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What do you want in warframe?


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More cutscenes and storyline for content already made and released.

Between Vor's Prize and the Second Dream alone are several planets with bosses but next to no story as to why exactly we're there or who we're assassinating.
Yea there's a brief explanation of the situation at the start of an Assassination but..... it's all so minimalist that it's like a Wiki explanation in dialog form from lotus.

Honestly- the only bosses in this game that i actually even find interest in is Stalker and Alad V. All the others just strike me as really placeholder because there's just not enough story to attach to really attach to them.

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Off the top of my head, only little things crop up: 

  • An option to separate crouch, roll, and slide on a controller (of course, there are simply more commands in the game than controllers have buttons, so this is unlikely to be practical no matter what) 
  • Having "Hush" actually quiet the sound of the weapon, not just make the enemies unable to hear it. 
  • A sense of speed in archwing missions. Control issues aside, archwings feel slow
  • The Corpus crew to stop yelling "WHYYYYYYYY" when I kill them. Because, you profit-worshiping weirdos. Because
  • Blanket removal of that goddamn helminth cyst thing. Whatever genius came up with that needs a talking to. 

Well, one big thing: I really wish the whole "operator" thing was...different. The remote control / psychic link thing was fine, but couldn't I have at least turned out to be an adult? I mean, I realize my operator is probably 400 years old and just looks like a kid, but seriously, I have a hard time sympathizing or identifying with the operator at all. Plus, operator gameplay is thoroughly meh. This is one change that will definitely not happen, I know. I just wish it hadn't come to pass. Oh, and speaking of Operator stuff, one other thing:

  • I'd like my focus/transference power NOT to be #5 in the list of my standard warframe powers. "Use Selected Power" should never trigger Focus/Transference.
Edited by (XB1)CannyJack
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What do i want in warframe?

- lag free hosts

- improved solo play mode 

- improvements in invasion (let them run 24 hours so everyone get it chance on weapon parts and after time is up side with highest contribution wins)

- change in void fissure mission rng (i like defense / survival at most but t1 / 2 has a much higher chance to get these missions then t3 / 4 does imo)

- more hema like research weapons (but please no mutagen samples :crylaugh:)



and last but not least chroma prime :heart:

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A place in the starchart for the syndicates. It is a bit weird that they are known in all the system and their HQ is a tiny room in a space station. 

Also, I would like a hangar for our ships in the dojos. Imagine the dojo being like a house and the liset being your room, and you could enter other players ships that way. It would populate the dojos a bit more in my opinion.

Edited by Damuranashi
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Anything Nvidia-based left in the game to be removed and replaced with in-house/open source alternatives. The move from Physx to the in house physics engine for particle effects was a good start, but could be improved upon. Example, look at games like alien isolation, which uses for the most part open source particle effects. looks fantastic and runs fantastic on both AMD and Nvidia hardware since it utilizes GPGPU for particle effect rendering. I also I'd like the game to return to the slightly darker tone it had. I don't want it to be as dark  as it once was, but  alittle darker would be nice. Idk, the game feels way more cartoony than it used to be. I'd like them to move the game to either vulkan or dx12, preferrably vulkan. dx12 hasn't had very many good showings, besides gears 4. I'd prefer vulkan since it'd allow linux to be another platform to pull in more gamers. Yes the linux gaming community is small, but lets be inclusive.


On a gameplay standpoint, add in something to realign your position in  archwings  a la dead space.  do something about RNG, it can get alittle ridiculous. better tutorials for newer players. Some form of auction house, or a true front end for trading to better organize it. Doing it through the chat interface is overly complex and tedious. Rebalance weapons. My Orthos Prime is insanely OP. I love it, but dang does it makes survival missions too easy, i'm basically a meat grinder. I can mash the quick melee button and watch body parts fly. A better invite system. A way to sell cosmetics. I have two of the same helmet for oberon, and can't get rid of it. rework kubrow AI. they're as dumb as nails. Fix the algorithm used to create levels. I tend to see chests and the like spawned in random places such as in walls, in the ground, or halfway spawned into other objects. It doesn't happen often, but when it does its distracting. Rebalance some warframes. Some frames have lost their usefulness as new frames have been introduced. Add the ability for people to trade resources. I'd love to help players grind resources, but at the same time If I have an abundance of a resource that a friend needs, i'd love to give them to him even if I have to pay a tax for the trade. I have a few more things i'd like to see fixed/changed, but its 7am  and i gotta sleep.

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On 27/1/2017 at 5:37 AM, avsp2003 said:

Is there anything you want to be added into warframe? I just want some certain primes back (but thats not really adding) what are your suggestions?

A true Paladin frame and not the worthless and failed paladin-druid called oberon.

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On 1/27/2017 at 5:09 AM, -CM-Oberon said:

Raids. If we had a couple more, challenging and interesting raids (something that would prove difficult, even with full forma builds on warframes and weapons), with more substantial rewards (exclusive raid weapons etc), I would be a very, very happy Oberon.

I can think of one major problem with getting raids to the level you are suggesting here, and that's CC because all of the factions really have either no way to deal with CC, or they just stop all abilities what so ever(looking at you nullifiers). But if the devs can fix that problem then, then hell yeah would I love some challenging raids along with maybe some new arcanes, it would be great.

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More Vor.

As a new player, I really got into Vor's story. He looked weird, yet seemed to understand something more about the Tenno than the other grineer. He shows up in the void giving us clues to our origin.... Then nothing. There was such a build up to him being badass.... Then nothing. I thought he was going to be our main villian. I kind of miss when WF had that creepy grimy feel and Vor was a good villian for that feel.


Also- more sentients. They promised to be the other side of this being a horde mode game. Taking out 2 feels like an accomplishment. They require some tactics and adapt to spam. I was hoping we'd have more sentient type enemies by now for true endgame players.

But nothing. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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More operator skills, animations and shenanigans, more abs, more quests, post apocalypse Earth cities, Killing Floor's meat engine, Hydroid to be less ugly and useless and more wet, grosser infested stuff, solo extraction like Ailissa kindly asked, sortie tokens, volunteer host, ambient bunnies, missions that don't start with weak newbie enemies and make you wait 20+ mins for them to even have the ability to injure you... Cat and Puppy Vacuum....





Edited by Wolfdoggie
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