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[Archive] Of Ash And Fire - Original Thread


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Just a quick note:

Looking at the timeline of this game, a month of recovery seems absolutely ridiculously long. Aiden still has all his limbs and organs, so all his healing will consist of is is pulling shrapnel from his body, setting his bones and regenerating his organs. And this universe is uncounted millions of years ahead of our modern times. It would NOT take a month to regen such wounds. (And I seriously doubt Aiden's someone who gets much mental scarrage from dancing with death)

1 month for fixing his wounds and him training to recover all the lost muscle from cryostasis. He needs to train and get past his atrophy to be at his peak performance. I'll make him get up in a week. Train for two and then he's even stronger than before :P


And Aiglo, he is a beast. But everyone here has an extremely specialized character anyways. Aiden can define a tank. Resilient till the very end, that's my guy ;P



Very nice read EDeN! Glad to see you're back!

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So I feel sorta bad that I haven't put anything up, so here's a tidbit.


   A lithe figure slinked along in the shadows on the Station. The shadows were her friend, they were calm, soothing, almost divine. She casually slumped against a wall and slid down, hugging her legs. She exhaled quietly, closed her eyes, and spread. She let her consciousness expand all around her. She felt a distant presence. It was burning with some of the most powerful emotions she had ever felt. She smiled..... and fed. 

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Aequitas. Oh, the universe had a sense of humor. So much effort in trying to keep away from ever going back to the dojo, and now Kris was stuck there. The medics were obviously not happy about it as their gasps and murmurs after he told them his name proved. Of course, he didn't mind at all at the moment, due to the mental state he was in. He only stared blankly through his helmet as he was lead to the med-bay so that his arm could be treated.


Kris looked at the Trinity treating his arm. She hadn't said anything about his strange, chitinous, metallic skin that covered his arm. She must have seen something like it before. She hadn't asked him to remove his helm either, which was strange. Normally he would have been ordered to remove his helm so that his head could be checked for damage. This must be the way they handled those whose past with the clan was not fondly remembered.


The room they were in was isolated from the others in the med-bay. The white, sterile walls and the singular bed in it showed that it was probably a quarantine room. The silence in the room only broken when the Trinity switched tools to pick out small pieces of Kris's Vauban from his damaged arm and when the pieces fell into the tray laying near her medical tools. Neither of them spoke as she focused on removing the small fragments from his arm and he just stared at the wall with eyes covered by his helmet and devoid of emotion.


Not a single word was uttered as the Trinity finished and walked out of the room. Kris could hear the door lock as it closed.


''Captivity once again.'' Was his only thought as he stared at the now locked door. He wasn't so sure about what was going to happen to him, but whatever it was, he probably deserved it. Deciding to not waste any time, Kris started to meditate. Settling and sorting out his emotions came first before any worry.

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As I am now at home for half term, I thought I would write a story to celebrate!


High above a Grinner fort, so high it was nearly in orbit, a single ship floated. It was obviously a Tenno ship, but it was different to the normal Snub fighters. The engines were more out to the side, allowing an airlock to be installed at the rear of the ship. A small ramp could be extended from it.

Inside the ship, Katala finished installing mods into her Boltor. She checked the mods on her other weapons, her Akstilletos and her Cronus. Both were full to the brim with killing power, her pistols had a faintly ridiculous magazine capacity, whilst her Cronus was able to cut a hair that floated onto it. It was also extremely lightweight and hummed through the air as she gave it a test swing, narrowly missing a loose box of ammunition. Satisfied that she was ready, she placed the weapons in their appointed places on her back and hips, before stepping towards the rear airlock. The inner door opened, revealing a small space where she would wait whilst the pressure was changed. It only took a few seconds before the outer door opened.

The sun was just coming of the horizon as she stepped out onto the extended ramp. She stood there for a few moments, admiring the view. There was something special about this sun rise that she could not explain. Walking to the edge of the ramp, she peered over at the Grinner fort sixty thousand feet below. The Lotus had found out that there was data on an experimental weapon happening there, and she wanted to make sure that it was stopped. Katala's job was to find the data.

Katala turned on the spot, her heels just over the edge of the platform. She held her position for a moment. Then she leapt backwards, spin twice, and dove towards the surface like a diver towards water.

