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Quick Steel Event Feedback


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I hope you didn't get my words wrong. PvP is a part of warframe, a small side branch. As it's there already, imho, it should be as enjoyable as possible for those who want to test it or even stick with it. Main game content is and will be PvE.

PvP could get it's fair niche and concepts or fill later end-game time. It does in a sense - but conclave "story" seems pretty loose to me in the warframe universe. Like why would Tenno fight other Tenno? Maybe I just missed the frame and it's there, I'd like to see more contexts though, or e.g. use it for more clan interactions (not forced, optional), or connect it to dojo settlements and training centers. I'd like this more than increasing the grind wall to get clan interactions. Fun additional play.

PvP shouldn't cross paths with main game content. Main target audience are PvE players, that'd be a bad move. PvP also shouldn't replace main end-game content. I'd like to have PvP as a spicy addition in warframe. So, if PvP is there, turn it fun for those who enjoy PvP. Warframe has great grounding here, not only by gameplay and contents, but also by the community. You could use PvP concepts to deepen community building (stupid example that might go terribly wrong: Make a tournament and make fun bets with credits on players, see what happens, make some form of public viewing instead of hanging around in the relay, have a cheer-option - if you don't like playing PvP yourself you can still make use of it for own fun). Don't think it will be done anytime soon though as it requests too much work.

I wanted to drop feedback for the event only, but as we're talking about general PvP. I don't understand why forcing players into it. Or why, when you force players into it, you give those who dislike PvP a double penalty with the current point systems. That only provoces more grudge against PvP or that players idle and ruin the fun of those who enjoy the mode. I'd prefer seeing long-term goals for awesome PvP systems (as named, maybe use it for global socialising and individual skill improvements) instead of such PvP events with lots of upset faces around it.

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This is a terrible game mode, and an even worse event. It has potential, but potential doesn't mean anything. There's no fun in spawning underneath an aim-gliding player, who has an immediate uncounterable advantage. There's no fun in this game mode being only about "skill," while I'm forced to fight players who have been in conclave since day 1. 


One kill and I'm done playing, iI'll just bounce around the map and explore for the remainder of the match. If DE has to implement anti-afk measures, that's a really bad sign that they should be able to see.


Personally, I say do away with Oro in this mode, and make it 3vs3. Then it'll be okay.

Edited by Marxist_Banker
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Can we please stop getting conclave events? I get that yay, we have this thing, this thing is cool, but it's completely antithetical to everything warframe is here for. Rather than a conclave event we could have had a quest chain where kenshin walked us through a few missions and gave us some dialouge about himself. That's INFINITELY more enjoyable and takes like half an hour to put together at most.

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Meh.  It's not my cup of tea and I'm sad I'll miss out on #FashionFrame but I cannot stand this event.  Spent 20 minutes trying to get into the top 3 and I just can't.  Either I'm getting paired up with hardcore PvP'ers (who like to imitate Spiderman by clinging to walls as high as they can get) or I just really suck at PvP.  Maybe both.

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To be fair - until now i didn't really like any of the Conclave mods (well, Opticor IS fun, but is difficult to find people) and.... yet still i don't like it. With sure - Quick Steel - didn't find the sweet spot. But was quite close for that.

The Idea - for sword fight + shuriken throwing in space ninja game is... a-w-e-s-o-m-e!
The real deal - is far from even close. There is no sword fight it is just slam fest with slow hikou stars throwing around... And hikou is kind of ok for me... but to use Nikana as a Pole and to slam ground and AoE ppl... this is SOOOOO ridicules. Also this buffering in two-three attacks after the main is... a little irritating (said with viral-poisonous-sarcasting tone).

The Quick Idea:

DE, please make this mode not a copy of previous one, just with change of weapon holders. Let it be really... sword fight mode.
The damage is ok,
Remove this AoE trash-slam attack and make a Iaido strike (like the first basic attack of Tranquil Cleave) with short ark so it need to be executed with some precision.

