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To Those Of You Who Have Stopped Hunting Informers...


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I've got my regular Snipetron, which I havent even touched since update 8... the Vandel version isnt much of an incentive for me to go invest my time into this when there's a great World of Tanks weekend event going on as well 

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Running through missions over and over again against Grineer gets old with very little incentive... Lotus might as well be throwing one rubedo at me per hour... actually that would be a better reward then a vandal snipertron... Lotus giving us rubedo once per hour for a lifetime would be THE BEST REWARD EVER!!! since nothing beats a constant flow of Rubedo...

While running Cambria for a 100 blimp kills (just for the kicks), I suddenly discovered that I also made almost 1K rubedo from those runs.

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I've noticed that events post Fusion Moa tend to end up like this.  Player base calls for more weekend events, DE responds with Rare Artifacts event that lasts all weekend.  Player base gets furious because it's not like Fusion Moa event.  DE takes notice of it and plans out another event similar to the Fusion Moa event where killing a special mob and a certain number of them overall is the main focus.  On top of that the reward for everyone(which was practically demanded)is a better version of a weapon that has recently been taken out of rotation forever due to breaking the lore(what little of it exists)of the game a.k.a. Snipetron Vandal.  Player base complains about not wanting to do the event because it's too grindy even though it's what they asked for.  And in turn are now demanding that better events be planned even though when DE broke from the Fusion Moa type event everyone griped about more events needing to be like the Fusion Moa event because it seems like thinking outside of grinding mobs is wrong.  But now grinding is wrong, and now we have players deliberately not participating in the hopes/protest that DE will just give them Snipetron Vandal later like they did with Frost Prime.  Well people, the difference between Frost Prime and Snipetron Vandal is that Snipetron breaks lore while Frost Prime doesn't.  So if we do fail the event because of everyone whom is deliberately not participating in protest, then you've got no one to blame but yourselves.  Don't go and cry to DE afterwards because you decided to be #$&(%-nozzles about this.  I actually kinda hope we do fail, and that DE just stops doing events for a bit so that the stink of entitlement lingers around for a while.  Then maybe, just maybe people will wake up and realize that these events aren't something that we absolutely need to have, but are planned out for us because DE wants to do something fun for it's players.


Now that that's done.  I'm going to go and participate in the event that a majority demanded happen and have fun with it instead of having my head up my butt.


Execution is everything. Just because players asked for something like the fusion moa event, doesn't mean anything they deliver will suddenly be solid gold. Hunting an inert and ineffectual "enemy" floating around only one faction's maps is not fun. At least fusion moas were interesting. Killing these things is less fun than doing a Vor run and getting ferrite.

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That all just means people have different opinions.  I never asked for this event, so do I then I have the right to say "No, this event is crap and I will not contribute more than 20 kills" ?  Stop saying "You".  Which demographic are you talking about?  Because unless there is a clear majority consent, what you've said there are meaningless.  It is easy to go on a forum and say there is a majority consent, but the fact that is always true is that the forum posters are the minority of the entire playerbase.  Not to mention not everyone on this forum said they want an event like the fusion MOA event.  


So you should take your head out of your butt as well, it is hard to see reality from inside there.


While you can say that the forums posters are the minority of the entire player base, they happen to be the majority of the feedback that DE gets.  So while not "everyone" in a sense may have wanted this event in the first place, there wasn't enough of a counter-argument for an event that wasn't like the Fusion Moa event.  Did I want a Fusion Moa event again?  No, but I'm one person and if the majority who speak up say that they want something, because they're louder and make their presence more well known than those who don't then they win.  Not enough people voted against/offered any alternatives to this current event, and all DE has to go on is the fact that more people made it known that they enjoyed the Fusion Moa event and were bugged time and time again to do something similar rather than the other Protect The Artifacts event that was held.  That's just how things are.  


