys [Info]: NavigationImpl::ProcessChanges status NS_CHANGES_PENDING pendingChangesDuringInit 0, missing refs: 0, force=1
255.053 Sys [Info]:      NavZones    0
255.053 Sys [Info]:      PendingAdds 1
255.053 Sys [Info]:      PendingRems 0
255.053 Sys [Info]: CancelJobs batchcount 0
255.053 Sys [Info]: Creating high level graph for 1 nodes
255.053 Sys [Info]: Initialization took 0.05ms
255.053 Sys [Info]: LevelLoader finished in 125/528 ms [total/latency], 1,750 new objects [131 replicated].
255.053 Sys [Info]: LS_PREPARE: 0.00ms (peak: 0.00ms), LS_CREATE_EX: 122ms (peak: 31.5ms), LS_CREATE_EX_SAVE: 0.00ms (peak: 0.00ms), LS_POST_CREATE: 0.31ms (peak: 0.31ms), LS_COMPLETE: 2.43ms (peak: 2.43ms)
255.053 Sys [Info]: CS_PREPARE: 0.00ms, latency: 0.00ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 20.0, CS_CLEAR_LINKS: 0.00ms, latency: 0.00ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 20.0
255.053 Sys [Info]: CS_CREATE_OBJECTS: 99.4ms, latency: 419ms (peak: 31.5ms, avg: 24.8ms), budget avg: 25.8, CS_REGISTRATION: 14.8ms, latency: 52.8ms (peak: 13.7ms, avg: 4.92ms), budget avg: 22.2
255.053 Sys [Info]: CS_RESOLVE_INSTANCES: 3.36ms, latency: 3.36ms (peak: 3.36ms, avg: 3.36ms), budget avg: 17.6, CS_FULL_UPDATE: 0.17ms, latency: 0.17ms (peak: 0.17ms, avg: 0.17ms), budget avg: 14.3
255.053 Sys [Info]: CS_ZONE_SETUP: 0.02ms, latency: 18.3ms (peak: 0.02ms, avg: 0.02ms), budget avg: 29.1, CS_FIND_LEVEL_INFO: 0.50ms, latency: 0.50ms (peak: 0.50ms, avg: 0.50ms), budget avg: 29.1
255.053 Sys [Info]: CS_POST_LINK: 0.00ms, latency: 0.00ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 29.1, CS_PHYSICS_UPDATE: 3.67ms, latency: 3.67ms (peak: 3.67ms, avg: 3.67ms), budget avg: 28.6
255.053 Sys [Info]: CS_CONNECTIVITY_UPDATE: 0.00ms, latency: 26.8ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 24.9, CS_GRAPHICS_UPDATE: 0.00ms, latency: 0.11ms (peak: 0.00ms, avg: 0.00ms), budget avg: 31.3
255.053 Sys [Info]: 
255.053 Sys [Info]: Budget min: 20.0ms, max: 31.6ms, avg: 28.3ms, stddev: 5.19ms, num samples: 8, samples below 2.00ms: 0
255.053 Sys [Info]: 
255.053 Game [Info]: Level loader: LS_POST_CREATE -> LS_COMPLETE
255.054 Game [Info]: StartClientReplication(0)
255.054 Game [Info]: ClientImpl::PlayersChanged. Player=, change=REGISTERED
255.054 Sys [Error]: /Lotus/Interface/HUD/MiniMap is missing a MMMT_CUSTOM_ROTATOR mini-map icon
255.054 Game [Info]: CreatePlayerForClient. id=0, user name=Player
255.054 Net [Info]: ReplicationMgr::ClientSubscribe(0)
255.054 Net [Info]: Has 1 client(s)
255.054 Sys [Info]: Trying to spawn at player-spawn /Layer0/Layer2/PlayerSpawn0
255.054 Sys [Info]: Trying to spawn avatar /Lotus/Types/Player/TennoShipAvatar
255.055 Game [Info]: Player - new avatar: TennoShipAvatar6
255.055 Sys [Info]: TennoShipAvatar6 with ID 6 [1857128558752] has new player: Player
255.055 Sys [Info]: Give inventory - no migration data
255.055 Sys [Info]: GiveInventory() 0ms
255.055 Sys [Error]: /Layer0/Layer9/ScriptTrigger0 Broken resources detected for ScriptTrigger with scripts /Lotus/Scripts/Effects/LisetEffects.lua:FlickerDecorations
255.055 Sys [Error]: Check the Instance() argument paths for your script!
255.056 Sys [Error]: The default slot (SLOT_2) had no weapon or ammo, falling back to another weapon.
255.056 Sys [Info]: Initialized 1 NavZones in 0.0029ms
255.056 Game [Info]: Prev game rules was FrontEnd 1
255.059 Game [Info]: UpgradeManager::Clear()
255.059 Game [Warning]: LotusInventoryController::BuildLoadOut, not logged in. Avatar=TennoShipAvatar6!
255.061 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/PostCameraUpdateHud.swf
255.061 Game [Warning]: Old player not found!
255.061 Sys [Info]: Player acquired; enabling input on client.
255.061 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 804,470,528/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,706,880 Handles: 915]
255.061 Sys [Info]: SetHighLevelGraph numPoints 6 numLinks 3 numNodes 4
255.061 Sys [Info]: CompleteHighLevelGrapInit took 0.02ms
255.061 Sys [Info]: Entire process took 2 frames
255.061 Sys [Info]: Creating road network graph
255.061 Sys [Info]: CreateRoadNetworkGraph - total time: 0.0838ms
255.070 Sys [Info]: SetHoldAllUnreferenced: 0
255.070 Sys [Info]: Reached replication fence; started prefetching...
255.070 AI [Info]: TacticalAreaMap::AddZone /Lotus/Levels/Hub/LisetBridgeRailjackExpansion/0.tmf adding 55 areas for total: 55
255.070 Sys [Info]: Nav init complete, finalize took 1 frame(s)
255.070 Game [Info]: ====== Completed Initializing Nav and Tac
255.103 Sys [Info]: ConnectedState::Enter setting connection timeout to 7.5
255.103 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
255.103 Sys [Info]: UpdateLobbyState(0)
255.103 Sys [Info]: [Heap: 806,862,128/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,499,706,880 Handles: 915]
255.103 Sys [Info]: ===[ Game successfully connected to: /Lotus/Levels/Proc/PlayerShip/DEA.lp ]===
255.103 AI [Info]: NpcManager::SetEnabled() ReadyToCreateAgents = 1
255.104 Game [Info]: FinalizeHostMigration, have data for 0 agent(s)
255.104 AI [Info]: FinalizeHostMigration - num killed agents: 0
255.104 AI [Info]:  FinalizeHostMigration MaxPop now 18446744073709551615 NumKilledPreMigrate 0 numKilled 0 numSpawned 0 allyFaction 
255.104 AI [Info]: ENCMGR: FinalizeHostMigration - no encounter info for migration!
255.104 AI [Info]: AIDIR: FinalizeHostMigration - complete
255.104 Sys [Info]: Server::OnData(CMSG_PREFETCH_COMPLETE) setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5
255.104 Sys [Info]: NetDriver::SetConnectionTimeout setting connection 0 timeout to 7.5 * 1
255.105 Script [Info]: Progress.lua: Starting Vignette close animation...
255.105 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: MainMenu::SetCurrentState(0)
255.105 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: SetCurrentState checking states: nil currentState: 0
255.106 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: UpdateButtons(true)
255.106 Script [Info]: Background.lua: Background::ForceClearChildMovie()
257.416 Sys [Info]: Created /Lotus/Interface/Dialog.swf
257.417 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::CreateOkCancel(description=/Lotus/Language/Menu/QuitGameConfirm, leftItem=/Menu/Confirm_Item_Yes, rightItem=/Menu/Confirm_Item_No)
258.459 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: SendResult_MENU_SELECT()
258.459 Script [Info]: Dialog.lua: Dialog::SendResult(4)
258.584 Sys [Info]: Executing command: /EE/Editor/ToolMenus/Commands/CmdQuit
258.588 Sys [Info]: ChangeLobbyStatus(0)
258.589 Game [Info]: ClientImpl::Disconnect
258.593 Game [Info]: ClientImpl::Disconnect - delete MP session
258.593 Net [Info]: MatchingService::LeaveSquad
258.593 Sys [Info]: ClientImpl::DisconnectEndSessionCallback
258.593 Net [Info]: RemovePlayerFromSession(mm=)
258.593 Sys [Info]: ClientImpl::DisconnectDeleteSessionCallback
258.597 Sys [Info]: Cache flushed
258.597 Sys [Info]: Shutting down context... [Heap: 788,388,656/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,535,317,504 Handles: 906]
258.597 AI [Info]: NpcManager::ClearAgents() ReadyToCreateAgents = false
258.598 Game [Info]: LotusAttractModeGameRules::MasterDestroy()
258.603 Sys [Info]: Connectivity update flags: 4, requires full update: 2
258.603 AI [Info]: NpcManager::ClearAgents() ReadyToCreateAgents = false
258.603 Sys [Info]: CancelJobs batchcount 0
258.610 Sys [Info]: Clearing gRegion and gGameRules
258.611 Sys [Info]: Context shutdown complete [Heap: 772,286,368/1,121,517,568 Footprint: 2,533,953,536 Handles: 885]
258.611 Input [Error]: InputMgrWin::Shutdown
258.612 Script [Info]: ThemedMainMenu.lua: *** Main menu -- shutdown ***
258.625 Sys [Info]: FlashMgrImpl::Shutdown
258.626 Gfx [Info]: Destroying Graphics Worker Thread
258.642 Gfx [Info]: Dx11SwapChain::Shutdown
258.642 Gfx [Error]: Dangling reference to SwapChain ID3D11Texture2D detected!
258.669 Gfx [Info]: Dx11PCSwapChain::Shutdown
258.679 Snd [Info]: Shutdown
258.679 Net [Info]: UDP socket closed on port 4975
258.679 Sys [Info]: Client killed
258.981 Sys [Info]: Discord Service has begun shut down.
258.981 Sys [Info]: Discord Service has successfully shut down.
258.981 Sys [Info]: ===[ Exiting main loop ]====================================================================================
258.981 Sys [Info]: Cache flushed
258.981 Net [Info]: MatchingService::DeleteSession
258.982 Net [Info]: DeleteSessionCallback(1, 
258.982 Net [Info]: Deleted session
258.982 Net [Info]: MatchingServiceWeb::LeavePlatformPartyDone
258.982 Net [Info]: Joining Port-Forwarding Worker
258.982 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Initiated.
258.984 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 1965 instances (0.05ms) and unbuilt 9 types (1.62ms) in 0.05ms
258.998 Sys [Info]: Shutting down context... [Heap: 696,481,712/1,118,568,448 Footprint: 2,528,047,104 Handles: 771]
258.998 Sys [Info]: Context shutdown complete [Heap: 696,481,456/1,118,568,448 Footprint: 2,528,047,104 Handles: 771]
259.000 Sys [Info]: TypeMgr cleaned 4 instances (0.02ms) and unbuilt 0 types (1.62ms) in 0.02ms
259.000 Sys [Info]: Server stopped...
259.003 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package save to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\Editor.cfg
259.004 Sys [Info]: Saved package: /Configs/Editor.cfg
259.007 Sys [Info]: Redirecting package save to: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Warframe\EE.cfg
259.007 Sys [Info]: Skipping SavePackage for /Configs/EE.cfg (no changes detected)
259.008 Sys [Info]: Saved package: /Configs/EE.cfg
259.008 Net [Info]: UDP socket closed on port 4970
259.011 Sys [Info]: Used 2 shared assets (1 async, 1 sync)
259.011 Sys [Info]: Total Hash: 0us Copy: 19.9ms Write: 184ms)
259.011 Sys [Info]: Copied 10,286 bytes at 0.49 MB/s
259.014 Phys [Info]: PhysX scene manager shutdown.
Sys [Info]: All smart pointers were destroyed!
259.127 Sys [Info]: Main Shutdown Complete.
Sys [Info]: All AnimController memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All CacheMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All CacheSharing memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All CacheToc memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All ConnectivityMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All ConnectivityTree memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Deps memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All DriverData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All EditorBase memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All External memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All GameStats memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All GraphicsData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Instances memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All JobMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All LZMA memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Lua memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Navigation memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PhysX memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All PhysicsData memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All RegionMgr memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Sound memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All Temp memory was freed!
Sys [Info]: All VOIP memory was freed!

