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What weapons in this game feel the most satisfying to you?


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On 02/01/2017 at 4:46 PM, DeadScream said:


I mod it for explosive barrage (thunderbolt + fire rate + blast status) and it just feels awesome...


Until that one level enemies reach and suddenly you deal no damage for whatever reason.

My 6 forma zhuge deals 10k crit, i have a dmg and crit chance riven mod, modded for crit with vital sense, bladed rouds, point strike and the riven

For damage, serration, heavy caliber and a elemental mod. Also added a fire rate mod (i put ville acceleration)

90% crit chance yey, 5 to 10k damage, w/nova it's +30k, doing sorties easy

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Rakta Cernos:. Ninja-quick deadliness gets rewarded with Viral bombs?  Yes, plz!

Zhuge and Sobek:  Brutal Kindred spirits from different sub-classes that don't behave as you would think.

Prisma Grakata: Pretty with a punch

 Vaykor Hek:. Repeated Point Blank Carnage 



Atomos with it's splash damage.  I call mine "Godzilla's Fist"

Pox:. Statustacular with unique mechanics

Hikou Prime:  kinetic frenzy of fun



Dragon Nikana with Tennogen Scabbard (#1 Salute to YOU Nikana "Power creep" Prime, I'd throw DK skin on you if possible)

Ack 'n'Brunt with DotD skin = Death Blender


Jat Kitty Whirlwind Spin

Rakta Dark Dagger:  Unparalleled Stealth kills when modded (Orvius gets a nod).

Dual Ichors:  Living Toxic Cleavers?  XOXOXO ❤️


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(Mara) Detron. Lay down that bullet hell.

Jat Kittag. That slam

Stug. The first secondary I liked, and the third one I built. My favorite part is spraying blasts everywhere, and the delayed explosion at the end of it all

Bows. Mow down those lines

Kohm. Most satisfying thing I've ever used. The sound at full spool and the mess of body parts and gore at the end of the mag

Sonicor. Boop. Boop.

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The flux rifle. I love the sound it makes, and the ability to slice enemies to pieces with it makes it a lot more satisfying to use. Unfortunately... It's not a great weapon. Could be a decent status weapon if beam weapons didn't have garbage mechanics, but they do. so rip

I love the weapon to death though. I just wish it was good.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Danilo_Franz said:

Melee: Destreza, yes i want to be a ninja screaming "EN GARDE"

And here I was, thinking I'd be the first one to say that.

Anyway, from the top:


Tiberon, because what's better than 3 head shots for the price of one?

Drakgoon + Magnetize = Boss Insta-death


Marelok, the second Primary with more "oomph" that the actual primary.

Twin Grakata, 'cause running out of pistol ammo is underrated.


Destreza with Vulpine Mask. A Mag Prime walks into a Survival. She walks out with 300+ Melee kills and highest damage dealt, and least damage taken. Slicin' and Dicin', baby!

Venka Prime, because a 1.5x combo multiplier just doesn't cut it anymore.

War (Cleaving Whirlwind) on a Warcry-Modded Valkyr Prime: SPINNING TOP OF DEATH!!!!

Companions (because they've been ignored)

Smeeta Kavat with Link Armor while using Valkyr Prime: Hey, Rhino Prime. My cat has more armor than you. And it gives me red crits on my Marelok, among other things.

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Ack & Brunt: My Oberon turns into a golden death blender

Jattkitag: STOP! It's Hammer Time!

Boar Prime: Because it's just fun sliding into a room and dousing everything in radiation and corrosive procs.

Staticor: Because it is like the sonicor only faster, longer range and you can get a triple element combo going.... And you can toss charged deathballs

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Braton prime and the flux rifle. I don't know what it is about them but they just feel so good to use for me.

Braton prime the sound and bullet spray is just amazing to me. I love everything about this gun it's just a shame I can't really bring it most high level places simply due to it's ammo pool. I do have a very strong +dmg, +multi, +slash, -zoom riven for it but it still doesn't help that at level 100 killing like 4 heavy units and i'm out of ammo.

Flux rifle I never had the honor to use during it's "prime" but I do enjoy beam style weapons a lot. I actually picked it up originally due to it being a decent nekros desecrate weapon. I fell in love because it has a lot of slash damage and decent damage all around, but suffers from the "beam weapons" issues as well as status proc issue. I use nekros prime ALOT (loot obsessive) and this bad boy with it's +dmg, +multi, +heat, -zoom riven is always on it. I love killing and enemy and drawing a Z on their body with this cutting it into 2-4 pieces for a cloud of extra loot to follow.


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For primary and secondary weapons: OP stuff. Maybe Zhuge and Braton prime, because I have riven for them. And the Ignis.

For Melee weapons: almost anything. I have over 30 melee weapons and I like using them: Broken-War, Dakra Prime, Prisma Skana, Dex Dakra, Prisma Dual Cleavers, Dual Kamas Prime, Karyst, Rakta Dark Dagger, Sheev, Machete Wraith, Tekko, Ack & Brunt, Lesion, Orthos Prime, Vaykor Sydon, Tonbo, Bo Prime, Tipedo, Glaive Prime, Atterax, Galatine Prime, Scindo Prime, War, Fragor Prime, Jat Kittag, Sibear, Sancti Magistar, Nikana Prime, Venka Prime, Anku, Caustacyst, Redeemer, Ninkondi, Destreza.


My favourite ones are the Glaive Prime and the Scindo Prime.

Edited by Dobermann92
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Harpak, Drakgoon, Spira Prime, Ripkas.

Harpak has an astounding sound, packs quite a punch and requires to aim and lead. That's why landing several headshots in a row feels so rewarding.

Drakgoon is now a Kohm substitute for those who loved bouncing projectiles of death. Deadly, needs to be aimed properly, sparks are flying everywhere, that's fun.

Spira Prime packs quite a punch, ammo efficient, silent and flying sparks of death look amazing.

Ripkas are super fun to use with Ripkas exclusive mod when playing Limbo. This thing one-shots lvl 100 prone eximus units under Rift Surge and after Banishing. Looks brutal as Hek too.

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