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Can we get an option to solo-extract from Survival missions after every 5 minutes?


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53 minutes ago, Ciaus said:

why def and interception missions have optional leave

Thats a big mistake, that some types of endless missions provide an opportunity to single players to leave squad.

I think there should be something like vote in certain intervals, and if at least half of team want to continue, no one could leave.

I would not like to see our favorite game turned into a 5 minute runs with Mercury heroes. That would become too easy and boring.

1 hour ago, Ciaus said:

If I need to leave and 3 people want to stay and I have 20 mins of rewards, I will go to extraction.

^^This. First of all such kind of "players" think about their rewards but not about team. Its a teamplay, if someone forgot.

So, what's about the main theme, i think the idea is not good. The idea with voting in certain intervals is much better.

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Just now, --Dark_Rage-- said:

I think there should be something like vote in certain intervals, and if at least half of team want to continue, no one could leave.


This is actually the worst idea I've ever seen on these forums.
Do you literally not realise the existence of human life? It's a game. Not my job. 

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15 minutes ago, Ciaus said:

This is actually the worst idea I've ever seen on these forums.
Do you literally not realise the existence of human life? It's a game. Not my job. 

This idea does not contradict the existence of real life. It just includes the point of view of all the teammates, but not only one, who wants to leave.

If i have really urgent business in the process of endless mission i just press the button escape, without rewards. But not staying AFK on the finish point, as someone do.

If i have only 10-15 minutes, i will not go endless mission. That's simple.

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Just now, --Dark_Rage-- said:

This idea does not contradict the existence of real life. It just includes the point of view of all the teammates, but not only one, who wants to leave.


2 or 3 teammates can easily carry on and get enough LS and many rewards if they so choose in the OP's proposed system.
If they leave with me, THEY WILL STILL GET REWARDS. 
If I just press escape, I have literally wasted 15 minutes of my life and get nothing. It's not an even compromise at all. Especially if you end up with a squad that wants to go like 40 minutes. 


2 minutes ago, --Dark_Rage-- said:

If i have only 10-15 minutes, i will not go endless mission. That's simple.

I'm so happy for you. 

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1 hour ago, --Dark_Rage-- said:

This idea does not contradict the existence of real life. It just includes the point of view of all the teammates, but not only one, who wants to leave.

And that's where you're wrong. The current system only includes the point of view of the three who want to stay not the one of the one who wants to leave. If the player can go and extract, that doesn't harm the players who want to stay.

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 The point keeps getting tossed up about how real life is going to necessitate someone leaving early.  That is right, real life does mean you need to leave.  So go.  Get out.  Warframe will be here when you have time again to play.

 But adding the option for a single person to extract when they want to because emergencies are going to come up is crap.  You are never going to have enough emergencies to make this necessary.  If you do, then you shouldn't be playing warframe.

 It links to other issues behind the small group games.  We don't want to inconvenience any single player, but a single player can inconvenience everyone else more.  Better to have you deal with your problem rather then ruin everyone's gameplay.

 The other game modes are not damage nearly as much by a person leaving, as well as it shows them quite clearly you are leaving.  They will know you are gone and can make the choice to stay behind without you.  It's their risk.  In survival and excavation, it wouldn't have any notice at all.  Though they probably would add in something to show a banner on screen for a few moments if it gets implemented.  It would still be annoying and mess with the players that are left behind.  Get a reward, then see "(player) left the mission."  and then the remaining players now have to decide if they can handle the rest, while they are too busy to talk to each other.

 Survival and excavation leaves could easily be devastating, and aren't that necessary.  You either aren't missing much if you leave, or the group will probably leave with you if you have gone long enough.  And real life should only interfere maybe once a day.  Do you need the option to leave more often then that?  Because if you do, it's a problem for you, not for everyone else.

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30 minutes ago, JHarlequin said:

 But adding the option for a single person to extract when they want to because emergencies are going to come up is crap.  You are never going to have enough emergencies to make this necessary.  If you do, then you shouldn't be playing warframe.

 It links to other issues behind the small group games.  We don't want to inconvenience any single player, but a single player can inconvenience everyone else more.  Better to have you deal with your problem rather then ruin everyone's gameplay.

Are you actually serious? 
What basement dwelling life could at most necessitate leaving your PC once in an entire day?
Also the inconvenience of literally getting NOTHING for 10-20 minutes of playtime is a lot larger in many cases than losing one random in a PUG. And even so you can then leave AND KEEP THE REWARDS. Huge difference. 