DxDiag log

System Information
      Time of this report: 6/4/2020, 16:43:20
             Machine name: DESKTOP-81K61DE
               Machine Id: {09E63C6A-3992-49C1-904E-DE04C2E05CE0}
         Operating System: Windows 10 Корпоративная LTSC 64-bit (10.0, Build 17763) (17763.rs5_release.180914-1434)
                 Language: Russian (Regional Setting: Russian)
      System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
             System Model: Z68MA-D2H-B3
                     BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG (type: BIOS)
                Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
                   Memory: 16384MB RAM
      Available OS Memory: 16368MB RAM
                Page File: 4501MB used, 14297MB available
              Windows Dir: C:\Windows
          DirectX Version: DirectX 12
      DX Setup Parameters: Not found
         User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
       System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
          DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
                 Miracast: Available, with HDCP
Microsoft Graphics Hybrid: Not Supported
           DxDiag Version: 10.00.17763.0001 64bit Unicode

DxDiag Notes
      Display Tab 1: No problems found.
        Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
        Sound Tab 2: No problems found.
        Sound Tab 3: No problems found.
          Input Tab: No problems found.

DirectX Debug Levels
Direct3D:    0/4 (retail)
DirectDraw:  0/4 (retail)
DirectInput: 0/5 (retail)
DirectMusic: 0/5 (retail)
DirectPlay:  0/9 (retail)
DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
DirectShow:  0/6 (retail)

Display Devices
           Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
        Manufacturer: NVIDIA
           Chip type: GeForce GTX 970
            DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
         Device Type: Full Device (POST)
          Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_13C2&SUBSYS_31601462&REV_A1
 Device Problem Code: No Problem
 Driver Problem Code: Unknown
      Display Memory: 12227 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 4043 MB
       Shared Memory: 8183 MB
        Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
         HDR Support: Not Supported
    Display Topology: Internal
 Display Color Space: DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_RGB_FULL_G22_NONE_P709
     Color Primaries: Red(0.636719,0.331055), Green(0.308594,0.620117), Blue(0.152344,0.069336), White Point(0.313477,0.329102)
   Display Luminance: Min Luminance = 0.500000, Max Luminance = 270.000000, MaxFullFrameLuminance = 270.000000
        Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor
       Monitor Model: 22EN33
          Monitor Id: GSM597D
         Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)
         Output Type: DVI
Monitor Capabilities: HDR Not Supported
      Advanced Color: Not Supported
         Driver Name: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvldumdx.dll,C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvldumdx.dll
 Driver File Version: 26.21.0014.4250 (English)
      Driver Version:
         DDI Version: 12
      Feature Levels: 12_1,12_0,11_1,11_0,10_1,10_0,9_3,9_2,9_1
        Driver Model: WDDM 2.5
 Graphics Preemption: DMA
  Compute Preemption: DMA
            Miracast: Not Supported by Graphics driver
 Hybrid Graphics GPU: Not Supported
      Power P-states: Not Supported
      Virtualization: Paravirtualization 
          Block List: No Blocks
  Catalog Attributes: Universal:False Declarative:False 
   Driver Attributes: Final Retail
    Driver Date/Size: 24.02.2020 7:00:00, 963992 bytes
         WHQL Logo'd: n/a
     WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
   Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-5082-11CF-4867-6E111BC2D735}
           Vendor ID: 0x10DE
           Device ID: 0x13C2
           SubSys ID: 0x31601462
         Revision ID: 0x00A1
  Driver Strong Name: oem36.inf:0f066de3ad0bda5c:Section066:\ven_10de&dev_13c2
      Rank Of Driver: 00D12001
         Video Accel: 
         DXVA2 Modes: DXVA2_ModeMPEG2_VLD  DXVA2_ModeVC1_D2010  DXVA2_ModeVC1_VLD  DXVA2_ModeH264_VLD_Stereo_Progressive_NoFGT  DXVA2_ModeH264_VLD_Stereo_NoFGT  DXVA2_ModeH264_VLD_NoFGT  DXVA2_ModeHEVC_VLD_Main  DXVA2_ModeMPEG4pt2_VLD_Simple  DXVA2_ModeMPEG4pt2_VLD_AdvSimple_NoGMC  
   Deinterlace Caps: {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                     {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                     {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                     {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive 
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY 
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch 
                     {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
                     {335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=
        D3D9 Overlay: Supported
             DXVA-HD: Supported
        DDraw Status: Enabled
          D3D Status: Enabled
          AGP Status: Enabled
       MPO MaxPlanes: 1
            MPO Caps: Not Supported
         MPO Stretch: Not Supported
     MPO Media Hints: Not Supported
         MPO Formats: Not Supported
    PanelFitter Caps: Not Supported
 PanelFitter Stretch: Not Supported

