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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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1 hour ago, KYLoooo said:

Hema Salt is still a thing?

Yep, costs are still unreasonable. Clan-tier related stuff was/is unreasonable as seen in events.

Nemesis system (and warframe) should be more than a huge grindfest. Just your daily reminder...


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well I just finished farming the hema for my ghost clan 4k in total the other couple actives in the clan provided the rest.

so far seems not worth it, weapon hits like a wet noodle. which is a shame, looks cool and with the massive cost you would hope it would be good

I decided to farm it as I have nothing else to do in the game, so I farmed it.


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8 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

Solutions, preventions, changes to clan?
I don't feel like putting so much effort and contributing so much since I doubt DE even bother considering them. 

I can understand that. We already presented numerous idea and suggestions, but seemed ignored.

At the moment, I'm out of ideas, so I got nothing to contribute. Repeating the same solutions and problem, ad nauseum, as some people said, get tiresome and boring fast.

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5 hours ago, KYLoooo said:

Hema Salt is still a thing?

No, the salt has mostly subsided. Al there is left is Hema Scar, since there are people a lot of people here who already farmed the thing and still didn't think it was worth it.

5 hours ago, KIREEK said:

What are your 100 officers doing in your clan, aren't they like supposed to recruit 10 members each?

Please don't tell me that this is one of those moon clans who acts like previous tiers clans and recruit just about any fish they find.

Clans that display little effort in managing what they have or display little effort in griding, face the dilema as a result, no you do not represent 1000 members.

100 officers? I'm in a Shadow Clan, with over half if not most of my clan members at MR 10 or below. Currently at 21 capacity, so no dice for downgrading. Unfortunately, most, if not all, can't farm it or not even bothering. So, I'm stuck as the only member contributing 10.4k left of it. You want to join and help if you think everything is hunky-dory?

Edited by Gamma745
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Even after more researching regarding Hema, it is still not worth the amount of Mutagen Samples.
I thought about adding Mutagen Sample "container" before while checking out the broken codex(i.e. missing Alloy Drum) around last year.
Doing so would require Detonite and Fieldron variant to also be added, skewing the stockpile even more.
Personally, I find that resource and item drop table should be tied to the enemy instead of the planet.

Anyway, I find your video's audio is rather soft(low volume). And the link to warframe forum is invalid.

7 hours ago, ViS4GE said:

Nah, only enemies are salty when they get hit by this.


Requiring a riven mod to make a weapon great doesn't justify that particular weapon being great.
Lot of other better weapons are far better when similar riven mod is used.
It is like saying that the Zenith is great because I have a particular riven mod for it.


4 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

I can understand that. We already presented numerous idea and suggestions, but seemed ignored.

At the moment, I'm out of ideas, so I got nothing to contribute. Repeating the same solutions and problem, ad nauseum, as some people said, get tiresome and boring fast.

At least we did contribute some ideas and solutions, instead of giving one-liners and pretended that everything is ok.
The more info and deeper I dig... the more incompetent I find DE is and the direction the game is heading toward.
Maybe that is why those friends I asked to play with me said "I tried Warframe before, and I don't trust them", even though I said "A lot have changed".
Maybe they know some dark past secrets that I might not know.


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18 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

Requiring a riven mod to make a weapon great doesn't justify that particular weapon being great.
Lot of other better weapons are far better when similar riven mod is used.
It is like saying that the Zenith is great because I have a particular riven mod for it.

Nobody said that it requires riven to make it great, riven only enhances it.

If you really want something to complain about you should focus on Zenith, it have by far highest requirements in this game and is worse than Stradavar.

Spoiler alert : even riven won't help it and I already given up on that gun.


Quick observation about that video : 

Total additional elemental dmg used on Paracyst : 435%

Total additional elemental dmg used on Hema : 270% 

Additionally corrosive dmg should be highest if you want to compare armor stripping, but for whatever reason guy made Heat highest limiting amount of corrosive procs.


But hey if Paracyst is so much better (I never bothered to forma it so idk) then maybe they should increase crafting requirements on it ^_~


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7 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

100 officers? I'm in a Shadow Clan, with over half if not most of my clan members at MR 10 or below. Currently at 21 capacity, so no dice for downgrading. Unfortunately, most, if not all, can't farm it or not even bothering. So, I'm stuck as the only member contributing 10.4k left of it. You want to join and help if you think everything is hunky-dory?

No, i have my own clan to manage ty.

I would had downgraded, just kick the inactive or the wortless players (you can easily check activity by asking them something to be done and then checking if they do it or not and you can check weekly kills, i'm pretty sure you can find 11 players to kick, then downgrade, research and then see if you can find 20 that can contribute for the future of the clan, you and 2 other recruiters can work on it.

The only problem is that despite players loggin in, many think that clans are just a place for research, i can barely find 9 that are loyal and interested in warframe and i even have several roadblocks or filters to make sure the player entering isn't something you find on the "discount shelf", it's impossible for moon clans to have recruited 990 average players, those are not players, they are a liability and moon clans often prefer keeping them than to actually kick half the clan.

