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How do you guys deal with people being judge-mental about your playstyle?



So earlier today I was in a normal LOR (Law of Retribution), using my Trinity Prime to EV, and suddenly a player decided that since they were to far away to get Energy, that they would complain about my EV not giving them more energy... Well they took it far enough that they decided they would take this little rage fit outside of the squad so when we finished they PM'ed me calling my playstyle trash and proceeding to insult me. Even if they were the same mastery, now if this were a player that had taken a more light approach rather than straight out lashing at me. I may have listened, but that's not the point of this post...

My reason for this post is to ask you people (other Trin players), what do you do or (what would you do) if/when this kind of thing happens. Because it happens to me constantly, but that is the first time that anyone has complained about my EV Trin for a good half an hour. So just how do you guys cope with this kind of thing?

Edited by Starscope5
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7 minutes ago, Starscope5 said:

So earlier today I was in a normal LOR (Law of Retribution), using my Trinity Prime to EV, and suddenly a player decided that since they were to far away to get Energy, that they would complain about my EV not giving them more energy... Well they took it far enough that they decided they would take this little rage fit outside of the squad so when we finished they PM'ed me calling my playstyle trash and proceeding to insult me. Even if they were the same mastery, now if this were a player that had taken a more light approach rather than straight out lashing at me. I may have listened, but that's not the point of this post...

My reason for this post is to ask you people (other Trin players), what do you do or (what would you do) if/when this kind of thing happens. Because it happens to me constantly, but that is the first time that anyone has complained about my EV Trin for a good half an hour. So just how do you guys cope with this kind of thing?

there's this magical little button that appears when you click on someone's name, and it says "ignore"

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Firstly, name and shame isn't allowed so you'll probably want to remove the guys name. But about people like that, personally, I just block them when they start, they can waste their energy yelling at a wall if they want. It isn't something to stress about really since its really rather rare to find people like this.

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Well I like playing a support role so I get this. Not all the time. But if I was you. I would've calming told him that EV has a range. If your outside of that range almost all raid. Of course you won't get no energy. That's why it's good to have energy pads. Then I would've proceed to tell him that if he think my playstyle is bad. Play a supportive role himself and see if he can do a better job. 

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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Anyone outside of my Affinity Range deserves no Health, Energy, and Damage Reduction from me. I am not going to aim your way straining my eyes looking for an enemy to EV when the needs of the many (teammates close to me) outweigh the cry of the entitled.

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While I don't EV often I do see trin players being constantly harassed by entitled kiddies screaming EV every 10 seconds. Most of them are spoiled from akkad-style mission types where theyre constantly fed energy without major effort. In normal situations your best bet is to be near the trin (which is what logic dictates anyways).

Definitely /ignore is your best friend here m8.

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I'm not a friend of playing Trin, to be honest. I know how to play her and I'm good at it, but I'm not feeling comfortable with it.

If someone like that would have wept because they were too @(*()$ far it's their fault. They don't need to take you with them ever again when that bugs them so hard. I would put them on ignore and forget about them, it hurts them more to not react to any of the S#&$.

You should have heard about that: Don't feed the troll.

The game is there to have fun and if you have fun playing like you do, do it. Let them rage.

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1 minute ago, ArchPhaeton said:

While I don't EV often I do see trin players being constantly harassed by entitled kiddies screaming EV every 10 seconds. Most of them are spoiled from akkad-style mission types where theyre constantly fed energy without major effort. In normal situations your best bet is to be near the trin (which is what logic dictates anyways).

Definitely /ignore is your best friend here m8.

Yep, Also I removed the name because I figured o much ridicule?

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Honestly ignore is just the fastest and most efficient to deal with judgemental players.

Anything else adds elements of when and if by comparison.  You can report the person in question if it crosses certain lines but again elements of when and if.

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Ahhhhh I did not notice that part.. ok. Anyways, noted. And yeahh I had to call the quits and just ignore and delete the conversation because the person was taking the entire thing way to far ( to a point of comparing one's racial problems to the victimised person's possible life), < That's when you know you shoulda' called the shots along time ago.... Personally that will be the last time I sign up for EV Trin in a raid for some time..... Probably just a day or two.

Also thanks for the feedback, I was fairly warned before getting Trin (Prime), that there was a chunk of players who would complain in a way as such the one I described. So I guess I was fairly for warned that some people would try to do this stuff.. But still. Nice to know I'm not alone on this, but doesn't anyone sometimes feel like Trinity or Trinity Prime is underrated considering her high demand in some areas today?

Edited by Starscope5
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7 minutes ago, Starscope5 said:

Ahhhhh I did not notice that part.. ok. Anyways, noted. And yeahh I had to call the quits and just ignore and delete the conversation because the person was taking the entire thing way to far ( to a point of comparing one's racial problems to the victimised person's possible life), < That's when you know you shoulda' called the shots along time ago.... Personally that will be the last time I sign up for EV Trin in a raid for some time..... Probably just a day or two.