Add charge piercing attack (something like Steel Tempest of Yasuo from LoL) which need pinpoint accuracy to hit but will have range... and big recovery time, so can be punished hard on miss.

The other thing will come in place - with shortened hitbox of the two attacks you can relay more on distance attacks and - to dodge. Something now is more than pointless (looking at you - dodge-roll).



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Pvp isn't really my thing but any pvp mode where everyone was on a level playing field (lunaro, snowdown etc) im fine with.


The major feedback i would give is the weapon effectiveness disparity. While the hikou could be effective to taking out distant enemies, but thanks to how quickly a player could quickly close the distance between another and the speed at which you could execute the groundslam, the nikana was a significantly better choice of weaponry.


The groundslam also allowed a temporary stunlock, leaving players unable to escape. Thats assuming you weren't 1hko from it already.


If i had to change anything, i would either weaken the nikana damage, or perhaps have the hikou have cold effect, similar to how it was in the snowdown event.

Edited by 321agemo
changed kunai to hikou
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17 hours ago, Elyann said:

I agree with the fact they should just remove bullet jump from conclave and give us balanced stats for the various frames and weapons....not sure about allowing you or not to use your abilities but Overwatch did somehow manage to make their pvp system work and feel balanced by giving each character some abilities that counter some other's so DE staff could work towards reworking conclave in that direction.
As for the event I'm just sick of these pseudo-pvp events.....first we got grineer executors one, then the Index...and we were against AIs but it still felt like a poor version of conclave...right after we got snowballs showdown and now this event which is another reskin of the snowballs one.....I think people would enjoy some better quality events that can actually make the whole community have fun...something like the first events this game used to host.

Personaly i liked index and rathoom, but theres sertain point. after X lvl enemies are hard to kil and you need to use cheesy tactics to win. When its low lvl and balanced aproprietly its a fun gamemodes.

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Think about why people even WANT to AFK in the first place.

DE, if this gamemode you're trying so hard to shove down our throats is any fun, people would tend to truly participate. When people are actively looking for AFK/kill-trade parties to get the grind over with, what you need to do is more than just "I'm not letting you go AFK and get points now".

Players at large dislike or flat-out hate Conclave. Every time I go on Region or any off-game Warframe community, the opinion is overwhelmingly against Conclave's very existence and many wonder why you're pouring resources and time into it at all. Before you try to shove it down our throats, make Conclave palatable first, because right now it is evidently anything but.


There is also this little problem where most people play Warframe for the PvE, not this shoehorned PvP mode that's been so extensively modified it manages to a) barely resemble Warframe at all and b) still vastly inferior to any true and popular PvP shooter game out there that we all have easy access to.

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Even though i agree its a resounding hatred for the mode conclave it isnt being forced down our throats its pretty much an optional alert but i agree for the collector players(myself included) it does feel forced upon us in that regard for the many of us that dont want to play conclave at all.

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true, it's not being FORCED down our throat, bit that huge schlong is still dangling in front of our mouth everytime we want to play any mission. I don't get why this is a tactical alert, not a conclave console weekly, or something.

Edited by Rawbeard
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34 minutes ago, Omnipower said:

it isnt being forced down our throats its pretty much an optional alert

Please stop with this argument. It's not one.

It can be considered "forced" as soon as there are unique rewards.

We perfectly know that playing this game isn't even forced down our throats. But putting unique rewards into a PvP game-mode everyone hate in a PvE game is just heavily frustrating to see.

Edit : And a huge "We don't care about your opinions" middle finger from DE. That's why we (= the players)'d like them to understand.

Edited by Chewarette
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9 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Please stop with this argument. It's not one.

It can be considered "forced" as soon as there are unique rewards.

We perfectly know that playing this game isn't even forced down our throats. But putting unique rewards into a PvP game-mode everyone hate in a PvE game is just heavily frustrating to see.

