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HEMA Final Word - No Mutagen Drop or Cost change


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8 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

i bought my Hema for platinum, plat that i got from selling 1 riven mod that took me 1 sortie to get... stop complaining, if you want it for your dojo do a group effort or do it like me: decrease your clan size to ghost, use 5k mutagen samples from the 8k you got by playing the game alone for a long time

The ultimate answer for one warlord to a small clan making a easy out! Good support for the cause ^ :little sarcasm:

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21 hours ago, flapvsjack said:

The ultimate answer for one warlord to a small clan making a easy out! Good support for the cause ^ :little sarcasm:

Here is the thing: some/most clans already researched the hema, some at a very high cost so decreasing the price or increasing the drop would be a slap in their face. It's a strong weapon, it's not supposed to be easy to get for the clan so you can keep fighting windmills or you can get over it... i used my own mutagen samples to research it for my clan, actually i used all my mats to research all the things alone for my clan and i still bought it for plat for myself because it just came out and i didn't want to wait. There is no cause here, if you don't want to farm, or no one in the clan wants to farm, go sell some stuff for some plat and buy it like that... it's the easiest and fastest way and clan size does not matter. You can be smart about it or you can complain about it, your choice, but you will find that DE is not going to change it any time soon.


also did you mean "The ultimate answer from one warlord of a small clan making an easy out!"? i'm having issues understanding what you were trying to say...

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I have too

49 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

Here is the thing: some/most clans already researched the hema, some at a very high cost so decreasing the price or increasing the drop would be a slap in their face.

I disagree, since it is far much easier to farm as a smaller clan. Also, demoting clan size is a demeanor effort just to achieve Hema. Unless the warlord had no use of recruiting or is plain lazy. Thus, why even expand in the first place? Warlords that are not lazy and want a large community to be involved with, continually push forward. Instead of thinking that the collective order to demote clan tier is how warlords should perceive new content. I find that insulting to all warlords at any tier. Which it seems you opted to do. What I am trying to encourage is to keep trying to get DE to recognize the problems which is Mutagen Sample limitations. In hopes, that this issue will not happen again. 

Trying is more then what most people do. 


52 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

also did you mean "The ultimate answer from one warlord of a small clan making an easy out!"? i'm having issues understanding what you were trying to say...

you forgot :little sarcasm: Pretty much explains the phrase

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51 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

Me and 1 other guy are online and everyone else quit, instead of recruiting new people and make them waste materials for a new clan they aren't even sure they would stay in just to get a weapon i rather used my brain, something that apparently insults you.

I am happy, you & your friend are content. What I am simply stating, its insulting that you opted for demoting clan tier instead pushing forward with the community just for in game content. Plus, being a warlord when expanding you have to recruit (even you, not everyone else). That is the whole point of expansion.

My point is, clans are not the issue as I mentioned many times before. And yes, there are Mountain/Moon clans whom already completed Hema research but not as many as you think. Thus why, I want to help the community to point out the limitations of the balance setup. Larger clans who are active without the research will always push to that goal. But it is much harder then you think or witnessed. Otherwise, this forum post wouldn't have so many replies as of now.

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3 hours ago, flapvsjack said:

If DE does decide to place additional tools or feedback utilities to track player statistics. The issue remains, the Hema Fix YT video I posted earlier explains why it is so. Increasing drop rate, changing drop tables to factions or rallying the most active players are not the best answer to resolving Mutagen Sample farming. Content must be added to regulate the balance, my example is resource cakes. 

I already disagreed with changing the research cost earlier so I'm not gonna go there again.

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13 minutes ago, flapvsjack said:

there are Mountain/Moon clans whom already completed Hema research but not as many as you think.


and yet every 2-3 missions i see a guy with a hema, so... many people... with hema... on all servers (pc)...but hema is rare... does not compute...

if you want a real problem, look at the index bug, or rivens/focus etc. i find the hema research redundant anyway, i did it for my own completition

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3 hours ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

Here is the thing: some/most clans already researched the hema, some at a very high cost so decreasing the price or increasing the drop would be a slap in their face.

Just saying, but that's not necessarily true. DE could just place the difference of mutagen samples between the old required cost and the new cost into the clans resource vault. Then we not only have the Hema researched, but also have samples left over for future research.

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5 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

Sorry to be so blunt but what's the rush then? If the average of your clan is MR10 aren't there a lot of stuff to do first?

Yeah, I don't expect it to be finished in short notice. Never did. I already expected it to be finished in 2037.


3 hours ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

Here is the thing: some/most clans already researched the hema, some at a very high cost so decreasing the price or increasing the drop would be a slap in their face.

 That's DE reasoning as well for not decreasing the cost. And guess what? Some, if not a lot, of the people here says that they already finished the research and still want to see the cost reduced.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)GexGehko said:

Just saying, but that's not necessarily true. DE could just place the difference of mutagen samples between the old required cost and the new cost into the clans resource vault. Then we not only have the Hema researched, but also have samples left over for future research.

that would be really hard, if you know how that data is processed you'd know that it would literally mean digging trough each and every clan that bought it manually, the current active player base is i think 20-30k per day, more than half of them will already have the hema and/or will be in a clan with the hema research...

"some, if not a lot, of the people here says that they already finished the research and still want to see the cost reduced." i have not seen that sorry, on the contrary...