The problem I have is that time and time again, is that players ask for something whether it be different or similar and either way they aren't happy about it at all.  Now I know you can't please everyone all the time, that's the reality of how things work but it's like there's never a/never can be  compromise it seems. It's either: players didn't get what they wanted and are extremely disappointed or, players got what they wanted but it wasn't enough and are extremely disappointed.  And while people do indeed enjoy the extra stuff that DE puts forth for us(myself included in that small lot it seems), it's those people that are in the minority and the ones that are being heard are the people complaining about it.  Honestly, how many more threads do you see that actually complement their efforts as opposed to knocking them?  How many HOT threads at the top of the list are actually about praise and compromise rather than "this ____ sucks!"?  The truth of the matter is that in these types of situations more than likely the louder voice will win, and if you happen to be on the side that's not the loudest then you lose whether you want to or not.  So while I'm not trying to refer to everyone as in the player base as a whole(because that would be completely unfair),I'm talking about those that happen to be the loudest that are being the deciders in these situations.

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let´s see:


option A: waste hours and hours grinding in level 15 grinner missions, barely having fun


option B: play mortal kombat komplete edition, a game where skill matters, and you play not for the reward, but because it´s FUN


the choice is easy

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Keep in mind the reason there is less team play is because not all the team share kills, if they did there would be more team play as opposed to solo play, plus some places spawn more than others so there is no even attack spread, it's like waiting in line to get a drink of water with only one fountain on the floor.

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let´s see:


option A: waste hours and hours grinding in level 15 grinner missions, barely having fun


option B: play mortal kombat komplete edition, a game where skill matters, and you play not for the reward, but because it´s FUN


the choice is easy

Spam scorpions same teleport move to win.


Totally takes skill.

Edited by Palkora
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Propaganda/Threat crusade won't motivate lazy people, rewards would.

Make kill tiers with each own reward

20 kills: random rare mod

100 kills: Random Void key

200: Snipetron Vandal

500: New mod that we heard about

each 200 kill after 500 yields randomly mod/key

which part said that we get all of everything on the list :D ?

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For some, it's more of a matter of fun-factor than anything else.

agreed,  and for many others it's a matter of  "I have a job and/or some form of life outside of gaming, and farming these little informers for hours on end just to see the bar raise 1 or 2% is just plain boring".

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I don't really care about the snipetron vandal. I don't care about the primed mod because I'm probably never going to get or use it and I had absolutely no hope for it. I don't care about the dojo statue because my clan had no shot at the top 3% straight off. I killed 20 dudes in one mission. It was boring. I ran enough to kill 150 or so of the #@*&$@s and it was the least fun I had playing this game yet. So I don't know what to say to you, OP. This event blows, the rewards blow and I can give you three guesses what you can do if you expect others to subject themselves to this boredom on your behalf.

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DE takes notice of it and plans out another event similar to the Fusion Moa event


No no no. The Fusion Moa event was somewhat interesting because those were actual enemies with some interesting abilities. They cut through your shields and HP real fast if they surprised you in a group fight and would deploy a second enemy, a gun drone, just before being killed. They're some of the few interesting enemies even now.


The informers are floating balloons. They float. And nothing else. Pure boring crap.

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The 20-reward is mediocre and any greater reward is limited edition. That the top X players or top Y clans would demand that all other players, who won't see anything in return, give up their time is incredibly selfish and almost as disrespectful as actively wasting their time somehow.


Atop that, remember that even with personal reward tiers and time requirements which aren't inflated by the total number of players, many players still won't do it if they can't be arsed. That's sort of what happens if one makes an event with an MMO-style model; nowadays it has to be less about the reward or threat of not getting a potential reward, and more about the combat/gameplay being fun.

This!! and i agree with most of the other posts, its just not worth it to go past 20 kills, especially if you have other things to do.

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Sick and tired of running missions over and over again solo.


I've noticed it seems to be better just to run Kappa/Kiste with fellow clanmates and let them run around everywhere on the map and destroy the drones scattered around while I stick back and defend the objective without any problems.

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Sick and tired of running missions over and over again solo.


I've noticed it seems to be better just to run Kappa/Kiste with fellow clanmates and let them run around everywhere on the map and destroy the drones scattered around while I stick back and defend the objective without any problems.

and getting crap exp cuz they destroy all spawns. gz

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