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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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And now i don't have any excuses either...


Akinos had gone around the ship to find Khimera. Along the way, he had learned a few things. about who he was, from the Tenno he had talked to. In one phrase, "don't make him angry or you'll get toasted". Luckily, he'd also found out why he was angry, so that was a plus. Except if he repeated anything of what anyone told him, which could happen by accident. Hence why he had decided to forget most of it.


After that he ran into an Initiate, who was wearing a strange Warframe. He was happily jogging along the hallway, seemingly excited about something.


-Hi, have you seen Khimera?-Akinos asked him, if only looking to start a conversation with this so particular Tenno-I was told he was heading this way.


-Yes, Sensei Khimera was just in the training room, that way-the Initiate responded-He told me to go to the Foundry. Are you new around here?-he then asked, curious.


-In fact i am-Akinos said in turn-My name is Akinos, and yours?


-I am Ein-The Initiate answered. Then he looked over Akinos' shoulder, and curiously asked-Is that a Shade Sentinel? It's the first time i see one working.


-Well i am, indeed-came the robotic voice of the Sentinel, surprising Akinos-You can call me Shade, at least when no others are around. You seemed quite excited about something, what was it?


-Well, i got permission to use my first level of abilities, it's great!-Ein responded in a childish manner.


-I see-Shade commented-You'll better get going then, we have our own matters to attend to.


-See you both later-Ein said as he continued down the hallway.


-Why would you talk to that kid?-Akinos asked the Sentinel-Do you know him or something?


-Not much, but i do know something about him-The Sentinel answered-You see, a Sentinel has basic examination functions of it's owner and nearby beings, for varied purposes. We can read biological vitals, electronic status, and psychic waves, the last category being primarily as to synergize better with Nyx and/or Nekros users. This kid has psychic waves and electronic status of a Tenno with his Warframe. But not a hint of a heartbeat. That and the fact he acts like a week old AI indicates me there's something fishy going on around here. "Fishy" as in contrary to Lotus' policy on the matter of creation of sentient beings. Admittedly, this policy is simply "Don't do it", for most of the cases. Still, worth looking into.


-Later, we will-Akinos said as he continued towards the training room which Ein had mentioned.


There, he found Khimera, donning a wasp colored Volt, as it was described. An Excalibur was just leaving the room, the frame showing a few sequels from recent struggles. Not most encouraging, all things considered.


-You are Khimera?-Akinos asked the Volt.


-Yes. What do you want?-the Volt asked back, obviously not in a good mood. Akinos could see tiny flashes of red coming from the energy exhausts. Tread carefully, he thought.


-I found a piece of a very complex ciphered code-Akinos said-I understand i need other three of them before i start to decipher it. The problem is that, if understand it correctly, at least one of them would be deep within the Corpus Network, and other two in Orokin Ship systems, which may be damaged. I was told you are a very proficient hacker, and i figured you might be interested in this chain of missions. Of course,  there are material rewards on the table. But you might be more interested in what this files would contain.


-What exactly would they contain?-Khimera asked-Since you say you have not decrypted the one you have, or looked at the others.


-Well, the file i already found was in a Grineer database containing information on Tenno-Akinos answered-For one, it's not written in Grineer. They were seemingly trying to translate it, but they failed because they didn't realize the cipher requirement. The title under which it was filed was "Reckoning". Must say it sparked my own interest. You can have the file to review it if you wish to, before giving me an answer-Akinos added as he showed Khimera a small file storage device, which he had prepared for such an occasion.


-I'll take a look at this file of yours later-Khimera said, as he grabbed it, seemingly intrigued, if a bit reluctant.


-I'll see you then-Akinos said, leaving the room.