Same with you, why not kick half the clan, they aren't even making any contributions and i'm sure some likely have derelicts enabled.

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Kicking inactive members is not the solution for any clan tier to resolve the Hema farming issue. I would recommend every warlord not to do so, especially just to down grade for Hema. 

We know its the resource & how we farm Mutagen Sample is the issue. Down grading might be easier for some clans or warlords that never plan to expand again. But what if you have a active community with a inactive rule & you expel members daily. You manage everyone in your clan with loyal members to control key points. Then, you post events with prizes & its still a hurdle to accomplish farming mutagen sample. Then you expel the inactive members. Afterwards, you need to recruit, get members up to date on the clan roles & setup & then ask for them to contribute. So, kicking inactive players & recruiting new players is not the ultimate solution for Hema. 

The video above, basically outlines everything that is causing the issue. If we continue in this state, then many clans will have a issue with this in the future. Please, like the video with Hema Fix! above. 

Hopefully, we can create traction with DE & help them realize the issue.
Trying is more then most people do in life. Lets keep at it. :)

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the best fix would be to make resources drop in nodes that the infested contro


Mercury: Appolodorus, Beothius, Lares, M Prime and Terminus

Venus: Malva and Romula

Earth: Coba and Tikal

Mars: Kadesh and Wahiba

Phobos: Memphis and Zeugma

Ceres: Gabii and Seimeni

Jupiter: Cameria and Sinai

Europa: Armaros, Cholistan and Larzac

Saturn: Caracol and Piscinas

Uranus: Assur and Ur

Neptune: Kelashin and Yursa

Pluto: Hieracon and Sechura

Sedna: Amarna and Sangeru

Eris and Derelict

Also any node that spawns Ancients i.e void and fissure

The same could be done with resources from other factions as well.

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1 hour ago, KIREEK said:

I would had downgraded, just kick the inactive or the wortless players (you can easily check activity by asking them something to be done and then checking if they do it or not and you can check weekly kills, i'm pretty sure you can find 11 players to kick, then downgrade, research and then see if you can find 20 that can contribute for the future of the clan, you and 2 other recruiters can work on it.

The only problem is that despite players loggin in, many think that clans are just a place for research, i can barely find 9 that are loyal and interested in warframe and i even have several roadblocks or filters to make sure the player entering isn't something you find on the "discount shelf", it's impossible for moon clans to have recruited 990 average players, those are not players, they are a liability and moon clans often prefer keeping them than to actually kick half the clan.

Same with you, why not kick half the clan, they aren't even making any contributions and i'm sure some likely have derelicts enabled.

So, you're suggesting that casuals and and barely actives should never have a clan? Those that are less-than-hardcore farmers should never got access to any clan research? Screw new players and casual for wanting to get access, huh?

To your last point, my clan members still contribute. Pigments, Tenora. Just not Hema.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

the best fix would be to make resources drop in nodes that the infested contro


Faction based drops & increased drop rate would be helpful but not a fix. Remember, it is still considered uncommon & rare. Obtaining the item early, would be nice for new players. But again, they are not going to use that as contribution scheme to help out clans as much as resource cakes would provide. Not only that, early planets drop rates are lower anyways. 

If we had resource cakes based on factions that would be helpful, as well. Again, I'm simply requesting Mutagen Sample cakes to be introduced in game. Veteran players know how much of a difference resource cakes have made for Neurodes & Neural Sensors. Imagine the difference with Mutagen Samples...

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36 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

So, you're suggesting that casuals and and barely actives should never have a clan? Those that are less-than-hardcore farmers should never got access to any clan research? Screw new players and casual for wanting to get access, huh?

To your last point, my clan members still contribute. Pigments, Tenora. Just not Hema.

Yes, but do they all contribute? as in all members.

mutagen samples are found in many places, but a derelict mission is the most effective, aren't your clan members doing vault runs, boss runs, unique parts in survivals or defenses, scaning kavats, scaning cephalon fragments? because if they are then they have samples already.

I'm pretty sure if you wait a week or 2 and check the kills of the members contantly, you will find a few that don't have a single kill during that time, no they are not being casual, they are simply not playing, casual means they contribute even if it's just 10x less than you.

Again, you manage things the way you want, i personally would start checking what exactly are they doing, if it's bortherline nothing over the course of a month, i would replace them asap.

Want to keep them? fine, enjoy the results.

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11 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

mutagen samples are found in many places

Eris & Derelict missions only. That's only two.


12 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

I'm pretty sure if you wait a week or 2 and check the kills of the members contantly

That is not a valid option for high tier clans. Checking 960 members just on kill rate is not good management. For a small clan & a warlord who has nothing to do maybe. But being picky about suggestive agenda's on what they expect from casual players is too aggressive. One small clan is easy to say be more active & contribute. Suggesting to the whole Warframe community or high tier clans (Mountain/Moon) to check activity per player is not a valid answer for this. Whether, you believe your opinion is right or wrong; it is not the best for supporting the issue at hand.

