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Please Delete Rivens?


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Trade chat has always been a bit of a cesspit, yes rivens have added a bit to it...  But you think that is a valid reason to get rid of them?  The prices people put on them...  Really?  I remember buzzkills going for 1000+ plat mere days after a event that they dropped from ended.  Yes some people will put extremely high values on certain mods as they see them as god powered mods...  HOW DOES THIS EFFECT YOU?  If you want it you can try to bargain down the price, if you don't then who cares.   Also trying to blame RNG is just...  Have you even been playing this game?  It is a RNG simulator, pretty much everything comes with the attached RNG, prime parts, loot drops, mods, tilesets (could be wrong on that one), boss drops, argon crystals, sortie rewards...  there is something else, what is it...  Oh yeah, Riven mods.


If you get a bad riven mod, deal with it, don't worry about what someone else got, that does not concern you.  Since rivens have been introduced I have only gotten one that I like, for the god gun all hail TIGRIS, what did the other people get from that run, don't care, what did the other people get from every other run where a riven dropped and i got trash, don't care.


Also if you are trying to sell things use warframe.market so much easier and you don't need to sit there looking at trade chat for hours.

Edited by Robj414
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While I would never ask to remove the content...I just would want to get one...because 1 out of 17 sorties is a bit lame.

It's kind of annoying that while some can make 1000+ plats a week because RNG is nice with them, some other players sits on mountains of Endo.

So yeah, it would be at least nice if those who are luck with RNG would understand the frustration of those who sits on Endo.

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I love riven mods, I was online this weekend forma'ing the Tiberon 6 times to fit the riven in to the build. It's a fun and now a powerful weapon, which I deleted after maxing it so would never have played with it again without rivens.

plus I enjoy farming for kuva, it's a fun mission type and gives me something to do.

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It's the ultimate resource sink.

All that time spent just trying to get awarded one of them damn things.

You finally get one. Fingers crossed the unveil is achievable for yourself.

You finally unveil it. Fingers crossed it's for a decent weapon. 

Rerolling it. The farm for that kuva. Fingers crossed about them stats.

So much effort and so much RNG in the way that the chances of being happy at the end of it all are slim to none.

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Players are as Players be.


Not all sellers in the chat are bad, and some are downright greedy, that's human nature, we're not AI.


As it has been said, nobody is forcing you to use them, but a large amount of people, including myself, enjoy a good riven when it's around.


Do not request termination of a system due to a certain lot of people, and surely not because of personal opinion, as others may like what you do not. This is just nature.


Your argument is what many say about many things. What exactly is so wrong with rivens, that has not been said before, that you find so wrong?

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7 hours ago, --Laughing-Soul-- said:

you want to remove a system that allows people breath new life into otherwise dust covered and back of the warehouse weapons over some people min maxing their meta builds?

Despite hating myself for having such an abomination in my arsenal the reality of it is that simulor would get pulled out for content X or Y from time to time.  Ever since rivens my simulor has gotten a permanent spot on the top shelf at the back of the closet. 

Sobek, Latron, Burston, Flux Rifle.

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