Edit : And a huge "We don't care about your opinions" middle finger from DE. That's why we (= the players)'d like them to understand.

And im even more in agreeance with you cause they took PVE tactical alerts and putting PVP in it which is a total interference by PVP in the PVE section

Edited by Omnipower
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3 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

Please stop with this argument. It's not one.

It can be considered "forced" as soon as there are unique rewards.

We perfectly know that playing this game isn't even forced down our throats. But putting unique rewards into a PvP game-mode everyone hate in a PvE game is just heavily frustrating to see.

Edit : And a huge "We don't care about your opinions" middle finger from DE. That's why we (= the players)'d like them to understand.

Considering you are not forced to win and just can also jump around and do nothing and still get rewarded aslonf you not go AFK even on purpose, it is not forced at all.

I never play conclave except on such events and guess waht, i not mind it, we got 3 days to do it so why should i bother much with it, i go in 1-2 times, maybe one more time later and do the rest the next day.

Serioulsy its like 30 Minutes of your time maybe a bit more depednign on your outcome, and winning only gives a point bonus so it goes faster by.

It is funny how people wanted to grind several hours back in the Void or so but THIS is to much for them to do and takes WAY to much time.

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5 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

It is funny how people wanted to grind several hours back in the Void or so but THIS is to much for them to do and takes WAY to much time.

It's because, as the OP said, this game mode doesn't look like Warframe at all. It is slow as hell and your Warframe doesn't matter as you can't use spells and everything is normalized. This game mode is not Warframe. It's the same kind of thing as Flappy Zephyr : Great to spend 2 minutes, but the day they decide to put a unique reward for reaching the 50th step in Flappy Zephyr, a vast majority will be pissed out.

I want to play Warframe. So, sorry, but I definitely don't have more than one hour (and that's only for the first step !) to spend on this kind of game mode jumping around.

2 hours survival in the Void is a better entertainment than 10 minutes of Quick Steel, because you actually do something and are not completely bored looking for something to do / someone to kill / respawning.

Edited by Chewarette
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3 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

Considering you are not forced to win and just can also jump around and do nothing and still get rewarded aslonf you not go AFK even on purpose, it is not forced at all.

I never play conclave except on such events and guess waht, i not mind it, we got 3 days to do it so why should i bother much with it, i go in 1-2 times, maybe one more time later and do the rest the next day.

Serioulsy its like 30 Minutes of your time maybe a bit more depednign on your outcome, and winning only gives a point bonus so it goes faster by.

It is funny how people wanted to grind several hours back in the Void or so but THIS is to much for them to do and takes WAY to much time.

Well you talking about preferences there you cant expect everyone to want to play pvp when the greater portion is here for the pve. Putting stuff behind something people dislike/hate/dont want to do or enjoy is sure fire way of making them cheese it if you will.

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37 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

It's because, as the OP said, this game mode doesn't look like Warframe at all. It is slow as hell and your Warframe doesn't matter as you can't use spells and everything is normalized. This game mode is not Warframe.

Totally agree with this point here. I've played Conclave and liked it for what it was (and I plan to come back to it once I have more comfortable living arrangements that don't turn my hands purple from the cold). I felt I actually had more viable choices than I do in PvE; I could pick a Frame, weapons, and mods to suit me as a player (capitalize on my strengths, compensate for my weaknesses), rather than what the mission or enemy level demands.

However, in Quick Steel there's no choice at all. Strip away the gear diversity and all you're left with is "git gud".

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I'll just add in my own feedback immediatly: I feel hikou should always 2-hit, dealing 50 damage, while headshots should deal 75 instead of 100. Nikana slam knockdown radius should be reduced slightly, it's waaaay too big atm, especially when someone has latency issues (they can hit you from 10+m away somehow). The knockdown time itself should also be reduced, so it's long enough that nikana attacks can still be chained, but only if you can predict where your enemy is going to go, and to give them time to escape a second slam completely should they move as soon as possible. Aside from those issues, I had a lot of fun with the mode, despite usually being terrible at PvP, especially ffa.

