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the current End game isn't keeping me playing


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I'm a 3 year vet of warframe and atm i'm just logging into the game for the daily  log in , building a forma , resetting  my extractor drones   then logging off 

 Atm the game never lets you play smoothly anymore  , it's all stop and start game play atm . I want to play this game  , but  the  end game stuff - ie  Kuva /Prime part  farming is just  stop and start game play.  Kuva is esp worst  cause it's come down to doing the same mission  over and over again all for a most likely bad reroll . While  the "endless" Void fissure farming  with  mandatory  picking up 10 special Oranges and re-burn keys / re-selecting keys  every 5 mins , it's too jerkly , too many loading screens  too ofter  ;  all for a prime parts that i already have .

And doing the daily sortie has just turned into to 1 hour of missions for 2k endo or a lesser lens  ( only have gotten 1 riven from far too many runs all hoping for a riven mod )  . 

The game just in a terrible place ;  in terms of meaning player progressing  and  with  all the stop and start  to void missions i can't just do 40 minute survivals for void parts  anymore (when there even available)   

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1 minute ago, Eleodon said:

People complain about endgame, but theyr is a leaderboard you know ? You can try to beat some record for earn your place in the top 20.

It's not rewading at all and there's no point since there's no persistent leaderboard.

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Oh boy, threads likes these always devolve into massive heaps of flames.

14 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:


It's just your imagination, Rivens are common and everybody gets good rolls there's no slot machines in this game at all!!!

That was four years ago, games evolve, rivens aren't necessary, rivens are common, I've gotten 3 this week from Sorties, people are just unlucky, welcome to RNG, it's been here since the inception.

3 minutes ago, Genesis7000 said:

This is a thing since well forever and dev´s didn´t help it by removing the Void keys.

I'll say this one more time, and I want you to read it again and again, okay?

Void key runs were not, were never intended to be, any form of end game. The void is still there, endless void runs are still there, the RNG and grind for Prime Parts were without a doubt reduced. Bringing this up will not bring them back, and that system was heavily flawed, more so than Relics.

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5 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

I'll say this one more time, and I want you to read it again and again, okay?

Void key runs were not, were never intended to be, any form of end game. The void is still there, endless void runs are still there, the RNG and grind for Prime Parts were without a doubt reduced. Bringing this up will not bring them back, and that system was heavily flawed, more so than Relics.

I know why relics and i like them ok it´s just about the fact that a endless void run isn´t that rewarding anymore. Just to clarify were i´m standing i was a bit salty when i tried to farm a braton prime with keys, so i was glad about them.

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Just now, Genesis7000 said:

I know why relics and i like them ok it´s just about the fact that a endless void run isn´t that rewarding anymore. Just to clarify were i´m standing i was a bit salty when i tried to farm a braton prime with keys, so i was glad about them.

In what way is it not as rewarding? You get enhanced traces, affinity, and credits, more so than you did in the old endless void. And you can use any relics you got in your next 5 waves, and now you don't have to wait 15 minutes or waves to get a chance at your item. This System of endless runs is nothing but better.

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15 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

In what way is it not as rewarding? You get enhanced traces, affinity, and credits, more so than you did in the old endless void. And you can use any relics you got in your next 5 waves, and now you don't have to wait 15 minutes or waves to get a chance at your item. This System of endless runs is nothing but better.

I was talking about the Void the Void is not this rewarding anymore, relics are ok tough.

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46 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

This System of endless runs is nothing but better.

You ignore everything the OP says?

The start-and-stop gameplay is not so fun. The traces collecting is very very tedious, so much so to make playing feel like running drills at work. There is no "better" for when even playing at all feels worse than before.

Void Key Survival:

Kill things.

Every 5 minutes, you get something prime. Maybe you notice, maybe you do not.

The fun is the endless dispatch of enemies until they crunch, then leaving with some loot to count.


Void Fissure Survival:






Go now back to killing and hope some reactant drops. You collect enough? Wait for the round to end.

The round now ends.



