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To Those Of You Who Have Stopped Hunting Informers...


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I've noticed that events post Fusion Moa tend to end up like this.  Player base calls for more weekend events, DE responds with Rare Artifacts event that lasts all weekend.  Player base gets furious because it's not like Fusion Moa event.  DE takes notice of it and plans out another event similar to the Fusion Moa event where killing a special mob and a certain number of them overall is the main focus.  On top of that the reward for everyone(which was practically demanded)is a better version of a weapon that has recently been taken out of rotation forever due to breaking the lore(what little of it exists)of the game a.k.a. Snipetron Vandal.  Player base complains about not wanting to do the event because it's too grindy even though it's what they asked for.  And in turn are now demanding that better events be planned even though when DE broke from the Fusion Moa type event everyone griped about more events needing to be like the Fusion Moa event because it seems like thinking outside of grinding mobs is wrong.  But now grinding is wrong, and now we have players deliberately not participating in the hopes/protest that DE will just give them Snipetron Vandal later like they did with Frost Prime.  Well people, the difference between Frost Prime and Snipetron Vandal is that Snipetron breaks lore while Frost Prime doesn't.  So if we do fail the event because of everyone whom is deliberately not participating in protest, then you've got no one to blame but yourselves.  Don't go and cry to DE afterwards because you decided to be #$&(%-nozzles about this.  I actually kinda hope we do fail, and that DE just stops doing events for a bit so that the stink of entitlement lingers around for a while.  Then maybe, just maybe people will wake up and realize that these events aren't something that we absolutely need to have, but are planned out for us because DE wants to do something fun for it's players.


Now that that's done.  I'm going to go and participate in the event that a majority demanded happen and have fun with it instead of having my head up my butt.

That all just means people have different opinions.  I never asked for this event, so do I then I have the right to say "No, this event is crap and I will not contribute more than 20 kills" ?  Stop saying "You".  Which demographic are you talking about?  Because unless there is a clear majority consent, what you've said there are meaningless.  It is easy to go on a forum and say there is a majority consent, but the fact that is always true is that the forum posters are the minority of the entire playerbase.  Not to mention not everyone on this forum said they want an event like the fusion MOA event.  


So you should take your head out of your butt as well, it is hard to see reality from inside there.

Edited by Casval_Rouge
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I've noticed that events post Fusion Moa tend to end up like this.  Player base calls for more weekend events, DE responds with Rare Artifacts event that lasts all weekend.  Player base gets furious because it's not like Fusion Moa event.  DE takes notice of it and plans out another event similar to the Fusion Moa event where killing a special mob and a certain number of them overall is the main focus.  On top of that the reward for everyone(which was practically demanded)is a better version of a weapon that has recently been taken out of rotation forever due to breaking the lore(what little of it exists)of the game a.k.a. Snipetron Vandal.  Player base complains about not wanting to do the event because it's too grindy even though it's what they asked for.  And in turn are now demanding that better events be planned even though when DE broke from the Fusion Moa type event everyone griped about more events needing to be like the Fusion Moa event because it seems like thinking outside of grinding mobs is wrong.  But now grinding is wrong, and now we have players deliberately not participating in the hopes/protest that DE will just give them Snipetron Vandal later like they did with Frost Prime.  Well people, the difference between Frost Prime and Snipetron Vandal is that Snipetron breaks lore while Frost Prime doesn't.  So if we do fail the event because of everyone whom is deliberately not participating in protest, then you've got no one to blame but yourselves.  Don't go and cry to DE afterwards because you decided to be #$&(%-nozzles about this.  I actually kinda hope we do fail, and that DE just stops doing events for a bit so that the stink of entitlement lingers around for a while.  Then maybe, just maybe people will wake up and realize that these events aren't something that we absolutely need to have, but are planned out for us because DE wants to do something fun for it's players.


Now that that's done.  I'm going to go and participate in the event that a majority demanded happen and have fun with it instead of having my head up my butt.

There weren't so many players complaining about the artifact event itself, they complained more about the artifacts not being that usefull.. i agree that people will never be glad with the stuff you give them but i guess that the endless grinding isn't a recent .. issue i would like to call it and DE keep on making stuff based on this "issue" a lot of people dislike, maybe this grinding wouldn't be that harsh if we had some lore... i mean look at mmorpgs where you do quests.. it is grinding for exp and items but it has a story... you have a motivation, a reason.. you don't do it just because you want to do it, you put your soul in it (oh.. such a nice story, i'm going to help this guy) by "guy" i meant NPC.. in here we simply obey lotus's decissions and words without ever having something to say against it or dunno.. betray lotus?!


To make the long story short... ALL we do is.. kill this, kill that, farm this, farm that

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I honestly don't understand people freaking out with moral outrage at people who want the reward but don't like the really boring, sparsely (if ever) spawning enemy, and actually want to have oh I don't know..."fun".


I killed a little over 20, and easily got very bored/frustrating at trying to find them, much less the very boring mechanic of an enemy that does nothing more than float and slightly disrupt the minimap...


Don't get me wrong, I'd like to have them in the game, but as they are now it's just kinda....meh....


they need to spawn much more often and actually do something, more than just float lol

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Maybe if they weren't so $&*&*#(%& to kill. Alot of new players are stuck trying to kill these using excalibers ult. So basically means it took a few hours to even kill 20 and then once that was done they aren't going to waste radial javalin every time they see a drone (it only kills them like 1/3 of the time anyways)


I can understand if they don't want newer players to be able to get the reward easily but that's why I have only about 27 kills.

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Maybe if they weren't so $&*&*#(%& to kill. Alot of new players are stuck trying to kill these using excalibers ult. So basically means it took a few hours to even kill 20 and then once that was done they aren't going to waste radial javalin every time they see a drone (it only kills them like 1/3 of the time anyways)


I can understand if they don't want newer players to be able to get the reward easily but that's why I have only about 27 kills.

Slash Dash hits them too, for 1/4th of the Energy. ;)

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i am not having fun, killing hundreds of stupid duck-sitting drones flying there, thus i stopped after 20 kills.


tbh,... i don't care about those clan rewards as my clan will surely NOT make it, i don't care about that prime mod as i will not get it.


have fun hunting in this badly designed event.

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I only have 60 kills. It's not that I hate the event, its just I'm not going to go out of my way to kill balloons when I can just do my own things and watch everybody else grind for 1000+ kills so that they can do all the work for me. So all of you, get back to killing balloons while I keep farming resources so that you can fill the bar for me so that I get the reward for barely doing anything. Thank you.

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Dont blame community for not doing this event. Blame DE for making soloing lame event with goal of 20 kills. If DE made it good from the start, people would be doing it. Event would be much better if all people could get mod, say for getting 500 kills and obviously much more effort would be needed to obtain it. And crappy tiers for clans, setting 101-1000 men clans in the same tier, who is crazy at DE? They should learn from their mistakes and make better balanced events in the future.

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Dont blame community for not doing this event. Blame DE for making soloing lame event with goal of 20 kills. If DE made it good from the start, people would be doing it. Event would be much better if all people could get mod, say for getting 500 kills and obviously much more effort would be needed to obtain it. And crappy tiers for clans, setting 101-1000 men clans in the same tier, who is crazy at DE? They should learn from their mistakes and make better balanced events in the future.


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Running through missions over and over again against Grineer gets old with very little incentive... Lotus might as well be throwing one rubedo at me per hour... actually that would be a better reward then a vandal snipertron... Lotus giving us rubedo once per hour for a lifetime would be THE BEST REWARD EVER!!! since nothing beats a constant flow of Rubedo...

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