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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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A lone grineer lancer was one hour from finishing his patrols. He was bored. He was hungry. He was completely unaware that the ship he was on had been marked for extermination. He didn't hear the hiss of a door opening, or the steps of a blue Ash.


He did, however, hear someone behind him shout " Let me show you the dance of my people!" and turned to investigate the sudden disturbance.


A quick scan of the room revealed nothing out of place, and he began to turn back to the Ash that had teleported at his back. The Ash waited until the lancer was almost facing him, pivoted on his front foot, and delivered a tornado kick with sufficient force to leave a sizeable dent in his helmet and send him sprawling.

 A voice spoke in his helmet "Well done tenno, now get to extraction."

In response, the Ash put his fist in the air. "Flawless Victory!"

The Lotus sighed, thinking. It was getting more difficult to find missions with no flame-throwing units. "Tenno, I've deemed it necessary to assign you to a clan, where you might be able to get assistance in resolving your....condition."  

"Is this negotiable?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Fine, where am I going?"

The Lotus didn't respond for several seconds as she looked through thousands of profiles until she found what she was looking for. "Several things require my attention before this can be finalized. I will contact you shortly."

Fraxinis waited several seconds for something further before switching off his comms unit. He couldn't help but think that things were going to get interesting in the coming days.

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Viking, I think calling Chrysalis that was a bit uncalled for, even if it was a joke.


The story was pretty good though, I will say that.


*chants softly in background* one of us, one of us, one of us

Edited by Jeahanne
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-great booming voice of god voice- ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US!


something short wif Crowley~



Again the Memorial Hall of Aequitas was lonely and silent, and again Crowley stood singular as the only living creature there. The only man who could feel the ocean of emotion, memory, and soul that gathered in this sanctuary. Rather than his scythe Crowley held in his hands a gauntlet; an artifact known as Glacies. Though Lunasos and Glacies the ice-blue Nekros had been able to feel further resonance, an awakening of another artifact somewhere in the system. Normally this would be cause for rejoice but the Grand-Master of the Dead had had his moment ruined by the crippling feeling of the corruption spreading further in his body. Even now Crowley felt some technocyte growth reaching his pale face beneath his helmet. If resonance expedited his condition the Grand-Master could not risk keeping two artifacts in his possession. Looking from the gauntlet to the statue of Ajkrumen, the Nekros knew what had to be done.


"I meant to give this to Heus...Ein is serving as my eyes to Heus' doings...ah...if only you could see Ein, my dear old friend. I'm sure he would have loved to be taught by you...I, too, have so little time left in my hourglass." Holding up Glacies Crowley felt the artifact pulse with small embers of power, shifting shape and size to accommodate the statue's hand. Even with the death of its owner Glacies seemed to know this was the place to conduct its trials. "Soon I shall be overtaken...I must make Faust ready...make Ein ready. I pray your apprentice earns Glacies before the time comes...for if not..." Removing his helmet solemnly, Crowley revealed his face to the statue. Already his cold blue eyes had black sclera, a side effect of his corruption. At both sides of his face bone-like metal material was starting to form along his cheek bones. Even along his spine region the growth had begun, inciting pain whenever it grew a little more. "...I may become a more terrifying monster than the Infested that destroyed the great cathedral, than the beasts that make up the Collective. Then...it will be fitting for Lunasos to be tainted with the image of Hate." Closing his eyes Crowley let himself cry silent tears, placing his Raknis helmet back upon his head before leaving. "Pray, old friend, that everyone has the strength to slay Death itself."

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*looks around at everyone who is in corners and such chanting* well....what have i started?




and ill be gone for a couple days, ill try and get my stories done and then posted when i get back!


and Khi....... :'c......no........ *wants to cry in a corner*

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Hmm ok, well here's the companion bit for what Viking wrote. I hope it's alright.





The Trinity at the infirmary had been more than kind in explaining the general workings of the dojo to Acantha. She’d found out that Aequitas was a unique clan in more than one way, but especially in the fact that it wasn’t run by a Warlord like most clans were. Instead, they were guided by a body of individuals called the Council that dealt with any matters normally handled by the Warlord in any other clan. It turned out that some kind of message had been sent to them regarding her. Something about her being “different from the other” Nova, as the Volt who had brought her in had said. Acantha wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, and was nervous about meeting or having attention from something as intimidating as this Council sounded. So, having run out of distractions like cleaning her warframe, and with the Trinity she had been talking to leaving to attend to her other duties, Acantha decided to take the time to explore the dojo while she had the opportunity. She thought it might be chance to distract herself and clear her head.


She had only intended to wander around and observe, not draw any attention to herself. However, not long into her wanderings she got lost in her own thoughts and walked straight into someone carrying a large load of boxes, falling backwards.


''Ooomph. Oh god, I am so sorry, I didn't see you. Are you hurt?'' A Tenno in a strange warframe she’d never seen before said as he shifted the rather heavy looking boxes he was carrying to one arm so he could use the other to offer her a hand back to her feet.


“Nothing but my pride.'' She answered, half joking and half embarrassed at herself for being so clumsy as to knock into him. ''I don't think I've ever seen a frame such as yours. What is it called?''


She studied the warframe intently as she accepted his hand and he helped her up.


''It is a prototype frame, so it hasn't been named yet,'' he told her.


Before she could ask him anything further, she heard a voice come from behind someone obscured almost entirely by a mountain of boxes, ''Ein, what happened?''


''I bumped into...erm...''


“Acantha,” she said, realizing she’d entirely forgotten to introduce herself after rudely walking into him a moment before, “My name is Acantha.”


''Well, pleasure to meet you Acantha,'' said the mysterious figure obscured by the teetering mass of parcels in his hands, ''My name is Kris, and the person you just bumped into is Ein, who is currently helping me carry all these boxes to the foundry.''


''Wait, you’re going to the foundry?'' Acantha asked, intrigued. It occurred to her that her weaponry might be there, since it had been sent out for cleaning.


''Yeah. Want to come with us?'' Kris answered.


She nodded, “Yes, please.”


''Good, now hold this box.'' Kris said as he handed Acantha the small box that had been blocking his view in front of him, and revealing his helmeted face to her for the first time. She accepted it, hearing what sounded like the clink of glass coming from inside.


Almost as an afterthought, Kris looked at her and said, “Umm be careful with that by the way, it’s fragile.”


“What’s in it?”


She swore she could see the Excalibur grinning at her behind his helmet, “Nothing to worry about.”


She looked at him curiously and then shrugged her shoulders. It wasn’t really any of her business anyway, even if she was curious.


The walk to the Foundry wasn’t a long one, and was spent in silence. She didn’t particularly mind the quiet. It felt… companionable. It was something she hadn’t felt in a long time, and she was happy to enjoy it for the small moment it lasted.


All too soon, they arrived at the Foundry doors. They hissed open, releasing the scent of oil, worked metal, and some indefinable other that conjured up images of workrooms and industry, and seemed to reside in any place where craftsmen spent their time. She wondered what waited for her inside as she followed Ein and Kris through the doors, still holding the box that clinked with the sound of glass.

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