Sound Devices
            Description: Динамики (Realtek High Definition Audio)
 Default Sound Playback: Yes
 Default Voice Playback: Yes
            Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0889&SUBSYS_1458A002&REV_1000
        Manufacturer ID: 1
             Product ID: 100
                   Type: WDM
            Driver Name: RTKVHD64.sys
         Driver Version: 6.00.0001.8581 (English)
      Driver Attributes: Final Retail
            WHQL Logo'd: n/a
          Date and Size: 27.11.2018 0:00:00, 6486608 bytes
            Other Files: 
        Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
         HW Accel Level: Basic
              Cap Flags: 0x0
    Min/Max Sample Rate: 0, 0
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 0, 0
 Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
              HW Memory: 0
       Voice Management: No
 EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
   I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No

            Description: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)
 Default Sound Playback: No
 Default Voice Playback: No
            Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0889&SUBSYS_1458A002&REV_1000
        Manufacturer ID: 1
             Product ID: 100
                   Type: WDM
            Driver Name: RTKVHD64.sys
         Driver Version: 6.00.0001.8581 (English)
      Driver Attributes: Final Retail
            WHQL Logo'd: n/a
          Date and Size: 27.11.2018 0:00:00, 6486608 bytes
            Other Files: 
        Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
         HW Accel Level: Basic
              Cap Flags: 0x0
    Min/Max Sample Rate: 0, 0
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 0, 0
 Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
              HW Memory: 0
       Voice Management: No
 EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
   I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No

            Description: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
 Default Sound Playback: No
 Default Voice Playback: No
            Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0889&SUBSYS_1458A002&REV_1000
        Manufacturer ID: 1
             Product ID: 100
                   Type: WDM
            Driver Name: RTKVHD64.sys
         Driver Version: 6.00.0001.8581 (English)
      Driver Attributes: Final Retail
            WHQL Logo'd: n/a
          Date and Size: 27.11.2018 0:00:00, 6486608 bytes
            Other Files: 
        Driver Provider: Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
         HW Accel Level: Basic
              Cap Flags: 0x0
    Min/Max Sample Rate: 0, 0
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 0, 0
 Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
              HW Memory: 0
       Voice Management: No
 EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
   I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No

Sound Capture Devices
            Description: Микрофон (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  Default Sound Capture: Yes
  Default Voice Capture: Yes
            Driver Name: RTKVHD64.sys
         Driver Version: 6.00.0001.8581 (English)
      Driver Attributes: Final Retail
          Date and Size: 9/24/2019 04:25:22, 6486608 bytes
              Cap Flags: 0x0
           Format Flags: 0x0

Video Capture Devices
Number of Devices: 0
DirectInput Devices
      Device Name: Мышь
         Attached: 1
    Controller ID: n/a
Vendor/Product ID: n/a
        FF Driver: n/a

      Device Name: Клавиатура
         Attached: 1
    Controller ID: n/a
Vendor/Product ID: n/a
        FF Driver: n/a

      Device Name: Gaming Keyboard G105
         Attached: 1
    Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC248
        FF Driver: n/a

      Device Name: USB Device
         Attached: 1
    Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x09DA, 0x9090
        FF Driver: n/a

      Device Name: USB Device
         Attached: 1
    Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x09DA, 0x9090
        FF Driver: n/a

      Device Name: USB Device
         Attached: 1
    Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x09DA, 0x9090
        FF Driver: n/a

Poll w/ Interrupt: No

USB Devices
+ Корневой USB-концентратор
| Vendor/Product ID: 0x8086, 0x1C2D
| Matching Device ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20
| Service: usbhub
| Driver: usbhub.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 535352 bytes
| Driver: usbd.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 33592 bytes

+-+ Generic USB Hub
| | Vendor/Product ID: 0x8087, 0x0024
| | Location: Port_#0001.Hub_#0001
| | Matching Device ID: USB\Class_09
| | Service: usbhub
| | Driver: usbhub.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 535352 bytes
| | Driver: usbd.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 33592 bytes
| | 
| +-+ Составное USB устройство
| | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC248
| | | Location: Port_#0005.Hub_#0004
| | | Matching Device ID: USB\COMPOSITE
| | | Service: usbccgp
| | | Driver: usbccgp.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 179000 bytes
| | | 
| | +-+ USB-устройство ввода
| | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC248
| | | | Location: 0000.001a.0000.
| | | | Matching Device ID: USB\Class_03&SubClass_01
| | | | Service: HidUsb
| | | | Driver: hidusb.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 43520 bytes
| | | | Driver: hidclass.sys, 9/23/2019 19:39:00, 209920 bytes
| | | | Driver: hidparse.sys, 6/12/2019 15:25:00, 46080 bytes
| | | | 
| | | +-+ Клавиатура HID
| | | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC248
| | | | | Matching Device ID: HID_DEVICE_SYSTEM_KEYBOARD
| | | | | Service: kbdhid
| | | | | Driver: kbdhid.sys, 6/12/2019 15:25:00, 44544 bytes
| | | | | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 67896 bytes
| | | 
| +-+ Составное USB устройство
| | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x09DA, 0x9090
| | | Location: Port_#0006.Hub_#0004
| | | Matching Device ID: USB\COMPOSITE
| | | Service: usbccgp
| | | Driver: usbccgp.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 179000 bytes
| | | 
| | +-+ USB-устройство ввода
| | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x09DA, 0x9090
| | | | Location: 0000.001a.0000.
| | | | Matching Device ID: USB\Class_03&SubClass_01
| | | | Service: HidUsb
| | | | Driver: hidusb.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 43520 bytes
| | | | Driver: hidclass.sys, 9/23/2019 19:39:00, 209920 bytes
| | | | Driver: hidparse.sys, 6/12/2019 15:25:00, 46080 bytes
| | | | 
| | | +-+ Клавиатура HID
| | | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x09DA, 0x9090
| | | | | Matching Device ID: HID_DEVICE_SYSTEM_KEYBOARD
| | | | | Service: kbdhid
| | | | | Driver: kbdhid.sys, 6/12/2019 15:25:00, 44544 bytes
| | | | | Driver: kbdclass.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 67896 bytes
| | | | 
| | +-+ USB-устройство ввода
| | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x09DA, 0x9090
| | | | Location: 0000.001a.0000.
| | | | Matching Device ID: USB\Class_03&SubClass_01
| | | | Service: HidUsb
| | | | Driver: hidusb.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 43520 bytes
| | | | Driver: hidclass.sys, 9/23/2019 19:39:00, 209920 bytes
| | | | Driver: hidparse.sys, 6/12/2019 15:25:00, 46080 bytes
| | | | 
| | | +-+ HID-совместимая мышь
| | | | | Vendor/Product ID: 0x09DA, 0x9090
| | | | | Matching Device ID: HID_DEVICE_SYSTEM_MOUSE
| | | | | Service: mouhid
| | | | | Driver: mouhid.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 34816 bytes
| | | | | Driver: mouclass.sys, 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 61240 bytes

