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Nidus really needs to get reworked


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Two things, that somehow could be tweaked a bit IMHO:

- Nidus can be played without using a weapon at all, which is great and fun to play. But since this is the case, I don't quite understand why he has to care less about energy management than pretty much any frame. A bit more need for Efficiency wouldn't hurt.

- Nothing wrong with the insane amount of damage at max stacks, and people comparing it to other damage frames like Mesa etc. aren't wrong there. Point being though: being one of the highest damage dealing abilities of all frames, it's still a "1" skill, meaning it comes at minimal energy cost, which is not in line with the damage abilities of most frames. Why not increase the cost while gathering stacks? Like x1.5 starting at 33 stacks and x2 at 66 or something like that (just some random numbers that came to mind, but you get the idea). Right now you can spam it like there's no tomorrow, which is fine at low stacks as you need to build stacks up, but it shouldn't be that checp when it's really pwoerful.

- his 4: nothing wrong with the ability itself, but the looks...would love to see the height of that infected...stuff...reduced by quite a margin, just to be able to actually see crawlers or small rollers to be able to end the another round of Def without having to try to hit something that I can't see.


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34 minutes ago, Kurstl said:

Two things, that somehow could be tweaked a bit IMHO:

- Nidus can be played without using a weapon at all, which is great and fun to play. But since this is the case, I don't quite understand why he has to care less about energy management than pretty much any frame. A bit more need for Efficiency wouldn't hurt.

- Nothing wrong with the insane amount of damage at max stacks, and people comparing it to other damage frames like Mesa etc. aren't wrong there. Point being though: being one of the highest damage dealing abilities of all frames, it's still a "1" skill, meaning it comes at minimal energy cost, which is not in line with the damage abilities of most frames. Why not increase the cost while gathering stacks? Like x1.5 starting at 33 stacks and x2 at 66 or something like that (just some random numbers that came to mind, but you get the idea). Right now you can spam it like there's no tomorrow, which is fine at low stacks as you need to build stacks up, but it shouldn't be that checp when it's really pwoerful.

- his 4: nothing wrong with the ability itself, but the looks...would love to see the height of that infected...stuff...reduced by quite a margin, just to be able to actually see crawlers or small rollers to be able to end the another round of Def without having to try to hit something that I can't see.


Kinda see your point. Personally I wouldn't mind some sort of slight increase in cost according to stacks (at least, my general build wouldn't be affected that much since I run a full Fleeting Expertise), although I feel like adding that indiscriminate spamming gets you nowhere... if the number of mobs isn't sufficient you end up losing energy instead of gaining it.

Edited by CyberMane
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On 06.01.2017 at 9:03 PM, Knight_Ex said:

I can't be the only person getting sick of seeing 2-3 nidus warframes running in every mission, lets break it down, Nidus is pretty much unkillable, he has insane amounts of damage, even if by some miracle he goes down so long as the person has 10 stacks they are auto revived, he can CC an entire room easily, gain insane amounts of damage reduction with his link, oh are those 10 bombards giving you trouble? just let me link to that corrupted ancient....there we go all better,  Fact of the matter being why run anything else since Nidus does most jobs perfectly, Tanking....check.....Damage....Check (With 100stacks his one can do up to 40k damage per hit and it hits multiple times), Buffing....Check.....Healing......sorta...his 4 can heal but not as effective as a trin, still if the people stay in range its unlikely they will go down.   So please someone come in here and tell me he doesn't need a rework and explain your logic behind it, because its obvious the QA team did barely any work on this one or he was purposely released as an OP frame,  FYI to get 100 stacks takes all but 3 minutes in some missions, his second ability followed with his first.....Id love to know the developers take on this, did rushing him involve throwing all the playtesting out the window for an end of year release?

looks like QQ-ing of mirage-simulor user who forced to swallow the dust, coz neophyte gun can't bypass well played nidus :)

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As a bored veteran of the game, Nidus is the only reason why i came back to the game, he is a step in the right direction, forcing people to think, time and synergize his abilities but also with his squad mates, saying that he is overpowered is just stupid, i can just as effectively spam Rhino's stomp across the map and then make a post about how he is too good at everything my stomp can reach. If Nidus came out and he is the only frame you can play now effectively, than i think you need to go back and rethink some of your builds on other warframes. I can provide numerous examples of aggressive outclassing of Nidus in any situation by many other frames.