Silence. She could not hear a thing except from the air leaving and entering her lungs. She could see her speed building in her HUD, could feel the thin atmosphere rushing past her limbs. The air around her began to heat up as she entered the atmosphere proper. It took only a few minutes before she was surrounded by flames as she plummeted, traveling faster than the speed of sound. She had activated Dive Bomb a few seconds after she had jumped from her fighter, and the power was building. The air around her shifted from the flames of re entry, to waves of ice blue energy. She did not try to slow, trusting in her frame to keep her safe on landing face first into the Grinner base. Her heart was pounding with joy, with the thrill of flying, even if she was rocketing towards the ground at nearly 1000mph. She was only twenty thousand feet up now, close enough to see the details of the base. It was typical Grinner. Squat, ugly and looking like it need a lot of maintenance.

Katala nearly giggled in delight as she saw the perfect place to land. She shifted her body slightly, activating Tail wind for a boost, and she rammed into the Grinner parade ground with all the subtlety of, and about half the power of, an atom bomb, vaporising nearly all the Grinner who had mustered there for the dawn inspection, and making a crater a dozen metres deep and twice that across. When she finally clambered out, after extricating herself from the soil, there were only about three Grinner still alive, and they were on deaths door. She faced little opposition as she wandered through the base to the data centre. Any one who did try and stop her received a face full of lead.

When she found the data centre, she wasted no time in hacking into the systems. As she was doing so the Lotus contacted her.

"Tenno, we have received some new intel. The experimental weapon is sound based. Look for anything that matches that."

"Got it Lotus, searching now," Katala replied. Her fingers froze over the keyboard as she stared at the file she had just found. She was like that for several seconds, before she collapsed on the floor and burst out laughing. It took her several minutes before she could control her laughter, and she opened a line to the Lotus.

"Lotus, I found what the weapon is," she managed to get out before she had stop and hold her sides they were hurting so much. "It is really dangerous, but only if it is not tuned properly."

"Only if it is not tuned properly?" The Lotus' voice sounded confused.

"Well, bagpipes do sound like they could kill someone when they are out of tune."

The link went dead for a moment, before the Lotus told Katala to get out of there. Before she left, Katala made sure that she had downloaded the blueprints for the bagpipes. She was going to have some fun with it. As she leapt out of a window and soared skywards, she smiled.

-Now who is going to be my first victim- she thought.

Edited by Spikey844
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I haven't been writing much as of late (and most of it was elsewhere), but i'll be doing so more often now.


Akinos was in a deep meditation. He'd calm down and forget all, seeking the clarity of mind he required to execute his fighting techniques. Clarity that often eluded him, for one reason or the other. But then and there, he was in the verge of reaching complete peace. Maybe then, he could finally perfect his attack...


-Hi! What's u-Shade called out loudly as he cane into the room, at full speed, but was interrupted by the flight of two shuriken  which he barely dodged.


-Hey, if i was a humanoid like you, i'd not been able to avoid that!-he cried out-Or if i didn't know you so well... Anyway, get up from there, we have stuff to deal with.


-No one else would be that much of an idiot...-Akinos said as he stood up-So, what is this "stuff" we have to deal with?


-Guests of various kind have been arriving as of late-Shade said-Some of them might even be hire-able, in case you still care. But anyway, have a look at the files yourself. There's this one, we already know him... And some more.


Akinos perused the files as they were displayed on his HUD. He wasn't particularly impressed at first, but, there was some surprising information there.


-Ok, now that last bit surprises me-he said- How is this even consistent with anything we knew so far?


-Now you know my pain-Shade responded-Ridiculous stuff like this just jams up my logic processors, big time. By the way, i'll put the money back in your account as soon as i am done collecting from all the gamblers.


-Don't want to know-Akinos responded dryly-Let's go over to the medical bay and find out if we can get something done, for once.


The medical bay was rather busy. Apparently several Tenno in the teams that had arrived needed major surgery performed. Of course, the clan was more than equipped, but there was always tension in the air when the outcome of a procedure wasn't guaranteed. Akinos figured he'd just wait until they could be spoken to.


Shade had updated him fully about the details of their mission, and Akinos concluded that they were very lucky to make it out alive. He also concluded that Shade was way deep with the corpus, as to get so many pictures off of bots, but he'd ignore that, to keep his peace of mind, or what was left of it anyway.


He concluded one more thing: He was going to need Tenno like these  if he wanted to succeed in the mission he was planning. It had taken a lot of time to acquire the intelligence in full. And it hadn't suggested anything good. So they had been looking for some more. And they had found a tiny gap of time open for a single cell to infiltrate the Corpus facility. and they would still be required to be supremely qualified to survive and complete the mission.


