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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Are you Canadian? xD Internet has taught me that Canadians say sorry, Eh, and aboot very often and are very polite. So, sorry if I guessed wrong XD

Nah, Thats just her odd and wonderful personality. Its kind of weird sometimes, because i'll find myself saying sorry to her for making her say it somehow, even though neither of us needed to say it at all. As far as i know, Zombie_Sprinklez is the only Canadian on the thread. Could be wrong though.


So, I did have a bit of inspiration, reading all this Kris talk. When you decide on a new warframe for him, send me a message and i have a pretty decent way of getting him into it, while still allowing him to not be found if he wants.

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(As soon as i find out which frame he wants, I'll edit this to reflect the choice, I just had to get this out before i lost inspiration.)

Kris snapped awake, his senses forcing him into the world with reactions nearly as fast as if he had been wearing a Warframe. In less than a heartbeat he had a blade at Aigloblam's neck. The Excalibur had been sitting motionless on a large wooden crate, he remained motionless as the blade pressed into this armor. With the speed of his Warframe, the blade was only a moderate threat. With Kris however, that moderate threat could turn extremely deadly, 'Frame or not.

"Have you come for revenge too?" Kris snarled, his eyes takin in the whole scene, filtering ever detail in search of other Tenno lurking nearby.

In a monotone voice, Aigloblam said "The hunt is over for you. I'll not have rookies coming after you in the future, looking to make a name for themselves out of your skin. One of them would eventually get you, but there is no way of knowing how many others you would carve to pieces before that happened. It ends here, Today"

Kris stiffened, He sensed no threat of violence from his Intruder, but something about his words unnerved Kris. Perhaps their finality?

"Nice theory, mind explaining a bit more? I can't trust any of you from Aequitas, any more than you can trust me." Kris replied, Anger of this intrusion rising. With a raised voice and a knife still at Aigloblam's throat he said "You call yourselves Noble, You say you are pledged to Honor...Even name your clan Aequitas, the very concept of Justice...Yet you hunt a Frameless Tenno, alone on a hostile world? You come not offering anything but Pain, Death, and endless Oaths of revenge, All for the deeds of another I had no control over! Tell me, council member, What part of that is Justice, What part Honor?"

The words stung Aigloblam to his core. He never had thought of things from the other side. It only made him more certain that he had done the right thing.

Aigloblam tapped the crate with the side of his foot "This is for you. This will put an end to the hunting. Ive taken all the tracking signatures out of this frame, and the only transmissions it can send are Emergency Broadcasts to the Lotus. I've taken the stealth field generator from the frame of a Loki, whos spine you nearly snapped, by the way. Its powered by the magnetic field of Earth, so it will not eat into your frame's power reserves. Before you start thinking i've handed you a weapon to fight back with, understand i've also taken precautions against that. Within 40 yards of another Warframe, all your systems, save for the invisibility, will shut down. You will still be able to move and evade, but you will only be able to fight with your natural strength, but also covered in a heavy, unpowered frame."

Kris nodded "I get the idea. Against Aequitas, I can only run and hide. But against anything other than Tenno.."

"You will have all the power and speed you need to survive, against anything." Aigloblam said. Slowly standing up and backing away from Kris and the crate. Kris set his weapon down, but did not move. He refused to let his guard down around an Aequitas member for any reason. He knew this could be a trap, but the need to be in a Warframe was overpowering, he felt as if he were born to wear it.

With only a little anger showing in his voice, Aigloblam said "Know this...I will one day forgive you for what you have done in our dojo. It will not be soon, but it will happen. The other? If I ever hear one word, one disgusting snarl from that blighted thing again, I will personally see everything within a thousand miles of you turned to glass. As long as you stay Kris, i truly wish you the best. You may no longer be my Brother, But you will not be my enemy"

With that said, Aigloblam turned and walked out of Kris' life.

Edited by Aigloblam
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(One of many posts to get my Valkyr, Xenthia, up to current events.)