As for seeing him too often too much, well that's really your problem is it not? Not only is he new, but he is also fun to play, today you whine that there are too many Nidus players in pubs, after the bard frame comes out i expect no less than a thread about how many of those you will see. (Don't disappoint me.)

Edited by CR0SSB0NE
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On 1/6/2017 at 3:03 PM, Knight_Ex said:

I can't be the only person getting sick of seeing 2-3 nidus warframes running in every mission, lets break it down, Nidus is pretty much unkillable, he has insane amounts of damage, even if by some miracle he goes down so long as the person has 10 stacks they are auto revived, he can CC an entire room easily, gain insane amounts of damage reduction with his link, oh are those 10 bombards giving you trouble? just let me link to that corrupted ancient....there we go all better,  Fact of the matter being why run anything else since Nidus does most jobs perfectly, Tanking....check.....Damage....Check (With 100stacks his one can do up to 40k damage per hit and it hits multiple times), Buffing....Check.....Healing......sorta...his 4 can heal but not as effective as a trin, still if the people stay in range its unlikely they will go down.   So please someone come in here and tell me he doesn't need a rework and explain your logic behind it, because its obvious the QA team did barely any work on this one or he was purposely released as an OP frame,  FYI to get 100 stacks takes all but 3 minutes in some missions, his second ability followed with his first.....Id love to know the developers take on this, did rushing him involve throwing all the playtesting out the window for an end of year release?

Why not bring other Warframes to Nidus' level? Also, I'd much rather have four Nidus than a single Synoid Simulor Mirage any day

Edited by (PS4)LoisGordils
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Nope, do not agree with this even a little bit. Just because you're tired of seeing mutliple Nidus's doesn't mean we should suddenly nerf him so you DON'T see even a single Nidus. This has already happened. Her name was Mag. No one uses her anymore. On a similar note: Saryn. And Ash.

Now, you continue by stating that Nidus is unbalanced due to being able to kill everything and not be able to be killed himself while also having a (SINGLE TARGET mind you) buff. The problem is that we already have several warframes that are essentially unkillable and with a bit of intellegence can be used to kill just as well.

Here are some examples:

1) Inaros: Quite possibly the cheesiest strategy in the game is to get a dagger w/Covert Lethality, get a bit of range, spam 1 and boom, you can kill everything AND you also get health back from every kill. Run into a bit of trouble? That's ok, use 4 to stunlock everything and heal from their pain. Then hit them with 1 and stab them. Oh, did you acutally die? No problem: passive will bring you back.

2) Chroma: With only two abilities, he deals out just as much damage and can tank practically all damage thrown at him. I've done 2 hour long survivals using just that and had to bail just because my weapon wasn't modded correctly (ie: blast vs Grineer). Add Rage/Zenurik for infinite energy. And his 4 for situational and short CC.

3) Wukong: Rage (w/optional Quick Thinking) + Primed Flow + 2 = Actually Defy death. Damage is a bit of an issue, but when you can avoid dying about...6 or 7 times in a row with one cast, I think he still falls under the Unkillable category.

4) Trinity: She is unkillable w/Bless + Link. Plus infinite energy from her 2. Wittle down the heavy's with a weapon modded to hit the faction strongest and let Link take care of the weaker enemies. Or just flat out get a really strong gun and kill everything. 

5) Nekros: Rounding out the bottom of the list, with Shield of Shadows + Despoil you can have that 42% damage reduction (minimum, more if you summon a mob that summons other mobs, ie: Hyekka Master) ON TOP OF a near constant supply of health orbs to power up your Health Conversion (1,350 Armor). Don't forget, those Shadows are excellent at drawing attention (CC). Add Rage/Equilibrium/Zenurik for infinite energy and infinite Shadow health. Again, damage is an issue.

