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[The Glast Gambit] Bug Report Megathread


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I entered the new orbiter room after equipping Nidus . . . and nothing. No new actions, no interactions, and no special dialog (which friends have told me about and I've read about).

I can walk around the new room, but other then opening the door, nothing else is/has happened. Which is unfortunate because I was looking forward to experiencing it myself.

I have a theory why this happened. Because the Helminth virus is infectious, I had a an infection fully manifested on my Ember before I even started building Nidus. I discovered I could also already breed a Helminth Charger, so I did, and then built my Nidus after. My theory is that since I already have a Helminth Charger the game has bypassed anything related to the new room.

Maybe only allow Helminth charger breeding AFTER a special interaction in that room, like an incubator upgrade given, instead of just adding that option without any special actions. Or not tie any initial interactions in the new room to Helminth Charger.

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1 hour ago, Excipient99 said:

Jupiter Junction In Ceres doesn't register Prosecutor kills in Ceres. This makes progress impossible. Please fix.

Edit: Can Submit EE.log after this happened.

I was wondering about this. This has been a problem for me for quite a while, but I never really thought anything of it, since I had unlocked Jupiter prior to the new Starchart. I would like to complete this junction eventually, so I would like this bug fixed please.

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I did a few missions on the index for the quest and the result screen keeps bugging out. The results screen pops up but there's nothing on it, just the arrows on the bar to switch between mission progress and syndicate standings, some text over the arrows that literally says "text", and it just stays there. Nothing happens. I can't move, I can't move on, but I can use the chat tab.

So I had to force-stop the game. Didn't cost me my progress, but... Yeah.

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I don't know how it happened. I can just explain what I've done:
1) Bring Nidus inside the "Room"
2) Use the operator now, and travel into the room.
3) Come back in warframe body

After this, i was teleported under the room. I tried to do this trick again but it did not worked, i don't know how i glitched it.


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I never thought that i will be scared to log in Warframe. But today is that day...
A very strange and nasty bug occurred few hours ago.
Every time i log in, I am loseing 3-5 Stratos Emblem rewards/scores. After i finished 2nd Snowday tactical alert (it was active from 30.12.2016. till 03.01.2017), i earned my 20th (or 21st) Stratos Emblem, sign is circle with 1 or 2 dots.
Today, i notice that i have different sign, for score of 16 finished tactical alerts (the one with "wings"). After relogging, i had stratos emblem score 13, as well as sign that goes for having 13 finished tactical alerts!

And here are screenshots!

You can see that alll sigils from last tactical alerts are there.
I changed frame in between,thinking it will solve it...somehow!

Idk know what to do...and i dont even know will DE give me back my score of 20 earned stratos emblems...

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I am having issues with the last part of the Index. My quest wouldn't activate after I finished the one prior. I then did this part with a friend. I lost the 180,000, but my quest did not continue. It was saying I still needed to do that part of the index but wouldn't let me activate it. I put in a support ticket almost a month ago and had not received a reply. A week ago, the mission allowed me to continue, but I did not receive a refund for the 180,000 credits I had lost. It's stuck at the last part of the index, and I do not want to have to farm for more and more credits just to lose them. I'm now having problems with other areas of the game. Two happened today. I didn't receive my login reward and the Pluto-Eris junction failed to give me my reward upon completion. I tried going back and doing that junction, but the junction wasn't working properly. I killed the specter, but nothing happened afterwards. I had to quit the game entirely just in order to get out. I would love some feedback. I know I put more than one issue here that does not pertain to the Glast Gambit, but I've been putting in support tickets and waiting for anyone to reply. Please help me.

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9 minutes ago, Zuddie said:

I am having issues with the last part of the Index. My quest wouldn't activate after I finished the one prior. I then did this part with a friend. I lost the 180,000, but my quest did not continue. It was saying I still needed to do that part of the index but wouldn't let me activate it. I put in a support ticket almost a month ago and had not received a reply. A week ago, the mission allowed me to continue, but I did not receive a refund for the 180,000 credits I had lost. It's stuck at the last part of the index, and I do not want to have to farm for more and more credits just to lose them. I'm now having problems with other areas of the game. Two happened today. I didn't receive my login reward and the Pluto-Eris junction failed to give me my reward upon completion. I tried going back and doing that junction, but the junction wasn't working properly. I killed the specter, but nothing happened afterwards. I had to quit the game entirely just in order to get out. I would love some feedback. I know I put more than one issue here that does not pertain to the Glast Gambit, but I've been putting in support tickets and waiting for anyone to reply. Please help me.

My Pluto-Eris junction rewards arrived after I logged out and back in twice. But I am still having trouble with the other issues.