In a little over a month, he needed his team ready and briefed. Akinos figured that, since time was scarce, he might as well look among the Tenno that survived the most dangerous and complicated rescue operation he'd heard of as of late, to find that team. That he knew some of them already was but an added plus, and would hopefully make it easier.

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Galen watched the assembled army of medics lead the teams of Tenno away.
He was leaning against a wall, thinking of everything that happened on the rescue mission.
His thoughts were troubled. Both by the mission and the current situation.
"Adenydd, activate" he spoke to himself. The VI in his ship went active.

Sending the ship's camera views to his helmet, he looked around.
(Nobody near the ship. Good.) he thought. He kept an eye on the camera view and stepped away from the wall.
He walked around on the docks for a little, and went in the direction of his ship.
"Excuse me sir, you need to report to the infirmary immediately."

He kept walking, ignoring the man.
The medic started running to catch up to the Ash.
"Did you hear..." he said to Galen. As he grabbed him by the shoulder.
Galen grabbed the medics arm, spun around, and threw the medic to the ground.

"Don't touch me. Go look for someone who actually needs help."
He released the arm, and took off running.
As soon as he broke sight of the medic, he went invisible.
Moving away from his ship, he issued voice commands to the ship's VI. "Start engine. Lock doors. Prepare takeoff."

He heard the engines roaring to life behind him.
After a few seconds, a mechanical voice came across his comms channel.
"Engines active. Doors locked. Ready for takeoff."

The ship started hovering inches above ground when it suddenly blasted off into space.
When he couldn't see the ship anymore, he spoke again.
"Activate Cysgodol." He knew the VI would activate the cloaking systems, blocking the ship from sight and radar.
"Activate unmanned standby. Prepare weapons." he spoke. "Disabling all life support. Preserving power. Lasers ready. Missiles ready." came the reply.

He stood still, in silence.
The ship could be called back in a few second, his way out was prepared, it looked like he had left.
He had decided to stay at Aequitas, hidden, for a little. (Got a strange feeling. Like something big's about to happen here...)
He looked around for a quiet way into the dojo, and went walking around, looking for whatever it was that triggered that feeling.




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Crap...I realized just now that I've written people into a corner by leaving them to ask Emerald/Mirage questions which, alone, could amount to little more than a few sentences...bugger all. I apologize guys, allow me to proceed the story.



Almost surprised by the silence of the trio of allies Nova-Quinn had brought together, Emerald assumed they were either stunned by what they were about to do or just used to odd things happening around this particular Nova. Either way  Emerald cast out a very subtle psychic influence that brought the three to their places and sitting. Where other Nyx might excel at combatative mental abilities she was particularly gifted in the subtleties of suggestion. It would be appropriate to liken her to a spider, if any of the other present Tenno knew her true nature. "I see...I cannot guarantee your safety in the mind of another, just as I myself am not safe within the minds of others." She warned, going through the rigmarole that entailed with her act.


Assuming a meditative position, Emerald closed her eyes and let her power flow outward like a web of misty energy. Barely visibly foggy strands of psychic force linked the five Tenno, the links gaining more cohesiveness as they reached Emerald before such focus shifted, moving toward Nova-Quinn who only stared in wonder. She was about to say something like 'ooh pretty' or the like but then all five were left unconscious, their minds now all within the red and black Nova's.


The travel time was instantaneous, though by no means was going into another's mind particularly easy for those not accustomed to psychic linking. For lack of better explanation it was like getting knocked unconscious with an ironing board to the head and waking up with a slight hangover...in someone else's head. Emerald, or Mirage as the group now knew her, was the first to recover, standing up in what appeared to be a rather beautiful grassy land with various semi-ruined or overgrown statue-like architecture and floating cherry pinwheels and fields of cherry tree blossoms without any trees for them to grow on. Indeed, the way the land warped and twisted was a display of how deranged Nova-Quinn was at the moment. Indeed all seemed well enough so far, which was strange to Mirage given how broken this girl's mind had felt. Surely this was a facade. Looking around Mirage noted all the present persons were in their Warframes, but Nova-Quinn was nowhere to be found. Joy. Worse, Bone and Marrow were not at her hips! At least they weren't here, but if not here...then where?


"How dost thou doeth fair travelerseth?" Saluting the group was a lime-green knight with a Galatine on his back and stripey streamers trailing off his armor wearing a Pendragon helmet. That had to be Sandalphon, though what in the world was he doing here in that getup?!

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Ok, since I'm currently stumped on the whole 'corpus ball' idea, I thought I would write more about my non-tard Ballista.



