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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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The plot thickens. A lot. The conflicts that shall ensue around that snub are of worrisome proportion... I am sorry for your loss, in advance. It's bound to explode now that you brought this in.


Hopefully it'll be used in a kamikaze mission, instead of falling over a prank.


Now i should probably follow up on what i was writing.


Akinos, with his Shade besides him, as pretty much always, was returning to the Aequitas Dojo. He had already solved the puzzle, he believed. At least in part he had.


-We found one piece of it in a Grineer database, thanks to our dear "Uncle" Hek and his curiosity for all things secret-he said, as he went over what he had deduced-You said we need another three. "One of each" means we should find one in a Corpus ship, one in an Infested derelict and one in a Void ship. No clue what "The odd one out" is, but we'll figure it when we get there.


-Except, we got no idea where to start looking-the Sentinel remarked-Yes, Vay Hek was obvious due to the way the Empire is organized, if something was being kept in secret, he'd have a hand in it. But the Corpus board members are extremely well hidden. And anything that involves derelicts or void ships is nothing short of a coin toss.


-True that. We need to expand the search if we want me to be alive to see the end of it-Akinos concluded.


-Hm... You might be useful alive-Shade stated-I might encounter something that needs killing, and you have proven to be quite effective at that. So, do you intend to look for volunteers at the Dojo, or what?


-I guess, after all, people do go around picking up random files for Lotus-Akinos answered him-So why wouldn't they pick some of them up for me, as always, with no explanation given?


-I have always wondered about that, you know? I think she put chips in their heads or something crude like that to make you trust her so-Shade laughed-Then you have the ones like you who took too many blows when fresh out of the pod, and your brain just doesn't work right anymore.


-Oh, look, my Vectis is just out of the Foundry!-Akinos grinned, as he looked at Shade-What should i test it with?


-Not on this, for sure-the Sentinel responded as he lit up one of the ship's screens.


There appeared a view from one of the laterals of their ship, as they seemed to be already parking into the Dojo. But, most importantly, there appeared a beautiful, Orokin styled snub fighter, that they were passing right by, It had slick, golden lines over ivory white plates, in the scheme characteristic of Orokin technology. But it was also obviously superior in function as well as in form to a regular snub fighter. More potent propulsion,  along with a far enhanced capability for delicate maneuvers were self evident in it's proportions. Definitively not just a layer of paint.


-This is probably the only thing we have in common-Akinos said, as he examined the details of the ship-And that's the one thing i'd choose to drive in Manual through a planet wide crossfire.


-I can't help but appreciate the complexity and elegance of it-Shade concurred-Even if white and gold can be a bit too much. But i guess no harm is done if it's legit Orokin, which it is.


-And now we both want one-Akinos concluded, as he turned off the screen and went over to mind the final landing of their own ship-Like that's going to happen...



Wait a second! Is that an Infested Hunt emblem in his shoulder?  It means this picture must have been taken after the date of his alleged death...


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Comedy? Well, I haven't used my other characters in a while.


"Are you sure you won't let me help you with that?" Lucid asked the Tenno holding the box of Orokin technology. She had nothing much better to do; Tyranthius was on a contract, she didn't have any scheduled missions, and she was not in the mood for pointless homicide.


The Tenno shook his head. "This is really sensitive tech here. I'm not sure what some of it does, but judging by what I know of Orokin tech, some of this probably blows up."


"But your hover-trolley is broken", Lucid protested. "I'm a MAG, I can get it there in no time."


"A hover-trolley is actually more complicated than you'd think-" the Tenno began, but then he saw Lucid's I-want-to-help-face, and knew that the fight was lost. "Fine, you can levitate this for me. But be careful."




Vallen sighed in satisfaction. He had mixed, strained, stirred, and distilled, and now he had what he believed to be the perfect concentration of vodka. He would vindicate himself on those paltry imitators. I had the idea to make booze out of potatoes. But they would bother him no more. With this blend, he would wipe out the competition. He had taken extra steps to be careful. He had reconfigured a cloaking projector, rendering him invisible and inaudible to all observers. He was sitting at a table in a remote corner of the Dojo, close to the Foundry. My greatest work.




"This actually isn't so bad. You've moved it twenty meters without blowing something up."


Lucid was about to give a smug remark, when-





Lucid's jaw dropped as she beheld a Tenno propelled up-side-down by a single shoe that was apparently spitting fire like a jet's exhaust. "Wasn't that Loki?"


Her companion said, "I think so. I wonder where he- watch out for the globe!"


Lucid saw that, from her momentary lapse in concentration, a single glowing sphere of Orokin tech was threatening to drop. "S#&$, S#&$ S#&$ S#&$", came her companion's anxious breaths. At the last moment, she managed to reassert her hold over the sphere.



Will continue in later edit.

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