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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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And because I spent the past two days buying and beating Saint's Row IV...




"You're too late," The cackling of the Grineer Commander taunted Alex, "This Pre-Orokin era explosive will destroy the delinquent colony outright, and show the others why they should kneel before the Grineer."


As if on cue, the device started to launch from behind the gloating Commander. 


"Oh, screw this," Alex stated, chucking a kunai into the Grineer's head, killing him instantly. He immediately took off, vaulting over the railing and activating his Rhino Charge.


"Wh...what are you doing?" Valkyrie stammered.


"I'm saving the colony, duh," Alex stated, drawing two kunai just before impact and digging them into the side of the nuke. 


"But...it's a nuke! You'll die!" Her disguised, modulated voice rang through Alex's helmet.


"50 Platinum says I don't," He replied flatly, hacking their operations channel so that Valkyrie, The Lotus, and their handlers would hear what was to follow.


...They all face-palmed in unison when Aerosmith's I Don't Want to Miss a Thing immediately started blaring across their channels. 


Yes, even the Lotus, an AI with no physical body, managed to facepalm. Really speaks to how advanced she was.


Alex immediately started to use his kunai as ice-picks to climb up the side of the missile, all while the really, really old song blasted through the channels. He eventually found his way to the head of the missile just as it entered the atmosphere of Ceres, headed for the terrestrial colony. 


He precariously rose to his feet, balancing himself on the missile as he pulled out his Braton Prime, firing it into the shiniest, most important looking panel. A split-second after emptying his clip, he was rewarded by an automated message.


"Error detected. Warhead detonation in T-minus 10..."


"Welp. Time to go," He said to nobody in general, vaulting off the side of the missile from high up in the atmosphere. Seconds later, he was rewarded by a large explosion, followed by a shockwave and lots of debris. He gave a thumbs up to the colony immediately below him. Not that anyone could see the gesture, but he just had to do it. He looked around him as debris fell down with him, and grabbed hold of a large, flat piece of one. 


Alex carefully rose to his feet, balancing himself as if surfing on a giant piece of shrapnel.


"I...is he surfing on debris?" Valkyrie was flabbergasted.


"Yep," Was the Lotus's response, as if this was nothing new.


After finding his balance, Alex promptly hacked the channels again, switching the song from Aerosmith to Montell Jordan's This Is How We Do It. This was immediately followed by him breaking it down and launching into a dance routine on top of the piece of shrapnel as it continued its descent.


"So...why do you allow this?" Valkyrie inquired.


"Good PR," Replied The Lotus.




"If he can make deactivating a nuclear missile look so easy he can go surfing and break it down immediately after, the colonists will be more likely to feel safe under our protection and are likelier to throw in with our lot. Great business move, as well as increasing our sphere of influence."


The Valkyrie had no response to that. It made sense but even then, she was still skeptical.

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Fenrik grabbed his Ether reaper and walked out of his room, contemplating this decision. It certainly wasn't an easy one for him. But it was now a necessary one in his mind. He had nothing left, nothing to stop him from making this choice now. Before he had kept from it so his husband Malifex wouldn't be unhappy. But with him dead it was time to pursue this goal, he needed something to fill that empty void in his chest. He checked his map as he searched for Crowley, the one with the answers he sought. Crowley was moving, having just left the training area, Fenrik took several turns and hallways, adapting to where Crowley was going so as to intercept him. finally after another good 20 minutes of walking he managed to turn into a room as Crowley entered from the other side. "Grand Master. I would like to speak with you for a moment if you have the time."
Crowley raised an eyebrow "Oh? well I can spare a little time for a newer member of the dojo. What do you want to speak about?" There was an almost unnoticeable tinge of pain in Crowley's voice as he spoke. Fenrik relaxed a little, not hearing that undercurrent of pain in the elder Nekros's voice. "I would like to see if I could perhaps... Join the old order of Nekros... like you are."

Crowley was surprised by the decision, but he mulled it over, thinking over the pros and cons before he would give his answer to the younger black and gold Nekros.
(aaaand that's all for now folks :D)

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hi guys!


