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Quick Steel Event Feedback


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Since I'm terrible at pvp.. getting the oro sculpture will take me 2 1/2 hours of solid play assuming I don't make at least 3rd place each match.. I'd be willing to do a few matches to try it out and get it.. but spending the majority of the time I spend playing each day doing an event I'm terrible at isn't really my idea of fun. I would like if there were other ways of completing it, yeah. Even If it ment I had to farm the kuva fortress for kuva bombards or something

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23 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

No, the event is for all. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can't do it.

I don't mind anything PvP I am a PvP main, but it's about giving options to other players and allowing them to play how they like to. Games are for entertainment and your enjoyment, what kind of game wants to drive you into depression. Some of these players probably have shedded tears over this, maybe even broke parts of their devices.

I could have sworn, I heard in a Dev stream, DE saying they wanted a game for everyone to enjoy.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Tylers Legend said:

I don't mind anything PvP I am a PvP main, but it's about giving options to other players and allowing them to play how they like to. Games are for entertainment and your enjoyment, what kind of game wants to drive you into depression. Some of these players probably have shedded tears over this, maybe even broke parts of their devices.

I could have sworn, I heard in a Dev stream, DE saying they wanted a game for everyone to enjoy.

If they have, then they should take a break. That is the worst excuse for "this event is bad" I have seen.

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For this event, it wouldn't even make sense to have a PvE counterpart.

Where in the game do you ever interact with Oro? The Conclave, and the Conclave only. What sense does it make to get a decoration of a PvP-only asset from PvE?

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Its really hard to get good at something you consider self-torture... Conclave events are one of the dumber things DE have done recently. I would love to play a good PvP mode in Warframe, it might even help me get some friends to play the game, but at its current state, conclave is garbage. As for them forcing/not forcing us into it... i agree with @Stoner74. Putting potatoes behind that wall of suffering is not a very fair thing to do.

Edited by MuninDeShyra
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2 hours ago, MuninDeShyra said:

Its really hard to get good at something you consider self-torture... Conclave events are one of the dumber things DE have done recently. I would love to play a good PvP mode in Warframe, it might even help me get some friends to play the game, but at its current state, conclave is garbage. As for them forcing/not forcing us into it... i agree with @Stoner74. Putting potatoes behind that wall of suffering is not a very fair thing to do.

I have no complain if they don't give any collectable reward what i want xd.

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I understand some players have little time and want the reward, they may even like PvP but not in this limited variant...

But it's so, so bad... Snowball fights event was ok, QS even after tweaks is still awful.

Why frames keep their armor rating and passives? This was never supposed to be fair? Oh, ok...

Why allow scored kills after Teshin announces end of match? 

Why base scoring on Oro? Spawning into two-three Oro pieces happened to me several times, this is one of reasons I don't like PvP in Warframe, stealing feels cheap.

Spawning immortality is weird, both scenarios - me killing as immortal and being killed by one feel unfair.

I'm torn between: "fix conclave" and "don't advertise it as a real game mode with rewards behind progress".

I tried my best, suffered through my 15 matches of attacking players who are not where I aim and being oneshotted by things without visual confirmation.

My trophy will remind me why I stay away from conclave, thanks.

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I personally feel that more than 70% of the kills I've made were just based on some BS luck and are not justified. The netcode is absolute trash and Projectile weapons don't work like they should. Also Oro should not exist, it simply makes people salty.

Edited by Alex9-3-9
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I really dislike the need of catching the oro in order to make points. Me and other dude always end up killing each other at the same time and some other guy with 0 kills grabs our oro. At least make the oro move a lot faster towards the player, many times I kill someone and some other guy gets in the way and gets my point.

Edited by Damuranashi
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4 hours ago, Heckzu said:

For this event, it wouldn't even make sense to have a PvE counterpart.

Where in the game do you ever interact with Oro? The Conclave, and the Conclave only. What sense does it make to get a decoration of a PvP-only asset from PvE?

Lore wise, conclave is a place to prepare against the sentients, so a PVE version of the event, where you fight against then instead, could work.

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A reason i don´t like PvP in any way no matter what MMO i played. Combine PvP with Events and rewards and it gets even more nasty. PvP should stay for the players who really like to have the challenge instead of geting "easy prey when players are "forced" to play it for any rewards behind it.

What i know for myself is that i never will get the rewards from the Conclave shop cus i luckily own the frames from there already before they changed it and the mods are Conclave only anyways and the rest is just cosmetic stuff. So 1 part i never can and will finish cus it´s simply PvP lol.

Since QS started i didn´t played a single match and i even didn´t played a PvP match before as well. I´m happy with the PvE contend cus it changes the situation good enough for my solo playstyle and is even good during rndm playing while PvP is more like an "jump around like a cricket on crack and hope to hit something" for my feeling lol.

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21 minutes ago, Sannidor said:

Why allow scored kills after Teshin announces end of match? 

It does not count in the stats

23 minutes ago, Sannidor said:

Spawning immortality is weird, both scenarios - me killing as immortal and being killed by one feel unfair.