2 months, 2 long Earth months. Although, she had no way of knowing that, time meant nothing in her self-adjusting cell, sometimes turning into an operating table for deranged technicians to inflict some form of new pain on her to break her, sometimes a rack when some sadistic troop wanted to vent on her with a Lecta, but it was still restraints and bonds more often than not. She had fractured near the end of the first month. Almost all day she endured just about every kind of conceivable torture available to the Corpus pigs daily. For days she would scream and roar in anger at those who held and abused her, constantly thrashing away at empty air, attempting freedom, but to no avail. Today, she had woken up to the extremely muffled sound of klaxons ringing out.

The group of Tenno had come to stop Alad's crazed scheme, and rescue as many of their kin as they could. When they met Alad, they saw him as the insane man he was, just before he unleashed his "pet" upon them. It proved to be a difficult fight, with the robot's shields seemingly unbreakable, until one of them had hit Alad's neck-board by accident, and for the better. As it stunned him and also his pet, they took immediate advantage of their window of opportunity, and unleashed powerful attacks on the abomination. One of them, a Volt, unleashed his Overload ability, heavily damaging Zanuka, and stunning Alad as well as freeing the captive Mag he was about to turn into parts. He also unwittingly freed another Tenno...

Two Crewmen walked into her cell as it modified itself for transport, both were conversing with each other as they worked, prepping to get her out of there. Then something happened as electricity filled the room, then she noticed that her restraints buckled slightly, no power left to allow them to resist against her will. Words danced around in her head, with only a few being clear: Escape, tear, rend, kill them all, remember what they did to you, destroy, maim, kill them, kill them, KILL. She started thrashing, tearing her restraints apart, letting out a cry of rage. The other two were startled, one backing away slowly, while the other was frozen with fear. As she finished, the first one ran through the door and locked it behind him, the other banging on it frantically. She let out another scream as energized flames appeared to burn around her, and energy claws formed on her fingers, eviscerating the crewman in front of her. She took his weapons, an electrified whip and a repeater pistol. She then directed her attention upwards, remembering the name of the man she hated the most. Alad.

Alad V scrambled to his feet, the Betrayers had destroyed his most precious creation! "You SAVAGES!" He recollected his neck-board, and placed his visor over his eyes again. "By my own hand, the Void, will devour you!" Then energized red strands struck out from the grate where he kept his other project, and his eyes widened in fear. The energized hooks brought down the grates into the room below, and out jumped what was going to be his final mistake. The other Tenno were frozen by the shock of this one's appearance. Parts of the inner workings exposed and certain parts added onto it, Corpus designed. She also had what looked like bonds attached to her wrists restraints, painfully bolted into her flesh. The worst affront was the collar placed on her neck, the twin prongs behind her head limiting her head's mobility. She gave forth a single roar, and immediately jumped on Alad, tearing him apart until there was nothing left but scattered remains, his head rolling to the feet of the other Tenno. She looked at them, her claws fading, but she then drew her pistol and pointed it at them, poised to strike if her suspicions of this being another method to break her to their will were true. She then saw a large group of Corpus troops approaching from the door across the room, gather with their proxies and taking aim. She holstered her weapon and let out a shrill scream, it spoke a great many things to the Tenno, hate, rage, anger and fear. Her claws re-emerged, and she leapt to the doorway, and began tearing through them like they were nothing. She continued on her rampage, screams and cries of rage and battle echoing after her absence. The other Tenno conferred with one another, and decided to follow her, and try and see if they can get help for her. They didn't have to go looking, but the two most inexperienced of the Tenno were horrified at what they saw, the others only expressing grim sorrow. The halls they walked through were lined with synthetic parts and lubricants, as well as blood and internal organs. Some of the crewmen they found were still alive, but with large slashes across their entire bodies or with severed limbs, their life slowly ebbing away. Eventually they found her again, crumpled on the floor, and...Sobbing. She seemed passive enough, and the experienced Tenno in the Rhino approached her slowly. She instantly growled to his presence, but with a swift and gentle move, he applied pressure to the right area of her neck, knocking her out. he then carried her to the extraction point, where his snub would head to the nearest healing facility. And hope it was not too late for this one.

(Aaaahhh, the first of many! Also, Aiglo, I'm Canadian, just so you know.)

