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To Those Of You Who Have Stopped Hunting Informers...


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And it is those who decided that 20 kills was enough who are to blame.  Those who put in next-to-nil effort.

Nope. Either;


The top 100 are to blame for not putting in enough kills. No point trying to go past 20 other than normal play if you don't have time/life to try get to top 100.


Forum posters/readers are to blame for not being in game.


If you want to blame a single person lets blame Kappatalist (or lotus)

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Propaganda/Threat crusade won't motivate lazy people, rewards would.

Make kill tiers with each own reward

20 kills: random rare mod

100 kills: Random Void key

200: Snipetron Vandal

500: New mod that we heard about

each 200 kill after 500 yields randomly mod/key


I like this idea, there should definately be endless tiers so that the next reward does not seem out of reach.


0 to 20 kills is a piece of cake, but 20 to 1000+ wont motivate anyone to go past 20

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Here's a fact that not many people seem to understand: if we don't reach 100% extermination by 12PM EDT on 8 July, no one gets anything. No SNIPETRON VANDAL. No Primed Chamber mods for the top 100 who put so much time and effort into the event. No fancy Update 9 dojo statues. NOTHING.

I honestly do not think this will be the case. DE has these items waiting in the wings for the end of the event. I highly doubt they will not give the weapon out, the mods to the top 100, or the dojo whatever.

Picture the backlash from the community when DE says, "Sorry nothing for anyone because you did not reach 100% (whatever that figure is)"

People are already upset over the Snipetron being taken away with no warning, and to refuse to give the new version out...highly doubtful.

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So you are saying that because I have responsibilities in my life, a life to live and necessary things to do I'm somehow a dishonor to the community? Whatever that means. And that I should feel bad myself because I choose to live my own life like I want to? Oh OK, next time I will quit my job, quit my responsibilities and I will only play as long as I live.

My intentions is not to quit hunting but unlike some people, I may not be able to play all day every day.
And I know you did not mean literally but I think it is arrogant and rude to call others dishonored if they choose or have to live their lives. It is like you are seeing this video game as a job rahter than a activity or a hobby.

FYI: I just went a run but I have to go now

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Only farming "Alloy Pllate" and "Circuts" on Ceres-Lex,  I kill 205 drones, so this event is nothing difference from other  "boring" farming jobs in the game I do not understand the complaining that this is Solo event or so. Try farm some minerals with some runner in the team impossible this is the same.

Me to achieve goal I need 25000 Alloy more, one run on Lex,  give me 100 so I must still do it  for drones or for minerals no difference.  
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Then good luck kz3dart, without me, continue to farm like chinese guy, this event is boring, that's the truth

Like I say I do not do this for Drones I simply farm minerals the drones are in way. If I want Dojo I must collect  minerals that's all.

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It is kind of unrewarding to kill more than 20, you know you probably will not get top 100 so anything more than 20 is a waste of time. And 20 kills are so few and easy to get so even if the event fails you didn't waste much time anyway.


They should have done it like Morgax said, more rewards for reaching higher kill counts.


Even if the event fails chances are there will be some other way to get the snipertron vandal later anyway, so who cares. Unlikely they'll create a weapon and a mod and never make em available.

Edited by Mikki79
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...your disloyalty to the Tenno cause is deplorable and self-depriving.


Here's a fact that not many people seem to understand: if we don't reach 100% extermination by 12PM EDT on 8 July, no one gets anything.  No SNIPETRON VANDAL.  No Primed Chamber mods for the top 100 who put so much time and effort into the event.  No fancy Update 9 dojo statues.  NOTHING.


And it is those who decided that 20 kills was enough who are to blame.  Those who put in next-to-nil effort.


If you can get out there and slaughter some derp balloons, get out there and slaughter!  If none of your attacks are enough to one-shot these things, for whatever reason, then grind some Credits, buy a LEX, slap Hornet Strike on that sucker, and get to plinking!


We can take down this goal, no matter how insurmountable it may seem.  Actively running Grineer missions Lv. 15+ is all you have to do, and the rest practically takes care of itself.  Look out for radar interference as a detection measure, find them, and shoot them.  Easy.


It's game time.  The 7th is the time to buckle down and kill these things.  If you're too busy faafing around on Wave 100 Xini here and now, just remember that you're the one who took everyone's event rewards away.


That is all.




Whilst I agree with what you're saying, I also think that the devs would not simply delete the new weapon and mod from the game if they've already put many hours into developing and coding it. It would likely re-appear in another future event... and I won't kill any more than I have because the "opponents" themselves are terrible, compared to Fusion MOA.

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A couple of points of food for thought:

1. I've only killed 20 or so because I actually have a life that required me to be somewhere other than playing Warframe all weekend. I have a number of friends for whom the same is true. Heaven forfend that we go attend the wedding that we were invited to instead of farming drones for hours and hours, we must be callous, horrible Tenno indeed... oh wait. :)

2. The points made about the reward structure by other posters are bang on. The vandal is a nice incentive but it's curious that it was the only incentive and a fairly limited scope without a 'per kill' value in participating.

Now, if the drones had a chance on each kill to drop say a Control Module, Neurode or what not so that we could alleviate the stupidity of the current supply shortage? Mark my words, you wouldn't have been able to stop people from annihilating everything drone like up to and including the occasional weather balloon.

This event was much better than the previous two (and I was ok with the Fusion event, generally) as it was moving in the right direction in terms of tiering event rewards and levels of play.

Having said that, DE needs to focus heavily on their economic and supply choices and use these events to deal with those problems. There has to be an end to the 'well, we're new at this whole economy thing' for the game to move forward effectively.

Events like this are a great way to inject critical resources into the system and drive play activity as well as encourage us to buy more reactors and catalysts or rush jobs with our ability to build things we want and crave.

My two plat on the subject.

Edited: the forum system is a special snowflake that insists on formatting failure as often as not. :)

Edited by Drusus
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Now, if the drones had a chance on each kill to drop say a Control Module, Neurode or what not so that we could alleviate the stupidity of the current supply shortage? Mark my words, you wouldn't have been able to stop people from annihilating everything drone like up to and including the occasional weather balloon.



Dead right. That would be a godsend for people like me. 

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The 20-reward is mediocre and any greater reward is limited edition. That the top X players or top Y clans would demand that all other players, who won't see anything in return, give up their time is incredibly selfish and almost as disrespectful as actively wasting their time somehow.


Atop that, remember that even with personal reward tiers and time requirements which aren't inflated by the total number of players, many players still won't do it if they can't be arsed. That's sort of what happens if one makes an event with an MMO-style model; nowadays it has to be less about the reward or threat of not getting a potential reward, and more about the combat/gameplay being fun.

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Drusus, good post. Quite good. Hmmm.


If there was some incentive to score more kills than 20 (and I'm not talking about that whole competition thing), I'd certainly do more to further the cause. Heck, if they were even fun to fight against at all, I'd do much more. I expected a massive hulking monstrosity with several different weapons when I read that someone mentioned "drone extermination weekend". Not, as they are rightfully called, balloons.


Heaven forfend...

Now there's a word I rarely see.

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Now, if the drones had a chance on each kill to drop say a Control Module, Neurode or what not so that we could alleviate the stupidity of the current supply shortage? Mark my words, you wouldn't have been able to stop people from annihilating everything drone like up to and including the occasional weather balloon.



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