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17 minutes ago, flapvsjack said:

Eris & Derelict missions only. That's only two.

I mean mission types, you have alot of selection on eris and derelicts, they also may appear as cache rewards, i mean if you play mission on the derelict you should have samples.

If you play outside derelicts or you do a capture and don't kill enemies, you just want the node unlocked, then that's not going to work, but again this is tied with player effort in missions and wile new players may struggle a little bit, they should still pickup a few samples now and then.

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Obviously, you haven't viewed my video. I mention all the problems new players offer & what mutagen sample present.

11 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

I mean mission types, you have alot of selection on eris and derelicts, they also may appear as cache rewards, i mean if you play mission on the derelict you should have samples.



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On 4/22/2017 at 10:11 PM, KIREEK said:

mutagen samples are found in many places, but a derelict mission is the most effective, aren't your clan members doing vault runs, boss runs, unique parts in survivals or defenses, scaning kavats, scaning cephalon fragments?

Most likely yes.

Vault runs: I've seen them doing vault runs from time to time. Perhaps some of them even before they joined the clan.

Boss runs: The only boss in Derelict is the Lephantis. After you got Nekros and all the mod drop, then what?

Unique parts in Survival and defenses: Only Octavia Neuroptics and Mutalist Coordinates that is unique there. There's a chance to get Octavia's part on the first run, and Mutalist Coord can be gotten from Invasion as well. Again, what's next?

Scanning Kavat: Drop rates beyond horrible, available from alerts in packs of 5. Even then I managed to get about 10 by scanning.

Cephalon Fragments: That only takes 15 runs, tops.

All of the above can be done without Boosters. Some at the same time. So, would most likely net 100-200 Samples, tops, after all done.


On 4/22/2017 at 10:11 PM, KIREEK said:

I'm pretty sure if you wait a week or 2 and check the kills of the members contantly, you will find a few that don't have a single kill during that time, no they are not being casual, they are simply not playing, casual means they contribute even if it's just 10x less than you.

By casuals, I mean only playing maybe 1-2 times a month. I'm not a megalomaniac that if they don't give anything to the clan in each week they will be kicked out. Like I said before, some of them may not even want to bother with Hema specifically. But you do you. Remind me to not join your clan next time.


On 4/22/2017 at 11:57 PM, Monolake said:

Just do HIve caches and infested spy missions!



Know that. Far too small for the time and hassle doing it. Already got the 2 Dual-Stat electric mods (High Voltage and Shell Shock) three times, don't know how many Firestorm mods, and maybe got 25-45 Mutagen Sample to show for it. Could be a nice alternative.

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On 22.04.2017 at 6:16 AM, KYLoooo said:

Hema Salt is still a thing?

Lmao it's like literally anything ahs changed since then.

I've been farming this s*** because I literally have nothing better to do with my life right now. If you don't have a single m sample at all and trying to farm them alone for example for a ghost clan it will take you >15 hours under those conditions: both resource boosters, using desecrate nekros + slash weapon and smeeta. Now do the **** math. It's essentially like having a 6-8x resource multiplier and still you will only get 100-200 m samples in roughly 30 minutes each time. And you still have to pay at the very least 40p for one fo the boosters (+providing you will be able to physically endure the fram of 15 hours in a span of 3 days) as getting both via normal means in a game at teh same time is slim af. Even in prime access you have absolutely useless credit booster and somewhat useful but not as useful for majority affinity booster. You're bound to pay no matter what.

Yeah no reason to be 'salty'. Great f2p game, guess most people are too poor these days indeed to afford playing those.

Edited by -Temp0-
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On 22/4/2017 at 0:32 PM, flapvsjack said:

That is not a valid option for high tier clans. Checking 960 members just on kill rate is not good management. For a small clan & a warlord who has nothing to do maybe. But being picky about suggestive agenda's on what they expect from casual players is too aggressive. One small clan is easy to say be more active & contribute. Suggesting to the whole Warframe community or high tier clans (Mountain/Moon) to check activity per player is not a valid answer for this. Whether, you believe your opinion is right or wrong; it is not the best for supporting the issue at hand.

On the Dojo Feedback there's a ton of threads asking for better management tools that would solve that issue. 

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1 hour ago, zzzNitro said:

On the Dojo Feedback there's a ton of threads asking for better management tools that would solve that issue. 

If DE does decide to place additional tools or feedback utilities to track player statistics. The issue remains, the Hema Fix YT video I posted earlier explains why it is so. Increasing drop rate, changing drop tables to factions or rallying the most active players are not the best answer to resolving Mutagen Sample farming. Content must be added to regulate the balance, my example is resource cakes. 

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i bought my Hema for platinum, plat that i got from selling 1 riven mod that took me 1 sortie to get... stop complaining, if you want it for your dojo do a group effort or do it like me: decrease your clan size to ghost, use 5k mutagen samples from the 8k you got by playing the game alone for a long time

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