Gameport Devices

PS/2 Devices

Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives
      Drive: 😄
 Free Space: 61.0 GB
Total Space: 114.5 GB
File System: NTFS
      Model: 120GB SSD ATA Device

      Drive: 😧
 Free Space: 37.2 GB
Total Space: 150.5 GB
File System: NTFS
      Model: WDC WD10EZRZ-00HTKB0 ATA Device

      Drive: F:
 Free Space: 137.1 GB
Total Space: 803.3 GB
File System: NTFS
      Model: WDC WD10EZRZ-00HTKB0 ATA Device

System Devices
     Name: 2nd generation Intel(R) Core(TM) processor family DRAM Controller - 0100
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0100&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_09\3&13C0B0C5&0&00
   Driver: n/a

     Name: Контроллер High Definition Audio (Microsoft)
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C20&SUBSYS_A0021458&REV_05\3&13C0B0C5&0&D8
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:15, 104960 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\drmk.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:15, 98304 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\portcls.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:15, 381440 bytes

     Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_13C2&SUBSYS_31601462&REV_A1\4&2D68EC9A&0&0008
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\NVIDIA Corporation\Drs\dbInstaller.exe, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:20:56, 724896 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\NVIDIA Corporation\Drs\nvdrsdb.bin, 2/25/2020 09:06:47, 1648836 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\NvContainerSetup.exe, 1.00.0010.0000 (Russian), 2/26/2020 03:21:26, 4742008 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\NvCplSetupInt.exe, 1.00.0010.0000 (Russian), 2/26/2020 03:21:28, 104157752 bytes
   Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\license.txt, 11/29/2019 19:46:00, 27216 bytes
   Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\MCU.exe, 1.01.5204.20580 (Russian), 2/26/2020 03:21:06, 849848 bytes
   Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvdebugdump.exe, 6.14.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:40, 443112 bytes
   Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvidia-smi.1.pdf, 2/25/2020 09:06:47, 81823 bytes
   Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvidia-smi.exe, 8.17.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:04, 566672 bytes
   Driver: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\nvml.dll, 8.17.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:24, 991136 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvopencl32.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:44, 25238928 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvopencl64.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:52, 29930216 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvlddmkm.sys, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:18, 23286504 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nv-vk64.json, 2/25/2020 09:06:47, 671 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvDecMFTMjpeg.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:42, 604048 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvDecMFTMjpegx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:42, 745192 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvEncMFTH264.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:50, 1134824 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvEncMFTH264x.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:52, 1446288 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvEncMFThevc.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:52, 1141664 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvEncMFThevcx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:54, 1454816 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvcbl64.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:10, 519280 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvd3dumx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:20, 22312712 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvd3dumx_cfg.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:24, 22514480 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvdlistx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:48, 193424 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvinitx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:16, 207776 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvldumdx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:34, 963992 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvoglshim64.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:28, 183712 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvoglv64.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:36, 40449952 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvoptix.dll, 7.01.0000.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:23:00, 127356320 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvrtum64.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:23:26, 27555560 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvumdshimx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:23:34, 665504 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvvkwddc64.dll, 2/26/2020 03:23:36, 556776 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvwgf2umx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:42, 40523280 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvwgf2umx_cfg.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:52, 41023536 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvFBC64.dll, 6.14.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:00, 2068384 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvIFR64.dll, 6.14.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:12, 1476328 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\NvIFROpenGL.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:14, 677792 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\OpenCL.dll, 2.02.0002.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:04, 441760 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvEncodeAPI64.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:56, 807144 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvapi64.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:12, 4964904 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcompiler.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:18, 40502200 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcuda.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:32, 17462384 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvcuvid.dll, 7.17.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:36, 5377424 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvfatbinaryLoader.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:58, 1364368 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvinfo.pb, 2/25/2020 09:06:47, 55845 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvmcumd.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:22, 816872 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvofapi64.dll, 2/26/2020 03:22:26, 671120 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvptxJitCompiler.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:23:22, 11834784 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\vulkan-1-999-0-0-0.dll, 1.01.0126.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:08, 1078992 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\vulkan-1.dll, 1.01.0126.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:08, 1078992 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\vulkaninfo-1-999-0-0-0.exe, 1.01.0126.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:10, 1729232 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\vulkaninfo.exe, 1.01.0126.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:10, 1729232 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\DisplayDriverRAS.dll, 1.10.0000.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:20:58, 2571664 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nv-vk32.json, 2/25/2020 09:06:47, 671 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nv_Icc_AdvancedColor_Identity.icm, 2/25/2020 09:06:47, 3288 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvd3dum.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:14, 18593096 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvd3dum_cfg.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:28, 18951536 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvdlist.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:46, 166112 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvinit.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:16, 180128 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvldumd.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:32, 805056 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvoglshim32.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:28, 157088 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvoglv32.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:30, 29905640 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvumdshim.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:23:34, 540392 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvvkwddc32.dll, 2/26/2020 03:23:36, 424336 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvwgf2um.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:36, 34881992 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\nvwgf2um_cfg.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:21:00, 35637816 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\NvFBC.dll, 6.14.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:00, 1562512 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\NvIFR.dll, 6.14.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:10, 1138592 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\NvIFROpenGL.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:22:12, 551312 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\OpenCL.dll, 2.02.0002.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:02, 344296 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvEncodeAPI.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:56, 653032 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvapi.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 07:20:12, 4233104 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvcompiler.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:12, 35371448 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvcuda.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:28, 15029360 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvcuvid.dll, 7.17.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:36, 4714424 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvfatbinaryLoader.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:58, 1058704 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvofapi.dll, 2/26/2020 03:22:26, 539024 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\nvptxJitCompiler.dll, 26.21.0014.4250 (English), 2/26/2020 03:23:20, 10159848 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\vulkan-1-999-0-0-0.dll, 1.01.0126.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:08, 937680 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\vulkan-1.dll, 1.01.0126.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:08, 937680 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\vulkaninfo-1-999-0-0-0.exe, 1.01.0126.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:10, 1329360 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\SysWow64\vulkaninfo.exe, 1.01.0126.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:24:10, 1329360 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_fd5965e649b796e5\NvTelemetry64.dll, 14.03.0015.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:23:34, 4417928 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvdispco6444250.dll, 2.00.0058.0000 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:44, 1719016 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\nvdispgenco6444250.dll, 2.00.0028.0002 (English), 2/26/2020 03:21:46, 1482976 bytes

     Name: 2nd generation Intel(R) Core(TM) processor family PCI Express Controller - 0101
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0101&SUBSYS_50001458&REV_09\3&13C0B0C5&0&08
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 10.00.17763.1007 (Russian), 2/13/2020 20:43:49, 422712 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 8 - 1C1E
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C1E&SUBSYS_50011458&REV_B5\3&13C0B0C5&0&E7
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 10.00.17763.1007 (Russian), 2/13/2020 20:43:49, 422712 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) Z68 Express Chipset Family LPC Interface Controller - 1C44
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C44&SUBSYS_50011458&REV_05\3&13C0B0C5&0&F8
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\msisadrv.sys, 10.00.17763.0771 (English), 10/4/2019 22:03:30, 18744 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family SMBus Controller - 1C22
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C22&SUBSYS_50011458&REV_05\3&13C0B0C5&0&FB
   Driver: n/a

