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Nidus: another Ivara situation


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On ‎22‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 5:39 PM, HerpDerpy said:

So in order to get Nidus's parts besides his blueprint, you need to farm the new infested salvage mission, a lot. Bringing back old nightmares from when Ivara first came out and I spent the better part of a full week farming for her parts. 

Why has DE not realized that having warframe parts dropping from missions is NOT a good idea? people hated the Ivara grind so they just do it again but even worse! at least with spy missions you could learn how they were done and blow through them in a matter of minuets, but this new mission is 1. an endless mission, so automatically its going to take 5 min just to get a chance at a very rare drop 2. boring as hell 3. too damn hard! now its not hard to complete the mission, but however its extremely hard to keep all 3 of the vaporizers alive and functioning! And for those that haven't played the new mission yet, if the vaporizers aren't blue which requires a constant supply of those cubes, then it doesn't count towards space moms decoding which slows down the mission even more!

Would it really have been that bad to just give us the parts to nidus as we were doing the quest? like every other quest we have. Or at lease guarantee us a nidus part at rotation C of the reward pool?


I would be okay if you were guaranteed a nidus part on rotation C, even if it is a duplicate of a part you have already got, just something to get rid of the monstrous grind wall that is Nidus.

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Since there is a thread here, I shall not start another one. Anyway I think Nidus should be the main focus of the quest ie something like Inaros where it is related to the warframe itself.

I personally like to imagine that this infested warframe might be a failed orokin experiment to try to combine both tenno/warframe with the infested and was locked away and forgotten. Such is a lore or quest I was expecting. Not quickly bringing back the INDEX and mash a story behind it and give us the infested warframe. I personally would like to behind those 3 doors and explore what the infested doing behind them.

Anyway with the drop rate of the parts as rare as <insert rare item here> and i have been on the whole day today and have not got a single part which is made worse with all the bugs and hotfixes.


Oh... and patch notes might have failed to mention that they nerfed the anti serum fragments from 25 credits ea to 5 credits. I guess they dont want people to get too much credits on that mission by selling all the fragments for credits.


Anyway rant over. peace out.

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On 12/22/2016 at 11:42 AM, Ascended1QQ said:

And here I was hyped about him...

This definitely killed it... it took me about 103 runs to get Ivara... Atleast I know not to waste more time than intended.

You're lucky.  It took me nearly 100 runs to get the first part, and it was supposed to be one of the more common ones.

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On ‎23‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 4:15 AM, LeaserResael said:

Everyone saying: "You can always buy it with plat" "If you don't want to grind for it, buy it" and others... Do you realize that DE makes it so tedious to get those frames/weapons in order for people to buy it with plat right? I mean... are you aware of that? 

The more people that goes "Meh, I'll buy it with plat" the more DE is going to continue making new frames and weapons that require hours of grind to get... 

My point is, if you buy it with plat... this only will get worse..

Awesomely Explained and pointed out. Hats Off.

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DE really love some sick joke aren't they? like really rotation C hohoho here some stretch. WTF man ROTATION C FOR GOD FORSAKEN STRETCH, 80 endo kinda better than stretch but still bullS#&amp;&#036; since you can get 50 endo from rot B. JUST MAKE ROT C, 4 REWARD WITH ALL THREE PARTS 25% AND THE LAST ITEM RELIC OR SOMETHING. OR EVEN BETTER, FOR NORMAL FRAME MAKE IT LIKE DOTA USING PSEUDO RANDOM DISTRIBUTION FOR EVERYTIME WE REPEAT THE SAME MISSION AND WHEN WE CHANGE THE MISSION IT WILL RESET SO WE DONT HAVE TO @(*()&#036; GRIND FOR THE 100TH TIME . I swear to god sometimes i think DE code the RNG to make the last part to have 1% chance or less


Edit :

Finally after around my 20th or 25th run i manage to get my god damn neuroptics, but still i won't change my statement. For approx 20 minute game mode you only giving me stretch? vital sense? metal auger? if its around level 10 - 20 i would be glad or happy but level 30 - 40? Its just pure stupid at least give something more rare than that like relic or just remove stretch. At least if its relic i wouldn't be really mad cause i can use it for later purpose but uncommon mod for rot C? It is just pure abysmal

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Way I see it, they put Nidus' part blueprints in the new mission type and made them not super-common so people would try out the mission and get the hang of it. If the drops were common (or guaranteed after a couple of waves), many Tenno would play the mission type 3-5 times, build Nidus and never touch the node again.

Some examples of how this works. Grabbing Frost's parts from Lech Kril, you could play the boss fight 6-8 times and snag everything, so a player never has to spend much time learning how the fight works. I would go farm resources from Kril later on to find people who still didn't know you had to hit his cooling system to damage him. On the other hand, grinding Ivara was a nightmare, but after so many runs I became really good at Spy missions. Repetition breeds confidence and irons out errors.

I believe what DE is doing here is trying to get people to invest some time, learn and get familiar with how this new mission type works, not just run it for the rewards and then forget about it. They're putting incentive on players to spend time experiencing more of the content. Let's not argue with developer for the ability not to play the game, but instead to improve the game we play (increase Injector drops, for example).

