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How do you guys deal with people being judge-mental about your playstyle?



So earlier today I was in a normal LOR (Law of Retribution), using my Trinity Prime to EV, and suddenly a player decided that since they were to far away to get Energy, that they would complain about my EV not giving them more energy... Well they took it far enough that they decided they would take this little rage fit outside of the squad so when we finished they PM'ed me calling my playstyle trash and proceeding to insult me. Even if they were the same mastery, now if this were a player that had taken a more light approach rather than straight out lashing at me. I may have listened, but that's not the point of this post...

My reason for this post is to ask you people (other Trin players), what do you do or (what would you do) if/when this kind of thing happens. Because it happens to me constantly, but that is the first time that anyone has complained about my EV Trin for a good half an hour. So just how do you guys cope with this kind of thing?

Edited by Starscope5
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As a person who pretty much mains Frost with my own personal build (190% range) I have had a person insult me over how my bubble was too big, so it couldn't be good.

I told him "ok" and then I went full try-hard and proceeded to freeze every enemy in the map with my 4 while keeping up the bubble on the the objective. I had the more damage than the guy and more kills than all 3 squadmates combined. I asked him "How am I doing so far?" and he never responded.

If you're in a state where you can show them up and shut them up, do it. Otherwise, the /ignore feature is best.

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24 minutes ago, xiaodenden said:

It stinks that you never get any appreciation for a job well done, but you get chewed out if you (or they, but of course they'll never admit it) make a few mistakes.  

If someone complains about my play style, I just ignore them.  Use /ignore if needed.  This hasn't happened to me yet, but if they start harassing me even after I tell them to stop, I would report them in game or via support.  While I'm open to constructive criticisms or suggestions, I'm not going to blindly accept whatever some random person on a random squad tells me how to play this game or how to use a certain frame/weapon especially if they're rude about it.  If I want advice, I would ask people I know and trust because they know me well.

Don't let other toxic players get to you.  You play however you feel most comfortable with and try your best.  Luckily, the chance of you encountering this guy is low so no worries.

Never let toxic people on your 'Bus', they may only hurt you more that way. < Quote from some book

Anyways... It took some time to stop thinking of it but then I just went to my Trin build and took a nice hard look at it and convinced myself that although exceptional it could be better, thus I set forth to improve it and moved on. Just can't let these kinds of people "Tear you down," the best thing from person to person. Is to build each-other up, not tear yourself, your teammates, your friends down, it's to understand and build. I get there are to many people who probably wouldn't have given even a moment to respond, but to those who did and still are, it's nice that so many people are willing to help, and thanks for that. Now I don't mean we need everyone to be nice and kind to one another in this game (given it's built around a competitive kind-of atmosphere), because let's admit it, it will never happen, there will always be one person there to find something wrong. But then if we were all nice to each other, than there wouldn't be any space to improve on, but it's a start.

Phew. Felt like that was a bomb of things I needed to say or my head' explode. Feel like that could be a quote but anyways thanks be to anyone who put some effort into a reply about how you'd handle this situation,

And always "Stay Gold," thanks for your replies (just know I read them all even if it was just explaining the buttons), and have a nice weekend Tenno.

Edited by Starscope5
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Well that depends, what mods were you using?

Usually, the People who do LoR-type missions expected the trin to mod for EV with Max power range, High power strength, Min Power Duration with the Vampire Leech augment.

if you were not using the optimal build that fitted to the groups intent, i'd say, breathe, and listening or asking of what the group wants of you (unless you are the group leader, then tell them your intent and hopefully the squad doesn't veto your decisions).

if you are using the optimal build,i'd tell them something along the lines of "I maxed my range for EV to ensure that everybody gets energy, if you go too far ahead of the group, I can't do anything about it"

if you can be more detailed on what they said, I can give a response on how i'd handle it

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19 minutes ago, Tantalite said:

Well that depends, what mods were you using?

Usually, the People who do LoR-type missions expected the trin to mod for EV with Max power range, High power strength, Min Power Duration with the Vampire Leech augment.

if you were not using the optimal build that fitted to the groups intent, i'd say, breathe, and listening or asking of what the group wants of you (unless you are the group leader, then tell them your intent and hopefully the squad doesn't veto your decisions).

if you are using the optimal build,i'd tell them something along the lines of "I maxed my range for EV to ensure that everybody gets energy, if you go too far ahead of the group, I can't do anything about it"

if you can be more detailed on what they said, I can give a response on how i'd handle it

Well you see.... I run 2 EV Builds, one focused more on power Strength and efficiency, the other Power range and efficiency, Both run the augment, I used range that time, which thus sacrificed some power strength (Energy per pulse).

And well I'm not going to go past the first sentence of that out of squad conversation due to not wanting to risk posting inappropriate words into the public,

[Sensored Name of person]: "< your trash at playing ev and you know it"

[Sensored]: "your ev sucks, you should never have played ev because your ev build is absolute trash

^ Due to Forum rules no naming and shaming

Most interesting thing was that he was the only one saying this and he was the last one invited into the squad, and he was that one guy entrusted to vauban that wouldnt throw up bastilles no matter how close you EV'ed to him....

Everyone else was trying to tell him off because they actually stayed within range, even the mastery 18 person was trying to tell off the complaining mastery 14.

Edited by Starscope5
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3 hours ago, ArchPhaeton said:

While I don't EV often I do see trin players being constantly harassed by entitled kiddies screaming EV every 10 seconds. Most of them are spoiled from akkad-style mission types where theyre constantly fed energy without major effort. In normal situations your best bet is to be near the trin (which is what logic dictates anyways).

Definitely /ignore is your best friend here m8.

Lol Exactly but cut off 6 1/2 - 8 1/2 seconds in between kiddie screaming EV

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10 minutes ago, Starscope5 said:

Well you see.... I run 2 EV Builds, one focused more on power Strength and efficiency, the other Power range and efficiency, Both run the augment, I used range that time, which thus sacrificed some power strength (Energy per pulse).

It's not optimal, so i see why that might be an issue. for EV's the most important stats to consider are the absolute minimum power duration to make the EV pulse faster, giving the team an abundance of energy and shields, while having the absolute maximum of range to make sure even the ones in another maptile can receive it. Efficiency isn't too important since you'll be spamming EV anyway. Power Strength raises energy given per pulse. (also bring energy pizzas in case our hubris germinates too hard). (also turn on teammate stats to see if he has an abundance or not enough but that's just me).


[Sensored Name of person]: "< your trash at playing ev and you know it"

[Sensored]: "your ev sucks, you should never have played ev because your ev build is absolute tras

he was that one guy entrusted to vauban that wouldnt throw up bastilles no matter how close you EV'ed to him

"Dude, You had more than enough for one Bastille,I never saw you cast it, and you berate MY gameplay choices?"

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