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The game makes more sense if you strip out the +Damage mods


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To all the veterans whose loadouts can handle level 200+ enemies but are increasingly bored by a lack of level 200+ planets to fight on- a quick thing I found while messing around the other day:

Try a high level endless mission on Pluto/Eris/Sedna/Void using the following rules:

  • No weapon mods that increase the damage per shot/hit (including multishot, crit mods and channelling damage mods)
  • No warframe mods that modify abilities in either damage, range, efficiency or duration.
  • No warframe mods that increase health, shield capacity or armour (but quick thinking is fine).
  • Use a focus, but only equip active focus abilities- no passives (we all know what Naramon is capable of)

Try it- you might be surprised to find a very different, difficult, and frantic game. A quick list of some of the things I found doing this:

  1. It was a lot more difficult and fun.
  2. Without 175% efficiency, I thought a lot more about what I was casting when (and where).
  3. The warframes seemed much more balanced to me, as did the weapons.
  4. Mod selection was much more interesting (though there are still some obvious choices).
  5. You appreciate the Madurai focus when it is able to kill things faster than your weaponry, without ammunition- which hopefully DE will note when reworking it.
  6. Unairu also begins to become playable as it combines some of the damage of Madurai with some of the control of Naramon / Zenurik.
  7. Some weapons that I thought would become much more playable, are still terrible!
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This comes down to the arguement that people should NOT have to severly restrict their loadouts to be challenged by the game. There should be a game mode that provides a challenge when even the very best gear/mod combinations are equipped.

What you've suggested would work, and could be a very good idea if it was implemented in an official game mode where there were some rewards to reflect the difficulty of the challenge. 

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Just now, Nekro_Darkmoon said:

I think they said damage mods will remain.

Yes, damage mods are remaining as they said it would cause too many problems for people who

1) already have these mods maxed (they can't go dishing out hundreds of legendary cores to compensate people like they did with steel charge)

2) myself, along with a huge number of players have invested a very large amount of forma into weapons, which would mean that chosen polarities would become obselete esentially meaning starting back with an un formad weapon and having to repeat the process all over again.

Edited by (XB1)AnnoyedHaddock
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12 minutes ago, (Xbox One)AnnoyedHaddock said:

This comes down to the arguement that people should NOT have to severly restrict their loadouts to be challenged by the game. There should be a game mode that provides a challenge when even the very best gear/mod combinations are equipped.

What you've suggested would work, and could be a very good idea if it was implemented in an official game mode where there were some rewards to reflect the difficulty of the challenge. 

Yea. i like the idea that i can choose to put a damage mod on, or an element, ect. Think the way to go is to bring element mods up to the point where they compete with regular damage mods.

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I would disagree, if you don't have damage mods you are unlikely to be useful against enemies as they scale and we don't. If you feel too strong, put on Dragon Keys, they exist to give players a challenge at will; super soldiers shouldn't be doing less damage and have less durability than grunts and more numerous enemies. If you want the same experience offered, you can easily just put on an unranked Lato, Mk-1 Braton, and Skana and play anything outside of Mercury or Earth, a situation that makes most players think the game is just a worthless slog. Thankfully, we have at least some form of scaling, though not very much existing in mods; we won't have true balance unless enemy scaling is leveled out to scale similarly to players.

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Welcome to three years ago(or somewhere in there).

No, really, before the Boltor Prime(and arguably the Soma), weapons where relatively similar in their damage output.  Pluto was a much more difficult proposition, and only a handful of the elite where concerned with broken scaling because the rest of us weren't really running into it---due to ammo and damage output constraints we just weren't rocketing into defense or survival times that put us against broken scaling.

At that time, survivability mods on warframes where often regarded as unnecessary or "crutches" because they reduced clear efficiencies compared to anything you could do with damage.  This was before syndicate energy plates and focus system, mind, so short of Trinity we weren't exactly hammering abilities whenever we wanted.  Rhino survivability was considered over the top and when the original Soma came out the amount of "OP" threads make the amount of Tonkor threads look like a sidenote---and this repeated with Boltor Prime because base damage at that magnitude was an extraordinary leap in player power.

Compare that to today, when you're really going to struggle with "top end" content without survivability mods because you'll simply get one shot by nearly anything.  We're not dragging regular Soma and Boltor Prime into missions because half our loadout will outperform it.  Not having enough energy is a noticeable inconvenience when it happens because usually, our abilities are available on tap, whenever we want them.

Powercreep blasted us squarely into broken scaling.  Development coped with this by making us capable of handline a higher level of it.  We used to have fervent debates about whether or not level 40 was the balance tipping point for the game, now there is always some goon in a balance thread that makes reference to levels well above sortie as if that is a relevant balance point, and frankly nobody knows if he's right or not because we just can't tell by the games vision, but the level of balance for most items is now noticeably above 40.

How to fix it, or whether or not it should happen.....at this point, I don't know.  Yes, the shackling that the original poster shows does put the game back in a more "pure" form, but it's such a massive nerf that I don't know if the community could handle it(and DE must have the same concern, hence their backtrack on damage mods).  And yet higher levels that break scaling run into alot of "fun" problems, because some enemies don't really matter how high they get and yet others reach a point of extreme bullet sponge or one-shot ability or even both.  A more smooth transition into this range is something that I hope is looked at, so that a person "grows" into whatever level the game chooses the balance around instead of crossing a threshold into a different dynamic than what the original star chart was designed around.

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It's my own personal opinion, and probably a bad one, but I think it'd be nice if at higher levels enemies scale a lot less, but they "gain" weak spots and become impervious to damage anywhere else at a certain level, and the higher the level the less weak spots. Kinda like Sargas Ruk or Jackal

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