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Why does everyone hate the PvP alert


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Because PvP doesn't interest me, is obviously filled with toxic players and therefore should be removed from the game. /s


But really, when you start putting reward on a non-PvE content S#&$storm tends to happen. I'm glad it's just a tater + old rewards so I don't have to bother playing the gamemode much. I already have... I think 3 Nistlebrush sigils, I don't even remember where I got the second one...

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Tell you what. I don't hate it. I thought the idea and setting was fun. I think the idea of everyone being equal was a  fantastic idea.

However.  It could be so much better. 


1.) Proper team colors. I spent the first minutes trying to see who was on my team.

2.) Time. Cut it to 3 minutes.

3.) Smaller maps. They are too big for the gameplay. If the maps were really tight with a few sniping-spots and a few areas for free jumping, I think it would be much more fun.

4.) Bullit jump. Why? For me, either make the entire map made to use jumping, or take it out.

5.) Sever. Add a hosting server yo make lagg and ghosting go away.

6.) Weapons spawns. Take a page from the FPS-scene and place weapons on the ground, yes I know this is not Warframes way, but thats the beauty of modes, switch things around.

The event was good in the way it made an effort to level the playingfield.

It still proved I suck at PvP though.

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I know not everyone hates it.

However, happy/content people don't complain nor compliment. Very happy people or very upset people usually speak up, and it's usually the very upset people that are loudest, such that most of the time the sound of happy people is drowned out.

The majority of complaints seem to revolve around other toxic players (even though it can be hypocritical to complain if your own attitude is toxic), not having the skill to compete (or the skill ceiling too high due to Warframe's mobility system), and lag/technology.

Tbh, the event is super casual compared to how elite standard Conclave can be.

I would imagine that part of the reason why a majority of players also do not like PvP is because they don't like human-to-human confrontation. Some people relish the adrenaline of testing their skill against another human, instead of dumb lottery AI. Others have had their introversion magnified by the anonymity of the Internet and being hidden behind a computer screen, and thus further dislike having to concentrate on cooperation, or worse: opposition by another human.

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4 hours ago, Suncake said:

Obviously, they are mad because they're bad at it. 

This. It felt really different from the other game and I don't really want to learn how to play it. Maybe if it was just a deathmatch without teams it could be more chaotic and fun. In teams it's more obvious who knows how to play and who don't. I don't want to lose, don't want to drag team down, don't want to read raging comments too.

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'not a conclave player here. I'm just not into PvP TPS/FPS. However, I never asked for it to be removed nor do I have the intention to do so, ever.

I guess I'm just a bit sad that I didn't get a PvE TA for Christmas, but it was about time PvPers get their share of fun on TA. Thankfully for me it didn't count towards the Strat-

5 hours ago, _Vortus_ said:

Secondly, not telling players that they counted towards the Stratos Badge.  

Oh. Welp. I needed some salt for my fries anyway.

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1 hour ago, arch111 said:

1.) Proper team colors. I spent the first minutes trying to see who was on my team.

A fix for this is to go to options and set to see your teammates names above their heads, even if they are across the map, you will see them. Those who are not in your team wont have them in Conclave.

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Why? It's simple really. Some people just hate PvP (reason may vary between them), yet the rewards this tactical alert offer are too good(?) for them to pass on.

For me, no amount of rewards can make me play PvP, mostly 'cause I sux, and not a good sport in general, so instead of spending all the time raging while trying to get good at it, I think it's better to spare all involved the toxicity.

What's that? What if DE decides to put stuff that you just can't play the game without in the rewards pool for PvP? Then it's high time to find another game to play.

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28 minutes ago, Kaotyke said:

A fix for this is to go to options and set to see your teammates names above their heads, even if they are across the map, you will see them. Those who are not in your team wont have them in Conclave.

Thanks,  had no idea about this.

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6 hours ago, Archonos23 said:

I think, most are just afraid that Conclave will eventually become unseparated from the PvE or even become the main thing in Warframe. Maybe they're also afraid that it will attract more and more people who play games for the PvP into Warframe, eventually making it so the Devs have to focus more and more on PvP, eventually turning this into another PvP game.

