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When is the last time you failed a mission?


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Well, the last one I've got is the today sortie interception. I join; "Mission Failed" during my loading time.

Then when I got back to my liset I had to restart the game because I was stuck.


Btw this sortie gived me 2000 endos. I guess my previous "failure" was a sign.


My real last one was in a raid. 4 tennos for LoR, and one crashed => mission failure.

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+1 to only running Spy missions on Solo.

Way too many people that were not me running off and triggering the data dump. Even had a Limbo once when I was playing with 3 of my friends that I swear he blitzed all 3 spy vaults apparently with the intent of setting off the alarms.  

So if I'm the only one on, solo. Otherwise pre-planned friends only. 

Now that was months and months ago and simply stood out as the sort of 'final straw' for public spy missions. >.<

The last Mission that actually failed was last week just running a simple star chart level Mobile Defense Alert mission.

First defense point went fine. At the 2nd one suddenly the other 3 people all split up, headed different directions became Hallway Heroes. 

One of them went down so I went to rez them and while I was doing that we got a Big Fat Fail... wah wah.

I was totally shocked. It was a Star Chart mission. And with the rando's blocking the halls how did anything even get over there?!

Had I known I would have just let that person bleed out. =p

So I re-queued and had a nice smooth run with the next group of "normal" players, heh.

The only other recent one that felt like a fail was a Axi Relic Defense mission against the Grinner. 

I brought Frost, we had a Vauban, Saryn and something else I don't even remember (Nidus maybe?!)

First 5 waves we super easy I'd used a Radiant Relic and we got a gold reward off the drop table (Tigris Prime blueprint). Off to a great start, much excitement all around.

I used another Radiant relic for the 5 Waves (wave 10) and we got something silver/uncommon (don't remember what it was now). Ok not bad, not great not bad, but again the waves were smooth.

Everyone clicked to stay.

Then the Host (Vauban) disconnected and we all got Migrated.

Then the other player that was maybe playing Nidus but I don't remember for sure either also dc'd or left for some reason. 

So it was me (Frost) and the Saryn.

And... it took 20 damn minutes to kill the next 5 waves to get us to 15 so we could leave without losing our rewards. And had to rez the Saryn a lot.

And I mean, A Lot.

And every time she had gone down was off in n one of the rooms off of the main part of the defense map (the "grineer one with the elevating platform" tile).

I wanted to leave so much.

But I had used up 2 Radiant Relics and gotten a Rare Prime part damn it, so I slogged it out. My Helios died and so it took quite a while to find the last mobs that for some reason had decided to camp their spawn points.

Overall it was a success and got some good loot, but man it felt like a total fail at the same time. =p



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I fail a couple times a month at a minimum.   Sometimes a couple times a week.   Altering my loadouts to less than great gear makes games interesting.    If I have a specific goal in mind, and don't feel like repeating, then high end gear.    But if just playing the game, then it doesn't really matter.

Edited by _Vortus_
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15 hours ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

I'm curious because it hit me the other night that I can't remember the last time I failed a mission. I'll be the first to admit I'm no god at this game, but I honestly can't think of the last time I really felt challenged. This is not intended to be a rant post. Like I said, I'm just curious. When's the last time you failed a mission (not due to a bug)?

Yesterday actually, the sortie 3 survival mission, went with pugs and they kept getting downed over and over that I was the only one up for more than a minute at a time for most of it, that eventually while trying to revive them my Vex armor (I was playing Chroma) ran out mid revive and I got insta-nuked, and every time I revived I would get re nuked before I could cast my abilities.

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- last failed : 2 days ago i think. Was trying to do the infested sabotage mission but kept getting the wrong tile so i resetting it 6-8 times until it gave me the one i wanted.


- last non-aborted fail: host migration on a sortie rescue. I loaded in and was significantly far away from the rescue area and the time started ticking. I manage to get to the rescue area and was down to 15s and host decide to quit.


- last fail that was my fault. Another rescue. We saved the target and were rushing to extraction. Unfortunately no one saw that the target got downed midway and we lost due to it dying.

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I've long since learned to play Spy missions solo, so I stopped failing those, but I did fail one not too long ago when I joined a public Lua sortie rescue. Lua isn't exactly PuG-friendly overall, especially Rescue which has an unfortunate downside of alarm-rigged door being behind 1-player operable lock instead of 2-player ones in regular Rescue runs - which results in people who have no idea what to do running in alone, pushing the button and failing miserably. 

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Tyl Regor's Rescue Sortie on Uranus yesterday. This guy who joined midway failed to open a single door where the captive was and I managed to open the other 3 doors faster than him attempting to do a single door. I tried opening the door last 20secs but a sudden feedback killed my Loki Prime. There was not enough time when I was revived.

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Last night I failed the 2nd stage of the PS4 sortie (Grineer Interception) because I spawned in as somebody was fleeing, the score was 60 - 25 in the Grineer's favor, and the two people there were of low MR. (Yes, I know MR doesn't always indicate skill, but in this instance it did) I couldn't feesibly solo it so I just did my best to drag it out as long a possible lol. It was awesome.


Then I joined another pug, and again it was two low MR and another upper MR and we were fine. In fact, I really enjoyed listen to the 2 low levels talk about the game and how much they were enjoying it. "Wow! look at all these cards!" "I want to get the dethcube that thing totally kills!" "OMG there are no other prime frames here!?!" "There's an eximus bombard! I'm not leaving the bubble!!!" They were both frosts and stayed at the same capture point, but it was fine. Seriously, it was really nice. 

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A few missions ago, I did the Nitain alert (Rescue on I think Mercury). We get the guy, we rush to extraction. One guy is left behind, idk what he's doing, and what sucks is that:

1) He gets locked out rooms behind (the yellow alarm)

2) The hostage is downed

3) There were still so many seconds to go before extraction (timer was already counting down)

4) That dude did not revive the hostage...........

RIP hostage and my sanity

Edited by Irixa
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18 hours ago, (Xbox One)SchnauzahPowah said:

Today. I'm new. A spy corpus mission on Phobos I think, part of a quest line where you do spy missions back to back to back. The hack was rediculously intricate. Here's hoping they don't get much tougher. Plus soloing alot since there aren't many pubs early missions seems like 

You can look up Youtube vids :) there are almost always secret easy/alternate routes or at least tips for each vault

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4 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

I failed a capture mission on Lex, Ceres yesterday while trying everything I could think of to get Prosecutors to spawn (for Javlok capacitors).

The capture target got away.


Kind of off topic but-

What you want to do to get the Prosecutors to spawn is to do a mission where Alarms are a thing (example Exterminate). Let the Grineer set off the alarm and then don't turn it off and take your time moving forward to give them plenty of chances to spawn.

Also if you can, take Nekros and make sure Desecrate is toggled on. 

You can easily end the mission with 4 capacitors, we actually managed to get all 6 once.

Mostly people pop into those and either blitz everything down and/or shut off the alarms. Which normally would be the general idea but not when you're capacitor farming, heh.

At least that's all been my experience so far. PuG ran my parts just because, and then ended up farming them twice more helping out a couple of friends. 


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5 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:

I failed a capture mission on Lex, Ceres yesterday while trying everything I could think of to get Prosecutors to spawn (for Javlok capacitors).

The capture target got away.

Silly, you're supposed to capture the target first then camp out for prosecutors. Once you capture the target the whole level goes full alert mode even though there's no visual for the alert being triggered, which begins spawning prosecutors.

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