SELECT A REWARD (who cares?)




Go now back to killing and hope some reactant drops.

The round now ends. Uh oh, you were not watching always the clock, so you are unsure if you have the reactant collected!



You did not collect enough? Too bad, no traces and no prime item for you.
Also the game maybe paused while you were being shot at by bombards? Better hope you remember which way to dodge after the unpausing you do not control.


Where is the fun? You consider this better?

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37 minutes ago, Zookes said:


Have you actually played an endless relic mission? It's pretty unintrusive, and I end up grabbing 10 reactant by accident. Also, the game pauses while you pick your reward. I just... Using caps to illustrate a point doesn't work. I've actually played it and it's nothing like you described. You just sound loud and upset.

You can miss the old system all you want, but guess what? The same tilesets are still there with the same level of enemies, you just don't get the prime parts, and it doesn't cost anything to run it. So you can have all the endless no-loot-picking reactant-free fun you want.

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1 hour ago, Askell91 said:

Wait... we ever had end game content?

Oi! You were faster.

For me endgame is something challenging that takes team play, wit, skill and good equipment (in that order). It should take some effort and should be very rewarding in return. Sorties don't do that trick for me. It's a waste of time with questionable results. Really, it's easier to farm prime parts, sell em and just buy the stuff you're after.

I miss some multi-staged missions as the Archwing introduction mission. That one looked pretty promising but was a one-timer.

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39 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

You can miss the old system all you want, but guess what? The same tilesets are still there with the same level of enemies, you just don't get the prime parts, and it doesn't cost anything to run it. So you can have all the endless no-loot-picking reactant-free fun you want.

Either you are skipping the main reason intentionally which they are forgetfully or mistakenly not mentioning at all or just trying to place your own perception on this situation. As game mechanics all the mission options available now are more or less rewarding and we choose from these missions based on the rewards offered and desired. Before, Endless void runs were pretty much non stop action with so much to offer to us along with the excitement of gradual enemy scaling but now in the name of void removal (which didn't happen in actual but again indirectly brought to us using vaulted relics) that complete package has been split into two leaving the void with the endless missions alone taking all of its rewarding excitement for relic missions. You didn't have to really focus on selection and picking up your rewards knowing that if you stay on your feet then your desire will be fulfilled means no extra hassle on getting your rewards, which allows you to concentrate on your mission and have fun making progress without having to stop for anything useless unless you want to for your own practical rea life reasons.

One can really go to void for endless missions and even for the leader boards but let me ask you, for what? No, the sole reason isn't the rewards rather having the goal of getting rewarded for something you are ready face/endure; more like ready to face a war to win a kingdom, legit enough? I don't find anything at all to do now-a-days after logging in, trust me nothing at all. MR-22 and close to 23, many weapons are already built in foundry (the very few last ones), arcanes, rivens (43), frame min-maxing, nightmare missions, kuva, hour long fissure endless, a few K plats, sorties, daily syndicate missions (maintaining 4 at a time) etc. repetitive every single day. But again let me ask you, for what? when you have nearly everything this game has to offer. Some may tell me to take a break like an amateur, but why should I? This is a game I play to entertain my self, its not a job I need a break of from. It was all there as a complete package and fissures could've been introduced along side with the old system offering a huge variety of missions to the players without losing anything. With the new relic system, everyone has everything, prime prices has gone to abyss and even ember-frost is still selling like chop sticks.

I'm not gonna say I'm outta here but again I must say as a vet you're quite wrong in there mate and I solely support the OP. Peace.

Edited by Dark_Prince_Duke
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some of these freeloaders are just DE's sheep, there can never be anything wrong no matter how in your face it is. the game hasn't got any better in terms of fun, and quite frankly it has been spiraling downward in that area since p 2.0.