EDIT: opinions after patch notes: they nerfed the nikana too hard, a simple reduction in the range and time of the knockdown would've made it perfectly fine as a weapon, where spamming was something that could be done by a skilled attacker who can predict where their opponent will go to to hit them there, while missing a second slam would punish you with the time spent in place while the other person successfully escaped and could throw their hikou. Unless it's changed again I won't be playing it outside the event anymore. (I would've before the changes)

Edited by DragonSkllzz_of_OG
added opinions after reading patch notes
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Just now, DragonSkllzz_of_OG said:

I'll just add in my own feedback immediatly: I feel hikou should always 2-hit, dealing 50 damage, while headshots should deal 75 instead of 100. Nikana slam knockdown radius should be reduced slightly, it's waaaay too big atm, especially when someone has latency issues (they can hit you from 10+m away somehow). The knockdown time itself should also be reduced, so it's long enough that nikana attacks can still be chained, but only if you can predict where your enemy is going to go, and to give them time to escape a second slam completely should they move as soon as possible. Aside from those issues, I had a lot of fun with the mode, despite usually being terrible at PvP, especially ffa.

are you aware of the hikou alt fire?

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2 hours ago, Omnipower said:

Well you talking about preferences there you cant expect everyone to want to play pvp when the greater portion is here for the pve. Putting stuff behind something people dislike/hate/dont want to do or enjoy is sure fire way of making them cheese it if you will.

So basicly like convlave rewards overall?

Do you need the Emblem or Sigil?

Does it stop you from playing or progress on to something?

Even if it is a catalyst or reactor do you miss any if you miss out due just this one?

Its like if you miss a alert becasue you happend not to be there.

Of course it is not fun and many not like it, but apperently some due and paly it, so its part of the game.

Ignoring it or jsut hate it won't make it jsut go away. Its PvP and powers and stuff are msotly removed becasue of simple balance, normal concalve oyu have powers again.

Its a short lifed event no one forces you to play and you not need that symbol, if you want it, work for it like everything else in game, even conclave, or ist also so much fun grinding resources or credits witha specific group and also just stand aorund afk.

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1 minute ago, Marine027 said:

1 So basicly like convlave rewards overall?

2 Do you need the Emblem or Sigil?

3 Does it stop you from playing or progress on to something?

4 Even if it is a catalyst or reactor do you miss any if you miss out due just this one?

5 ts like if you miss a alert becasue you happend not to be there.

6 Of course it is not fun and many not like it, but apperently some due and paly it, so its part of the game.

7 Ignoring it or jsut hate it won't make it jsut go away. Its PvP and powers and stuff are msotly removed becasue of simple balance, normal concalve oyu have powers again.

8 Its a short lifed event no one forces you to play and you not need that symbol, if you want it, work for it like everything else in game, even conclave, or ist also so much fun grinding resources or credits witha specific group and also just stand aorund afk.

1 I'm not sure i understand the first question but i guess yeah those who dont like pvp will cheese for those rewards.

2 Dont need it nope but when put on the navigation console its deemed a wanted/limited time must have item. I forgot the approriate phrase for this; if its there people will want it.

3 Yeah afaik tactical alerts reward sigil/emblem(forgot which it is) progression for stratos.(and yes i do use it)

4 Yes i miss out saving 20plat every time and upgrading a future weapon(saves time).

5 Indeed 

6 and 7 I never said that it shouldnt be a part of the game i dont come here and say pvp should be outright removed just not placed in front of the pve audience(but someone pointed out to me its to try increase play rate for pvp so we have to live with this)

8 Indeed everything in this game must be worked for i did plus i did this event many just wish they would leave it to the pvp console instead of the pve nav console and yes i agree grinding for resources is not fun at all but i do enjoy playing the game with friends,clanmates and alliance members when i have the time.

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