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Coming Soon: Devstream #85!


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2017 Wall of Questions:

- There have been reports of players who got 60 or more rerolls and no "GODLY" stats. 60 rerrolls = more than 175.000 kuva = 145 flood kuva missions = 290 normal kuva missions. Is that intented? Is this player fated to never get a 300%+ "different damage sum" riven mod?

- Why the uncolorable back of deafult helmet of Nyx and Excalibur is still unchanged? If you make all frame colors white or light colors, those black parts will be always black, It has been like that for 3 years.

- Why operator jump needs 2 buttons instead of a single button?

- Can you take a look at the Hulta Armor from Loki Knave bundle? Right now it needs 2 color channels to color the "plate" parts the same color, and the colors have a very distinct effect than the normal colors, I mean, if you use a shade of blue on it and on any frame, they won´t look like the same colors, at least on my " all settings on low" pc potato.

- Why prime frames can´t use Tennogen skins with non-prime 3d models? The best example is Graxx Valkyr, that would look closer to the artist original view in it´s old skin without the knee-torso decorations

- Why we can´t start the missions with the syndicates passives turned on?

- What were the 5 most requested player features/Quality of Life changes in 2016?

- Can Trinity get augment that makes energy drain autocast able like Nekros dessecrate?

- Why can´t we get syndicate per account instead of per frame, like focus?

- Can turrets/ship air charges have a much lower timer to be more useful and more used? Maybe half the current time?

- Can the frame summoned companions like atlas golems, equinox´s augment, nekro´s shadows have health+shields+armor instead of life decaying/timer mechanics?

- Can beam weapons range become longer, maybe x2/x5 by default?

- Can Kubrows and Kavats get vaccuum too? Many people like me have no interest in ever trying them without the vaccuum.

- Can the sentinels get a review, so they get as much effective health as carrier?

- Can the Sentinels get some kind of review as now if we equip weapons on them they get dead as soon as they shot?

- Any news about shield efficacy improvments, like shield gate damage (if the shield is fully depleted, extra damage does not go to health) / or a shield armor/proto shield for frames and companions?

- Why there are no female corpus technicians? It has been like that for 3 years.

- Can Vauban´s Tesla be buffed? Vauban´s 1st ability is very weak compared to his others abilities or other frames 1st abilities and requires lots of clicks/casting to become barelly useable

- Can we be able to fight kuva guardians without using the operator? Right now using the operator´s powers is the only way, maybe if Kuva guardians have a damage reduction like prossecutors/sentients instead of invencible for example

- Can magnum force pistol mod get a change/buff? It is very weak whem compared to equivalent +damage corrupted mods

- Any news the new syndicate mods for weapons showed tons of devstreams ago released, like the +ammo for kunai?

- Can UI get a numeric meter for how much of operator energy we have while on that stage instead of color changing on the aim?

- Can we get glaxion/iginis/sonicor/torid/grenade launcher/crossbows for sentinels? More explosions please!

- Can red veil, perrin and steel meridian have better specters?

- Why can´t syndicates sell forma bps and lenses?

- Why isn't there a token system for sorties?

- Why no female cephalon version of Ordis, or another liset cephalon?

- Any planned change riven mods to make them more afordable and have less rng? Like to be able to fix a certain stat, making kuva rerrols more expensive in compensation? Or rerroll what kind of weapon it is for?

- Can old tenno rails tileset be recycled and re-released as a full tileset? Maybe tenno orokin bases/junctions that are filled with turrets and specters?

- Can tenno specters be more widely avaliable as enemies?

- Can we have alternative colors/skyboxes for the tilesets we have - neptune, home of corpus, using jupiter tileset with arcology cities skyboxes for example?

- Can we have an option to leave bodies at the floor with blood/robot fluids? maybe set a timer and than only blood spots stay? Something as DOOM or Alien Shooter 2?

- Any news about new prisma weapons? There was no new prisma weapon on 2016.

- Any news about baby´s first sentinel?

- What you think of an option to join only missions that have not started?

- Why are we getting so much of the error "Session is full" lately?

- What you think of transmogrifation for weapons sounds and looks (make my soma prme prime look like an opticor and sound like a boltor prime)?

- Can Nekros shadows of dead does not have health degradation anymore? Maybe with an augment?

- What you think about preimum skin of chroma without pelt, that appears only on effigy mode?

- Can excavators health get a raise in all nodes and scale with area level?

- Can we get a button to choose sub-skills instead of fast/slow clicking on ivara´s first and vauban´s 2nd? It will lower the mistakes of choosing the alternate fire instead of fireing it.

