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The grind is just ridiculous.


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Its not even fun anymore. its just stressful. constantly I have to worry about Traces and the amount of relics I have and then when they dont drop what im looking for I have to repeat the whole process of Farming for the relic then playing like 5 lith relics for the traces and then waiting 5-10 minutes to find a radshare. Only for the part I want not to drop again. With the void system there was no stress involved. all you had to do was use or find someone hosting the key you had to play and then stay for however long you wanted//needed to for the part you wanted. I really want this issue to be addressed. I love this game.

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Oh damn, almost like the game is supposed to be a grind game? Big whoop, relics drop like candy if you know where to farm them (Nidus farming spot on Eris is great). Get over your terrible rng and suck it up, you're not the only person suffering. It's called H [insert relic here] radshare for a reason.

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6 minutes ago, booty_hunter said:

Its not even fun anymore. its just stressful. constantly I have to worry about Traces and the amount of relics I have and then when they dont drop what im looking for I have to repeat the whole process of Farming for the relic then playing like 5 lith relics for the traces and then waiting 5-10 minutes to find a radshare. Only for the part I want not to drop again. With the void system there was no stress involved. all you had to do was use or find someone hosting the key you had to play and then stay for however long you wanted//needed to for the part you wanted. I really want this issue to be addressed. I love this game.

If you don't upgrade your relic it has the same chance of dropping the rare item as it did back in the days, so if you don't mind those odds don't use traces. Simple. What I would like to happen, is to get more parts out one relic in endless instead. 

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5 minutes ago, booty_hunter said:

With the void system, there was no stress involved. all you had to do was use or find someone hosting the key you had to play and then stay for however long you wanted//needed to for the part you wanted.


remember that not all keys were endless.

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i reduced farm  to minimum....i will never forget ember prime helmet farm. over 60 runs in one to get 1 i needed... but still   old void is better...i dont like new relic system at all its just incresed grind...with massive rng... no reson to farm now really..game need to be fun to play not frustration

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9 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

Yeah and during the old void you could farm days of the same mission and not get anything relevant because the loot rate was insignificant and unchanged even if you stayed 3h in the same survival.

And you still had to farm keys.


Wait what ?

Are you telling me you dont miss 3 orokin cell drops ?

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2 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

Wait what ?

Are you telling me you dont miss 3 orokin cell drops ?

That wasn't fun, true, but they also held the chances for formas on endless missions. If you had a good team or were just badass, you could go ham for a while and stack up formas while getting a few parts here and there if you really didn't need to farm specifically for items. Either way, relics are simply a more reliable version that for 1) actually tells you what drops from the relic unlike the keys that you had to look up tables, and 2) You can very, VERY, easily farm traces on endless fissures without spending a single relic (though tossing in a few intact common af relics doesn't hurt). Relics are an improvement on the 'void' prime part farming, and if you don't like the whole 'radianting' process, then maybe don't bother with it and sell your relics for plat to buy parts instead.

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I would agree that overall the last year has brought mostly increased grind, however, there are still good elements if few at the moment. If you have friends or allies, I would recommend teaming with them and trying to focus on helping them get to the farming stages versus focusing on it yourself. Traces and Relics are front loaded grind and at least for some players that already sought out and farmed void keys, its just more effort for a less reward. Its good it works out better for some of course, hopefully for more players than it hurts. In void keys, at least one player could farm their keys and then run the missions and everyone got a reward, that is not so much the case anymore of course.

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2 hours ago, Chipputer said:

I seriously get the feeling that most of the people complaining about the grind in the game forget that they're playing a free2play game that makes almost all of its money off of cosmetics and impatient players.

Free to play game that's been in the BETA for 4 years now, which includes fully fledged microtransactions on a bigger level that any mobile F2P scheme would work. Most of us Warframe players have spent plenty of money on this game, personally I've spent more money on this than on any other game, whether it's been out of the desire to support the devs, to look good in-game or to bypass the grindwall. After spending over 800 hrs on this game I've realized how much of a grindfest this game really is at it's most fundamental level, the majority content is just trying to grind away on a map for weapon parts, hoping for RNG to favor you, building the wanted weapon which gets stuck behind a timewall more stereotypical of a freemium mobile game, maxing it out for affinity and just throwing it aside or selling it because frankly, nobody really cares about most of the in-game items and how they might function. What this game has too much of is the grinding, which turns you into a braindead vegetable for not really introducing anything new and interesting to the gameplay, what it is instead in dire need of are quests and different activities. There is barely any lore to this game and the things we have right now is much too vague about itself and relying on too many plotholes.

