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To Those Of You Who Have Stopped Hunting Informers...


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Propaganda/Threat crusade won't motivate lazy people, rewards would.

Make kill tiers with each own reward

20 kills: random rare mod

100 kills: Random Void key

200: Snipetron Vandal

500: New mod that we heard about

each 200 kill after 500 yields randomly mod/key

What this guy said! The current event is boring, more so than the Fusion Moa event. I got to 100 odd kills grinding Ash parts but I'm sick of killing grineer.

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I stopped farming after 20 kills and have 50 kills. If we lose, oh well, I guess I better start on my fieldrons just incase if we lose for the lanka. I just dont find this event interesting at all. I rather have something thats actually challenging instead of one shotting drones with my supra. 

Edited by tgipier
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ya i dont really care if we win or lose... I just stopped trying at 20. Either we lose the event or you people who are trying hard will carry us to win. The event is just way too boring and all i'm gonna do with the snipetron is level it to 30 then throw it away to free a weapon slot. If other people care enough to constantly farm drones all weekend, that's fine with me, because the way the event is made I can still get the same reward while only doing the minimum work :D.  

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It doesn't.  Once you have 20 kills, you're free to surrender those kills on your stats to others for the sake of efficiency.

Solo play is boring anyways.  Turn on Online mode, don't worry about Top 100 but rather 100%, and things would be going a lot better.

That's the thing...if you start running in groups hunting them you aren't actually doing anything. Your team could just as easily be splitting up into 4 solo runs and getting 4x the kills.

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Ive got my 20 and I'm no longer farming them, Yeah I'll shoot em if I see them, and I do keep an eye on my map, but its just not fun farming the same boss for parts I dont even need at the moment so I can kill some balloons. Also I agree with the "if this fails people are gonna be mad" idea, especially those who farm the hell out of it, so im just not setting myself up for disappointment and wasting my time doing it

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Here's a fact that not many people seem to understand: if we don't reach 100% extermination by 12PM EDT on 8 July, no one gets anything.  No SNIPETRON VANDAL.  No Primed Chamber mods for the top 100 who put so much time and effort into the event.  No fancy Update 9 dojo statues.  NOTHING.


i'm sorry that DE straight out made it clear that if you don't have 24/7 free time to waste don't bother going past 20, oh and i'll enjoy seeing all the qq about all the people that no-lifed to get to the top 100.

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i'm sorry that DE straight out made it clear that if you don't have 24/7 free time to waste don't bother going past 20, oh and i'll enjoy seeing all the qq about all the people that no-lifed to get to the top 100.

Missed that part on my post, but yeah. Bronze medal is at 20 kills, silver medal is at 5000 kills... i'll stick with bronze

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I made sure to farm Grineer bosses in solo whenever I could (I need lots of neurodes anyway), and I got to ~180 informer kills. I think the same thing about helping out in the global progress as I do about voting; I wouldn't make a difference in the big picture either way

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Here's a fact that not many people seem to understand: if we don't reach 100% extermination by 12PM EDT on 8 July, no one gets anything. No SNIPETRON VANDAL. No Primed Chamber mods for the top 100 who put so much time and effort into the event. No fancy Update 9 dojo statues. NOTHING.

Oh, we understand what you're saying all right, we just don't believe it. They said the same thing about the Fusion Moa hunt "You better kill all those Moas, or NOBODY gets their reward and you'll NEVER get another chance!" and we all know how that ended. We got our reward, sure, but it turns out the patch after said event allowed you to get said reward normally anyway (and doing so isn't even that difficult)

DE has cried wolf before, I'm willing to bet, if not a hand, then at least a couple of fingers that there'll be some way to get our Snipetron Vandals & fancy statues after this anyway. They wouldn't have gone to all the trouble of making a new weapon & furniture if there was a 50%-or-so chance they would have to not use it due to some event.

(And on a more personal note, I'm more interested in seeing what happens if we fail.)

Edited by Aeshi
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I find the biggest issue being the timing, I'm sitting at 20 due to being on vacation, I had to find a place with free internet just to get 20. A bit more notice or not on the end of a Holiday weekend would have been much preferred. I will attempt to get at least 100 when I'm back home with a stable connection.


Also if they added them to all missions as they are spy drones It would go a lot better...

Edited by dadgoat
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...your disloyalty to the Tenno cause is deplorable and self-depriving.


Here's a fact that not many people seem to understand: if we don't reach 100% extermination by 12PM EDT on 8 July, no one gets anything.  No SNIPETRON VANDAL.  No Primed Chamber mods for the top 100 who put so much time and effort into the event.  No fancy Update 9 dojo statues.  NOTHING.


And it is those who decided that 20 kills was enough who are to blame.  Those who put in next-to-nil effort.


If you can get out there and slaughter some derp balloons, get out there and slaughter!  If none of your attacks are enough to one-shot these things, for whatever reason, then grind some Credits, buy a LEX, slap Hornet Strike on that sucker, and get to plinking!


