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The War Within: Hotfix 19.3.2 +


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Please already look into the infested maggots or corpus leeches bugging out and giving constant damage ticks no matter what, it almost feels like it's happening more often.

Oh yeah, and also do something about the faction invasions, the feedback thread has a lot of people voicing the same complaints/concerns about the rarity of weapon parts or other resources than detonite injectors/fieldrons, the fact that you go blind into the mission, with no idea what mission type it is and how long it will stay that way, and my personal gripe, why is Sedna such a hotspot all the time?

Edited by SnuggleBuckets
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1 hour ago, [DE]Drew said:

For those of you who have reached the max Riven Capacity, you can now increase your Riven Capacity by purchasing additional Slots. Visit the market to get a bundle of three slots for 60 Platinum. The maximum capacity is still capped at 60 Riven Slots total for technical reasons. 

Nice job, making a system for Random Mods, that have enough database impact that you have to cover those costs with Slot Charges. 

Lets talk money value.

Base Plat price in USD without discounts is 6.67 cents per Plat. Call it $0.06 USD to be generous.

Amazon Web Services lists $0.025 per Gigibyte per Month as Standard Storge pricing. Assuming a Riven is a collection of 1 Megabyte (which is being way over generous), that's 1,000,000 Rivens for 1 Month. Or 66,667 user accounts of 15 slots. Or put another way. 

--> What is DE's cost for the Storage and Server Side Processing per Riven? Keeping in mind the 15 free slots they currently give to every non-paying *free* Account. DE needs to set a price that both helps cover those 15 (per-non paying)

On a gut level, 3 slots for $3.60 USD seems really high. And the Riven's aren't even connected to the mass of information related to Apperacne and Customizton that Warframes, Weapons, Compaoins, and other Objects that use slots are.

Lets try 1 Plat per Riven Slot on a 1:1. Which on 75% discount would be $0.015 USD. Which is like asking Amazon to store 1 Riven (assuming 1 MB of data) for 50,000 years.

--> So really try 1 Plat for 10 Riven Slots. Which should handily cover plenty of non-paying accounts that only ever have 15 slots (totally filled).

Edited by Brasten
Non-paying, not non-playing
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39 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:

Riven Mod Additions/Changes/Fixes:

  • For those of you who have reached the max Riven Capacity, you can now increase your Riven Capacity by purchasing additional Slots. Visit the market to get a bundle of three slots for 60 Platinum. The maximum capacity is still capped at 60 Riven Slots total for technical reasons. 

Can it be increased in the future? Considering the  number of weapons available and possible builds, would be nice to have a much higher cap (or no cap at all).

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29 minutes ago, Sqwall said:

People get real. Why are you thanking them? For what? Now we have to pay mod slots? Mods being the most basic thing in the game and now we need to pay for it? First was the needless cap on the mods and now they are "fixing" it by making pay for that? How can anyone be thankful for that?

You mean i need to pay platinum to stack new mods that are release into the game?


Where does that lead? Next time i log in i will get a message "Please pay 20 platinum so you can start the game" or something?

This is bad it's not even funny.

Riven mods are so far from basic it's not even funny.

The price might be steep, but that's not an argument I'm going to get invested in.

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31 minutes ago, RyujinFrost said:

Because every other slot costs platinum.

The price could get lowered a bit but ehh... Just happy to have more slots

IMO they should also give us 15 free slots when secondaries come out and whatever else.

During the last Dev stream they suggested a system like that could be put in. You get 15 free slots for each weapon type as they're released.

There's a lot of people upset at the cost of additional slots, but the best legitimate gripe I've seen about it is the potential locking of a sortie reward. A good resolution to this without breaking the current Riven system would just be to offer an alternative reward such as they do with void fissure missions. That way everyone gets to play with riven mods, and there's still a point in doing the sorties after you max out.

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39 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:

Fixed a bug that would prevent some players from completing a Junction after winning the battle. 

No you didnt. I literally just tried to FINALLY complete the mars junction to no avail. Would really like to get those done so i can build chroma.


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30 minutes ago, Angrados said:


"trash weapons"

You do realize that's the entire point of the Riven system, right? To buff weapons that aren't exactly...well, top tier, so to speak?

explain how a Dethrifle get better....

yes the SENTINEL rifle cause thats the riven mod i got

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48 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:



  • Fixed indestructible defense turrets being destructible on Kuva Fortress. 

That sounds very worrying for two reasons.

1) Defending a hostage is going to be a completely horrid job if they keep walking into them

2) It really really really encourages static gameplay of just sitting in a junction room with no turrets when playing long term missions like survival.