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3 minutes ago, flapvsjack said:

Curious, where is your data coming from?


from playing the game 16 hours per day or more on NA, EU, Asia servers and observing who has what weapon equiped

might i add that from the whole playerbase you might have 500-1000 ppl complaining about it at most

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8 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

that would be really hard, if you know how that data is processed you'd know that it would literally mean digging trough each and every clan that bought it manually, the current active player base is i think 20-30k per day, more than half of them will already have the hema and/or will be in a clan with the hema research...

Some of those Hema could have been gotten from here:


10 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

"some, if not a lot, of the people here says that they already finished the research and still want to see the cost reduced." i have not seen that sorry, on the contrary...

Then try to browse through this very thread. I know, 97 pages can be daunting, but try to skim through what you can.

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I believe I am well informed. I didn't post my video here initially. Instead, it was redirected here by moderators. For this reason, I must try to help this thread continue in order to gain DE attention of the limitations of Mutagen Sample farming.


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2 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

Some of those Hema could have been gotten from here:


Then try to browse through this very thread. I know, 97 pages can be daunting, but try to skim through what you can.

"97 pages" argument is redundant, this page alone is mostly covered by me and mr flapvjack and i am sure several are just like this, you'd have probably 600 ppl at most complaining (which i seriously doubt) out of a pool of 22k that were online today, if there were a poll with "aye reduce the cost" and "ney bugger off" and you'd have at the very least 10k voting for aye then be sure DE would see and reduce the cost, otherwise it's a mute point, not only you don't have the manpower but you don't even have the right argument.

as for you mr flapvjack, i... am your father! (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) while i do agree that mutagen sample drop rate is far too reduced compared with the fieldron samples or detonite ampules and should be raised at at least to detonite levels do keep in mind that if you divide the workload in a populated clan the hema cost becomes a mute issue. Also if you have that manpower that you just linked, clan/appliances/discord, why aren't you using it to make your case? if they all agree with you it should be easy... right?

might i add that the "i want this to be cheaper because me and me buddies think it's too expensive" argument rarely flies without half of players supporting you, and scrolling through these 97 pages i do not see the support required to change anything, nor can i hope to see it any time soon... eh who knows, maybe in 2020 you will get your hema research cost reduction :)

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1 minute ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

"97 pages" argument is redundant, this page alone is mostly covered by me and mr flapvjack and i am sure several are just like this, you'd have probably 600 ppl at most complaining (which i seriously doubt) out of a pool of 22k that were online today, if there were a poll with "aye reduce the cost" and "ney bugger off" and you'd have at the very least 10k voting for aye then be sure DE would see and reduce the cost, otherwise it's a mute point, not only you don't have the manpower but you don't even have the right argument.

Suit yourself. I've browsed through the thread weeks ago, and I've seen a lot of people wanting the cost to be reduced, and about 5-10 people arguing that the cost shouldn't be reduced. We got 22k online right now and didn't say anything, my guess it's because they don't want to bother. But, you do what you want. It is your time.

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2 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

Suit yourself. I've browsed through the thread weeks ago, and I've seen a lot of people wanting the cost to be reduced, and about 5-10 people arguing that the cost shouldn't be reduced. We got 22k online right now and didn't say anything, my guess it's because they don't want to bother. But, you do what you want. It is your time.

well there you go, if people don't bother it means it's not a problem, if it were you would have seen riots, massacres, nukes and so on

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2 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

well there you go, if people don't bother it means it's not a problem, if it were you would have seen riots, massacres, nukes and so on

I don't support death and pressure threats, that would just make things far more ugly than it needs to be.

This problem started months ago. There's also the possibility that they don't like it, but have already given up. But to know that, we need to ask them directly.

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4 hours ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

Here is the thing: some/most clans already researched the hema, some at a very high cost so decreasing the price or increasing the drop would be a slap in their face. It's a strong weapon, it's not supposed to be easy to get for the clan so you can keep fighting windmills or you can get over it... i used my own mutagen samples to research it for my clan, actually i used all my mats to research all the things alone for my clan and i still bought it for plat for myself because it just came out and i didn't want to wait. There is no cause here, if you don't want to farm, or no one in the clan wants to farm, go sell some stuff for some plat (basic knowledge required unless lack of brain is an issue) and buy it like that... it's the easiest and fastest way and clan size does not matter. You can be smart about it or you can complain about it, your choice, but you will find that DE is not going to change it any time soon.


also did you mean "The ultimate answer from one warlord of a small clan making an easy out!"? i'm having issues understanding what you were trying to say...

buying the weapon does not solve the research requirement if it becomes a pre-requisite for the next infested weapon, which may (sometimes DE does this) be exclusively clan research only and not purchasable on the market.

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2 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

I don't support death and pressure threats, that would just make things far more ugly than it needs to be.

This problem started months ago. There's also the possibility that they don't like it, but have already given up. But to know that, we need to ask them directly.

tell you what, nothing will change without a massive poll so if you guys make a poll about it i'll vote on yes just for you and you'll only need 9999 ish more votes, otherwise i'm going back to farming cuz i need my staticor formad

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

buying the weapon does not solve the research requirement if it becomes a pre-requisite for the next infested weapon, which may (sometimes DE does this) be exclusively clan research only and not purchasable on the market.

that my friend is the best argument i've seen so far, now if DE ducks up and does that you got your army of votes! and eventually the change

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13 minutes ago, Ryk_Rengan said:

tell you what, nothing will change without a massive poll so if you guys make a poll about it i'll vote on yes just for you and you'll only need 9999 ish more votes, otherwise i'm going back to farming cuz i need my staticor formad

Fair enough. Without hard data, we'll just be shouting hot air.

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