Edited by Dalimir
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Maybe. If I can get it edited. I've finished typing the first draft. Editing might be a pain though, it's covering a lot of time in as short an explanation as I can give it.


*edit: I take that back, this is going to take a lot longer than I thought. It probably won't go up until tomorrow. Sorry >.<;

Edited by Jeahanne
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The loud screaming was what alerted the Clan first and foremost. The Valkyr was screaming in her cell, lashing out again and again. John alerted everyone that was not on recon in the forests of Grineer Earth. The Frost was not amused but he understood completely why the Lotus had asked him to spare her the great sleep that awaited all Tenno.


The Valkyr had once been like them, a woman who had been transformed to bring glory to the Orokin and to her brothers and sisters. Now? She was nothing more than a twisted shell of a warrior, it was one of the many sins that Alad and his Corpus would pay for. Alad had already paid his debt. He had sent Karasu and Carl out to deal with the other foolish Corpus merchants who had been involved with the Zanuka Program. Karasu never failed a job that he was given so John knew that the Corpus would be experiencing some...difficulties in acquiring new technologies.


John held his Galatine in hand as several of his subordinates answered the call. Levi stood with a Prova shock baton with Kelly and Ivan doing the same. The Rhino had already engaged his Iron Skin as an extra safety measure. Yuno was the only one with a lethal weapon, a heavily customized Gorgon that spat corrosive ammunition. The Nova gave her assent as John flipped the switch and punched the rampaging Valkyr back into the Holding chamber. Kelly moved forward using her Mag's powerful magnetic abilities to keep the Valkyr pinned into the wall.


"We should have killed her." Yuno remarked coldly.


"That would mean crossing the Lotus, Yuno." Levi admonished her. "And that is something we will not risk."  The Vauban kept his head down as the Valkyr broke free and sprang at Kelly only to be driven back by Ivan's heavy shoulder.


The Valkyr gave a yell at the Rhino as Ivan raised his fists, both encased in Furax Power Gauntlets. Both Warframes slammed into each other with Ivan putting up a ferocious fight as The Valkyr's claws raked against his chest. Grunting with exertion he slammed his fist into the Valkyr's stomach forcing the crazed Tenno backwards. Screaming in anger the Valkyr ran forward at Ivan.


"Cheh!" Yuno shouldered her Gorgon and the heavy machine gun's barrels began to spool up.


"Do not fire!" John barked. "Unless I give you the command to do so."


"But Warlord-" Yuno objected. Levi gave her a slow shake of the head.


Ivan and the Valkyr clashed again.

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Jeahanne you say sorry about as much as I do in normal circumstances. (Just at a glance running down this page I saw three of them alone. Worry not Sister of the Sorries, it is a habit that is terribly difficult to break.) Also, before I go to bed there needs to be one last thing Khimera does involving Kris before Kris actually gets left alone, if you don't mind.




Again the Lotus had sent Khimera our for a night mission. This one was a little less extreme and time-consuming than his last one. His objectives were two-fold: scan and record wildlife, and gather Moonlight Jadeleaf. The second task would prove the more difficult of the two, but by far it was the ingredient most Tenno had been missing for their anti-toxins even with a supposed second pair of gatherers out doing their job. Then again...many Tenno didn't like operating in Earth's forests during the darkest nights like this one. The roaming beasts were proclaimed to be dangerous for even those clad in Warframes to face off against.


This held no bearing to Khi, who had always felt a sympathy for animals, though Sentinels didn't exactly count. Still, his Wyrm was with him this time, colored to match his Cernunnos appearance and keep a low profile. The black color was barely reflective, which was to their advantage. This still didn't stop the Wyrm from fretting over its master's well-being out in the wild like this so soon again.


"Should return. Close-stay to skyship." The Wyrm had been fondly modulated to speak in a somewhat barbarian-style format. It was a little fitting, since the Wyrm felt more like it could be a brutal killer than a calculated and efficient one like the Dethcube.