We kinda sorta already do have PVP in main game already. I mean look at Rathuum. Rathuum is PVP in its own way. Its a PVP styled PVE gamemode that is MANDATORY. And barely anyone plays it because of how it plays and the pain that it is. The Index event is coming back in the near future. And probably will then be reinstated with Nef Anyo behind the grind wall that the Index would be just to fight him I bet like we have with Kela currently when his boss fight update eventually becomes a thing. Its only a matter of time before they push more stuff on us we Don't want  thats like this.

Edited by Cmdr-A
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I'm not bad at conclave, I'd even dare to say I'm pretty good at it, but just 10 minutes of the gamemode bored me intensely, I didn't enjoy it at all.
It's not that I'm hating on conclave, let it be, but don't force PvE rewards on it.
"But it's just a bunch of skins!"
Yeah, but just as much as I want to get them, I can't bring myself to play the thing.
You can appreciate it all you want, but it doesn't mean I will.

Just my 2 cents on the matter.

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1 hour ago, Cmdr-A said:

We kinda sorta already do have PVP in main game already. I mean look at Rathuum. Rathuum is PVP in its own way. Its a PVP styled PVE gamemode that is MANDATORY. And barely anyone plays it because of how it plays and the pain that it is. The Index event is coming back in the near future. And probably will then be reinstated with Nef Anyo behind the grind wall that the Index would be just to fight him I bet like we have with Kela currently when his boss fight update eventually becomes a thing. Its only a matter of time before they push more stuff on us we Don't want  thats like this.

I'm actually kind of OK with the Rathuum itself, if it's not mandatory for fighting Kela of course. I only don't like it because you need to collect the judgement points for farming whatever it is Kela drops. And also I don't like Kela very much, her constant shouting is a bit annoying :/

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I'm sure there's a mentality somewhere... "This is a PvE based game, why pvp?" or "We are fellow tenno, we don't need to fight." 

Some who actually did try it had a bad experience, from bad sportsmanship to CONSTANT host migration. Maybe unfair weapons/warframe that one shot or require no to effort to use, spray and pray, spam channel melee with high attack speed, EB spam.  

Or it could be the mechanics of conclave, bulletjumping, wallrunning/hopping, or general running away. 

People don't like it, they will probably never like it. 

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I didn't like that it was a pvp event because I don't enjoy pvp in this game.

The idea itself wasn't terrible...for the first 10 minutes. Then they made me do it again for another 10. Then 10 more. Then the next day another 30 minutes. Then 30 more the next day and so on.

So far this has been, what? 120 minutes of pvp for a holiday event in a pve game? Assuming there isn't another one today I haven't seen yet (I'm at work). The entire Halloween event didn't take that long.

The entire The Index Preview didn't take that long!

That's my particular gripe. I'm over it now.

Edited by (PS4)Riko_113
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I don't hate it. I don't play PvP except with friends for lols. I'm just doing the alert for the rewards and then going to other things I enjoy. It's only a fraction of my game time, everyone is on generally equal footing unless you know how to aim and parkour like a legend, and can be really fun if you put your nose to the grindstone and just participate. Afterward, the players that don't like PvP can continue to ignore it and let the small competative playerbase have their fun.

Only annoyances I see, which are still minor:

  • A group camping an HP orb making an impenetrable barrier of death (usually a coordination thing)
  • One player who obsessively teabags every time they get a kill (these get auto ignored by me so they don't even get the chance to trade with me)
  • One player who afk's ( can't be helped at this point)
  • Obvious one sided match-ups (no real matchmaking in Warframe, which is not a priority anyways)

That's about it, there isn't anything wrong with the event, I enjoyed playing it but I wouldn't gravitate to conclave after it. If I want to play something competitive, I go to play league, paladins, smash, or battle on sun/moon. Warframe is probably my only PvE game that I continue to enjoy and play to relax. 

tl;dr Let the conclave players have their conclave, ignore the event if you want and continue your PvE grind if you wish.

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well the pvp in this game bore me to hell. There's little to ne reason to play it other than you want all the mob in the game.


Not that i hate pvp in general i have large amount of hour play on battlefeild 3,4, Titanfall 2 even darksoul 2,3 but the pvp of warframe is horrible. The only way to play the damn thing is to fellow the meta or to have a god like connection to be able to land a hit.