I restarted my universe (My Light Novel Series) due to the new lore. Here's a teaser for the new chapter 1 featuring the prologue. Thanks!


Warframe Zero – Redux 01 – The Lost War


"The Sentients had won. They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more advanced we became, the greater our losses. The war was over unless we found a new way. In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinding night, the hellspace where our science and reason failed.

We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend.

Excalibur was the first”

-Orokin “Warframe” Archives


“Some have walked these desolate worlds while you slept. Some like me. I remember what you did. I remember the day.

The Tenno appeared at the Terminus, gleaming and victorious. Our cold and gold Emperors, breathless, bathed you in savior's silk. Then came the sound. Across all our worlds, all at once, the ceremonial Naga drums. A royal salute to the honored Tenno. Ten solemn beats to declare the suffering was over. I watched from a distance, with the rest of the low Guardians. With each beat terror began to crush my throat. The Tenno were not stoic and silent, They were waiting. They were poised. I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.

When the ninth beat rang a torrent of blood filled the stadium, loosed by Tenno blades. The drums, the Empire, fell silent forever.

Now I hunt, dividing your numbers. Watching from that dark place, cataloging your sins, I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget but you are not innocent."

-Stalker Lore




Rei Newman hardly had any rest these days. Although he was genuinely happy to be promoted at such an early age to such a prestigious title, he never had the time or the energy to celebrate. He did not want to celebrate. His predecessor, Yargo Mensik VIII, suddenly went missing, leading to his promotion as he was his assistant.


Rei was hard at work on a prototype gateway that he and his mentor started working on, so he brushed off his worry for his mentor. His mentor had always cautioned him to never stop working, as their work saved lives for every achievement. The old man, a father figure to him, brought him up with such a mentality. Again, he had to wipe his eyes as he worked on the gateway apparatus.


The Grineers guarding the door were ever vigilant for any signs of enemy activity. After space flight became commonplace, the Army, Marines and Navy were consolidated to be called Grineer. And now, Rei had to deal with jarheads while he was working. It would have been fine for them to guard the door from outside, but they also had to guard him while he worked. The stench of the squad leader Sergeant Gregori Kargadan distracted Rei as the soldier was breathing down his neck.


“Would you stop that? I can’t work here with you all sticking in my personal space.” Yelled Rei.


“Orders are orders, Mr. Newman. We are here to escort you and ensure you deliver us to the other side of the gate.”


“It’s Doctor Newman. And yes, your job is to get to the other side, but not to smell my neck. Your incessant prodding isn’t going to help us move along.” Rei retorted.


And with that statement, the sergeant backed off and muttered an unintelligible curse. The Grineer have developed their own efficient language for their operations so that infidels cannot intercept messages. Still, to Rei it just sounded like dog barking.


Having the soldier off his back made things less stressful, but then gunshots were heard outside the laboratory. Newman’s eyes widened at the realization of what was happening outside, but the large frame of Kargadan returned and immediately turned his head back to his work. The stress was back, but this time, it was no longer coming from the large beefy man at his back, but was from the screeching noises from outside the laboratory.


When he was already sweating profusely, he had suddenly managed somehow to connect the last few conduits on the gateway. He stood back to watch the engine come to life, but only saw several flickers of light and electricity come from the archway. Disappointed and at a loss, Kargadan suddenly pushed Newman aside and kicked the archway of the machine. Suddenly, a humming sound echoed through the room, and Kargadan helped Newman up with a chuckle.


Newman, at first sighing at the barbarism of the soldier, was now distracted by the increasing brightness of the archway of the machine. The archway had begun humming more and more violent and with a higher pitch as the archway was being filled with a sheet of light. As Newman, Kargadan and the other soldiers and technicians wondered at the growing gateway, explosions suddenly rocked the building.


“The eggheads are coming, Doctor. Can you make this thing go faster?” yelled Kargadan, in the midst of the noise around them.


“I don’t know Sergeant. This is the first time we’ve succeeded in opening a gate. We haven’t even made tests yet. Are you sure you want to go in this thing?” replied Rei.