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Tenno Name: Alex Operative Coyote

Stamina: S (The first time you guys saw him he basically fought for two days straight)

Strength: B+ (Lower than expected from a Rhino, but he compensates in other areas)

Agility: B+ (Quicker than expected from a Rhino - He has a Vanguard helmet)

Adaptability: S (That's what makes him so lethal, more than anything else in his arsenal. He'll always find a way to win, even with one arm and vacuum exposure)

Intellect: B (He has to have some brains up there in order to be so adaptable and efficient)

Efficiency: A (Unorthodox uses like using Kunai as ice picks to climb up a nuclear missile or using his rhino charge to get around)

Edited by CommanderCorgi
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now i want to put these up :>


Tenno: Quinn

stamina: C

Strength: C


Adaptability: S

Intellect: S

Efficiency: S

(kinda self explanatory for the foundry master :D )



Tenno: Ans

Stamina: B


agility: S

Intellect: B

Efficiency: C


He still isnt part of the clan but....he will be soon-ish.....but he is rather balanced but prefers to be the sniper in missions.

Edited by QuinnsWing
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Posting Dal's stats, sorry if I haven't been around much, Planetside 2 started beckoning again and school's at an all time high since we're nearing first semester exams, and I wanna stay on this curve I've been hitting, last two years...weren't so pleasant.


TN: Dalimir

Stamina: B (still practicing)

Strength: B

Agility: A

Adaptability: A

Intellect: A-

Efficiency: B+ (still practicing)


Dalimir is not unlike others who use the Ash warframe in an average rating, and although he still makes mistakes, there are moments where can become ingenuitive and use his abilities to rather creative extents.  When he is not exploring the Dojo, or getting to know the other residents, he can commonly be found in the obstacle course, practicing his free-running skills, using them to get to areas that his enemies can't, or when using those skills to combat and disorient his enemies.  He is also skilled at thinking quickly on his feet.  What he does not know, is that something from his past lurks within him, stirring from it's slumber...


*Don't worry, I don't believe it to be anything that could kill us all.  NQ on the other hand...*

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just got to say one thing about Kris...just to clarify...he is probably not even mad at this point or depressed, but rather happy. HE GOT DOUBLE TRAINING!


EDIT: His mood is always better after hours of listening to classical music. don't ask me why, it just is.

Edited by FatViking
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Alright, let me actually add a paragraph to describe AJ.


TN: Ajkrumen (deceased)

Stamina: C-

Strength: S

Agility: C-

Adaptability: S

Intellect: S

Efficiency: S



Ajkrumen was ancient. He has been Tenno since the Collapse, before the death of the wicked Emperor. He has passed through many trials and many hardships. This has made him a relentless harbinger of justice and death. His strength exceeds that of some Rhinos, while his stamina and agility were a little lower than expected for a Frost Prime. His efficiency with his weapons has made him a feared force across the Sol system, and respected among his comrades. He showed a very sharp intellect, which naturally lead to his adaptability in combat. He was the living embodiment of what it means to be Tenno, and he now finds eternal peace beyond the void. 




Edit: Will do one for my stoic little frost character later. :)

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fine, ill write a bit more.



Normally, Kris would have been depressed over the fact of getting beaten yet again, but this day was different. He had initially wanted just a simple sparring match, yet the duel with the ''Wasp'' had been far more entertaining after he discovered the ''Wasps'' unique tactic of creating a minor electrical field around himself. Too bad he hadn't expected Kris, seeing as he had only gone a tiny bit numb after each hit. Although the damage to his warframe was visible, Kris just smiled as he walked to his Snub.


In the Snub, he noticed a message from Lotus displayed on the main console. The message read as such: ''Dear Kris, I found this in my archives. I thought you may want to take a look.'' attached to this message was a single file known as Recommendations And Other Notes.


Kris opened the file, wondering what Lotus was so willing to give him.


the file opened, revealing several lines of text:


                                                                                                    Trainee Report


Name of Trainee: Kris (last name unknown)

Training recieved: 9 years, Graduated. 

Notes on training: Kris finished Training roughly a decade earlier than expected. Showed advanced learning capabilities. Mastered skills in days whereas others required several years at least to master same skills. Recieved an Excalibur warframe as graduation gift and was assigned to [data expunged]


Mentor notes: Kris is a generally good kid, although we have no idea about his past before 18 years of age. Should be treated with respect due to his capabilities. I once saw him break the arm of a veteran Rhino in an arm-wrestling competition. Should be kept under close watch however, and inhibitors in his Excalibur should remain active at all time due to his dark side, a personality we call Berserker. Last time he turned into Berserker, It took roughly 20 Lieutenant level Tenno with unhibited warframes to restrain him. Extreme anger seems to cause his shift of personalities. Recommend a psychological evaluation once a month for the next year, along with physical examination every two months due to the strain he often puts on himself. Works best alone, is often the one to get shot down in group training. Recommend group adjusting to suit Kris, so that he can shine.