Doesn't add much to "run-through" mission types like assault or capture because the turrets aren't really worth destroying on those anyway. I doubt that's a good move for the viability of that tileset, i already barely see it played at all, people are just sticking to Sedna

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29 minutes ago, Kuro972 said:

these 300 pl you get from selling arcane or prime stuff doesn't come from the game it came from player who put money on the game :)

and yea 60 pl 3 slot i'ts expensive but well ... i'ts not like i'll reach the max capacity , unless i have INSANE luck to drop first riven mods for god tiers weapon and GET INSANE stats on god-tier weapon but... that will never happen :)

and as always keep up the good work DE love u :*


Well theres Secondaries, melee and then Shotgun riven mods coming, which all share the same 15 slot cap despite what is or is not said in some random livestream which never will be reality because greed. So in a way Warframe just became P2w overnight, just like Payday 2.

Edited by Mabswer
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 Okay, so... 3 Riven slots for 60 plat? I can understand charging plat for more slots (since weapon slots are 12p and frame slots are 20p). But this is just a rip off at its finest. Firstly, Rivens already are hard to get for those who lack large amounts of platinum. Secondly, 60p is 3 frame slots essentially. I'm not entirely opposed to the idea, but it should really be something like 30p for slots (that's 10p a slot). That just looks a lot more fair and comparable with other purchasable slots. 
 But being 100% transparent, this addition in general just makes the Rivens feel more like a money-grabbing scheme rather than "breathing life into old stuff." That's what it seemed like at first when Rivens had just released, but now it doesn't seem that way, it actually feels that way. DE, I hope you look into this and realize just how bad this system is and just how honestly cancerous it is for the game. Because I'm afraid that if this doesn't get resolved, the future is looking darker and bleaker by the update. 
 Then, on top of all of that, you're going ahead and releasing Secondary Rivens in the near future. This is something that also really scares me, because it comes off as if you guys just want to push it out instead of refining it where it stands currently. This, much like the slots, makes it come across as a money-making scheme. It should be pretty obvious, but this is not okay. Not in the slightest. 
 Also, on top of that, what's to happen with Rifle Rivens in the sortie pool? Are those just going to be magically removed when Secondary Rivens come out? I may not be a big fan of the Riven system, but I would rather you keep all of them in the reward pool than to cycle them out. Besides, Rivens are a lot more coveted and sought after than 3x nitain, forma, and an exilus adapter blueprint. But, that's an issue with the sortie reward pool, not Rivens at large. 
 Saying all of that to say this; this update really disappoints and scares me. You guys could do so much more with Rivens, refine them, give them a way to be gotten by the poorer players. But instead you're going down a darker road. As I said earlier, I hope you guys at DE and the Devs look into this and realize how bad this is. But until then, this is all I can really say on the matter. Thank you for your time. 

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19.3.2  broke Mesa's Shooting Gallery, guys.

It currently doesn't work at all: it has no visual indication, to timer, no effect (on allies and enemies). Same goes for its Muzzle Flash augment.


#1 (aug)

#2 (vanilla)

You press it once and then it says the power «in use» while it's not. Transference doesn't disable it, but death does (though, there's still no effect after).

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So, instead of reworking underperforming weapons or designing a set of purposefully created mods (like Sobek, Twin Basolk or even syndicate mods) we're given a new "system" (a random mishmash of stats and numbers) Then, if I'm getting this right, it turns out this puts stress on your databases, so you create a way to make us pay to solve this issue you introduced because you refused to work on the power disparity in the first place.



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quite expensive but since last sortie tables changes i got only 1 riven in 20 sorties so there's still penty of room for me....damn those riven are labeled as " common " since the changes that 80% of my reward are lenses lmfao.

i call bullS#&$ on that

Fast deflection in AKKAD, now that's S#&$ is really something COMMON. not really those rivens despite their description in the drop table

PS: fix shooting gallery already you broke it with this update, tyvm

Edited by arm4geddon-117
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Paying for Riven mod Slots is such a low move, regardless of the price! Price being equal to that of a warframe slot and tripple of a weapon slot is rubbish!

You said you introduced rivens to diversify weapons being used, yet with riven balancing problems* and now prohibitive costs of collecting... mission failed! Unadventuresome players, which majority are, will only seek rivens to empower their already powerful weapons. Others will only keep rivens for weapons they like the play dynamic of, becoming soft locked with those few weapons all the same!

Unless your data structure is really $&*&*#(%&, riven mod should not take more then 64 bytes to store. That should not make technical problem at all! If it does pose technical problem you could do away with random stat distribution - random prefixes-suffixes with fixed amounts multiplied by disposition is enough for anybody! For crying out loud, you introduced them, you dont get to hide behind "technical reasons"!

*Multiplicative nature of riven stats makes it so that weapons that are "good" are more likely to get benefiting riven - "good" weapons usually scale well along multiple multipliers, while "bad" ones have multipliers that cant be scaled in this manner - example: a miter riven with 250% critical chance, number is huge, but 2.5x0 is still zero. This wont be helped by any amount of disposition, it is also multiplicative! Yet mods that apply in additive manner exist! Entropic Burst for Supra adds +20% status chance, Covert Lethality adds +100 base damage. Switching to this model would make any riven roll be beneficial to any weapon!