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The answer is obvious, because they are forced to do pvp and do not like pvp. Did you come here to ask a question, or try to whine about these players who have a different preference than yours? I am really tired of the stereotype conclave players like to put on others who do not like pvp like they do. "If you don't like it, then don't do it." If it was that simple, then they wouldn't play it. Nobody wants to be left out on rewards. DE shouldn't have forced players to do pvp. They haven't learned their lesson, apparently. 

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There are so many titles with PVP as the main draw of the game. This is one of the few Co-Op games out there that was heavily tilted towards PVE players and find itself constantly being updated with new content and story arcs. When developers dangle cosmetics in a PVP match to get players into it, it infuriates PVE players that such an item is behind such a wall they dislike. I've known my issues since Quake Arena. I am too competitive. I get angry at loss and frustrated, I get spiteful and mean when I win and fret over useless issues like stats and KD. So when you know you are a angry drunk you should have the sense to step away from the booze. So I stick to solo and Co-Op games and am happier for it.  But I did love PVP at one time. Enjoyed it for all the wierd variants Halo 3 introduced thanks to the community using forge. Ran around GTA 4 hunting other players, gunning down jets in BF4. Even this year I tried Strike Vector Ex and found it enjoyable due to the flight mechanics and mechjets, I so wish that had been a PVE game. Anywhoo...I think if De simply tossed out the same rewards on a Co-Op alert earlier or advertised another chance at these items being offered most of the community wouldn't care if Conclave got some alerts on the board.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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I hate pvp in warframe and this pvp event is not making me love it more (I see people do melee but for some godly unexplained reason I have that candy $&*^ (stick) but yet I cant use the @(*()$ thing?) That being said I dont see why there couldnt be a pve and pvp Tac Alert? Is it really that bloody hard DE? Can 1 company not learn from previous events and feedback? I vote for all futher events to be also pvp so that many people that join a PVE CO-OP game enjoy the S#&$ty pvp in it.

PS. Just make a pve and a pvp event for crying out loud!!

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there are so many games that were ruined because PVP seeped into the PVE balance this is a PVE game and PVP was shoehorned in. their are literally hundreds of games that are PVP and very few that are purely PVE co op .

Edited by Kitsuneskyy
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My utter hatred of this event stems from the very clunky nature of its forced mechanics.  Those mechanics which just serve to accentuate the issues already brought on by lag in PvP to begin with.

Mind you, I actually like playing Conclave.  But I cannot begin to describe how much I utterly hate and loathe every single moment I'd had to spend playing that blasted Snowball fight.  It's fairly obvious that the clunkiness of both the snowballs and scythe forced on folks were done in an attempt to hold back those who do well at Conclave in order to give folks who'd normally avoid it a chance.  However this only causes the mode to feel sluggish and unresponsive for anyone who bothers with it.

I won a majority of my matches, and had a positive K:D most of the time as well.  Even in the match where I was 11:2 I was borderline livid with frustration the entire time however.  This mode's clunky design nature made it a slog to trudge through.  Every single match gone through was painful, un-fun, and only managed to cause folks to hate PvP in Warframe than they already do.

As for why folks who hate it are being as aggressive about it as they are, that can be explained twofold;  For some it goes into that box of "it's the internet" so negative things being exaggeratedly negative is to be expected.  For others it falls into "let's make sure this doesn't happen again" which is where I am.  I sincerely hope that DE never does an event of this nature ever again.  As someone who normally never becomes infuriated when playing any game, and as someone who likes Conclave, I found myself legitimately enraged when playing this "gamemode".

I've never actually hated playing something so much before.  This snowball fight managed to bring out a vitriolic side from within me that I honestly didn't even know was there.  Words cannot express how much I utterly hated this event.  Normally I'm quick to help new folks passing through Region chat who are stuck on Kepler, Phobos (that ol' Archwing Rush mission) or with the AW Pursuit on Saturn.  Quick to assist folks stuck in an endless loop of fighting the Raptor and failing.  While I still did a bit, I helped considerably fewer folks this weekend due to how much of a genuinely bad mood this event managed to put me in.  Something no game or game mode has ever managed to do to me before in over a decade two decades and a half of playing video games.

That, to me, speaks droves about this event.

Edited by Bobtm
20 years isn't one decade
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