Once you start shooting your not anymore


23 minutes ago, Sannidor said:

Why base scoring on Oro? Spawning into two-three Oro pieces happened to me several times, this is one of reasons I don't like PvP in Warframe, stealing feels cheap.

It is more fun that way, i don't get the problem with "the stealling" part. If you deal 90% of the damages and someone kills your target you still have a chance to get the point, it's even more faire than getting points via kills. You just need to get used to it. Conclave isn't based on Killing but gathering Oro,

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5 minutes ago, clemza said:

It does not count in the stats

Once you start shooting your not anymore


It is more fun that way, i don't get the problem with "the stealling" part. If you deal 90% of the damages and someone kills your target you still have a chance to get the point, it's even more faire than getting points via kills. You just need to get used to it. Conclave isn't based on Killing but gathering Oro,

first time i heard fun and pvp in the same sentence in a long time lol 

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the event itself wasnt so bad, what was really bad, is that it has a reward based on it... but IMO, it is better than normal conclave, as bad as it can be, it is at the very least an even fight, more fair than regular pvp, skill gaps didnt matter as much as they did in the regular game

it still sucked though

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4 minutes ago, clemza said:

It does not count in the stats

Uhm, it does... This happened yesterday or two days ago - guy jumped above me in ranking after the "bell". Look at the score - why is he higher than me?


6 minutes ago, clemza said:

Once you start shooting your not anymore

Nope, I killed many times in "face to face" exchange, I unloaded and was immortal. 


7 minutes ago, clemza said:

It is more fun that way, i don't get the problem with "the stealling" part. If you deal 90% of the damages and someone kills your target you still have a chance to get the point, it's even more faire than getting points via kills. You just need to get used to it. Conclave isn't based on Killing but gathering Oro,

I only got one victory throughout the event and I don't feel I deserved it.


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1 hour ago, Sannidor said:

Why frames keep their armor rating and passives? This was never supposed to be fair? Oh, ok...

all frames had their EHP values normalized. no damage reduction, just 3 hits to kill, 2 on headshot, one for melee and 4 hits from the fan toss. and the best thing, no passives either (I'm an avid Ivara user on conclave mostly because her radar allows me to get an idea of wherethe enemy is... and the minimap is useless for tha purpose on this variant)

1 hour ago, Sannidor said:

Why allow scored kills after Teshin announces end of match? 

They simply don't. the match ends and the kill count stops. same for oro. you might be confused because the in match counter says your place based on oro count, but match end screen accounts number of kills, changing the scoreboard and making it look like someone took an oro after time ended.

1 hour ago, Sannidor said:

Why base scoring on Oro? Spawning into two-three Oro pieces happened to me several times, this is one of reasons I don't like PvP in Warframe, stealing feels cheap.

because it gives less skilled players a chance to win even if their aiming is awful. it also prevents the good ones from camping, otherwise they could simply find a hidespot and win.

1 hour ago, Sannidor said:

Spawning immortality is weird, both scenarios - me killing as immortal and being killed by one feel unfair.

players get an energy glow and a grey helath bar during invulnerability, if you see them just... don attack? at least don't do it until they lose their invulnerability. and obviously you can take advantage of players attacking you during said stage or simply run away and leave them behind. It's your choice.

1 hour ago, Vance.Stubbs said:

News Flash: PvP is bad! Who would have guessed!

News Flash!




Edited by -----LegioN-----
Spotted typos
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Armor was included? Is that something you can verify, or is that a guess?

Passives - didn't see mag vacuuming oro / orbs, didn't see Titania trampolines, etc. Which passives are active in that game mode?

I will also dispute the end-of-game kills theory too - I'm fairly sure one end-of-game score card had me listed in 4th, but I actually finished in 3rd (as evidenced by the total points scored on my ship)

Not a fan of stealing oro, I'll agree on that. Then again, I'm not a pvp fan really, so I don't know if going purely on kill count would be better or worse. Immunity was useful on respawn - spawn camping might be an issue without it.

While I'm not really gonna enthuse about a game mode I wouldn't normally choose to play, I didn't feel like it was that broken... in fact, I kinda enjoyed it, but I was host for all my games, so perhaps I had a different experience.

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I like this post.  I agree; I think that there is too much time between killing someone and collecting the oro, although oro does seem to have some significance at least in terms of lore, which may be why it's here.  Still, I think it could at least be collected faster.

I don't want to slam DE; they want to bring more people into PvP.  However, I don't think this is the way to do it.  Playing Quick Steel just felt awkward, especially with the nikana and lag.  As others have said, the nikana is so slow and it takes so long for you to recover.  In addition, I would often immediately attack a second time, even if I hadn't pressed the button since right after the first attack started.  This was very frustrating, and I didn't really enjoy playing it, but I stuck it out for the rewards (without AFKing).  I also feel like dedicated servers would lessen the headache of your sword going through someone without hitting them.  I hope to see improvements in the future and am confident that DE is capable.

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