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Ok, now I'm just pissed off. I can't even play the game now because of the failure to update my account every time I do a mission. If I join a squad, rather than host one myself, I lose everything I gained in the mission. I don't see anything about that bug in the above list, but something needs to be done. 

Honestly, this has ruined the game for me. I'm not gonna play for a few weeks and see if this ever gets fixed. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who's experiencing this, but I must be considering how long it's taking for them to fix this.

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I'm pissed as hell right now. I Tried to do the Index mission in which you have the Victory Margin Solo and it Auto Failed me, twice. That stunt just cost me 320k credits in less than a minute (And no, this wasn't the one which is doomed to failure from the start). 

I mean come on! How can one even want to try this ***** of a mission if you can't even attempt it and it costs hundreds of thousands of credits. This is utterly ridiculous. Hopefully this gets sorted out soon and I get a refund, or unfortunately the Glast Gambit's gonna be the first I decide NOT to do. 

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Some of my warframes appear to have an infested cyst growing their necks (I noticed this about a week after I started the quest) even though I do not own Nidus and have not entered the infested room as it does not open at all 

I have completed the first objective and I am currently on the second objective

The infested cyst on my warframes vary in size, Loki has the largest while Titania and Frost have a rather small one and others that do not have one like Ash Prime, Inaros and Chroma

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Frame: Nidus (Purchased from Market)

Bug: Entered the Infested Room after the Glast Gambit 7days ago to acquire the Helminth virus.  Now the cyst has matured, the game doesn't allow me to drain the cyst into a kubrow egg ... I have no active kubrow not kavat out, and I have 6 kubrow eggs.  Also, during these 7days up to now, the supposed Helminth dialogues never played for me when I visit the Infested Room.


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Bug: This is a bit weird. Since the update I have been experiencing connection issues with other players. If I am in a squad of more than two people and they start up a mission, I am kicked back to the orbiter with a "session unavailable" but I am still in the squad. Then I just have to keep attempting to join session until it sticks. 

Bug: I am auto-dropped from squads after every mission.


Bug: At the end of a defense mission when I am trying to extract, I receive a Host migration and I am kicked from the mission without rewards. The rest of squad will be forced to Battle and lose the reward from the last wave.


All of these issues have started since U19. Firewall is configured. Fiddled with UPnP and NAT-PMP with no avail. 

Loving the content but these issues are rough.

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Bug: Permanently stuck in the War Within quest for a week now, unable to progress.

Can't use transference in the mission The War Within, the part where you fight the Kuva Guardians and the Queen sequence. I keep getting the message power not unlocked. Every time I press the hotkey "5" to use transference it says "power not unlocked". I tried rebinding the key, setting everything back to default settings, using a controller, verifying and optimizing the game, reinstalling the game, different PC, and I'm still stuck in the throne room with the inability to use transference with the message in the bottom left corner "power not unlocked" despite the previous mountain sequence saying otherwise. 

Please help, because there's no way out of the quest, I can't abort or leave the quest every time I restart the game I load back in the throne room with the cut scenes again. I'm stuck and I can't even play the game anymore because of this. Some people in the forums bug section is still bugged for a month now.

Already submitted a ticket but still no response...

Thank you.

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There is a potential bug with Frost Prime/Frost. His ice textures seem to be sorta ignoring energy color. The ice appears very black and dark, no matter what color i pick. It wasn't like this before. Is this a bug or intended from recent updates? The snow globe also looks black. When i pick a very bright color it appears to show tints of it on the ice but very dark.

Snow globe

Ice wave


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On 1/11/2017 at 6:49 PM, aslanc16 said:

Frame: Nidus (Purchased from Market)

Bug: Entered the Infested Room after the Glast Gambit 7days ago to acquire the Helminth virus.  Now the cyst has matured, the game doesn't allow me to drain the cyst into a kubrow egg ... I have no active kubrow not kavat out, and I have 6 kubrow eggs.  Also, during these 7days up to now, the supposed Helminth dialogues never played for me when I visit the Infested Room.


How deep into the "incubate Kubrow" menu did you go? It doesn't show up on the surface menu, you have to go several steps into asking for a Kubrow to see the "incubate Charger" option

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6 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

How deep into the "incubate Kubrow" menu did you go? It doesn't show up on the surface menu, you have to go several steps into asking for a Kubrow to see the "incubate Charger" option

Thanks for the tip ... your tip should be included in the FAQ

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Argon dropping on earth and Uranus. Unknown if it drops anywhere else. conducting further research. "drops" in argon clusters.

Unless this is a feature, if so, disregard everything i have said.

Edited by FrozenStickerHD
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