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On 12/23/2016 at 11:26 AM, Sigmas71 said:

i know every single tile in the old sets like the back of my hand, the landing tiles never vary so every mission screams been here, done that.

The trouble is, DE makes no money on updating old tilesets, and all that art is a lot of time and work. No player will invest more in the game (read "pay the artists and programmers") for an update to old content such as this, so more core updates to how missions work at baseline will be very slow and piecemeal. This especially true of Warframe's system of giving us all updates for free (most games market "expansion packs" that a player is forced to pay for).

DE is working on it. New tilesets have been more interesting and they're slowly going through and making updates (like the Grineer Shipyard update last week) and Reactor Sabotage is an improvement on classic Sab, but spending a large amount of time and effort on these kinds of updates has to be lower in priority than new content, because the new stuff is what gets financial support to the game.

On 12/23/2016 at 11:26 AM, Sigmas71 said:

At some point DE will have to invest in their mission design, focusing on making each run into a fun and worthwhile experience beyond the rewards.

They're trying. It starts with creating some incentive for players to play a new mission type more than a couple times before ignoring it. Lots of play can help improve missions and games (we're all kind of like beta testers in this beta game here). But it's been tried and proven that most players need lucrative rewards to be encouraged to play missions. If the rewards aren't good enough or common enough, players get frustrated and give up. If the rewards are too good, the game struggles with rapid power creep. If the rewards are too common, players get them then quit the mission type. If they quit the mission type before it sees much development, missions don't get the feedback needed to be improved upon.

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12 hours ago, Yousho said:

I feel like DE are really starting to cross the "We need to make money / we have zero respect for our game or our players and will happily sacrifice experience to maximise profit" line. 
How soulless. 

I sadly have to agree with you. Things have been heading in this direction for quite a long time, and it's becoming even more apparent. What was once an amazing community is quickly devolving into this ugly, parasitic thing that we're all too familiar with. Many great games have failed in this manner. This vampiric relationship occurs where the playerbase rages and demands to be instantly gratified, is easily extorted because of it, and on the cycle goes until the players are so dissatisfied that the game fails. 


4 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

The trouble is, DE makes no money on updating old tilesets

Are you sure about that? I think everyone is forgetting the sort of relationship players have with the developers of any f2p game. This isn't a kiosk where we stroll in to buy "content", the players are here to support artists they like. If we do not like them or their work, WE DO NOT SUPPORT THEM. This was made clear early on. DO Give us nice skins, or more decorations and doodads for us to buy. DO NOT introduce ridiculously imbalanced grinds in what amounts to a blatant shakedown for those who happen to want the new content. DO NOT compromise the quality of our gameplay for your monetization schemes. 

4 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

They're trying. It starts with creating some incentive for players to play a new mission type more than a couple times before ignoring it. Lots of play can help improve missions and games (we're all kind of like beta testers in this beta game here).

I've been "beta testing" this game for over 3 years bro. After so long, i really hoped i'd be seeing the devs flesh out their game and add real content. So much potential that needs to be brought to life and into gameplay: Dojos, Rail Wars, better enemies. Instead we get weapons and frames and mods, and the privilege of grinding for them on stale maps.  

4 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

But it's been tried and proven that most players need lucrative rewards to be encouraged to play missions.

Wrong.  Most players wouldn't even be here if they didn't find the core gameplay incredibly fun. That premise should have been built upon from the start. We need our playground expanded, not more toys.

Yes, there's a whole new tileset now, and i'm still mildly hopeful for the rest of the war within updates and umbra and whatnot. Fingers crossed, it won't be too little too late. 


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On 12/22/2016 at 1:42 PM, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

You can get it now for plat or you can grind. You can get plat for free, so why are you complaining? I bought Ivara and Equinox because I didn't want to grind. Plat well spent.

this really

at this point just skip the BS and either trade stuff for plat and buy him from the store or open dat wallet.

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Those salvage missions are pretty fast tbh but then again I just bought the full pack so I dont see why ppl gotta complain again, yeah rng and all that but do you wanna keep playing this for free? Get all the content for free? Every little event and what not they do for free? Deal with it then -

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IDK in how many runs I got Ivara, but it certainly was in less than 15, it was not a pain to get. Equinox was also relatively easy. Now I'm at 10 runs for Nidus and only got the system. Problem is:
-There are tons of spy missions. There is 1 Savage mission.
-There are tons of spy room layouts. There are only 2 layouts for savage.
-Spy requires strategy and attention to win. Savage requires patience and an Ember or a pain in fingers for spamming EEEE.
-Ivara parts are each tied to a mission level. Nidus parts are all in a single mission.

I think the best thing would be to add Savage Dark Sectors, make each part tied to a level like Ivara and make them a possible drop in any rotation.

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So I'm atm doing my +27th* run and so far I got 6 systems and 3 helms (+ the trash mods). The new salvage game mod is just horrible, slow and uninteresting. What I have learned about the new game mode is that you can semi-afk about 30s-50s and then add one or two antiserum(s) to the vaporizer without losing any major decrypting speed. My frame of choice for this was 1st Titania cuz I though it would be fun to fly around and stuff. Although after 5 runs I got super bored and changed to Ember N' Youtube.

edit: 28th

Edited by Sat822
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