This system is completely fine for defence and interception, particularly for def often 2 or 3 people will stay on later rounds for PUGs. Make someone LOSE the rewards they've already spent time on is a lot worse than not being able to continue to get more at 100% efficiency for that game. If you think otherwise that's bloody hilarious. 

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On 26.12.2016 at 6:59 AM, JHarlequin said:

 If you have specific goals, then you need to join it with specific goals.  So make a team first, or like I said, they need to have selections for join for five or join for long run, so that people going in get a match they want.  But in completely open matchmaking, you are joining to get the help on the mission which means in this system, you have to agree to do it their way.

 If you join and want to go a long time, but two people go to the exit at five minutes, then yeah, you didn't get much out of it.  If you join, and people don't want to extract at the time when you do, then you have to wait and you should help.  If matchmaking included the choice of duration, then you would have the option to leave early.  Without that choice, then it's left to the random group to figure out when they are leaving.

 Otherwise, you solo or make a group.

sry but random ppl don´t have to say when i go or not..... you want stay long ? okay but then make a pregroup, in complete random groups there is no point to FORCE yes FORCE someone to stay in or to go out with them. Most times i have to leave is when something in rl happens, and i hate to ask the ppl to extract because i know its my problem and they have nothing to do with it. A extract system like in defense would be great for survival and excavation.

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There is no reason to NOT have this in the game by now. It just disrupts everything because everyone has their own comfort levels and time restrictions. Maybe its because DE scales the game and spawns to how many people are in the mission, and cant figure out how to descale it once people extract. But when you do extract, you're hopping on your own ship anyway. People should be able to just leave if they want to. Even if we have to compromise and what I said is true, i'm fine with dealing with the extra spawns solo if it means people can go if they want to.

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On 12/25/2016 at 0:34 PM, JHarlequin said:

 I would rather that a feature like this wasn't added, but I do get that different people go into the mission with different goals.  Survival missions are a type of mission that could really be good for having a slightly more complicated matchmaking set up.  Sort of chose if you are going for five or going for twenty or more selection before it searches for the group.

 But for the current system, they really shouldn't add the opportunity for people to extract early.  You are there as a team, work as a team and stay as a team.

That's nuts. It's not extract early, it's I want to stay longer. Sure the rest of the team wants out but why do I have to go? I can enter solo and do it solo but if I enter with someone they drag me out? why? It doesnt' make any sense. You can leave and take the rest of the team with you.. why do you care if I stay?

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On 12/27/2016 at 3:28 PM, JHarlequin said:

 The point keeps getting tossed up about how real life is going to necessitate someone leaving early.  That is right, real life does mean you need to leave.  So go.  Get out.  Warframe will be here when you have time again to play.

 But adding the option for a single person to extract when they want to because emergencies are going to come up is crap.  You are never going to have enough emergencies to make this necessary.  If you do, then you shouldn't be playing warframe.

 It links to other issues behind the small group games.  We don't want to inconvenience any single player, but a single player can inconvenience everyone else more.  Better to have you deal with your problem rather then ruin everyone's gameplay.

 The other game modes are not damage nearly as much by a person leaving, as well as it shows them quite clearly you are leaving.  They will know you are gone and can make the choice to stay behind without you.  It's their risk.  In survival and excavation, it wouldn't have any notice at all.  Though they probably would add in something to show a banner on screen for a few moments if it gets implemented.  It would still be annoying and mess with the players that are left behind.  Get a reward, then see "(player) left the mission."  and then the remaining players now have to decide if they can handle the rest, while they are too busy to talk to each other.

 Survival and excavation leaves could easily be devastating, and aren't that necessary.  You either aren't missing much if you leave, or the group will probably leave with you if you have gone long enough.  And real life should only interfere maybe once a day.  Do you need the option to leave more often then that?  Because if you do, it's a problem for you, not for everyone else.

You are joking. Defense leaves are FAR more devastating because you MUST stay 5 waves if you can handle it or not. Especially if they switch last minute and everyone follows and you are left alone in a defense.  If someone leaves survival, unless i am out of revives i KNOW i can make it to extraction if things are suddenly too hairy for me. I won't "lose" the mission like someone extracting from defense at the last minute.

This should be in for simply different play styles, not emergencies. If two want to leave and two want to stay why can't the two stay? Give me one good reason why if two people stand on extraction the other two shouldn't be able to stay in the mission if that is their choice?

Edited by Shockwave-
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I have seen various versions of solo extraction (even posted one idea a while ago, that one suggested a tool you would use to extract).

