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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Wow...crap...Aj...images...gaaarrrrr -rolls around- Now Crowley has a whole 'nother set of issues to think about. Regardless, even the Stalker cannot hope to best Death. I will say this now: Stalkers will be unable to even scratch Crowley at Complete Corruption.


Side note 1: Has anyone else noticed how I capitalize the first letter of important things yet?


Side note 2: Yes! Crowley will likely make use of Fenrik to try and instill a sense of competition in Faust, though his decisions will remain unchanged.


Side note 3: Let there be Khimera raining aggravated emo-fury upon foolish initiates! ...Because his husband is still missing...




"Hey, you hear about Khimera totally rejecting Sandalphon? The dude's been training every second he's not on registration duty and Khimera's been sulking in his room for days." It was an Ember colored in greens and purples speaking, just leaving the lecture Ein had been attending. It was unfortunate but the lesson had turned into a lecture halfway after Ein had mistakenly broken an Excalibur's arm during the training exercise. Though by now everyone was onto a new topic.


"Really? Wish I'd been there, rumors going around Khi actually took off his helmet!" It was an Ash, one of many who were around the Dojo. It seemed Ash was a very well-liked Warframe around Aequitas these days. "By the way, we keep hearing Khimera's a guy but Sandalphon's trying to date Khi right...and didn't Khimera say he's married?"


"Yeaaah...so...maybe he's a flat-chested woman wearing a Volt?" The Ember replied, folding her arms and tapping on the chin of her helmet. "I mean, not the first cutting-board girl in the Clan you know? All that electricity and anger can't be good for the pillows."


"Hahahah yeah, or maybe Khimera's transgender? Nothing wrong with that, but I kinda get the feeling it would explain the emotional imbalances some." The Ash replied, Ein finally leaving the Lecture Room after apologizing what must've been a dozen more times.


"My records indicate Khimera is completely Male. There is no evidence of hacking for his personal profile." Ein stated almost mechanically, startling the two initiates.


"Seriously though, he's the best hacker in Aequitas, maybe the whole Sol System! I bet he could cover his tracks if he wanted to...er...she wanted to." The Ash protested, shaking his head as he turned to face the Ember. "Bet she could even hack a Warframe so maybe we all just perceive her as a male because of something she did to her Volt?"


"Yeah, maybe make it release electro-doo-hickey waves to mess with our heads like a Nyx! Or maybe she's a Nyx using her powers to disguise herself!" The Ember replied with enthusiasm, the two not noticing the other students moving away and Heus putting up a Snowglobe while muttering 'Nope' repeatedly to himself.


"Hello Sensei Khi!" Ein chimed in innocently, practically projecting a childish smile of greeting as he had his right hand raised, waving to the wasp-colored Volt. Ein was made so that he had self-preservation as a major priority so he would have moved away had he felt any danger so everyone was sort of dumb-founded that he was standing near the two idiots who'd been talking about Khimera's gender for the past ten minutes.


Cracking his knuckles and snapping his neck from side-to-side once, Khimera let out something akin to a feral growl. "So I'm a woman...am I?" The two initiates cowered in fear, but would receive no help from anyone, not even Ein. [Redacted due to excessive violence against student-grade Tenno] Dusting off his hands, letting the battered and beaten Initiates crawl away toward med-bay for aid, Khimera finally looked to Ein. "Go off and play, okay sweetie?" Khi spoke in a soft, tired voice as he patted Ein on the head as if he were a small child. "I'll help you train in a minute."


"Yaaay! See you later Sensei!" Ein happily trotted off to go entertain himself with something, the rest of his classmates too terrified of their superior to leave Heus' protective bubble.