- What you think about change how the ability works to make equinox/atlas summoned creatures have life/armor/shields instead of duration?

- What you think archwing item pickup range and xp range buffs?

- Can we orokin/corrupted sorties?

- Can we get neural sentries from Orokin towers as a boss? Maybe also derelict and infested version?

- Can we option at archwing for having the old controls back yet (without 6 axis moviment)? People (as me) are suffering with motion sickness on new archwing controls

- What you guys think about an infested version of the orokin tileset?

- What is the new tileset?

- Any news about the prime time teased moa-like sentinel from one of the game shows?

- What you think of perrin sentinels be hyennas, red veil be balistas, loka be kubrows, steel meridian be shield lancers and arbiters of hexis be random specters of tennos?

- What about let us invert/mix the day/night/middle forms for equinox? For example, day form with skirt, night form with middle helmet! no more divided helmets on any form!

- What you think of take out duration from equinox agument clone/sepcter, let it have shields/life/armor/power based on the frame?

- What you guys think of all weapons should have at least one agumentation/syndicate mod? Maybe a task force like it was for PVP?

- What about when a frame makes 1 year aniversary, it should have a review pass and augments for all abilities? Maybe a task force like it was for PVP?


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I have some ideas that I would love to see.

1. We need a ranking system in Lunaro, something basic like the leveling system in Rocket League, so pro's and newbs don't ever get put in matches together. Also the Lunaro matches needs to be hosted on dedicated servers and not by a random players.

2. Please add more tile sets to the Dojo's. To be honest the current one sucks compared to the original, and it's bland style isn't work the ability to color it. Please add some (pay to obtain of course) tile sets for the dojo so we can really customize it.

3. Please all us to use the observation deck in the same way we can use the map room on relay stations. I would love to have the option to group up and go to missions right straight from the Dojo.

4. Please add a landing bay to the Dojo so we can just walk out to our ship, speaking of it would be cool if we could showcase some member's ships in said landing bay ;)

5. A Lunar Court in the Dojo would be totally awesome!

6. Would be cool if we had some kind of customization Cephalon AI in the oracle room that made comments over the PA system when research is complete and other witty things. Some kind of Odo like system but let us choose what he/she looks/sounds like.

I think that's all I can think of right now lol.

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3 hours ago, rafacasper said:

- Can Kubrows and Kavats get vaccuum too? Many people like me have no interest in ever trying them without the vaccuum.

the idea of giving kubrows and kavats the vacuum just sounds so ridiculous to me I think something more useful would be allowing us to equip pets and sentinels at the same time

3 hours ago, rafacasper said:

- Why no female cephalon version of Ordis, or another liset cephalon?

i'd pay 100 plat to use jordas as my ship cephalon

3 hours ago, rafacasper said:

- Why there are no female corpus technicians? It has been like that for 3 years.

there are female corpus:

  • The Comba (and their counterparts the Scrambus) are the first enemies in Warframe to have both male and female versions. They are also the first Corpus enemies to feature females.
Edited by Ninjadeath721
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- Do you have any plans for new trading systems? Perhaps something more convenient/approachable/reliable than trade chat?

- Volt deluxe skin.

- Are you going to recklessly give yourselves a deadline and promise us Umbra before 2018?

- Also, I'm eager to see Tenno and Corpus spear-guns.

Edited by Laszlok
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Any chance that the "UI freeze when you try to equip your kavat's natural fur pattern" bug will be fixed?


I'd like to change back, my space cat's fur pattern to natural, but I can't because the UI freeze, and I have to alt+f4 out of the game.

Also helminth charger skin tweak? To be more special than just a normal infested charger?

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Hope you all had great holidays ;)

Some Questions:

1. Progress on Bardframe?

2. After The Index was implemented in a quest, will we see some other type of Operation coming soon?

3. Progress on Focus 2.0?

4. Ways to remove Helminth virus, other than draining it for the charger?

5. More Spear-guns, when?

6. Progress on the next Deluxe-Skins?

Edited by Huthalion
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3 hours ago, Nyaa314 said:

Is upcoming bardframe going to spread music that sticks to your frame and can't be turned off?

I hope so I mean come on it can't be any worse that this ugly cyst right? right????

Edited by Ninjadeath721
that e wasn't supposed to be there
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Now that Excalibur prime is able to equip the Excalibur vanilla skin, are there plans to allow other prime frames to equip their vanilla skin versions? Are you open to the idea of making prime details an auxiliary option that players can toggle?


