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Nidus: another Ivara situation


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This is just like the the old ARCHWING missions to get ELYTRON. The only difference is you  need to cap 3 positions not 4 and its in a ship not space. With the elytron at least you got better rewards on the rotations.

 FYI the map with terminal C buried under the floor sucks. I just quit and restart if I get that map. I run this solo so I hate that map


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1 hour ago, Extroah said:

But yeah, they rarely drop. Haven't gotten a single part after countless runs there.

You are aware the blueprints only drop from rotation C, i.e. the fourth 'salvage' in a mission, right?

You should get roughly one blueprint for every two missions, as long as you go that far.

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3 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

You should get roughly one blueprint for every two missions, as long as you go that far.

Well, if all rewards have the same drop chance you have 3/7 = 42,8% to get any of the 3 nidus part.


According to data minig sites which are not allowed to link on this forums this is true.

This doesn't seems a lot first, but this is not a boss run which takes 3-4 minutes, but a bloody C rotation, meaning you play 20 minutes for that 43% chance. Best case scenario you get nidus in 1 hour, expect 5-10 hours of grinding the same boring mission.
(I've got all his parts in 17 C rotations = 5 hours 40 minutes)

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I have only one thing to say, QUIT CRYING! Ok I have one more thing to say to Atlas hater, There are no worst frames Atlas may be your least favorite but he is alot of people's favorite, please don't state your opinion as fact you might ruin someone's opinion of a great frame by imprinting your negative predisposition. I also challenge you to run a power efficiency build on Atlas and spam his first power I assure you your "worthless frame" will become a sheer force of destruction!

Edited by (XB1)RogueTenno
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5 hours ago, Wolfiusz said:

Still the worst is Atlas farming, with the Juggernauts, the Archwing boss run and the final reward (Atlas) beeing one of the (if not THE) worst Warframes currently available ingame.


Atlas aint bad, Atlas is great, you just need to build him right like every other frame, I've built for his 1(Landslide?) and with a good melee it one shots even in sortie 3's, and builds for his rumblers can be great as well nothing like having effectively 2 more players on your team running around smashing the hell out of everything while taking fire away from you.

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2 12 round runs solo which BTW does not even take 20 minutes to do and all I can get is systems. 3 drops of that part already. It's kind of boring but I have run worse missions for parts.

 And I thought this was supposed to be hard. I solo to 12 with only a melee no problem. This is not that bad at all.

 I will say this is a super EZ way to score some nice relics

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 22. 12. 2016 at 6:44 PM, HerpDerpy said:

ya. I just did 5 runs stoping at the first rotation, then 2 runs that went to rotation c and got nothing. so I wouldn't wast your time until DE smartens up and makes the grind wall a little less tall.

He drops from C you know. And there is like a 50% chance to get A part, the individual parts have a drop chance between 15 and 20%. This is nowhere near Ivara's 2%.

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What really worries me are players that have to farm him in a few months time. Ivara can be farmed without a squad but Nidus needs a squad of 2 or 3 for the big map. 

The first two weeks after Nidus was released I would always spawn in full squads. At them moment I more often than not spawn alone and wait for the squad to fill up. In two or three months this place will be deserted and people will desperately look for 1-2 other players. There is no incentive for the rest of us to play infested salvage. 

Edited by k05h
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On 22/12/2016 at 6:39 PM, HerpDerpy said:

So in order to get Nidus's parts besides his blueprint, you need to farm the new infested salvage mission, a lot. Bringing back old nightmares from when Ivara first came out and I spent the better part of a full week farming for her parts. 

Why has DE not realized that having warframe parts dropping from missions is NOT a good idea? people hated the Ivara grind so they just do it again but even worse! at least with spy missions you could learn how they were done and blow through them in a matter of minuets, but this new mission is 1. an endless mission, so automatically its going to take 5 min just to get a chance at a very rare drop 2. boring as hell 3. too damn hard! now its not hard to complete the mission, but however its extremely hard to keep all 3 of the vaporizers alive and functioning! And for those that haven't played the new mission yet, if the vaporizers aren't blue which requires a constant supply of those cubes, then it doesn't count towards space moms decoding which slows down the mission even more!

Would it really have been that bad to just give us the parts to nidus as we were doing the quest? like every other quest we have. Or at lease guarantee us a nidus part at rotation C of the reward pool?


I could argue on the point 3. The mission is extremely easy in pug with nekros. For what regards the "fun" factor , this is exactly how interceptions and defense are, you could say that this mode is a mix between interception, defense and survival. I've used a combo who was quite fun, new sentinel + air support sentinel of the ship + moa specter + drone specter + phase specter + Zenistar disk + Dispoil Nekros. Thanks to the help of specters, shadows, sentinels and zenistar I could cover all the points efficiently, and thanks to desecrate I had a good amount of injector.  

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