“Orders are orders, Doctor. We have express orders to send the best fighter inside and make our way. We have to bring the war to them.” Shouted Kargadan.


“I know! The Sentients-” Rei paused as a piece of paper slaped his face, as apparently, the gate has completely formed. Resuming his statement “Again, the Sentients are energy beings, we don’t exactly what’s beyond that gate. We don’t know how hostile or arid their habitat is. At least let me send a probe first.”


Kargadan was signalling his men to form up while he shouted a reply in the mist of the noise, “No time, Doctor. We have to change the way this war goes. I have no time and clearance to explain to you our mission, and you have done your job, so let us do ours.”


Amidst violently flying papers and lab materials, Rei found it hard to get his bearings straight. Though he wore the latest protective exoskeleton suit, his suit was by no means a match for the heavy suits worn by Grineer soldiers. Rei watched only as the soldiers lined up before the gateway, and then motioned for his colleagues to make way.  As he walked past the soldiers, a pair of hands suddenly pulled him from the last ranks of the Grineer, only to be put around his neck. It was Psyche Hemlocke, the only elite Grineer female combat instructor, classified spy, and his ex-fiancé.


“Oh dear, I’m gonna miss ya.” Said Psyche as she stroked his hair.


“Well, I won’t.” retorted Psyche.


“Oh, you’re still mad about that. Don’t worry, let me mak-“ She was cut off by Kargadan.


“Captain Hemlocke, though you outrank me, this team was commissioned and assigned to me. I would appreciate it if you were to focus at the task at hand.” And Kargadan pulled Rei away.


Rei swiftly walked away while his ex and the commanding officer bickered. For once, he was thankful to the belligerent man. He then continued his walk towards the back end of the room, near the doors. Non-Grineer personnel were instructed to evacuate once the gate was opened, and Rei intended to follow that order.


He already mentioned the other technicians to evacuate while he was “held” by Psyche, and now he was the only scientist in the laboratory. Though he hid the fact that he had combat expertise and could actually participate in the incursion, he only wanted to go back to his wife, Nelumbi.


As Rei was about to reach for the door, he stopped himself as he heard screeching sounds mingled with death throes from beyond the metal slabs. He then turned to warn the soldiers inside, but then the door exploded from behind him. In the blink of an eye, he was off his feet and was flung into the air. The explosion did minimal damage as he had protective gear, but Rei was more concerned that he was heading head first into the Void Gate.


Original post:


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I think Saichra's story is on hold for an indefinite amount of time, I just ant think of anything to write for her. She is in the dojo somewhere, likely near the memorial hall, if anyone wants to writer her into their story. In the meantime, I think I'm going to make an Ash.

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And I'm gonna write! This is a perfect opportunity.




In the end, it would be better to have several Nekros inducted into the old ways rather than just one solitary member to carry on the old traditions alone. Two would be little better but it would have to do until others decided on their own to join. Waving his hand in a half-dismissive manner Crowley moved around Fenrik smoothly despite another pang of pain jolting over his spine. Growth? No...just a reminder of his fate. "Faust is in need of the ceremony as well...you will serve as his rival, Fenrik." Crowley stated as if no arguments could be made. "Maybe you will overtake him in time, take my place instead of him." He spoke as an off note, heading to the docking bay to a ship that had not seen use in a fair amount of time. On the way the blue Nekros contacted his apprentice, making sure Faust would be there when they arrived with the ship ready to depart.


"Faust...since you won't man-up I have acquired competition for the place of Grand-Master." Crowley spoke sharply and with venom toward the bone-colored Nekros, causing Faust to flinch and look at Fenrik in surprise. "You will need to become much stronger to surpass Fenrik...you cannot hope to become a Grand-Master if you cannot overcome pain and sorrow." Did Crowley know about Fenrik's situation? It was possible, but maybe he could simply sense how Fenrik was feeling, what he was overcoming now.


The shroud-wearing Nekros lowered his head in shame as he followed after his Master into the ship, glancing back at Fenrik only once. "Master...where are we going?" He asked softly, though he had a hunch they would not be leaving for some time.


"Beyond the rails...to Vis."

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