     Name: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 1C10
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C10&SUBSYS_50011458&REV_B5\3&13C0B0C5&0&E0
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 10.00.17763.1007 (Russian), 2/13/2020 20:43:49, 422712 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 7 - 1C1C
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C1C&SUBSYS_50011458&REV_B5\3&13C0B0C5&0&E6
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 10.00.17763.1007 (Russian), 2/13/2020 20:43:49, 422712 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C26
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C26&SUBSYS_50061458&REV_05\3&13C0B0C5&0&E8
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 99128 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (Russian), 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 475960 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (Russian), 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 535352 bytes

     Name: Расширяемый хост-контроллер Etron USB 3.0 — 1.0 (Майкрософт)
Device ID: PCI\VEN_1B6F&DEV_7023&SUBSYS_50071458&REV_01\4&4219E1E&0&00E7
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\USBXHCI.SYS, 10.00.17763.1075 (Russian), 3/11/2020 21:26:10, 467984 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\UMDF\UsbXhciCompanion.dll, 10.00.17763.1075 (English), 3/11/2020 21:26:10, 130936 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) Management Engine Interface 
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C3A&SUBSYS_1C3A1458&REV_04\3&13C0B0C5&0&B0
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\TeeDriverW8x64.sys, 11.00.0005.1189 (English), 3/29/2016 12:01:56, 186424 bytes

     Name: Контроллер High Definition Audio (Microsoft)
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0FBB&SUBSYS_31601462&REV_A1\4&2D68EC9A&0&0108
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\hdaudbus.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:15, 104960 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\drmk.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:15, 98304 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\portcls.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:15, 381440 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C2D
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C2D&SUBSYS_50061458&REV_05\3&13C0B0C5&0&D0
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbehci.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 99128 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbport.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (Russian), 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 475960 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\usbhub.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (Russian), 9/15/2018 14:28:19, 535352 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 244E
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_244E&SUBSYS_50001458&REV_A5\3&13C0B0C5&0&F0
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pci.sys, 10.00.17763.1007 (Russian), 2/13/2020 20:43:49, 422712 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 1C08
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C08&SUBSYS_B0021458&REV_05\3&13C0B0C5&0&FD
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:18, 16696 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (Russian), 9/15/2018 14:28:18, 56320 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:18, 30208 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\ataport.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (Russian), 9/15/2018 14:28:18, 203264 bytes

     Name: Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller
Device ID: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_06\4&B75C242&0&00E6
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\rt640x64.sys, 10.36.0701.2019 (Russian), 9/24/2019 04:25:43, 1158944 bytes

     Name: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 1C00
Device ID: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C00&SUBSYS_B0021458&REV_05\3&13C0B0C5&0&FA
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pciide.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:18, 16696 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pciidex.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (Russian), 9/15/2018 14:28:18, 56320 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\atapi.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (English), 9/15/2018 14:28:18, 30208 bytes
   Driver: C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\ataport.sys, 10.00.17763.0001 (Russian), 9/15/2018 14:28:18, 203264 bytes

DirectShow Filters

DirectShow Filters:
WMAudio Decoder DMO,0x00800800,1,1,WMADMOD.DLL,10.00.17763.0592
WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMADMOD.DLL,10.00.17763.0592
WMSpeech Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMSPDMOD.DLL,10.00.17763.0001
MP3 Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,mp3dmod.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Mpeg4s Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,mp4sdecd.dll,10.00.17763.0001
WMV Screen decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvsdecd.dll,10.00.17763.0001
WMVideo Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,wmvdecod.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Mpeg43 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,mp43decd.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Mpeg4 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,mpg4decd.dll,10.00.17763.0001
DV Muxer,0x00400000,0,0,qdv.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Color Space Converter,0x00400001,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
WM ASF Reader,0x00400000,0,0,qasf.dll,12.00.17763.0001
AVI Splitter,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
VGA 16 Color Ditherer,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder,0x005fffff,2,4,msmpeg2vdec.dll,10.00.17763.1217
AC3 Parser Filter,0x00600000,1,1,mpg2splt.ax,10.00.17763.0001
MJPEG Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
MPEG-I Stream Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
SAMI (CC) Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
VBI Codec,0x00600000,1,4,VBICodec.ax,10.00.17763.0001
MPEG-2 Splitter,0x005fffff,1,0,mpg2splt.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Closed Captions Analysis Filter,0x00200000,2,5,cca.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Internal Script Command Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
MPEG Audio Decoder,0x03680001,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
DV Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,qdv.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Video Mixing Renderer 9,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder,0x00200000,2,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,10.00.17763.0001
ACM Wrapper,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Video Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer,0x00200000,0,0,sbe.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Line 21 Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,,
Video Port Manager,0x00600000,2,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Video Renderer,0x00400000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
VPS Decoder,0x00200000,0,0,WSTPager.ax,10.00.17763.0001
WM ASF Writer,0x00400000,0,0,qasf.dll,12.00.17763.0001
VBI Surface Allocator,0x00600000,1,1,vbisurf.ax,
File writer,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Bandicam MPEG-1 Video Decoder,0xff800001,1,1,bdfilters64.dll,1.00.0005.0017
DVD Navigator,0x00200000,0,3,qdvd.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Overlay Mixer2,0x00200000,1,1,,
AVI Draw,0x00600064,9,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,10.00.17763.0001
WST Pager,0x00200000,1,1,WSTPager.ax,10.00.17763.0001
MPEG-2 Demultiplexer,0x00600000,1,1,mpg2splt.ax,10.00.17763.0001
DV Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,qdv.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Null Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,qedit.dll,10.00.17763.0001
MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x005fffff,1,0,Mpeg2Data.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft AC3 Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msac3enc.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Smart Tee,0x00200000,1,2,qcap.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Overlay Mixer,0x00200000,0,0,,
AVI Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
AVI/WAV File Source,0x00400000,0,2,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Wave Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
MIDI Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Multi-file Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
File stream renderer,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder,0x005fffff,1,1,msmpeg2adec.dll,10.00.17763.1217
AVI Mux,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Bandicam MPEG-1 Audio Decoder,0xff800001,1,1,bdfilters64.dll,1.00.0005.0017
Line 21 Decoder 2,0x00600002,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
File Source (Async.),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
File Source (URL),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Infinite Pin Tee Filter,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Enhanced Video Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,evr.dll,10.00.17763.0001
BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00200000,2,0,psisrndr.ax,10.00.17763.0001
MPEG Video Decoder,0x40000001,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001

WDM Streaming Tee/Splitter Devices:
Преобразователь Tee/Sink-to-Sink,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,10.00.17763.0001

Video Compressors:
WMVideo8 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvxencd.dll,10.00.17763.0001
WMVideo9 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvencod.dll,10.00.17763.0001
MSScreen 9 encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvsencd.dll,10.00.17763.0001
DV Video Encoder,0x00200000,0,0,qdv.dll,10.00.17763.0001
MJPEG Compressor,0x00200000,0,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001

Audio Compressors:
WM Speech Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMSPDMOE.DLL,10.00.17763.0592
WMAudio Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMADMOE.DLL,10.00.17763.0592
IMA ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
GSM 6.10,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
CCITT A-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
CCITT u-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
MPEG Layer-3,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001

Audio Capture Sources:
Микрофон (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,10.00.17763.0001

PBDA CP Filters:
PBDA DTFilter,0x00600000,1,1,CPFilters.dll,10.00.17763.1039
PBDA ETFilter,0x00200000,0,0,CPFilters.dll,10.00.17763.1039
PBDA PTFilter,0x00200000,0,0,CPFilters.dll,10.00.17763.1039

Midi Renderers:
Default MidiOut Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001

WDM Streaming Capture Devices:
Realtek HD Audio Mic input,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Realtek HD Audio Line input,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Realtek HD Audio Stereo input,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,10.00.17763.0001

WDM Streaming Rendering Devices:
Realtek HDA SPDIF Optical Out,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Realtek HD Audio output,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Realtek HDA SPDIF Out,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,10.00.17763.0001