I love rustling their feathers so to speak, and while they keep defending the status quo more and more of their friends and players are leaving/quitting the game. relics and the whole system is just bs it takes away too much from the actual gameplay and gives nothing in return.

there was a time when new stuff ( mods) are added and you would hunt down the enemies that drops that mod and maybe youll get it in a reasonable timeframe to test and or enjoy if you like it not so today. even a simple thing like a mod to try on a weapon that is not meta/high tier a player may like is just frustrating to get from the enemy especially if you have to work and have limited time.

the game is simply not fun anymore and only the blinded that never question anything about it always seems to accept it>>brain dead.

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I'm in a similar spot as the OP, except I wouldn't use the expression "end game". I don't care about the notion of "end game". I just want to play a game, have fun, and work towards a goal like rare items because that's what motivates most of us, surprisingly.

Rare objects should be rare.

I don't mind if it's very long to get a rare object. After all, the rarer the object, the happier you are when you get it, and the longer you'll play the game in total.

But the farming phase should be fun.

Developers made a few good changes with the relic system or kuva. Most importantly, I appreciate the diversity in the mission types, environments, and gameplay. However, the huge problem is the lack of "fun". Here is why I don't have fun currently :

  • I feel like running a script instead of playing a game. I think that's what @Zookes wanted to show with his CAPs letters. Either in normal or endless relics, or even in kuva farming, I have a list of tasks to complete repetitively, dragging me away from the actual gameplay. That's why people are nostalgic about the old endless void : we miss the simple fact of playing the game and enjoying the gameplay. I have to complete a frustrating task (walking over yellow spheres or jumping through moving clouds with an unreliable move), and then I just wait or run to extraction... and wait. The actual gameplay is almost unnecessary to get our objective.
  • The relic system punishes you even more for not being part of a community. Have you tried farming for a rare prime part without friends, i.e. through the recruiting chat ? Even more complicated, have you tried farming for a prime part that was released long ago ? It takes more time to form a squad than to actually play the game. And you have to recruit after nearly every unlucky try since people don't have enough void traces of course.
  • Endless relics have a particular problem : if a squadmate kills local enemies before they're corrupted, then it's quite complicated to reach 10/10 reactants. In interceptions, sometimes I have to let enemies capture a point to gain some time. Not really fun. (yes of course I asked them to stop ^^)
  • Devs are trying their best to reduce the repetitiveness of missions, but it's still very present. Maybe I'm playing in different environments and against different enemies, but I have nearly no interaction with them : my objective is always the same, what I'm actually focusing on is the same.
  • In spite of endless relics, missions are generally quite short. Every time I come back to the liset, I'm facing an anxious thought : do I really want to repeat the process of playing these not-so-funny-missions ? I've beein answering "no" for a few months now, so I don't play anymore. But I keep following the forums because... I'm convinced I love the game anyway.

Players hate RNG.

The problem with rare objects is when some players get them very easily compared to others. Dispersion in farming times. For years, we've been asking for a semi-random system where the average number of tries to get an object would stay the same, but  with less dispersion, i.e. the chance would start at 0 and increase after every unlucky draw. You wouldn't get the object the first time, but you also wouldn't get it after 30 times if the average is 10 times. There could be a "luck focusing" system where you can chose only 1 item at a time and apply the semi-random mechanism on it especially.

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I have found my niche in farming kuva and rerolling rivens for bad guns. I am in the process of tetra. It is hard to find something fun and interesting. I love doing Fissure Survivals. I did a 2 hour run the other day with some friends and it was a blast. We came out with around 2.6 million credits. You just got to find something you enjoy and make it end game.

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Create a new account, start over and see how the game feels through a new players perspective.

I dont think theyll be able to come up with a satisfying endgame ever. As Rivens further demonstrated, randomization takes its toll on their servers and i think randomization is key part in making endgame that lasts.

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4 hours ago, Zookes said:

You ignore everything the OP says?

The start-and-stop gameplay is not so fun. The traces collecting is very very tedious, so much so to make playing feel like running drills at work. There is no "better" for when even playing at all feels worse than before.

Void Key Survival:

Kill things.

Every 5 minutes, you get something prime. Maybe you notice, maybe you do not.

The fun is the endless dispatch of enemies until they crunch, then leaving with some loot to count.


