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Whats the point of riven mods?


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I think now that DE have shown (through the introduction and adjustment of weapon dispositions) that content is not going to be balanced around Rivens, they're serving their original stated purpose of boosting less used weapons. Top tier weapons still have an advantage in that they don't require going through an incredible random grind to be end-game, and you can think of collecting Rivens as adding random extra weapons to your existing set of end-game equipment.

I can think of a few differences between Rivens (as they work now) and straight buffs:

- they're something extra to do once you reach endgame, to improve your equipment collection

- they decouple end-game weapon balance from the rest of the game. They can fiddle with the strength of Rivens all they like - which means nerfing as well as buffing, if they're to avoid powercreep - without worrying about how that will affect people still progressing through the starchart.

- they make the game slightly less predictable for players (in forming groups, min-maxing, constructing loadouts, etc) and diversify weapon use across the playerbase as each person will have a slightly different set of end-game weapons in their collection. Everyone will have the usual suspects + whatever weapons for which they have Rivens. I don't think it's the boost to creativity that DE claims, but it does make the playing environment slightly more varied and interesting.

Edited by schilds
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Sorry if trade is being a bastard to you but that's typical trade. They'll sell you garbage for 3k plat which you should take with a grain of salt not the entire bag. And Rivens are...what? The most common drop in the sortie reward table right next to endo? That and the most desirable Rivens are the same meta weapons that these weren't really made for. Enjoy selling your organs for that mediocre Simulor Riven, I'll just be one-shotting everything with my unpopular Attika I paid nothing for.

Though Rivens on paper sound really good. It allows for more variety in weapon builds and can get numbers not previously reachable with vanilla mods. And each player will have their own unique mod they can say was theirs. Only problem is they allowed Rivens that blatantly increase damage and multishot to stack with existing damage and multishot mods. So as a result the only quote unquote "Good" Rivens blatantly increase damage and multishot. F*** a duck. Guess those...ugh...super amazing +Zoom mods will have to spend another few years in disuse.

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They're the lovechild of burnout and avarice. But hey, they totally did what they were intended to do...not.

Fix your mediocre (no help for mr fodder, trash will be trash) weapon by spending an excessive amount of time fighting rng and buying an extra warframe slot.

Or take a strong/meta weapon and have a good gun from the start, without additional costs/grinding. You can (almost) get  4 meta weapon slots for the price of a single "want to try to make your not meta stuff suck less". Oh, they also come with rivens to make them even stronger.

Last but not least they don't add much diversity, in most cases you'll be looking for (very) specific stats for specific weapons.


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Everyone just see's them as mods, Is wut they don't see, is this could very well be the new damage 3.0...but the kids won't be able to accept that!! They think DE has to do some big re coding and make everything op'd...Surprise, by giving u a ton of rivens to farm and buffing the enemies, there's your dmg 3.0...

But like I said, the kids can't comprehend that this could be the reason for rivens.....

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14 hours ago, ashrah said:

its not salty.... they hve evidence what ppl wepons like.... they could    simple buff that wepons...  but  implementing... strong mods with high  rng factor.. its made with purpose  to ppl buy more plat... and get mods they wish...2-3k plat mod... and its many ppl who will buy it.. but in same time 75% plat discounts are reduced a lot...

And it would have been boring, i enjoy investing time and ressources to make a weapon i like viable, i'm more satisfied with riven than i would have been with a simple buff.

i don't know where your price for riven came from but as for me i bought 2 rivens that interested me for 50 plat each; so people proposing stupid prices aren't really relevant.imo.

Now i don't say riven are perfect : there should be a way to chose the weapon that will be related to it, you should be able to keep one or more stats when you reroll them and there shouldn't be any mods slot limitation.(or just one free slot for each weapons and then you can purchase one more slot if you want to have a second riven for the same weapon) 

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Rivens give us a perpetual and unique sortie reward that doesn't burden DE with having to come up with compelling seasonal reward tables. I'm sure more folks do sorties now, and if you're lucky enough to actually get a riven, you get a "fun" challenge and a reason to revisit a weapon you'd otherwise ignore. It's a pretty decent/clever solution really, it's just solving a different problem than damage 3.0. 

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1.- A buff to weak and ok weapons to close the gap between them and top tier weapons. Basically works better that the thing you said about buffing old weapons by tweaking numbers because there must be bad weapons for player progression. Like in every other RPG game, you must get better weapons from each category. Riven mods aren't perfect, but they work at making low level weaponry get closer to the best weapons in their category without giving new players less options to choose from.
Also it is clear that some weapons need some tweaks outside the riven system, but that should be done around the MR requirements of each weapon.

2.- idk how it's called, but in MMO is important to "eliminate" the currency from the players to control the economy. Riven mods help to do that with the slots you need to buy.
Also, some players always look for Rivens, and as we have tons of weapons, it becomes a bit harder to get the riven you really need, so it makes players:
* play more to farm stuff they can sell and save to get said riven.
* buy platinum.
Any of these things helps the economy of the game in their own way.

3.-Make us play sorties more often. The reasons depend on the player. One player may want to get more Rivens for his weapons and after that he can farm endo, level his weapons, farm kuva to reroll, and invest time leveling up the weapon. Or other player may want to get rivens to sell them for plat. Again, both of these things help the game in general.

4.-Make us play Kuva siphoon missions. Not too much to explain here.

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