BDA Network Providers:
Microsoft ATSC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSDvbNP.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft DVBC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSDvbNP.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft DVBS Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSDvbNP.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft DVBT Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSDvbNP.ax,10.00.17763.0001
Microsoft Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSNP.ax,10.00.17763.0001

Multi-Instance Capable VBI Codecs:
VBI Codec,0x00600000,1,4,VBICodec.ax,10.00.17763.0001

BDA Transport Information Renderers:
BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00600000,2,0,psisrndr.ax,10.00.17763.0001
MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x00600000,1,0,Mpeg2Data.ax,10.00.17763.0001

WDM Streaming Communication Transforms:
Преобразователь Tee/Sink-to-Sink,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,10.00.17763.0001

Audio Renderers:
Динамики (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Default DirectSound Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Default WaveOut Device,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
DirectSound: Динамики (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
DirectSound: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
DirectSound: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001
Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,10.00.17763.0001

Preferred DirectShow Filters


<media subtype GUID>, [<filter friendly name>, ]<filter CLSID>

{78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
{7634706D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_mp4s, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
{64697678-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
{58564944-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
{5634504D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_MP4S, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
{44495658-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_mpg4, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_MPG4, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_h264, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, CLSID_CMPEG2VidDecoderDS
MEDIASUBTYPE_H264, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, CLSID_CMPEG2VidDecoderDS
MEDIASUBTYPE_mp43, Mpeg43 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_MP43, Mpeg43 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_m4s2, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_M4S2, Mpeg4s Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_mp42, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_MP42, Mpeg4 Decoder DMO, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_AVC1, Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder, CLSID_CMPEG2VidDecoderDS
MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Payload, MPEG Video Decoder, CLSID_CMpegVideoCodec
MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Packet, MPEG Video Decoder, CLSID_CMpegVideoCodec
{6C737664-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DV Video Decoder, CLSID_DVVideoCodec
{64737664-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DV Video Decoder, CLSID_DVVideoCodec
{64687664-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DV Video Decoder, CLSID_DVVideoCodec
{20637664-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DV Video Decoder, CLSID_DVVideoCodec
MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1AudioPayload, MPEG Audio Decoder, CLSID_CMpegAudioCodec

Media Foundation Transforms


  <transform friendly name>, <transform CLSID>, <flags>, [<merit>, ]<file name>, <file version>

Video Decoders:
  NVIDIA MJPEG Video Decoder MFT, {70F36578-2741-454F-B494-E8563DDD1CB4}, 0x4, 8, nvDecMFTMjpegx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250
  Microsoft MPEG Video Decoder MFT, {2D709E52-123F-49B5-9CBC-9AF5CDE28FB9}, 0x1, msmpeg2vdec.dll, 10.00.17763.1217
  DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}, 0x1, mfdvdec.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT, 0x1, mp4sdecd.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Microsoft H264 Video Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSH264DecoderMFT, 0x1, msmpeg2vdec.dll, 10.00.17763.1217
  WMV Screen decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSSCDecMediaObject, 0x1, wmvsdecd.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject, 0x1, wmvdecod.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  MJPEG Decoder MFT, {CB17E772-E1CC-4633-8450-5617AF577905}, 0x1, mfmjpegdec.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Mpeg43 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject, 0x1, mp43decd.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject, 0x1, mpg4decd.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
Video Encoders:
  NVIDIA H.264 Encoder MFT, {60F44560-5A20-4857-BFEF-D29773CB8040}, 0x4, 8, nvEncMFTH264x.dll, 26.21.0014.4250
  NVIDIA HEVC Encoder MFT, {966F107C-8EA2-425D-B822-E4A71BEF01D7}, 0x4, 8, nvEncMFThevcx.dll, 26.21.0014.4250
  H264 Encoder MFT, {6CA50344-051A-4DED-9779-A43305165E35}, 0x1, mfh264enc.dll, 10.00.17763.0592
  WMVideo8 Encoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVXEncMediaObject, 0x1, wmvxencd.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  H263 Encoder MFT, {BC47FCFE-98A0-4F27-BB07-698AF24F2B38}, 0x1, mfh263enc.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  WMVideo9 Encoder MFT, CLSID_CWMV9EncMediaObject, 0x1, wmvencod.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder MFT, {E6335F02-80B7-4DC4-ADFA-DFE7210D20D5}, 0x2, msmpeg2enc.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
Video Effects:
  Frame Rate Converter, CLSID_CFrameRateConvertDmo, 0x1, mfvdsp.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Resizer MFT, CLSID_CResizerDMO, 0x1, vidreszr.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  VideoStabilization MFT, {51571744-7FE4-4FF2-A498-2DC34FF74F1B}, 0x1, MSVideoDSP.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Color Control, CLSID_CColorControlDmo, 0x1, mfvdsp.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Color Converter MFT, CLSID_CColorConvertDMO, 0x1, colorcnv.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
Video Processor:
  Microsoft Video Processor MFT, {88753B26-5B24-49BD-B2E7-0C445C78C982}, 0x1, msvproc.dll, 10.00.17763.0404
Audio Decoders:
  MS AMRNB Decoder MFT, {265011AE-5481-4F77-A295-ABB6FFE8D63E}, 0x1, MSAMRNBDecoder.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  WMAudio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject, 0x1, WMADMOD.DLL, 10.00.17763.0592
  Microsoft AAC Audio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSAACDecMFT, 0x1, MSAudDecMFT.dll, 10.00.17763.0348
  A-law Wrapper MFT, {36CB6E0C-78C1-42B2-9943-846262F31786}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 10.00.17763.1217
  GSM ACM Wrapper MFT, {4A76B469-7B66-4DD4-BA2D-DDF244C766DC}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 10.00.17763.1217
  WMAPro over S/PDIF MFT, CLSID_CWMAudioSpdTxDMO, 0x1, WMADMOD.DLL, 10.00.17763.0592
  Microsoft Opus Audio Decoder MFT, {63E17C10-2D43-4C42-8FE3-8D8B63E46A6A}, 0x1, MSOpusDecoder.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Microsoft FLAC Audio Decoder MFT, {6B0B3E6B-A2C5-4514-8055-AFE8A95242D9}, 0x1, MSFlacDecoder.dll, 10.00.17763.1158
  Microsoft MPEG Audio Decoder MFT, {70707B39-B2CA-4015-ABEA-F8447D22D88B}, 0x1, MSAudDecMFT.dll, 10.00.17763.0348
  WMSpeech Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMSPDecMediaObject, 0x1, WMSPDMOD.DLL, 10.00.17763.0001
  G711 Wrapper MFT, {92B66080-5E2D-449E-90C4-C41F268E5514}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 10.00.17763.1217
  IMA ADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT, {A16E1BFF-A80D-48AD-AECD-A35C005685FE}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 10.00.17763.1217
  MP3 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMP3DecMediaObject, 0x1, mp3dmod.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Microsoft ALAC Audio Decoder MFT, {C0CD7D12-31FC-4BBC-B363-7322EE3E1879}, 0x1, MSAlacDecoder.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  ADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT, {CA34FE0A-5722-43AD-AF23-05F7650257DD}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 10.00.17763.1217
  Dolby TrueHD IEC-61937 converter MFT, {CF5EEEDF-0E92-4B3B-A161-BD0FFE545E4B}, 0x1, mfaudiocnv.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  DTS IEC-61937 converter MFT, {D035E24C-C877-42D7-A795-2A8A339B472F}, 0x1, mfaudiocnv.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
Audio Encoders:
  LPCM DVD-Audio MFT, {068A8476-9229-4CC0-9D49-2FC699DCD30A}, 0x1, mfaudiocnv.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  MP3 Encoder ACM Wrapper MFT, {11103421-354C-4CCA-A7A3-1AFF9A5B6701}, 0x1, mfcore.dll, 10.00.17763.1217
  Microsoft FLAC Audio Encoder MFT, {128509E9-C44E-45DC-95E9-C255B8F466A6}, 0x1, MSFlacEncoder.dll, 10.00.17763.1098
  WM Speech Encoder DMO, CLSID_CWMSPEncMediaObject2, 0x1, WMSPDMOE.DLL, 10.00.17763.0592
  MS AMRNB Encoder MFT, {2FAE8AFE-04A3-423A-A814-85DB454712B0}, 0x1, MSAMRNBEncoder.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder MFT, {46A4DD5C-73F8-4304-94DF-308F760974F4}, 0x1, msmpeg2enc.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  WMAudio Encoder MFT, CLSID_CWMAEncMediaObject, 0x1, WMADMOE.DLL, 10.00.17763.0592
  Microsoft AAC Audio Encoder MFT, {93AF0C51-2275-45D2-A35B-F2BA21CAED00}, 0x1, mfAACEnc.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Microsoft ALAC Audio Encoder MFT, {9AB6A28C-748E-4B6A-BFFF-CC443B8E8FB4}, 0x1, MSAlacEncoder.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Microsoft Dolby Digital Encoder MFT, {AC3315C9-F481-45D7-826C-0B406C1F64B8}, 0x1, msac3enc.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
Audio Effects:
  AEC, CLSID_CWMAudioAEC, 0x1, mfwmaaec.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Resampler MFT, CLSID_CResamplerMediaObject, 0x1, resampledmo.dll, 10.00.17763.0001
  Microsoft MPEG2 Multiplexer MFT, {AB300F71-01AB-46D2-AB6C-64906CB03258}, 0x2, mfmpeg2srcsnk.dll, 10.00.17763.1217
  Microsoft H264 Video Remux (MPEG2TSToMP4) MFT, {05A47EBB-8BF0-4CBF-AD2F-3B71D75866F5}, 0x1, msmpeg2vdec.dll, 10.00.17763.1217

