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Warframe Ash Moding Build ( Mass Assasin )



Hello everyone.I would like to submit my Mod Build of my Warframe Ash.Since i am fairly new to the game i'd like to take some feedback from the community.Ash will be my main warframe and i want to upgrade him to the max.

Okay for starters i have on this Warframe the next Polarities :

4 Warframe(Default by making the warframe)
2 Attack
1 Tactical (Created with forma)
3 Non-Polarity

I have installed these Mods till now :

Level ------ Name-----------------------------Description--------------------------------Polarity

1/3      Shuriken                            Pretty Decent Damage(i will max it)          Warframe
1         Smoke Screen                   No upgrade                                              Warframe
1         Teleport                             No upgrade                                              Warframe
3/3      Bladestorm                        Ash's Ultra.UBER DMG                             Warframe
5/5      Flow                                  +150% Max Power                                    Tactical
5/5      Focus                               +30% Power Strength                                Attack
5/5      Continuity                         +30% Power Duration                                Attack
3/5      Rush                                 +20% Sprint                                              No Polarity (Tactical)
1/5      Fast Deflection                  +30% Shield Recharge                             No Polarity (Defence)
1/5      Stretch                              +7.5 Power Range                                    No Polarity (Tactical)

The warframe has one Orokin Reactor on him which means i have 60 Points..He is 24 right now so i have 12 points left till he is maxed.
The main idea of the build is be quick and deadly...Deadly because of Bladestorm,it is his main ability that's why i want him to kill as many as possible in a wide range.Solid damage and good for defence missions.Agile cause of Rush..i will max it.

Although im having second thoughs about Stretch and Fast Deflection.I mean they are very good for Defence but in the long term they don't seem to be right for the idea behind the Build...I would go more for Marathon+Quick Rest (More max stamina+plus stam regen)...Maybe in the future maybe...Since i am doing more defence missions now i'll stick with Fast Deflect+Stretch for more survivalability.I will though definitely level up Marathon+Quick Rest for other missions.

That's all from me.Any second thoughts you guys?
I need all the feedback you can give.
That's a quick though of the build and the current state of my warframe

Thx in advance.

Edited by JogSothoth
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4 answers to this question

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My ash is pretty much the same but all mods are maxed on it and I have streamline in for fast deflection, keep smoke screen on and you should have no problem staying alive (to max everything you'll need two V and two ~ polarities). With all the mentioned mods on it will leave you with 0 points. hope this helped a little and good luck.

Edited by Excelsior10
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I think that first of all you have to put maxed Focus and Stretch for Skills. Then a good Redirection (320% or more shields), and all maxed Skills.

Those need 36 points.

You can still put a maxed Continuity in the V slot, a maxed Flow and still have 10 points to use (maybe for maxed Streamline). 

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