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New Quest: The Glast Gambit Feedback


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The Glast Gambit is out on PC, and with it comes a new Quest!

Summoned by Ergo Glast of the Perrin Sequence to the outpost known as the Mycona, you have discovered that Nef Anyo has stolen the children of the Mycona Colony, and it is up to you to get them back. You must challenge Nef in The Index and beat him at his own game. But Tenno, beware, not all is as it seems.

With The Index making its return, bringing new Enemies and Mods with it, we want to hear what you think about this revised game mode. 

Please know that this thread will contain spoilers for the new Quest, but use of the spoilers tag will always be appreciated. When posting your feedback, remember to remain civil and constructive.

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Edited by [DE]Taylor
added image and link!
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sorry to say that but...please dont do that again.

This quest was literally the worst you have released so far.

The first part with the new goal was nice...after that "index, index, index, index where you are not allowed to score, index you cant win, spy, index" maybe i have missed one.

And at the end the multiple choice answers were bugged...neutral and black are swapped

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The new mission needs a balancing pass. My team was killing infested at a pretty constant rate, and we could BARELY sustain 1 point, much less all 3 and our own armor integrity. Outside of that, I'm excited and pleased with this update. The quest was fun and defining, and I'm eager to get my hands on the new frame and weapons.

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DE, why did you release a quest for Nidus and NOT give Nidus as a quest reward? And why have a regular non-prime frame have to be farmed from an endless mission? I love you guys, but come on. Next we'll find out that you need 20 nitain and 20 Mutagen Mass to craft him. But don't worry, doesn't look like anyone is going to get his parts anytime soon.

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Change Index rotations to one round per rotation, not three. Change the max score to 50. This means less interruptions in play, and also means you fix the main problem with the Index: it takes too bloody long. ONE set of rounds in the Index takes almost as long as three survival rotations.

Also, why do i have to wait for Anyo to finish talking before I can click the button, every single time I open the mission screen?

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I enjoyed this quest a whole lot more than I expected to, to be honest. The framing story was interesting (because it added significant dimension to Perrin, the Corpus, and the people of the Origin System) and amusing (defend the mushroom people, for they shall hook you up with the good stuff). The Index was worked into the story in a more plausible way than I expected, as well.

My only complaint was that it got tedious. There's no reason to each quest stage to have three rounds. Cut it to one, and it'll be fine.

Other than that, there was just a bit too much rambling dialog from the Lotus. I understand that she's there to represent colonialism (or whathaveyou) and to act as a set piece for Glast to softly lecture against in our Christmas sermon about tolerance and understanding, but wow does she need to butt out and stop talking.

Going forward, thinking about future quests - more worldbuilding like this, please. This part was done very well. 

Edited by pauli133
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Also, the repeated Index plays for the quest are filler. It's a small quest, I get that, no worries. you made something really cool with the colony part. But this Index part is literally nothing but filler, stretching out the run time of the quest. It isn't adding intrigue, it isn't adding much more story except teasing you in tiny tiny bits with every mission, like "ooohhh he's looking for a specific kid? I wonder what for! Maybe if we do twenty minutes of one Index run AGAIN... Oh he just needs the girl? Found out more after another twenty minutes of that mission again!". It's filler, and it isn't necessary.

Imagine if TSD had you doing the same Moon exterminate mission twenty times and didn't progress the story. That's what this is like.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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So far I have lost 480K credits on the "NO NO CAN'T WIN TOO MUCH" iteration of Index because:

1). High level troll with credits to spare messed with the game in the end of the round. (Nice job, haha, very funny. Moving on...)

2). Game crashed midway the match and when I loaded up it still counted as mission failure. (Credits POOF, gone! OK, biting the bullet and trying again...)

3). "Lost connection to host. You will be returned to the menu" - Mission failure. (So each time your servers decide to sneeze it's 160 K or more per sneeze for me? Bless you!)

So far for me personally this quest has been a huge letdown. The beginning was somewhat intriguing but the tedious Index filler bored me to no end. Suffice to say, the aforementioned shenanigans with credits made me feel like I've been scammed. No motivation to play this quest whatsoever. Shame, really.

EDIT from 23.12.2016: So when I logged in today, i found 480 K credits returned to me by Warframe Support Team. Kudos for that! However, I think I'll wait for some patches and balance adjustments before I tackle the quest any further. Or just level up until 160 K is chump change to me ))



Edited by Gunning_With_Scissors
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This is literally the worst thing I think I've ever had to deal with in this normally awesome game.