Well, if I am ranting here anyway, I will bring my own problem with rivens - summoned weapons! I have to keep one of the three tabs without rivens to use with Ivara and Titania. Trouble is polarity requirements for a loadout with and without riven do differ! This was an issue before rivens too, as one could not (efficiently) use a weapon with syndicate augment for summoned weapons. Please, come up with a solution! Perhaps let stat bonuses apply?

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1 minute ago, VentumMittens said:

 Okay, so... 3 Riven slots for 60 plat? I can understand charging plat for more slots (since weapon slots are 12p and frame slots are 20p). But this is just a rip off at its finest. Firstly, Rivens already are hard to get for those who lack large amounts of platinum. Secondly, 60p is 3 frame slots essentially. I'm not entirely opposed to the idea, but it should really be something like 30p for slots (that's 10p a slot). That just looks a lot more fair and comparable with other purchasable slots. 
 But being 100% transparent, this addition in general just makes the Rivens feel more like a money-grabbing scheme rather than "breathing life into old stuff." That's what it seemed like at first when Rivens had just released, but now it doesn't seem that way, it actually feels that way. DE, I hope you look into this and realize just how bad this system is and just how honestly cancerous it is for the game. Because I'm afraid that if this doesn't get resolved, the future is looking darker and bleaker by the update. 
 Then, on top of all of that, you're going ahead and releasing Secondary Rivens in the near future. This is something that also really scares me, because it comes off as if you guys just want to push it out instead of refining it where it stands currently. This, much like the slots, makes it come across as a money-making scheme. It should be pretty obvious, but this is not okay. Not in the slightest. 
 Also, on top of that, what's to happen with Rifle Rivens in the sortie pool? Are those just going to be magically removed when Secondary Rivens come out? I may not be a big fan of the Riven system, but I would rather you keep all of them in the reward pool than to cycle them out. Besides, Rivens are a lot more coveted and sought after than 3x nitain, forma, and an exilus adapter blueprint. But, that's an issue with the sortie reward pool, not Rivens at large. 
 Saying all of that to say this; this update really disappoints and scares me. You guys could do so much more with Rivens, refine them, give them a way to be gotten by the poorer players. But instead you're going down a darker road. As I said earlier, I hope you guys at DE and the Devs look into this and realize how bad this is. But until then, this is all I can really say on the matter. Thank you for your time. 

About rifles to secondaries - it mentioned that rivens will cycle through all weapons and only after they will become all obtainable at any moment. But as Rebecca said, it's just a suggestion for now.

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3 minutes ago, VentumMittens said:

 Okay, so... 3 Riven slots for 60 plat? I can understand charging plat for more slots (since weapon slots are 12p and frame slots are 20p). But this is just a rip off at its finest. Firstly, Rivens already are hard to get for those who lack large amounts of platinum. Secondly, 60p is 3 frame slots essentially. I'm not entirely opposed to the idea, but it should really be something like 30p for slots (that's 10p a slot). That just looks a lot more fair and comparable with other purchasable slots. 
 But being 100% transparent, this addition in general just makes the Rivens feel more like a money-grabbing scheme rather than "breathing life into old stuff." That's what it seemed like at first when Rivens had just released, but now it doesn't seem that way, it actually feels that way. DE, I hope you look into this and realize just how bad this system is and just how honestly cancerous it is for the game. Because I'm afraid that if this doesn't get resolved, the future is looking darker and bleaker by the update. 
 Then, on top of all of that, you're going ahead and releasing Secondary Rivens in the near future. This is something that also really scares me, because it comes off as if you guys just want to push it out instead of refining it where it stands currently. This, much like the slots, makes it come across as a money-making scheme. It should be pretty obvious, but this is not okay. Not in the slightest. 
 Also, on top of that, what's to happen with Rifle Rivens in the sortie pool? Are those just going to be magically removed when Secondary Rivens come out? I may not be a big fan of the Riven system, but I would rather you keep all of them in the reward pool than to cycle them out. Besides, Rivens are a lot more coveted and sought after than 3x nitain, forma, and an exilus adapter blueprint. But, that's an issue with the sortie reward pool, not Rivens at large. 
 Saying all of that to say this; this update really disappoints and scares me. You guys could do so much more with Rivens, refine them, give them a way to be gotten by the poorer players. But instead you're going down a darker road. As I said earlier, I hope you guys at DE and the Devs look into this and realize how bad this is. But until then, this is all I can really say on the matter. Thank you for your time. 

IMHO...some good topics listed in your chat here!, Cheers!

Hopefully it doesn't fall on 'deaf ears' #snap

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