Runners up for me would be:

Valkyr: with the Prime versions Energy buff and max duration/effeciency, you can stay in 4 for a really, really long time. Melee only hurts her a bit vs Nullies (what do Nullies NOT affect though?)

Rhino 200% Str + Ironclad Charge gives you hella lot of Iron Skin. Stomp for CC, set up for another Ironclad Charge, rinse and repeat. Arguably one of the best damage buffs too.

Equinox: With one ability that can put entire mobs to sleep and another one that scales based on the HP of enemies killed (converted into damage), Equinox can kill in an aoe pretty well. Is quite squishy though.

Fatal Teleport Ash: Who needs defense when you can literally kill everything with one ability? And be invisible while doing it?

Assimilate Nyx: Alright, true, you can't move very fast, but when you can absorb ALL THE DAMAGE while still shooting at them, I think that's pretty noteworthy.


TL;DR: A lot of warframes can kill and survive very well in this game. We should not nerf Nidus just because he's the newest frame everyone's using and enjoying just because he does the same as those frames

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  • Entering a Nullifier bubble will now drain down Mutation Stacks the longer you are in the bubble. 

This change is not so bad for normal use, but anyone who does hour+ fissures knows whats up with nullifiers. Like really DE? What is next, Scrambus/Combas do this too? It is painful on top of costing more stacks to use "undying mode" or whatever. This change is a straight up nerf and now punishes players who want to kill a nullifier.

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I was fine with the 15 stacks for undying, like I guess it's okay. 

The maggot change however SEVERELY reduces his CC and the stack-building potential of his 4. 
And ANY nullifier buff, especially one so incoherent (Stacks aren't even an ability like wut) I dislike. 

Really not happy with how they decided to address him on those second two. 

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I don't see the problem here. I've been playing Nidus since a week after he came out and all this change does is make me have to use a weapon that can break bubbles without gobbling a ton of ammo. Akstiletto prime might find more purpose in my arsenal compared to vaykor marelok as a result.

Also, how fast do these mutation stacks drain? From what I saw on the patch notes, it sounds like it starts super slow and spools up faster. That means you can still go in the bubble and kill the nullifier, you just have to make sure you do it quickly.

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On 1/6/2017 at 11:16 AM, Knight_Ex said:

This is NOT end game scaling, this is lazy unbalanced stats that had not been properly tested, scaling is when you gradually get stronger to adjust for high damage enemies, Nidus with even 10 stacks can drop a level 200 corrupted enemy in 1-2 attacks, some cases 1 attack.

This is a bold faced lie and reveals that you actually know nothing of which you speak. Ten stacks dropping a level 200 corrupted enemy in one or two attacks? In some cases one attack? :thumbup:

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1. nullifiers are not hard to spot

2. 1 bubble will only drain 1 stack every 2 seconds and the time the draining takes to speed up is more than enough time to either get out of the bubble or kill it so it's barely even an issue. test things yourself before whining about a change please

Edited by VinDanger
forgot about drain increase over time
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

wonder if this'll be in console update? nullifiers always gotta spoil the fun.

well enjoy it while you can you Corpus Skoombags, once the Nully weak spots are in, me and my slower weapons will be having words with you, and by that I mean "slinging bullets your way!"

Congrats youll killed him, enjoy his brothers: nulli 2,3, joey the tech and their band of merry detrons.

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9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

Idk if you was quick to post this thread but this doesnt hurt Nidus. Plus with the upcoming change to Nullifiers. Dont see this being a problem. Not trying to be rude. I dont see ppl big deal with nullifiers. Is is that hard for you all to not enter the bubble?

I don't mean to derail the topic, but since this is mostly a discussion on nullifiers, what is this upcoming change and where can I learn about it?

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