Media Foundation Enabled Hardware Categories

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation\HardwareMFT]

EnableDecoders = 1
EnableEncoders = 1

Media Foundation Byte Stream Handlers

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation\ByteStreamHandlers]

<file ext. or MIME type>, <handler CLSID>, <brief description>[, Preferred]

.3g2, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.3gp, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.3gp2, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.3gpp, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.aac, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.ac3, {46031BA1-083F-47D9-8369-23C92BDAB2FF}, AC-3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.adt, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.adts, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.am?, {EFE6208A-0A2C-49FA-8A01-3768B559B6DA}, MF AMRNB Media Source ByteStreamHandler
.amr, {EFE6208A-0A2C-49FA-8A01-3768B559B6DA}, MF AMRNB Media Source ByteStreamHandler, Preferred
.asf, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.avi, {7AFA253E-F823-42F6-A5D9-714BDE467412}, AVI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.dvr-ms, {A8721937-E2FB-4D7A-A9EE-4EB08C890B6E}, MF SBE Source ByteStreamHandler
.dvr-ms, {65964407-A5D8-4060-85B0-1CCD63F768E2}, dvr-ms Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.ec3, {46031BA1-083F-47D9-8369-23C92BDAB2FF}, AC-3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.flac, {0E41CFB8-0506-40F4-A516-77CC23642D91}, MF FLAC Media Source ByteStreamHandler, Preferred
.m2t, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.m2ts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.m4a, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.m4v, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mk3d, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mka, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mks, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mkv, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mod, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mov, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mp2v, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mp3, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mp4, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mp4v, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mpa, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mpeg, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mpg, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.mts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.nsc, {B084785C-DDE0-4D30-8CA8-05A373E185BE}, NSC Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.sami, {7A56C4CB-D678-4188-85A8-BA2EF68FA10D}, SAMI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.smi, {7A56C4CB-D678-4188-85A8-BA2EF68FA10D}, SAMI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.tod, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.ts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.tts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.uvu, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.vob, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.wav, {42C9B9F5-16FC-47EF-AF22-DA05F7C842E3}, WAV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.weba, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, WEBM Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.webm, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, WEBM Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.wm, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.wma, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.wmv, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
.wtv, {65964407-A5D8-4060-85B0-1CCD63F768E2}, WTV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/3gpp, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/3gpp2, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/aac, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/aacp, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/eac3, {46031BA1-083F-47D9-8369-23C92BDAB2FF}, AC-3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/flac, {0E41CFB8-0506-40F4-A516-77CC23642D91}, MF FLAC Media Source ByteStreamHandler, Preferred
audio/L16, {3FFB3B8C-EB99-472B-8902-E1C1B05F07CF}, LPCM Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/mp3, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/mp4, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/MP4A-LATM, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/mpa, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/mpeg, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/mpeg3, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/vnd.dlna.adts, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/vnd.dolby.dd-raw, {46031BA1-083F-47D9-8369-23C92BDAB2FF}, AC-3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/wav, {42C9B9F5-16FC-47EF-AF22-DA05F7C842E3}, WAV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/webm, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, WEBM Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/x-aac, {926F41F7-003E-4382-9E84-9E953BE10562}, ADTS Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/x-flac, {0E41CFB8-0506-40F4-A516-77CC23642D91}, MF FLAC Media Source ByteStreamHandler, Preferred
audio/x-m4a, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/x-matroska, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/x-mp3, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/x-mpeg, {A82E50BA-8E92-41EB-9DF2-433F50EC2993}, MP3 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/x-ms-wma, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
audio/x-wav, {42C9B9F5-16FC-47EF-AF22-DA05F7C842E3}, WAV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/3gpp, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/3gpp2, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/avi, {7AFA253E-F823-42F6-A5D9-714BDE467412}, AVI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/mp4, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/mpeg, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/msvideo, {7AFA253E-F823-42F6-A5D9-714BDE467412}, AVI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/vnd.dece.mp4, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts, {40871C59-AB40-471F-8DC3-1F259D862479}, MPEG2 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/webm, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, WEBM Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/x-m4v, {271C3902-6095-4C45-A22F-20091816EE9E}, MPEG4 Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/x-matroska, {1F9A2C18-D89E-463E-B4F4-BB90152ACC64}, MKV Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/x-ms-asf, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/x-ms-wm, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/x-ms-wmv, {41457294-644C-4298-A28A-BD69F2C0CF3B}, ASF Byte Stream Handler, Preferred
video/x-msvideo, {7AFA253E-F823-42F6-A5D9-714BDE467412}, AVI Byte Stream Handler, Preferred

Media Foundation Scheme Handlers

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Media Foundation\SchemeHandlers]

<URL type>, <handler CLSID>, <brief description>[, Preferred]

file:, {477EC299-1421-4BDD-971F-7CCB933F21AD}, File Scheme Handler, Preferred
http:, {44CB442B-9DA9-49DF-B3FD-023777B16E50}, Http Scheme Handler
http:, {9EC4B4F9-3029-45AD-947B-344DE2A249E2}, Urlmon Scheme Handler
http:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
httpd:, {44CB442B-9DA9-49DF-B3FD-023777B16E50}, Http Scheme Handler, Preferred
https:, {37A61C8B-7F8E-4D08-B12B-248D73E9AB4F}, Secure Http Scheme Handler, Preferred
httpsd:, {37A61C8B-7F8E-4D08-B12B-248D73E9AB4F}, Secure Http Scheme Handler, Preferred
httpt:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
httpu:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
mcast:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
mcrecv:, {FA6D33D4-9405-4BA5-9983-12604AC8E77A}, Miracast Sink Scheme Handler, Preferred
mms:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
ms-appdata:, {CFC81939-3886-4ACF-9692-DA58037AE716}, MsAppData Scheme Handler, Preferred
ms-appx-web:, {8DB0224B-3D65-4F6F-8E12-BEB4B78B8974}, MsAppxWeb Scheme Handler, Preferred
ms-appx:, {8DB0224B-3D65-4F6F-8E12-BEB4B78B8974}, MsAppx Scheme Handler, Preferred
ms-winsoundevent:, {F79A6BF9-7415-4CF3-AE10-4559509ABC3C}, Sound Event Scheme Handler, Preferred
rtsp:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
rtsps:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
rtspt:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
rtspu:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred
sdp:, {E9F4EBAB-D97B-463E-A2B1-C54EE3F9414D}, Net Scheme Handler, Preferred