"Hush." Khi raised a finger to his lips, touching his helmet. "Have no fear, but do not strike those who do not strike us first. Animals will not forgive as Tenno do." He spoke quietly, beginning his walk into the brush. Sadly, much of the wildlife he could find were annoying insects of no interest that hadn't changed in millenia. It really was a testament to how something could reach the apex of its evolutionary line and stay there indefinitely with the proper environment. The larger beasts, however, the ones Khimera had come to scan, were nowhere to be found. Only one Moonlight Jadeleaf revealed itself to the currently darkly colored Oberon, but that wasn't too surprising. Most Tenno were lucky to find one in several trips, particularly the night-time variety.


What Khimera did not expect was to stumble upon what looked like a small encampment. Who in their right mind would actually camp in these forests? Sure in ancient times when the forests weren't so wild it was fine to do that but these days it was madness. As he pondered 'Cernunnos' heard a beeping alarm from his Sentinel that alerted him to a knife suddenly at his throat. This was new...then again Wyrm wasn't as observant as, say, a Shade or a Djinn. Well...it was also new in the fact someone was holding him up with what equated to a switchblade knife. Either he'd gotten really rusty while healing or someone was particularly skilled.


"Who are you? Another Aequitas hunter come for me?"


Ahhh so that's who this was, made sense actually. This place was an amazing hiding spot, not to mention you could move your encampment around easily enough if it were small. Khi left his hands raised in a gesture of peace, having come with nothing more than a Magnus and two sets of 99 Scanners. "Wyrm, politeness if you please." He spoke, modulating his voice slightly for the moment though his Sentinel did power down all offensive functions for the moment.


"Tell your Clan to leave me alone, I'm not here, and I'm not going to be in your hair anymore." Kris removed the knife but pushed the Oberon forward, causing him to stumble and fall to his knees. What caught him off guard was the yelp of pain that followed the fall and the short interim of swearing afterwords. He hadn't really pushed the guy that hard, seriously.


"Ffff...damn legs still aren't healed." Having left his voice unmodulated this time, Khimera looked up at Kris with a soft smile behind his helmet. "You don't remember me, do you? This might help." A ripple seemed to pass over the Oberon Warframe before the chromatophores shifted, giving Khi back his old wasp coloration. The shock on Kris' face was priceless, but the fear in his eyes was not so valuable. With a frown the now-Oberon removed his helmet willingly, sitting up a bit more. "Yes...I'm alive...yes, I'm here...no, not for you. Never you...what happened to me was as much my fault as it could ever be yours."


Kris took a step back, not exactly trusting this kind of understanding coming from someone who belonged to the Dojo he'd recently wrecked...even if he hadn't meant to do it. "Because of me you had to be cut out of your Volt...you were crippled-"


Holding up a hand, Khimera sighed, his blue eyes glinting in the moonlight that peered through the immense foliage. "I was also healed...and given a new Warframe. All tests show rejection for the Volt's systems...even if I wanted to, which I don't, want to get another Volt my body would not allow me to wield it so soon. I may not enter one for years to come. Still...because of what happened my life has achieved solid purpose. If anything, Kris, despite all the destruction that came with Berserker's wake I thank you." This just made Kris confused and Khimera could just tell. "This..." He spoke softly, touching the collarbone positioned energy lights of his Warframe. "...was a gift from my husband. He begged Lotus to get it sent to me, to send a message to me, even if she will not disclose his location that gave me hope! I no longer have to bear the anxiety before I slumber of whether today is the day I could have saved him or found him or not...he's out there looking for me too..." Khimera was beginning to feel this was getting a little touchy-feely so he put his helmet back on, coughing awkwardly. "A-anyway...thank you Kris. You did more harm than good that day...but know I am not an enemy." A light blue wave of energy passed over the un-framed Tenno, his fatigue and wounds suddenly gone as if they had never been. "I am a friend...perhaps one of the few you have left."


Wyrm looked between its master and what it assumed to be a Tenno several times before Khimera stood and left the encampment. For several long moments the Wyrm stared at Kris before following the Oberon off into the forests to continue their mission. They were told to gather Moonlight Jadeleaf and scan wildlife, not bring back Tenno that didn't want to be found.

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