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10 minutes ago, xDampy said:

Free to play game that's been in the BETA for 4 years now, which includes fully fledged microtransactions on a bigger level that any mobile F2P scheme would work. Most of us Warframe players have spent plenty of money on this game, personally I've spent more money on this than on any other game, whether it's been out of the desire to support the devs, to look good in-game or to bypass the grindwall. After spending over 800 hrs on this game I've realized how much of a grindfest this game really is at it's most fundamental level, the majority content is just trying to grind away on a map for weapon parts, hoping for RNG to favor you, building the wanted weapon which gets stuck behind a timewall more stereotypical of a freemium mobile game, maxing it out for affinity and just throwing it aside or selling it because frankly, nobody really cares about most of the in-game items and how they might function. What this game has too much of is the grinding, which turns you into a braindead vegetable for not really introducing anything new and interesting to the gameplay, what it is instead in dire need of are quests and different activities. There is barely any lore to this game and the things we have right now is much too vague about itself and relying on too many plotholes.


Great, now tell me, do you want your money back or what?

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/4/2017 at 4:20 AM, Dwolfknight said:

Great, now tell me, do you want your money back or what?

You obviously have failed to understand the point I was trying to make. For the amount of money we have invested into Warframe and supporting the developers, they should be using it to create a more interesting universe. That's what I wish to see in the game which has so much more potential to be great, yet it's all thrown away by bad management decisions by the company which makes it.

Edited by xDampy
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On 2/3/2017 at 1:59 PM, (PS4)Regiampiero said:

If you don't upgrade your relic it has the same chance of dropping the rare item as it did back in the days, so if you don't mind those odds don't use traces. Simple. What I would like to happen, is to get more parts out one relic in endless instead.

Wrong.  Rares under the old void system dropped at a 5% chance each.  Now it's 2% each with no traces.

On 2/3/2017 at 1:56 PM, Jobistober said:

If you're stressed and not having fun playing this game, your most immediate solution is to take a break.

You enjoy picking up reactant?  Half the endless missions are bugged and very often do not drop enough in 5waves/mins or 2 extractors because fissures just stop appearing for no reason.  It literally adds nothing but annoyance to the game.  If it the system actually worked you might have a point, but since it does not you don't.

On 2/3/2017 at 1:54 PM, Trichouette said:

Yeah and during the old void you could farm days of the same mission and not get anything relevant because the loot rate was insignificant and unchanged even if you stayed 3h in the same survival.

And you still had to farm keys.

And I am still selling those things now for plat.  Do you remember when ember was worth 20p for the set?  10p for the bp?  It was nice always being able to find casual groups farming for parts.  The relic skewing has made it so casual groups don't go for long runs any more.  That is a loss for sure.

Now I hesitate to jump into fissure missions because I don't want to waste my trash relic supply(because not equipping a relic earns you friends fast).  I really don't want to farm stupidly easy endless missions for lith and meso relics, just so i can casually join endless missions for spare parts.

At least in the old days it felt like you had to gear up for a void run, now it's just farming.  Equip Ember press 4 and proceed to remember all the other games worth playing.

Edited by (PS4)Final_Dragon01
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

The relic skewing has made it so casual groups don't go for long runs any more.  That is a loss for sure.

Speak for yourself, my clan still run endless fissure for any prime part, to get plat or ducats.

And at least now you get some bonus by staying longer, unlike before.

4 minutes ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

At least in the old days it felt like you had to gear up for a void run, now it's just farming.  Equip Ember press 4 and proceed to remember all the other games worth playing.

Hahaha because it was different before ?

And, excuse me, "gear up for a void run" ? Don't you mean "pick some stupid frame combo and camp in the sewer" ?