The first mission was fine and good. But immediately...oh god. The index is terrible. The game mode itself is just tedious, but doing 5 times? Why? And later when you have to win by 10 point margin it's almost impossible. With all the points flying around farther in, either you or a broker has like 15. A 10 point margin is just ridiculous.

Also, I've lost 480,000 credits due to this glitch-@(*()$ me. So yeah. Not even going to bother finishing this quest.

Edit: Apparently there's also an RNG part rolled in at the end. Now I know for sure I'm not bothering with this one.


Story side is fine though. Probably would've loved this if I didn't do the index like 6 times and waste all my money.

Edited by Shards-of-a-Soul
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Thank you for another installment in the questline DE! I enjoyed it quite a bit, specially the first part with the Myconians and the banter between Glast and Nef Anyo.


There are a few things I would like to report though. First of all, as previously reported:

On 12/22/2016 at 9:21 PM, 321agemo said:

Just finish the Quest. Might be a bug, might not be ending spoiler in spoiler:

  Reveal hidden contents

On the 3 options, i chose "Let her decide", which was the neutral choice. but after clicking it, the bar went all the way to the black.


Edit: Apparently it will fixed after the New Year. Thank You!


Second, the index part of the quest, though fun, felt a bit 'tedious'. (I.e. Too. much. Index). Is it possible to combine the 3 round matches into 1-2 rounds, with shortened duration, so long as the discussions itself remain unchanged?

And finally, many people I've read up on say they were griefed alot in pubs during the Index. Can you please set it to only solo/invite only? (Invite only because Ive had to help friends and clan mates with the 'finish within 10 points' part). [I've played the quest solo like all the previous quests, barring Limbo Theorem, and have had no problems with it. Radial Blind Excal and Status Built Akstilleto Prime for the win :smile:].


Overall, the Glast Gambit was a fun quest with a truck load of lore ( and lore was one of the reasons I stuck to Warframe in the first place XD). Thanks again for the new quest! (and new Warframe!).

Bye! o/

Edited by ShadowMark25
Vastly Improved Language and Removed offensive links
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Wow one of the worst quests I have played in Warframe. The first part of the quest was really fun and interesting but after that, It got  boring and repetitive because of the Index. I had lost 400k credits because of losing connection and because of people being generally idiots. The quest was personally a huge letdown, I thought the quest was about the Infested Frame, Nidus, and the Mycona, but boy was I wrong. I thought finishing the quest would get me parts of Nidus like other quests involving Warframes but I have to farm them which nobody likes and the quest was really a huge letdown. You are truly making Warframe even worse of a game by each and every update, please DE, fix this.

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This is undoubtedly the worst Warframe quest ever. Please. Rewrite. The entire thing. This is not ok.

I don't mind the farming part to get a warframe for free, but this is a Quest, one would expect at least something interesting to happen.

Titania's quest was really great. It had interesting lore, I didn't mind listening to transmissions, because they were really interesting, and most importantly: IN CONNECTION WITH THE FRAME. Ergo Glast's voice is hardly audible, and I didn't feel like reading the subtitles because I was busy doing mission stuff.

This quest is basically "do the Index over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, then do a spy mission and go back and do it once more, oh and btw we have an important stuff at the end". When Nef wanted a rematch after the final mission, I was literally about to ragequit. This is only worse than Limbo's quest because at least in that case, you get a warframe part bp after each mission. In this case, however, you do all those Index missions for LITERALLY NOTHING. It's not rewarding and just boring as hell.

Not to mention that you have to listen to the entire dialogue before being able to click on the mission start button, which sucks if servers kick you out and you have to listen to the entire thing again.


In conclusion:

  • Quest lore is really disappointing, it has absolutely nothing to do with Nidus.
  • It's literally just forced Index spam, which is really bad. It would have been much better if it introduced the new mission type for example.
  • You need to do all those missions for nothing, no meaningful reward is given for that much grind.
  • Quest rewards are bugged, I didn't get the "Mumblers" drawing, it shows in my Inbox but I only have 4/5 in my inventory.
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The only good part of the mission is the first part. I admit, I'm a bit surprised to see some space civilian colony. They even talk with each other, and surprised to see a Tenno and they thought Tenno are just old myth.

After that... bleh. Index, Index, Index, "don't win too many" Index, "literally cannot win" Index, spy and some story exposition, Index.

Too much Index. I just want to shot Nef Anyo, can I? 

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is there even a point to the choice at the end i chose the "send em to their people" then the circle went neutral before disappearing. if she wanted to be cured either way all 3 options are the same result meaning it was a wasted use of the karma circle thingy. i had hope that there was going to be a boss fight with nefy and there was zero info for nidus so it was just a random reward for that questline.

felt a bit rushed the start was good then fell off from there.

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