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Am I The Only Person Who Wants The Original Snipetron?


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It's not about having a weapon which fits a certain niche.  The Snipetron Vandal will be better than the original Snipetron.  People want the weapon because I lot of people pride themselves on collecting every weapon in the game and getting to the highest mastery ranks.  


If DE revamped the Snipetron and put it back into the game, almost no one would have a problem with that.  However, DE has not given any indication whether that is their goal. In fact, creating a Vandal Snipetron actually points to the opposite: why would DE make another version of a weapon which it planned to completely remake in the near future?  


I think that the Snipetron Vandal is it, it's the last version of Snipetron, Snipetron is now dead. The Snipetron Vandal is the closest thing to the Snipetron. They released the Snipetron Vandal as an easy compensation for removing Snipetron, and put an end to the name "Snipetron". This is it. This is the last appearance of Snipetron, the last image of it. Or you snag it, or let it go and wait for a new weapon.


This weapon isn't made to be used only, it's made as a reminder of an once-existed weapon, the Snipetron.

Edited by The_Markie
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This weapon isn't made to be used only, it's made as a reminder of an once-existed weapon, the Snipetron.

Which is the objection. DE has yet to show the community any reason why the name Snipetron needed to be retired. Or more to the point why that Object couldn't have been renamed, stat adjusted, etc., and kept in place.

On the extreme example they could have 1:1 replaced the Snipetron with the Volkar. Called it a model/name/lore update and called it done. The stat similarities were there, 25 more damage and loss of the recently added AP. Instead the Snipetron was allowed to linger on in people's inventories.

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I'm reading posts from folk that are pissed that DE removed something from the game without a heads-up, and posts from folk that are pissed because there are weapons they can't get.


Neither of these arguments reaches me.  I like the fact that stuff disappears from the game without warning.  It keeps things interesting, and I like interesting.  I didn't get a Snipetron while it was available (I agree with those who said it was a poor weapon) and now that I can't get it, I learned two important lessons: DE may do things with little or no warning, so stay plugged in, and; if you want some particular item in the game, BUY IT NOW, because it might go away.


DE runs the show, and it's important for the players to realize and accept that.  While DE does take a LOT of steps to keep people informed, they aren't under any requirement to do so.  That's true about many things in life, we just accept it, and so we should accept it in WF as well.  We like being kept informed, we appreciate it when bosses, companies, organizations, VG developers, etc. are able to do that, sometimes it doesn't work that way, oh well.  NBD


The whole idea that 'things can go away, so buy it now if you want it' is just a fabulous idea from a motivational standpoint.  We all want WF to succeed, and in the back of our minds, we know that will take $$$ from somebody in order for that to happen.  So if something you wanted isn't there, and you could have chosen to spend a couple of bucks on plat to buy it but chose not to, or if you chose to wait for whatever good reason, once again the lesson is driven home that choices have consequences.  Please don't complain to someone else about your own choices.


As far as folk getting all grumpy because there are weapons they can't get, jealousy never looks good on a player.  There will always be things that you can't get, whether it's because of money, or age, or timing, or location, or who knows what.  If you haven't learned to deal with that yet, you need to start that process, because IT isn't going to change, so YOU will have to.  There is one argument that I hear and appreciate, that being unable to get a new weapon hinders a player's ability to increase their Mastery level.  I've played long enough and found a way to acquire enough weaponry that I can understand the frustration of not being able to improve (grind) your stats because of factors outside your control, like no more guns to get.  All I can say is, it's time to pull out that Ceramic Dagger and put some levels on it!!!  (Oh, and I should say that it's impressive that you even have such an issue.  Well-done, Tenno!)

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I disagree, COMPLETELY. It's bad for both sides for DE to remove stuff with no warning, it gets their player base angry, and they don't want that.


As for the "Please don't complain to someone else about your own choices." This is stupid. Notso for example reset because he didn't know that the snipetron was going to be removed, and wouldn't have reset if he had known, see how that works? People regret doing X or Y because they weren't given any warning!


"As far as folk getting all grumpy because there are weapons they can't get, jealousy never looks good on a player."


I agree, but that only counts with exclusives we knew were gonna go away i.e. lato vandal/brandal, the snipetron was just removed, no heads up, no warning.


"I learned two important lessons: DE may do things with little or no warning, so stay plugged in"


Let me boil this down: "Stay online 24/7, or own every gun in the game, who knows when DE will decide to remove another gun!

I have the snipetron, that's "lore breaking", they removed it for a reason, but people still have it, why not bring it back for a weekend, then permanently retire it? Something like "We found a small cache of old/antique snipetrons, get one Tenno before the supply runs out!"


I'm honestly curious here, how can you justify defending a move like just removing the snipetron? Fanboy-ism?

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Im one of the guys that wants Braton Vandal since i couldnt participate on Moa fusion event. But meh, yeah i heard how op the original snipetron was so id like to try it at least.

Um.... we didn't get the Braton Vandal from the Fusion Moa event. The Braton Vandal was a 1 week exclusive during Close Beta, while DE tried an "open" stress test. You had to buy it from the Market for 1 credit. It was made clear that this was going away after that one week test.

More on point, that Frost Prime that was 'supposed' to be exclusive to the Moa event turned out not to be so exclusive with DE trying to frantically backpedal out of loose comments they'd made.

Edited by Brasten
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So, I got the Snipetron Vandal just now, but....


Check your foundry as well, I think OP and a bunch of others will be pleasantly surprised on what else you might find. =)

Just checked, and this works as a solution too, giving everyone the bp. My complaints have been looked at and rectified properly.

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Frost Prime BP, Old Snipetron.



Might as well give us Lato Vandal and Braton Vandal since I don't own those.


Difference is DE told us we'd be getting our Snipetrons back (due to errors in communication) whereas they explicitly stated several times that the other vandals are exclusive. They just chose to surprise us with it.

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Difference is DE told us we'd be getting our Snipetrons back (due to errors in communication) whereas they explicitly stated several times that the other vandals are exclusive. They just chose to surprise us with it.

Same with Frost Prime BP



 Nope, keep on dreamin Tenno.

Why not, because you wouldn't be special if they weren't exclusive anymore?

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Because they said the vandals are exclusive. Because they've said they're not coming back. And frost prime as an exclusive with his bits in the void would be dumb.

They backpedalled on the whole frost prime thing because they couldn't have a better idea than have it to drop on Void. Don't act like DE didn't go back on their word before just to reassure yourself they'll continue being exclusive.

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They backpedalled on the whole frost prime thing because they couldn't have a better idea than have it to drop on Void. Don't act like DE didn't go back on their word before just to reassure yourself they'll continue being exclusive.

No, I agree, they backpedalled, but it would have been a dumb idea with the current system

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