Psychological examination, session 1: Kris seems generally normal, relaxed and artistic in nature, is well balanced and intelligent. does not require any therapy at the moment.


Psychological examination, session 2: Kris is happier than usual, has an alleged date after this session. no therapy required.


Psych exam, session 3: Kris remains happy, is steadily outgoing with his new girlfriend. no therapy required.


Psych exam, session 4-11: Kris remains active and outgoing, and generally happy. no therapy required.


Final psych exam: Kris is happy, Invited me to his wedding in three weeks. no therapy required, Berserker personality completely subdued.



Background: Kris's background is almost entirely unknown, the only fact known that he was left by a family member (mother? father? grandmother?)  in front of an orphanage. His upbringing is unknown but it is known that it has something to do with the hundreds upon hundreds of scars across his chest, abdomen and upper and lower back. he was brought to the attention of the Tenno after he fell 20 meters off the top of the orphanage he was living at after a fight started by the caretaker of the orphanage. It is unknown how the fight ended up on the roof, but it is known that the only reason he fell was due to a very large stab wound delivered via the caretakers knife. A group of patrolling Tenno noticed his fall from the roof and rushed over to aid. He was then taken to the Academy after it was discovered that he had an affinity for the warframes. 


Final note: Kris has the unique nickname given to him by the people in the surrounding area of his orphanage. Demon-child.



Yeah, don't want to write more. his reaction is just him being shocked. the last bit of his background info is here, it is not going to be expanded upon.


Edit: should do something with the inhibitors however.

Edited by FatViking
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writing, ho!




"There, the adjustment is done." Quinn clapped his hands once as he got up, walking over to Ein who was currently hooked up to the Foundry-Master's personal terminal. "Let me unplug you and you can go testing your new...ability!" Grunting as he undid a heavy cable from the artificial Tenno's body, straining to even set it down off to the side to let Ein move about and stretch after having stood still for a good hour or so. "And if you can get Crowley to help me decipher some information you gathered on that sparring partner of yours. Strange potentiality for an Excalibur."


Nodding, Ein rolled his shoulders a bit as he stepped down from his personal platform. "Okay, I'll ask him if I see him." The unique Tenno stopped at the elevator, his head dropping down a bit before turning to look back at Quinn. "Master...I am a Tenno...right?" He asked, sounding almost afraid of the answer.


Already busy on his terminal, Quinn waved Ein off dismissively. "Of course you are! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, boy! Whether you were made or were born into being a Tenno, you are still Tenno."


Encouraged, Ein went into the elevator to return to the normal Foundry floor. When the elevator door opened Ein ran off to get back to the training room in hopes of another sparring partner. It'd be helpful if he could test his new power on something other than data-dummies.

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Mission time! (partly based on a mission i had when i was playing with my Kris config.)



Another Grineer fell to the floor, head nothing but a bloody stump, as Kris walked past. His mood unreadable, he had accepted an extermination-mission in Grineer territory. The ship containing over 300 Grineer soldiers, they had been reduced to mere 15 in just under an hour as Kris strode through the rust colored ship, only focusing on the targets. ''They went into hiding.'' Was his only thought as he scoured the entire ship to find a Grineer to sink the blade of his Ether Reaper in.


Being so focused on finding the remaining targets, Kris didn't notice as the lights flickered for a second. He did, however, notice the second time as it happened just after he found one of the remaining Grineer and decapitated him. Kris was not in the mood to meet the one causing the lights to flicker but the lights flickered for the final time.


The Stalker was standing up from his sitting position when a rain of bullets hit him. An Excalibur, not even Prime, Was walking slowly and menacingly towards him, constantly pulling the trigger of a Latron Prime he held with one hand. As his shields depleted, Stalker grabbed a dead Grineer lancer and used the body as a human shield as he backed away, waiting for the moment the Excalibur finished the bullets in his Latron Prime, yet it seemed as he had endless bullets in a single magazine. Finally, Stalker heard the sound of an empty gun and prepared to attack only for the hail of bullets starting again, this time in 3-round bursts that didn't have the same impact as a Burston. ''Must be a Sicarus.'' Stalker thought. 