Void Fissure Survival:






Go now back to killing and hope some reactant drops. You collect enough? Wait for the round to end.

The round now ends.



SELECT A REWARD (who cares?)




Go now back to killing and hope some reactant drops.

The round now ends. Uh oh, you were not watching always the clock, so you are unsure if you have the reactant collected!



You did not collect enough? Too bad, no traces and no prime item for you.
Also the game maybe paused while you were being shot at by bombards? Better hope you remember which way to dodge after the unpausing you do not control.


Where is the fun? You consider this better?

I agree. Stop to collect reatants and wait every 5 minutes is boring as hell.

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3 hours ago, ranks21 said:

some of these freeloaders are just DE's sheep, there can never be anything wrong no matter how in your face it is. the game hasn't got any better in terms of fun, and quite frankly it has been spiraling downward in that area since p 2.0.

I love rustling their feathers so to speak, and while they keep defending the status quo more and more of their friends and players are leaving/quitting the game. relics and the whole system is just bs it takes away too much from the actual gameplay and gives nothing in return.

there was a time when new stuff ( mods) are added and you would hunt down the enemies that drops that mod and maybe youll get it in a reasonable timeframe to test and or enjoy if you like it not so today. even a simple thing like a mod to try on a weapon that is not meta/high tier a player may like is just frustrating to get from the enemy especially if you have to work and have limited time.

the game is simply not fun anymore and only the blinded that never question anything about it always seems to accept it>>brain dead.

Then what are you doing on a forum for a game that isn't fun anymore and has "freeloaders" and "sheep"? May as well leave.

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Same problem here. =/

Just a boring grind-grind-grind with rng without any challenge...

This game really... LIKE REALLY needs challenging AND rewarding content.


And no, leaderboards are useless as a motivation in PVE, nobody gives a single f about them considering that all pve content is exactly how i described *how long you can stay awake in a fight against boredom*


So yeah... Warframe kinda doesnt care about people who want to keep playing the game for longer than 20-30 mins at this point, all they do care is about those *i'll play today for 30 mins by doing some random super easy jump-in missions* guys and I really doubt people who enjoy challenge are such a small community for it to be ignored so harshly.


I would advice for them to check how human psychology works in correlation to boredom/challenge by studying more about the flow theory.



Oh well, anyway, its up to DE really if they want money from people who enjoy challenging games or keep pleasing only *30 mins* crowd by giving them decent rewards and nothing specal to work for for challenge enjoying crowd.

Edited by Shining_Darkness
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17 minutes ago, Shining_Darkness said:

Same problem here. =/

Just a boring grind-grind-grind with rng without any challenge...

This game really... LIKE REALLY needs challenging AND rewarding content.


And no, leaderboards are useless as a motivation in PVE, nobody gives a single f about them considering that all pve content is exactly how i described *how long you can stay awake in a fight against boredom*


So yeah... Warframe kinda doesnt care about people who want to keep playing the game for longer than 20-30 mins at this point, all they do care is about those *i'll play today for 30 mins by doing some random super easy jump-in missions* guys and I really doubt people who enjoy challenge are such a small community for it to be ignored so harshly.


Oh well, its up to DE really if they want money from people who enjoy challenging games or keep pleasing only *30 mins* crowd.

I agree. The game has become really boring. Riven Mods were supposed to be a game changer but in reality it is really annoying to get them and well yeah I dont care about them anymore. Raids still need a rework because they are boring. And then we have void fissure missions which again are just not worth doing if you have everything already.

So what can Vets do at this point? Help newbies? Done that already.

So yeah I stopped playing for a while now because I was hoping that we would get the assasination mode that they have promised us. But still nothing....

But wait lets make the next prime warframe and prime weapons. New Skins etc. That is much more important than having an end-game.

If the game is all about the grind then fine but atleast give us something that vets can work towards which is fun and rewarding. Make a new gamemode or maybe a casino I dont friggin know. Just something that we can do that makes the game fun again.

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