Edited by Jamescell
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Archwing and Archweapon Slot Limitations

Telling us about the limitation on Archwing gear and slots to be bought for platinum 11 hotfixes into Specters of the Rail was NOT a solution to disingenuously sneaking it in without adequate, fair forewarning in the first place.

Relevant thread popularity banner and all, and second thread after the first was unjustly closed before the problem has been addressed.

What do you intend to do to give players a fair compensation or opportunity to acquire the free slots they could and often would have had grandfathered in if given proper notice of the change?



Unanswered Questions:

Polarisation and Forma

Q: Separate to the issue of relevelling after Forma use, will there be any change to Forma and Polarisation to avoid 'wasted' forma in future?

A lot of posters seem to bemoan the lack of Forma drops, while some like myself rarely end up using it at all because of the downsides of removing build flexibility. Is there any chance of a Polarisation quality of life change so we don't have to suffer our obsolete polarity builds when balance changes and new mods happen? Body Count and Blood Rush gave melees more reason to want Madurai slots, while the upcoming removal of 'mandatory' base damage and multishot mods might ruin heavily Madurai polarised guns. Times change, and while we have to relevel our gear for every Forma we use, even if less in the proposed new Mastery Rank relevance change, making our efforts, our time and our resources wasted is not a satisfying element of the game.

Here's my original thread on the subject and a solution, with more discussion from another player's similar suggestion here.

Another thread here as well. Threads keep popping up about new Forma, better Forma, different Forma on a regular basis. The system needs overhauling.

Now: We have 'lower limit' modding capacity, making it more comfortable to level weapons by using them after Forma.

However, some still recognise that there's a bigger issue than just "when do I get to use a polarised item again". The growing mod load with Primed and other high-drain mods demands a lot out of our very limited drain, as often do Sorties for most weapons to perform adequately. The user-unfriendliness of polarisation impacts negatively on flexibility and fun, and I doubt I'm the only one who tends not to use it where possible to not lock myself out of half my mod collection.


Q: Is there a possibility of a more significant ammo rework to fix bugs and aid balance of several weapon classes?

With static ammo pickups and certain restrictions, high ammo consumption weapons often fall short, not in raw DPS which they compete evenly in, but because they just can't keep going for long before they're completely dry and relying on pickups/Restores. We also see such bugs as the Sniper+Castana ammo restriction issue, recently addressed by a half-application of my own suggestion for the issue overall, using Pistol ammo for 'special' secondaries but with a different actual restoration numbers.
My suggestion here attempts to address all of that, as well as opens up balance levers by allowing any ammo type to be used for secondaries. There's also a chance for this to bring currently unused Max Ammo mods up to a functional level by allowing them to improve ammo gained per pickup (while not making Mutation obsolete either).

Using Mod Ranks Below Fusion Level

Q: Why force users to potentially hold many mods of lesser fusion, instead of being able to use ranks up to the fused maximum?

This has been mentioned in passing at times, but it's still ridiculous that we can't have this quality of life with the current modding system. It seems like something that would be an inherent part of a system where drain ranges so wildly and precise values are so aggressively tweaked (Corrupted Mods, looking at you).

Can the data load of a handful of extra bytes per loadout (to identify the rank of the slotted mod to use) really be higher than the load involved with having an actual incentive to hold multiple mods all with their own fusion levels? Can it even be anything but a drop in the bucket in comparison to simply holding thousands of instances of mods?

Questionable Augments reviving Degenerate Gameplay

Q: What were you thinking with Resonant Quake and when will it be reworked to stop the repeat of Blind Mirage shenanigans?

Don't really need to say much about this - but I've seen a surge in threads about it. Resonant Quake Banshee is Blind Mirage with less energy efficiency. It removes the gameplay on single-tile maps, and energy restores allow it to be used near-indefinitely.


Things mentioned in a previous stream, but no changes yet seen:

Weapon Balance

Q: What changes might we see in the not too distant future to bring down outliers / bring up underperformers?

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A lot of guns are completely outclassed in their field, such as the whole Gorgon family versus Soma. Since Mastery Rank Restriction appears to be tied less and less to the power grade of a weapon, is there any hope for more tightening of the 'tiers' of weapon power, as happened with such as the Supra among LMGs?

Players feel like weapons are often "missed" in a wave of buffs (e.g. secondary-shotguns as a whole during shotgun buff wave), or have suffered nerfs as outliers in the past (such as the Brakk and S.Gammacor) which may be outdated in today's Warframe. Are any of these on the radar for getting their fair share of buffs, or reversions of outdated nerfs?