Snapping his head to look at Heus and the greenhorns, Khi clasped his hands behind his back and strode up to the frosty sphere with grace and poise that only natural talent could grant. "The discussion of my gender has ended. I'm gay. I'm married. My husband has been missing since the Collapse. Period." He spoke in a soft, lethal tone of voice that oozed killing intent as much as the crackling electricity wreathing his Warframe. With a single, small touch with his index finger Khimera made furious red cracks appear all over the Snowglobe, forcing it to shatter in an instant. "If I hear someone discussing my gender, choices, or gossiping about my cell...I will make sure you wish the Stalker was killing you." That was a threat so grave not even Heus had a response. It was too soon to make light of the fact Ajkrumen had been killed by one so it struck a chord, but it also brought to light how seriously the Volt was taking all this. Turning away, Khimera sighed softly. "Do not fool with the heart, children, for it will only bring you despair and pain." With that, Khi went off to find where Ein had went, intent on teaching the unique Initiate calmly after letting off some steam.


Crowley was waiting nearby, having been concerned with the fluctuations of power near Ein only to find it had been Khimera's wroth brought upon unfortunate souls. "That was harsh...especially in front of Heus..." The Nekros whispered, placing a hand on Khi's shoulder. "Would you at least apologize and explain to him later? You bear your soul not even to me...maybe he could understand..."


Hanging his head, Khimera brought his hand to his face, crying behind his helmet. "No one understands. They're not me."


"At least it was a good show." Crowley chuckled, trying to lighten the mood a little for his friend.


Sniffling a bit, Khi nodded, forcing a smile as he straightened up a bit. "Yeah...shoulda let Scarlet have 'em though...we'd all get a laugh." Pausing after letting out a choked laugh, Khimera pulled his helmet off briefly to rub his eyes. "Gonna find Ein...then apologize..."


Nodding in understanding the older Tenno gave the Volt's shoulder a squeeze. "He's out there somewhere, Wasp. Ein, however, is in the Mess Hall so please stop him before he tries to eat something."


"Ohgodno!" Khimera activated speed and was off, letting Crowley resume his contemplative walk, giving only an idle wave to the students as he passed by.


"Heus, Khimera will be visiting later to apologize." He informed without even missing a beat, most of the younger Tenno there still far too afraid of Khimera coming back to move.

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Sorry for posting this all over again. My cousin had an emergency he needed the P.C. for.


"Are you sure you won't let me help you with that?" Lucid asked the Tenno holding the box of Orokin technology. She had nothing much better to do; Tyranthius was on a contract, she didn't have any scheduled missions, and she was not in the mood for pointless homicide.
The Tenno shook his head. "This is really sensitive tech here. I'm not sure what some of it does, but judging by what I know of Orokin tech, some of this probably blows up."
"But your hover-trolley is broken", Lucid protested. "I'm a MAG, I can get it there in no time."
"A hover-trolley is actually more complicated than you'd think-" the Tenno began, but then he saw Lucid's I-want-to-help-face, and knew that the fight was lost. "Fine, you can levitate this for me. But be careful."
Vallen sighed in satisfaction. He had mixed, strained, stirred, and distilled, and now he had what he believed to be the perfect concentration of vodka. He would vindicate himself on those paltry imitators. I had the idea to make booze out of potatoes. But they would bother him no more. With this blend, he would wipe out the competition. He had taken extra steps to be careful. He had reconfigured a cloaking projector, rendering him invisible and inaudible to all observers. He was sitting at a table in a remote corner of the Dojo, close to the Foundry. My greatest work.
"This actually isn't so bad. You've moved it twenty meters without blowing something up."
Lucid was about to give a smug remark, when-
Lucid's jaw dropped as she beheld a Tenno propelled up-side-down by a single shoe that was apparently spitting fire like a jet's exhaust. "Wasn't that Loki?"
Her companion said, "I think so. I wonder where he- watch out for the globe!"
Lucid saw that, from her momentary lapse in concentration, a single glowing sphere of Orokin tech was threatening to drop. "S#&$, S#&$ S#&$ S#&$", came her companion's anxious breaths. At the last moment, she managed to reassert her hold over the sphere. Her companion breathed a sigh of relief. "That was too close."
As Vallen readied the finishing touches, he felt a gust of warm air. He looked up, and nearly died, for a man he would later recognize as Loki was being carried by the ankle by some sort of rocket boot. S#&$! Fast enough to win Ty's approval, he jumped up, grabbed Loki by the boot, and twisted. Loki's trajectory shifted away from the distillery. Whew.
"Let's get these to the Foundry before anything else happens", said the Foundry Tenno. Lucid still levitated the trolley, her face screwed up under her helmet. Together, they maneuvered the trolley until it rested in front of the resource bay.
"You know, I think I misjudged you, Lucid. They told me never to accept help from you-"
"Wait, who are 'they'?" asked Lucid indignantly.
"-but the tech is here, and I'm not dead yet. So, I should say-"
The resulting explosion was audible from the very top of the Dojo. Fortunately, the floors and walls weren't damaged apart from scorch burns, but the same couldn't be said of the three Tenno in the center of the blast radius. 
X walked in and beheld the destruction. He had heard that Loki was doing something, and he had hoped against hope that there would at least be no casualties. He checked the downed Tenno. They were disoriented, but otherwise uninjured. He nudged Loki with an arm, and the trickster only said, "No more rocket skates." X supposed that he would now have to clean up after the fool. But as he did so, he heard an anguished yell.
"LOOOKKKKIIIII!!! You are so replacing my vodka!"
X had a brief debate with himself, and decided that he had better scrape the ashes off his Warframe's feet. Loki could take care of himself, for once.
Edited by Tyranthius
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Box of Vodka=16 bottles ( Kris counted)