We can take down this goal, no matter how insurmountable it may seem.  Actively running Grineer missions Lv. 15+ is all you have to do, and the rest practically takes care of itself.  Look out for radar interference as a detection measure, find them, and shoot them.  Easy.


It's game time.  The 7th is the time to buckle down and kill these things.  If you're too busy faafing around on Wave 100 Xini here and now, just remember that you're the one who took everyone's event rewards away.


That is all.



You are right!i should stop studying for my exam and loving my girlfriend to farm the same mission for at least 9 hours a day!With my despicable 42 drone kills i am a horrible traitor to the cause of hardcore grinders!The event is flawed and for good reason,it encourage both grinding and soloing.Two things the dev never said to like about this game.


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Here's a fact that not many people seem to understand: if we don't reach 100% extermination by 12PM EDT on 8 July, no one gets anything.  No SNIPETRON VANDAL.  No Primed Chamber mods for the top 100 who put so much time and effort into the event.  No fancy Update 9 dojo statues.  NOTHING.



So, your point is..?
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I am hoping we still fail.

I'm really curious what will happen if we fail, there's no guarantee that we won't be rewarded with anythimg if we still eliminate most of them? if so.. lotus really doesn't approciate our hard work and he/she wants us everything done perfectly.. otherwise we won't eat the next dinner :(

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Think they are doing the whole even wrong. Instead of a single goal it'd be much more motivating if it was a tiered system and each tier of global progress unlocks a personal reward tier.


The x top players gets y is actually pretty demotivating to anyone who can't spend 3/4 of the event time just farming.


Or they could have made it something like 20+ kills gets you the reward if we reach the goal, 100+ kills gets you the reward no matter what.

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I've noticed that events post Fusion Moa tend to end up like this.  Player base calls for more weekend events, DE responds with Rare Artifacts event that lasts all weekend.  Player base gets furious because it's not like Fusion Moa event.  DE takes notice of it and plans out another event similar to the Fusion Moa event where killing a special mob and a certain number of them overall is the main focus.  On top of that the reward for everyone(which was practically demanded)is a better version of a weapon that has recently been taken out of rotation forever due to breaking the lore(what little of it exists)of the game a.k.a. Snipetron Vandal.  Player base complains about not wanting to do the event because it's too grindy even though it's what they asked for.  And in turn are now demanding that better events be planned even though when DE broke from the Fusion Moa type event everyone griped about more events needing to be like the Fusion Moa event because it seems like thinking outside of grinding mobs is wrong.  But now grinding is wrong, and now we have players deliberately not participating in the hopes/protest that DE will just give them Snipetron Vandal later like they did with Frost Prime.  Well people, the difference between Frost Prime and Snipetron Vandal is that Snipetron breaks lore while Frost Prime doesn't.  So if we do fail the event because of everyone whom is deliberately not participating in protest, then you've got no one to blame but yourselves.  Don't go and cry to DE afterwards because you decided to be #$&(%-nozzles about this.  I actually kinda hope we do fail, and that DE just stops doing events for a bit so that the stink of entitlement lingers around for a while.  Then maybe, just maybe people will wake up and realize that these events aren't something that we absolutely need to have, but are planned out for us because DE wants to do something fun for it's players.


Now that that's done.  I'm going to go and participate in the event that a majority demanded happen and have fun with it instead of having my head up my butt.

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You completely missed the point.

I highly doubt there's a single Warframe player thinking "grinding is wrong", because Warframe as it is now -- it's mostly about grind.


However, the event is not just about grinding. It's about:

1) Grinding SOLO;

2) Grinding for nothing (because the next stop after 20 -- is, I'd guess, about 2K+ to have a remote chance at going top100).

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Hello everyone! I am back from the dead (c. update 8.1) to declare my feelings on this matter!

I was in the Potato ATG for Portal 2. It was a genius move on Valve's part and it had a good bit of fun involved, as well as decent challenges. In the end though, the timer either got artificially sped up sometime near the release, or was rigged from the start and we got it like... an hour early?

From then on, I knew these most likely had to be rigged, and with the Fusion MOA event, I had that idea solidified when I saw what my reward was actually worth, though I actually didn't get a Frost Prime BP in the Void, so it did help me build it at least.

Anyways, since this doesn't have a guaranteed population and stream of income, like WoW did, this is a planned move that has been set to go one way, OR they have responses for either of the 2 instances, OR they went even more complicated, going into Xanatos Gambit areas of planning.

Either way, I am never going to get to use the snipertron, I really should have not put that off. The event isn't even cool or fun though, which is its biggest failing. The Fusion MOAs at were pretty cool during it's event (I liked the design!) but this lacks fun factor or anything intertesting. I had more fun/interest with many of the 'kill X of this' and 'get X of this' daily quests in Outlands, actually Vanilla WoW even! (during Wotlk, extremely mind numbing if you have not experienced it)

It seems the game/devs are doing the same things from before I went on hiatus. Sigh, game forums for developing games are depressing...

Edited by Fjarri
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