Kris continued to pull the trigger of his Sicarus, reloading and then starting again in a single second, and forcing the Stalker to back away. He knew of two people who had killed a Stalker, although dying in the process, thanks to the consistent gossip of other Aequitas members and he knew that if he could send the Stalker fleeing, or even kill him, he would seal his place as one of the stronger Tenno. Running out of bullets, Kris unsheathed his Ether Reaper and ran at Stalker, slicing through the dead Grineer as slicing through butter and managing to cut a piece of the famous Dread bow off, effectively making the bow useless.


''This is insane.'' The thought ran through stalkers mind as his bow fell off his shoulders. ''How could he do that through the dead guy?'' Stlalker grasped towards his hips, going for his Despair kunai, only to find them lying on the ground near the feet of the Excalibur. ''S#&$.'' Stalker said, finally speaking as he jumped to cover as his Despair had been turned against him.


As the Stalker dove into cover, Kris could have sworn he just heard the Stalker say something. Brushing it off, he continued to throw Despairs at the Stalker, throwing only when the Stalker reared his ugly head above the cover. Running out of Despair ammo, Kris unsheathed his Ether Reaper yet again as the Stalker did the same with his Hate, finally out of cover. The two warframe-clad warriors ran at each other, their scythes meeting in an epic display of sparks and flashes. They were evenly matched throughout the fight as each time either tried to score a hit, the other would simply deflect it and Kris was getting tired of it. Readying his Reaper, he pretended to go for Stalkers head and exactly, at the right moment, Kris switched targets and cut the blade off Stalkers Hate, breaking the Ether Reaper in the process.


This didn't stop the fight however, as both warriors went into hand to hand positions, Stlker into a heavy handed one and Kris into a quicker one. The two circled each other for a few seconds before Stalker struck first. the Stalker attacked, aiming at Kris's right leg, only to have his leg grabbed by Kris. Locking Stalkers leg in a grip, Kris delivered one punch to the thigh, before letting go and delivering an elbow blow into Stalkers stomach and then administrating a roundhouse kick to Stalkers head, sending him into the wall. Stalker fell to his knees, only to rise again and switching styles as he went into a similar style Kris was using.  Kris responded by going into a different stance, a stance used for a disabling style. Stalker attacked again, delivering weak and distracting kicks before using his strength in a straight punch aimed at Kris's head. Kris had not expected the punch going for the head as the fist landed where his blind, left eye was and actually denting the helmet causing Kris to retract it. Blood leaked from Kris's left eye as the punch had had enough power to cause damage through his helm, but he took up his stance again and waited for the perfect opportunity to strike. The fight lasted a few minutes more as Kris just dodged and defended Stalkers attacks, still waiting for an opening. 


The opening was obvious as Stalker did the same thing that had managed to damage Kris. Instead of getting surprised by the fist, Kris grabbed it and bent it at an angle that could break an arm. Holding stalker in that hold, Kris delivered several punches and elbow blows to stalkers abdomen and chest before finally releasing the hold, only to deliver a kick that had once broken the ribs of an Iron skinned Rhino, straight into Stalkers chest.


''That is impossible.'' Stalker said, grasping his chest. ''I will return someday.'' He swore as he Teleported away.


''Oh god, that stings.'' Kris said after the Stalker had vanished, just noticing the pain in his left eye. Collecting his own weapons lying on the ground he noticed that Stalker had forgotten his own. ''I don't think he would mind if  i were to take these.'' Kris mused to himself as he grabbed the ruined weapons off the ground. ''After all, I won them fair and square.''


An hour later Kris finally returned to his Snub, having found the remaining 14 Grineer on the ship and brutally snapped their necks. Still in pain, he almost immediatly set the Auto-pilot on course to the Aequitas dojo, while using his first aid kit to bandage his eye.


''First thing when i get back? Med-bay.'' 



Yeah, blood leaking out of your eye? not good mon. not good.

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