Tonkor, Synoid Simulor and Launchers

Q: Can the Tonkor and Synoid Simulor get fair risk/reward rebalancing, and a tweak to r/r balance of other launcher and 'launcher' weaponry, to bring back legitimacy of using other weapons and especially other traditional launchers? (Changes said to be coming in the new year. Hopeful!)

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More damage, more blast radius, less risk. The Tonkor is an obvious outlier, and not even locked behind a high MR. Its no-worry, highest-damage nature while also being AOE means that it detracts from the contribution of other Tenno in a squad. Like a fully modded Ember Prime running through Mercury, people barely get to play the game in comparison. Usage statistics speak for themselves - almost every Sortie, and even most Void missions still feature at least one Tonkor.

Here's a long thread of arguments for and against.

Personally, I would prefer not removing self-damage from other launchers almost-entirely to bring them to the Tonkor's level. Part of the fantasy of using explosive ordnance is Danger Close - don't be reckless and hit yourself.

However, the self-damaging paradigm at the moment appears to be lower base damage, but full mod scaling. This brings untriggered ordnance launchers such as the Ogris into a position where they pose a greater risk to the user than to enemies, and because of a lack of optional detonation, mistakes are guaranteed to be deadly to the player.

I'd suggest the following to start with:

 - As per the Elytron Archwing, grant a UI element projectile beacon for launcher weapons to help guard against mistakes (and helps triggered explosives be used more effectively).

 - Alter the paradigm of self-damage so that players (with appropriate effective health mods) are protected from instant suicide until much closer to an upper limit on modding for power than current functionality.

 - Give the Tonkor this tamer, more balanced self-damage.

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-When could we finally expect Multishot changes that were talked about "a bit" ago? (to work as originally intended and not be an instrument of power creep)

-When could we expect changes to Seration/Horned Strike/etc, as in them being build in into the weapons (and damage increasing with ranks)? Like it was talked a while ago as well.


-When could we expect Red Crit equivalent for Status? While at it: Buff for Impact proc? (not only Impact damage is strictly situational but it's proc is downright useless)

-Buff or rework for status on continous beam weapons when? (egzample: flux rifle)

-And while I'm at status: could we get a buff for non-rare status chance mods for all weapon categories to be buffed so they are not s... uhhh unused garbage. Some of the mods are really underpowered compared to base critical chance mods:

Common Point Strike maxed out gives 150%. Now Rifle Aptitude which is an uncommon mod gives... 15%... Like... what?... I mean, there are dual mods but what if I do not want more damage types  but more status chance?



Would you consider having mods that:
-mods that add damage (the way it is now)
-mods that convert all physical damage (or base elemental damage of a given weapon) that are adjustable* example:

Braton: 6.6 imp 6.6 pier 6.8 sla + 1 rank infected clip = 4.6 imp 4.6 pier 4.7 sla 6.1 toxic (more or less)

Of course instead of adding new damage mods all currently existing ones would be reassinged (like common/uncommon physical mods converting damage while rare event ones still simply adding, most elemental mods converting damage with maybe few new ones that work like they are now but with now such high % as they are).

Adjustable: Instead of having 6 copief of Infected Clip each being on ranks 0 till 5 just one maxed out Infected Clip that is rank 5 and whose % could be adjustable (with downgrade mod taking less space)


Something that is High Quality of life change that is long due:

UI prompt (symbol or simply mod not being available) when equipping mods on primaries and sentinel weapons (aka which is out of 2 maxed out copies of Split Chamber is being used by primary so that there won't be conflict)


Duplicates not being needed at all

Whan or if ever could we expect something lika that?



Thanks you for reading. I wonder why I even bothered since it ain't gonna be touched upon in Devstream...

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Any thoughts on Melee and Sentinel revisions?

  • All sentinels that aren't Carrier Prime die from stray bullets. Health, ARMOR, and a revival system is in order, they are robots after all.
  • Most melee charge attacks are useless and Channeling has so much potential, but it just eats up energy for a damage boost you could get from hitting 5-15 guys. A separate, auto-rechargeable energy source should be available, along with an "Exilus" slot to put Chanelling mods in -- hopefully without the need of Exilus Adapter and capacity drain.

Thank you for reading!

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Question: Are you going to make a way to remove the attributes of the original Arcane helmets and apply them to other helmets, Syandanas, or other cosmetics? It would be great to finally use my full deluxe skins, or the newer helmets with the added bonuses of the Original arcane helmets. I wouldn't mind any of the negative effects at all if I could always use the helmet I visually prefer.

Edited by (PS4)LiLKnightly1
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