This is my current stance on the matter:

1) "Look at what our tenno operative just found" should mean that the stuff is being collected elsewhere, and so it shouldn't be lost (regardless of lost connection, failed migration, aborted mission, death or extraction). If this is added, the equivalent for Excavation should be added too.

2) Once extraction shows up, you should be able to go there and it should start the timer. Once the time reaches 0, you are extracted and the other players get a question asking them whatever or not they want to stay.


Consider that as it currently stands, when the timer reaches 0 you get extracted regardless of where you are. I'm suggesting to replace that with a question and to allow the timer to start by any single player regardless of the size of the squad.

I know that a pop up question is a bit intrusive, yet we see it in endless fissure missions and it is working ok there. 

Also this question would not be coming up at given intervals, just when somebody extracts.

I made this suggestion here. Solo extraction is not a new idea, see evidence it says "Something else that might be a much better improvement to survival is to extract by oneself".

Edited by theraot
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2 hours ago, theraot said:

I have seen various versions of solo extraction (even posted one idea a while ago, that one suggested a tool you would use to extract).

This is my current stance on the matter:

1) "Look at what our tenno operative just found" should mean that the stuff is being collected elsewhere, and so it shouldn't be lost (regardless of lost connection, failed migration, aborted mission, death or extraction). If this is added, the equivalent for Excavation should be added too.

2) Once extraction shows up, you should be able to go there and it should start the timer. Once the time reaches 0, you are extracted and the other players get a question asking them whatever or not they want to stay.


Consider that as it currently stands, when the timer reaches 0 you get extracted regardless of where you are. I'm suggesting to replace that with a question and to allow the timer to start by any single player regardless of the size of the squad.

I know that a pop up question is a bit intrusive, yet we see it in endless fissure missions and it is working ok there. 

Also this question would not be coming up at given intervals, just when somebody extracts.

I made this suggestion here. Solo extraction is not a new idea, see evidence it says "Something else that might be a much better improvement to survival is to extract by oneself".


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I feel like the way its working now (letting you to extract anytime from minute 5) should stay BUT i will improve it implementing this:

1) You can solo extract (just go to finish point and solve a cypher)

2) Other players can join the survival every 5minutes, it can have like a 1 or 2 minutes window every 5mins, or just leave it open to join anytime.

This way, when a player leaves the survival, the other ones wont be affected and everyone is happy.

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On 12/26/2016 at 9:32 AM, Ciaus said:

Luckily there is a bug to force the countdown. 

So using a bug to forcibly extract 3 other players who didn't plan on leaving is a good thing? 

The current system for survival missions is incredibly unhealthy for pubs. With that "bug" slowly becoming more frequently used by those who put their own needs ahead of everyone else it can only get worse if something isn't done. Implimenting an option to solo extract may be the best option in my opinion.

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11 minutes ago, Skrewyluie said:

So using a bug to forcibly extract 3 other players who didn't plan on leaving is a good thing? 


Better than losing 20 minutes worth of rewards. 

And yes. 
Solo extract absolutely 100% should be a thing, as I've argued repeatedly in this thread. But I would not want to see the bug removed until it is added, because losing rewards for time already spent is a lot worse than being taken out of a session for which you still get rewarded. It's still annoying and shouldn't happen, but lesser of two evils. 

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I can see the use in that very useful especially if something comes up in real life that you need to take care of and you could just simply leave without forcing your other squad mates to leave with you it's already implemented in 5 waves of defense and after each round of interception I think it would be very handy to have in survival if a member is required to leave for a prolonged period of time.

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I'll say it again, we NEED THIS.

As a guy that loves doing 40+ minute survival runs, I litterally has never been able to do this ever since endless was brought back.

You always get a group, then there's one or two people that want to leave after 10- 20 minutes either because they have something else to do, because their build isn't good enough to last, or because they fear losing their rewards if they fail to extract or if the game crashes or because they are out of keys. Even if you bother to go into recruit channel and ask for people for longer runs, you can bet you'll get a couple randoms that want to quit before we get there.

And before you go "well, just do it solo then"... The new system penalises solo play , since you only get to choose between a single drop reward. As such, you want to run your endless missions with a group as much as possible... I would love to be able to run , let's say 20 minutes in a four person party, then ten more minutes with a three man party, followed by another ten minute with a two man party, finally ending with a solo streak when all sane individuals besides me decide to leave.

And for those that say "but people could leave and put you in jeopardy"... Well, they would still have to survive the extaction time at extraction point, giving you time to plan and see that X players are about to get out. It's alot less imbalanced and dangerous than let's say defense, where a bunch of asshats can leave with one second left on the counter and leave a solo player alone to defend an objective.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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