Preferred Media Foundation Transforms


<media subtype GUID>, [<transform friendly name>, ]<transform CLSID>

{EB27CEC4-163E-4CA3-8B74-8E25F91B517E}, Dolby TrueHD IEC-61937 converter MFT, {CF5EEEDF-0E92-4B3B-A161-BD0FFE545E4B}
MFVideoFormat_MPEG2, Microsoft MPEG Video Decoder MFT, {2D709E52-123F-49B5-9CBC-9AF5CDE28FB9}
{A61AC364-AD0E-4744-89FF-213CE0DF8804}, DTS IEC-61937 converter MFT, {D035E24C-C877-42D7-A795-2A8A339B472F}
{A2E58EB7-0FA9-48BB-A40C-FA0E156D0645}, DTS IEC-61937 converter MFT, {D035E24C-C877-42D7-A795-2A8A339B472F}
{7634706D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
{73616D72-767A-494D-B478-F29D25DC9037}, MS AMRNB Decoder MFT, {265011AE-5481-4F77-A295-ABB6FFE8D63E}
MEDIASUBTYPE_mp4s, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
MFVideoFormat_DVSL, DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}
MFVideoFormat_DVSD, DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}
MFVideoFormat_DVHD, DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}
{63616C61-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Microsoft ALAC Audio Decoder MFT, {C0CD7D12-31FC-4BBC-B363-7322EE3E1879}
MFVideoFormat_MP4V, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
MFVideoFormat_MP4S, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
{53314356-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
MFVideoFormat_MJPG, MJPEG Decoder MFT, {CB17E772-E1CC-4633-8450-5617AF577905}
{3F40F4F0-5622-4FF8-B6D8-A17A584BEE5E}, Microsoft H264 Video Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSH264DecoderMFT
MEDIASUBTYPE_mpg4, Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_MPG4, Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
MFVideoFormat_H264, Microsoft H264 Video Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSH264DecoderMFT
MFVideoFormat_WMV3, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
{33363248-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
MEDIASUBTYPE_mp43, Mpeg43 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject
MFVideoFormat_MP43, Mpeg43 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg43DecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_m4s2, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
MFVideoFormat_WMV2, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
MFVideoFormat_MSS2, WMV Screen decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSSCDecMediaObject
MFVideoFormat_M4S2, Mpeg4s Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4sDecMFT
MEDIASUBTYPE_mp42, Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
MEDIASUBTYPE_MP42, Mpeg4 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMpeg4DecMediaObject
MFVideoFormat_WMV1, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
MFVideoFormat_MSS1, WMV Screen decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSSCDecMediaObject
MFVideoFormat_MPG1, Microsoft MPEG Video Decoder MFT, {2D709E52-123F-49B5-9CBC-9AF5CDE28FB9}
MFVideoFormat_WVC1, WMVideo Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMVDecMediaObject
MFVideoFormat_DVC, DV Decoder MFT, {404A6DE5-D4D6-4260-9BC7-5A6CBD882432}
{0000F1AC-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Microsoft FLAC Audio Decoder MFT, {6B0B3E6B-A2C5-4514-8055-AFE8A95242D9}
{00007361-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, MS AMRNB Decoder MFT, {265011AE-5481-4F77-A295-ABB6FFE8D63E}
{0000704F-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Microsoft Opus Audio Decoder MFT, {63E17C10-2D43-4C42-8FE3-8D8B63E46A6A}
{00006C61-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, Microsoft ALAC Audio Decoder MFT, {C0CD7D12-31FC-4BBC-B363-7322EE3E1879}
{00002001-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DTS IEC-61937 converter MFT, {D035E24C-C877-42D7-A795-2A8A339B472F}
MFAudioFormat_AAC, Microsoft AAC Audio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSAACDecMFT
MFAudioFormat_ADTS, Microsoft AAC Audio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMSAACDecMFT
MFAudioFormat_WMAudio_Lossless, WMAudio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject
MFAudioFormat_WMAudioV9, WMAudio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject
MFAudioFormat_WMAudioV8, WMAudio Decoder MFT, CLSID_CWMADecMediaObject
MFAudioFormat_MP3, MP3 Decoder MFT, CLSID_CMP3DecMediaObject
MFAudioFormat_MPEG, Microsoft MPEG Audio Decoder MFT, {70707B39-B2CA-4015-ABEA-F8447D22D88B}
{00000031-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, GSM ACM Wrapper MFT, {4A76B469-7B66-4DD4-BA2D-DDF244C766DC}
{00000011-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, IMA ADPCM ACM Wrapper MFT, {A16E1BFF-A80D-48AD-AECD-A35C005685FE}
KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_MULAW, G711 Wrapper MFT, {92B66080-5E2D-449E-90C4-C41F268E5514}
{00000006-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, A-law Wrapper MFT, {36CB6E0C-78C1-42B2-9943-846262F31786}
MFAudioFormat_MSP1, WMSpeech Decoder DMO, CLSID_CWMSPDecMediaObject

Disabled Media Foundation Transforms


<transform CLSID>

Disabled Media Sources


<media source CLSID>

EVR Power Information
Current Setting: {5C67A112-A4C9-483F-B4A7-1D473BECAFDC} (Quality) 
  Quality Flags: 2576
    Force throttling
    Allow half deinterlace
    Allow scaling
    Decode Power Usage: 100
  Balanced Flags: 1424
    Force throttling
    Allow batching
    Force half deinterlace
    Force scaling
    Decode Power Usage: 50
  PowerFlags: 1424
    Force throttling
    Allow batching
    Force half deinterlace
    Force scaling
    Decode Power Usage: 0


Windows Error Reporting:
+++ WER0 +++:
No Data
+++ WER1 +++:
No Data
+++ WER2 +++:
No Data
+++ WER3 +++:
No Data
+++ WER4 +++:
No Data
+++ WER5 +++:
No Data
+++ WER6 +++:
No Data
+++ WER7 +++:
No Data
+++ WER8 +++:
No Data
+++ WER9 +++:
No Data


Edited by Omgknackered
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  • 2 weeks later...

После обновления не пускает в игру, directx 9 не поддерживается, хотя стоит 11, и до этого все норм было, видяха gtx 550 ti, как быть подскажите.


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5 часов назад, Eston4ik сказал:

После обновления не пускает в игру, directx 9 не поддерживается, хотя стоит 11, и до этого все норм было, видяха gtx 550 ti, как быть подскажите.


Такая же проблема была. Скачала пак directx, перезагрузила комп, игра обновилась и всё работает.

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В 26.05.2020 в 02:05, zxzDeathLordzxz сказал:

Т.е. получается, что простым перезаходом в игру может решиться проблема?

У меня не решилась ни разу таким способом. Как и перезагрузкой роутера.

В 26.05.2020 в 21:23, zxzDeathLordzxz сказал:

@White_Lugaru, сегодня обнаружил, что не смотря на "проблему" с портами, фактически проблем нет, т.е. я без проблем могу приглашать всех, присоединяться к кому угодно.

Да тоже в общем-то всё нормально.

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3 минуты назад, Ke0mA сказал:

У меня не решилась ни разу таким способом. Как и перезагрузкой роутера.



3 минуты назад, Ke0mA сказал:

Да тоже в общем-то всё нормально.

В том состоянии, в котором я описал, я имею проблему при текущем интернете, при котором до этой второй волны проблем не было вообще никаких, а так на моем основном месте проблема с портами еще с 1 волны, которая никак не решается. Провайдеру, правда, не звонил.

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Good news everyone!

Ркн собирается снять блокировку телеграма, что для нас значит прекращение проблем с портами*.


*прим.: это должно убрать только одну из возможных причин возникновения этой ошибки, которая находилась на уровне провайдера.

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