Boxes (15-20) of Ancient Orokin Technology=20 million platinum per box on corpus markets, donated to the foundry for examination and integration.

Box of Beer=50 glass bottles (donated to Kris, by Kris)

Notebook page with unique vault door and its inner workings=donated to the foundry

White and Gold Snub-fighter=property of Kris, Kris's pride and joy. not available for borrowing.  

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A loud explosion was heard across the Dojo. Akinos was quite startled, but almost as much for the reaction of other Tenno who were around him in the hallway. Or rather, the lack of a reaction, as not one cared to stop what they were doing for more than a second. Shade had cloaked itself in an instant, or that was the best explanation to his absence.


-What the hell?-Akinos asked as he looked around-Are we under attack?


-Nah-a white and blue Banshee who was nearby answered him-It's probably just NQ... Or maybe Loki. We are fine. People in the immediate vicinity? Not so much.


-So this happens regularly?-the Ash said, baffled.


-Every couple of weeks-the Banshee laughed-The month that goes by without a blast, that will be the one to concern me. Welcome to Aequitas, I'm Elara.


-I'm Akinos.


Shade de-cloaked itself, and started spinning around, examining the area, before setting it's eye on the Banshee.


No apparent harm to the structural stability, great, he announced, again communicating in Akinos' HUD. Now now, who's this?


-Your Shade had cloaked itself?-Elara asked, mildly confused. Shades aren't supposed to cloak themselves and leave their Tenno visible. Obviously.


-It's one... temperamental piece of equipment, yes-Akinos answered, trying not to give Shade a reason to act up-You don't happen to know the name of a good hacker around here, do you? Not for the Shade, for something else.


-I do, but i don't think Khimera is in a mood of taking requests-Elara said-He kinda beat two Initiates into the medical bay just earlier today.


-Think i'll try my luck-Akinos said as he walked off.


Think i'll make sure you don't get yourself hurt, as usual, the Shade communicated. Also, getting access to some additional files within the network. Profiles and such.


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Yes, Khimera has anger issues. Earlier on when I fell into not using him for stories and focusing on Nova-Quinn and Crowley my excuse was that he was in anger management classes courtesy of the Lotus. Still, can you blame him for being so angry right now? He wouldn't even utter the Stalker's name right now if he weren't just THAT angry.

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Khimera does not submit to any one person's will. He may accept decisions but he doesn't need to like them. In case it hasn't been made clear; Khimera is exceptionally unhappy without his lover around and after his outburst with Sandalphon it's just opened wounds that are being left to bleed.