'To go by these coordinates....' Char kept thinking again and again about what had happened that night, all those weeks ago, when she had not only survived an encounter with a Tenno, but he had also talked to her. The same idea was starting to take over her thoughts again and again: A Tenno had been impressed by her! The secret joy could barely stifle the memory of her fear when he stared her down.


Why had the Tenno wanted her to have these nav-coordinates? What did he want with her? What did he see in her? Why hadn't she alerted any higher-ups yet? All these questions and more kept swarming her mind during her normal duties, where she took aim and gunned down Corpus proxies with even greater ease and accuracy than her 'augmented' sisters.... well, technically they were 'her', as they were all from the same gene-sample, but she knew she was different. Right now there were even a couple of grineer scientists going over a sample of her own DNA, trying to see what mutation had occurred and if they could replicate it.


Her thoughts went back to the present as a Scorpion called out for a bead, firing its grappling hook at the corpus tech out in the back of the battle, who seemed to have been serving the same purpose as Char did. She lined up her shot with the Scorpion's grapple-line, waiting until she slashed at the tech, shattering his helmet. Then, Char pulled the trigger, leaving another greedy business-owner just one pawn less than he had before.


The rest of the invasion went smoothly, as Char looked from time to time to the gray Rhino that had been contracted to their side days in advance, just for this invasion squad. However, the war over this colony was already lost, as the Corpus Merchants had offered more money and shinier toys to the Tenno that would side with him, even though this had been a grineer colony to begin with before it had been taken by the corpus. Apparently even the Tenno weren't above corruption.




Finally her section of the army had been pulled back from the invasion as the 'great generals' had decided it was not worth the sheer number of casualties to take the small colony, and she did her best to relax in one of the tiny mockeries of 'private quarters' that were aboard the battle cruiser, as it drudged ever so slowly back to the heart of the grineer empire. There she decided to apply for leave, choosing a grineer colony she wanted to go to in her leave. She took note of where the Tenno nav-coordinate told her to go, choosing a colony close to the destination.  It may have been a bit unusual for a single soldier to apply for a leave, usually large groups wanting it at the same time for partying in or trashing colonies.


Char, however, had an incredibly different idea of how she was going to use her free time on leave. The first thing she did before her journey was to prepare a one-person shuttle for her at the colony in question, one that would be ready and hers when she would arrive, only a day or two later. The next part was to take her new Vulkar apart and store it in a storage container she'd bring with her, as well as her infantry-class armor. She was certain now with what she wanted, even if it would cost her life: She would find the Tenno that let her live, and she would find out what he meant with his offer of greater challenges.



So.... yeah... I'm making a soon-to-be significant grineer character who may or may not be associated with the Tenno now..... 

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The Grineer were out in an unusual amount of force but nonetheless orders were orders. This particular Grineer company was a thorn in the side because they were on the cusp of rediscovering some old Orokin Technology that would be most useful to the clan and to the other Tenno at large. Kevin shouldered his Soma rifle as he prepared to open fire. Alongside him for the ride was Clementine who was overlooking the patrol a few hundred meters away. With him right now was Ivan and Val who had been deemed stable enough to return to duty. 


She still avoided him and Janice somewhat but he didn't mind. One needed patience in all things. "Clementine, do it." Ivan ordered.


"Okay!" The Zephyr jumped off her observation point and glided down towards the Grineer marines. When they realized what she was it was too late. Clementine dive bombed into the center of the group, prompting Cell Ivan to open fire.


All in a day's work.

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To commemorate my return. A story! Of Banshee's awkwardness!


A Banshee sulked through the halls of the Corpus warship. She recently acquired it, so it wasn’t up to standards as most Banshee warframes. Her loadout consisted of a silenced Vectis, a silenced Magnus, and a Glaive. Her mission was going well, exterminate all entities of the ship. So far, she had taken out 5 Crewman and a Tech. She had her next targets in sight: 3 Crewman and a MOA of the Railgun variant. She crouched behind a crate and pulled out her Vectis. She peeked up behind the crate and prepared to take aim, but suddenly -BONK-. Her head knocked up against the crate loudly, the sound echoed through the hallways. Then, in a comical way, Dozens of Dera’s, Supra’s, and Flux Rifles were pointed at her, ready to fire if she moved. The Banshee, in a fit of rage of being discovered in such a fashion, screamed to the sky.




And that is why Banshee is awkward at stealth.

Poking fun at her mountain of a head.
.....black text :(
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