Whether it's now or before, you ALWAYS have a way to cheese stuff.

Back then you could run 3h of valkyr or chroma survival, and still get common stuff, Neat !

Now you can go farm some hieracon or whatever map with some friends, manage to get one good relic, refine it to radiant and run it as a squad and you've a way better chance at obtaining what you want.


At least now you can expect better loot even though you have to farm relics first, that forces players to explore the star map instead of being stuck in the void for their whole game time.


The only difference is the farming of trash parts.


(Nice revival of a 2months old thread :D)

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1 hour ago, Trichouette said:


Cool you have an active clan.  Many do not.  Like I said, casual players.

At least in the old days you would have to cheese stuff.  It never even gets that far now.  Somehow the bar is set even lower.  And that is sad.

Running trash missions for trash relics so you can run A trash mission to spend MANY trash relics is an improvement to you?  Ha!  It's just more grind and you apparently like it.

Blame the guy above me for bringing your exceedingly wrong thoughts into my view.


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

At least in the old days you would have to cheese stuff.  It never even gets that far now.  Somehow the bar is set even lower.  And that is sad.

Oh yeah because cheese is a good thing... Who care about difficulty and challenge ?

1 hour ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

Running trash missions for trash relics so you can run A trash mission to spend MANY trash relics is an improvement to you?  Ha!  It's just more grind and you apparently like it.

I prefer the idea of "1 relic = 1 loot" over the idea of "I use one key and stay 3 hour in the survival", because while it's less efficient to obtain trash parts, it's more efficient to get THE part you seek.

Oh and btw, I don't need to farm trash parts so I don't really care.

Why don't I need to farm them ? Because when I need ducats, I use the parts I looted while seeking for what I wanted and I get way enough ducats, simply because there is almost always an uncommon loot.

You get less trash, but the trash is worth more.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

To the first part:

Not you or DE apparently since you both like the new system.

To the second part:

You don't get it.  No one cares about trash.  I hoped you would see that.

If you want difficulty or challenge, you can still go to endless Fissure or endless void, they're not locked up. You can always pick up your group, since in the old void you either get a group or play solo. What, it's not rewarding? No shiny reward waiting for you at the end of that long run? To that I ask, do you want reward or do you want challenge?


What you call "trash", other people call Ducat/plat fodder. People are selling Ducat fodder still, or using them to get ducat themselves.

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5 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

If you want difficulty or challenge, you can still go to endless Fissure or endless void, they're not locked up. You can always pick up your group, since in the old void you either get a group or play solo. What, it's not rewarding? No shiny reward waiting for you at the end of that long run? To that I ask, do you want reward or do you want challenge?


What you call "trash", other people call Ducat/plat fodder. People are selling Ducat fodder still, or using them to get ducat themselves.

You also miss the point.  The average difficulty of warframe has gone down. That's a shame, and is why I don't play as much anymore.

Tri agreed with my definition of trash and used it himself, hence my reply.  I have no interest in starting a debate about an out of context  quote with you.

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Just now, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

You also miss the point.  The average difficulty of warframe has gone down. That's a shame, and is why I don't play as much anymore.

How is the difficulty have gone down? You can still go 2 hours on Void survival or fissure mission, and the enemy scaling is still broken like heck, so care to elaborate on this point?

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After getting so much prime stuff that you don't need, you may have enough to trade in those for plat and be able to buy the one you actually need.  RNG can sometimes be cruel (here and in other games).  Let's just hope some other Tenno may have what you need and be able to part with it for reasonable plat or trade.

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Just now, Gamma745 said:

How is the difficulty have gone down? You can still go 2 hours on Void survival or fissure mission, and the enemy scaling is still broken like heck, so care to elaborate on this point?

It's simple.  How many go even 40 mins/waves now compared to how many used to?  Many fewer.  Now it's optional as you have pointed out but going 40-60 or beyond used to be a necessity.  Since it is optional many never go further than 20.  This means that the average level of missions completed has decreased.

Sure you can make your own difficulty but there is no reason to anymore so most don't.  I think that change has been bad overall for the community.

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