Also thanks for the feedback, I was fairly warned before getting Trin (Prime), that there was a chunk of players who would complain in a way as such the one I described. So I guess I was fairly for warned that some people would try to do this stuff.. But still. Nice to know I'm not alone on this, but doesn't anyone sometimes feel like Trinity or Trinity Prime is underrated considering her high demand in some areas today?

Like, I was even requested to play EV and this still happened. Personally I think Trinity Prime isn't given as much spotlight, granted she is a healer/ buffer frame, as other primed frames, she has her ups and downs. frames like Ember Prime, Frost Prime, Vauban Prime, there like the ones people look at the most nowadays.

Edited by Starscope5
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They would be just as protective of your playstyle as you would be.

Raids have high expectations, naturally. If you bring a Trin, you are expected to have the right Trin, because efficiency is the only thing people care about in this game, even more than just having fun.

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Put them on ignore in chat and you might just forget that they're there. Also, just because you can't kill them doesn't mean you have to revive them, so don't. Make them pay for their obnoxious attitude and inept antics with affinity.

Pulled that on an uppity Nezha who decided to b**** about me putting Maglev on my Nezha. He got so into his chat spam of stuff that would be completely auto-censored here that he died.

On Appollodorus.

And way the hell back, when Chinaframe was still new, there was this arrogant jerk wasting the life support by using it every time it dropped who kept condescending towards the rest of the squad because he was some shiny MR 22 and had a Wukong equipped with a 4-forma Boltor Prime or something, so the entire squad muted him and left him alone, and so in spite of being a min-maxed Wukong with min-maxed weapons, he died.

On Appollodorus.

Most recently, I was playing with an Inaros and I says to him, I says "A Dagger with Covert Lethality is probably the best thing for Pocket Sand, since it auto-kills on finishers." and this guy just launches into a tirade about how his Scindo Prime w/ Cleaving Whirlwind is "bae," and how he's actually been here forever and don't I dare look down on him for being MR 9 and how I'm just an arrogant MR 12 who thinks they know everything and yada yada yada. I muted him and left him alone, thinking he'd probably be fine, because he was Inaros and had more health than God.

He died.

On Appollodorus.

Apparently, you can be good, and you can make my inner monologue sound like it was written by Samuel L. Jackson, but you can't be both.

Edited by Dreddeth
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29 minutes ago, Starscope5 said:

Ahhhhh I did not notice that part.. ok. Anyways, noted. And yeahh I had to call the quits and just ignore and delete the conversation because the person was taking the entire thing way to far ( to a point of comparing one's racial problems to the victimised person's possible life), < That's when you know you shoulda' called the shots along time ago.... Personally that will be the last time I sign up for EV Trin in a raid for some time..... Probably just a day or two.

Also thanks for the feedback, I was fairly warned before getting Trin (Prime), that there was a chunk of players who would complain in a way as such the one I described. So I guess I was fairly for warned that some people would try to do this stuff.. But still. Nice to know I'm not alone on this, but doesn't anyone sometimes feel like Trinity or Trinity Prime is underrated considering her high demand in some areas today?

I salute you for your willingness to forgo individual glory for the sake of the whole.

I don't play Trin, so I can't totally sympathize, but I do support a lot in other games. But I understand your frustration with people disliking your playstyle. I mean, I play a Mag Prime, likely using a melee weapon, who can generally be found in the thickest batch of enemies. Do not judge me until you manage to deal the most damage, take the least damage, and have most kills in a 4-man squad instead of me.


Otherwise, yeah, just ignore the fool.

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Ignore, and if they're legit a waste of oxygen, and offensive enough, report. Also a button that exists. Take screenshots just in case. Keyboard warriors are everywhere, just continue doing things to the best of your ability, research builds if you're truly worried, and move on. For every one person like that, there's been dozens of nothing but nice, friendly people.

Edited by Shadow8600
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It stinks that you never get any appreciation for a job well done, but you get chewed out if you (or they, but of course they'll never admit it) make a few mistakes.  

If someone complains about my play style, I just ignore them.  Use /ignore if needed.  This hasn't happened to me yet, but if they start harassing me even after I tell them to stop, I would report them in game or via support.  While I'm open to constructive criticisms or suggestions, I'm not going to blindly accept whatever some random person on a random squad tells me how to play this game or how to use a certain frame/weapon especially if they're rude about it.  If I want advice, I would ask people I know and trust because they know me well.

Don't let other toxic players get to you.  You play however you feel most comfortable with and try your best.  Luckily, the chance of you encountering this guy is low so no worries.

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