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All of this happens while im gone for a day :>


more of le foundry master!



Smiling under his helmet at the Dalimir’s somewhat shy response, Quinn just nodded.


“I can make them for you no problem,” Quinn said to the ash, “This time ill make them for free seeing as your new.” The Ash was somewhat shocked at this.


“And about the statue, I made it for, Ajkrumen, he was a great leader, friend, ally, teacher, one of our council leaders, among many other things. He was loved by all, and feared by many, he was a formidable opponent. He also harbored a deep hatred for the Stalker, but that is what killed him, the Stalker. That helmet,the one that the statue holds, that was the helmet of Ajkrumen’s killer, taken down by Aj himself.” A small tear streaked down Quinn’s face underneath his helmet as he spoke about the late Aj. The Ash sat silent, waiting for more, but none came from the sad Foundry Master. Shaking his head Quinn looked up at the Dalimir.


“But away from such sad matters, I will have your weapons done soon so come back in a few days.” Quinn said starting to lead Dalimir out, but as they left the side room, they were meet with an interesting site. A Nova and Excalibur were standing there holding boxs, also Ein was there, also holding boxs.


“What is going on here?” Quinn asked with concern and suspicion. Ein looked over and everyone could tell he smiled at the foundry master. 


“We are droping off stuff right Kris?” Ein said turning to face who must be Kris.


“Yes and Acantha, give him that box.” Kris said with some amusment in his voice. Narrowing his eyes Quinn took the box from the Nova and opened it. His helmet retracted emidietly, and he looked at Kris.


“How?” Was his only question. 


“Later, we’ve got stuff for you!” Kris said happily and he started to set boxs down around the room. 


“Ummm, are my weapons ready?” Acantha, the Nova asked Quinn.


“ummmm...yea.......they are in the side room...” Quinn said distractedly as he started to count the bottles of vodka in the box. 

Edited by QuinnsWing
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yes, yes it is XD


more of my volt, got a name for him, i felt somewhat scattered when i wrote, dont know why but here it tis!




The volt was able to dock at the Aequitas dojo, again. Opening the doors and stepping down the Volt watched as a nekros and excalibur also departed from an adjacent ship with a Dijinn sentinel in tow.


It looks like the nekros is following them though’ He thought as he noticed the Excalibur and Dijinn in a conversation. But it was somewhat short lived as a very odd looking frame crossed their path, greeting them and then making his way past. The Volt started his way down and into the dojo only to run into the odd frame at the same time. 


“Hello there.” The odd looking frame said, greeting the bone colored Volt. “Im Ein, and you are?”


“Hello, im just a wanderer” He answer looking him up and down, “and what type of frame are you using, it is odd to say the least.”


“ A prototype, i cant say much about it.” Ein said looking at the Volt intently. 


“Hmm, well then i must be on my way, it was a plesure to meet you Ein.” Taking his leave the Volt nodded and walked into the dojo before he could be caught in a conversation. He had electronically placed his supply order and was informed that it would take a few hours. He didnt mind, he could wander the Dojo again. Taking his time he walked about watching the other Tenno converse and sit peacefully in any and all rooms. This was such a peaceful place, he could get used to dropping by here every now and then. Lost in thought, he had walked into the memorial hall again. There he saw an ice colored Nekros talking to the statue, though he did not catch the words, the volt knew that it was something no one, should be hearing. Turning away respectfully the Volt went to walk out. But the sound of a helmet going back in place, made him turn again. The Nekros had seen him.


“Hello there.” Was the only thing the volt could say as the imposing Nekros walked up to him. 


“Hello, and who are you?” The Nekros asked. “I have not seen you here before.”


“I’m Ans, nice to meet you, and you are?” He said. “ Also I am not part of the clan, though i have enjoyed the time i have had here.” the last part was said kind of as a side note. 


“Crowley.” He said simply.  Then his he looked up suddenly, “I must be going.” Then he was off, to god knows where in the dojo. Shrugging, Ans left the memorial hall and continued his walk about the dojo.

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