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Valkyr Prime Eternal War build



I recently returned to the game, and was pleasantly surprised to discover that the Prime Access was Valkyr Prime (Valkyr was my preferred Frame before my hiatus). I immediately grabbed it, and I'm looking for input on a build for her. Unfortunately, I didn't really have a set build with my Valkyr, so I can't just swap everything over. Here's what I'm thinking:

Aura - Steel Charge. I'll probably eventually Forma this to remove the polarity, but Steel Charge works best for me, so that's a low priority.

Exilus - Power Drift. Nothing else really appeals.

Eternal War - The cornerstone of the build.

Rage - Energy generation. Primarily used to power Hysteria. Sure,it's not the focus of the build, but that free Lifesteal on hit is too good to pass up.

Steel Fiber-  Standard durability mod, and particularly effective with Valkyr.

Vitality-  Same as Steel Fiber.

Intensify + Transient Fortitude - Increased Power Strength.

Narrow Minded + Continuity - Increased Power Duration.


That's what I have for the Frame. I'm a little more uncertain with the weapon. I prefer faster weapons; of the ones I actually have, the best ones seem to be the Venka Prime and the Tipedo. Venka Prime has better overall damage thanks to slightly superior damage stats and it's modified Melee Combo Counter, while the Tipedo has better Range and Attack Speed. I'll probably stick with the Venka Prime, but I remember Tipedo being really good once upon a time, so I'm throwing it out there for consideration.

The big problem is how to mod it. My first thought is Body Count, Blood Rush, Berserker, Pressure Point,  Jagged Edge, Spoiled Strike, True Steel, and Organ Shatter. However, that setup doesn't have any elemental damage. Would that be a bad thing? If so, what would I pull for the elemental damage, and what element should I go for? If I try to cover the weapon's weaknesses, a combination of Corrosive and Magnetic seems like it would be good, but it would take 4 slots, and possibly a few dual-stat mods.

Anyway, as you can tell, I'm pretty lost on the weapon, so that's my main section of interest. However, I don't mind input on the Frame build, hence the reason I included it.

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6 hours ago, KYLoooo said:

Guess It's just the slow then.

According to the Wiki, the slow effect does indeed have a cap: no matter how much Power Strength you have, the Slow will never go above 75%. However, it doesn't mention any cap for the Armor and Attack Speed buffs, so it's still worth stacking Power Strength when you've hit the Slow cap.

As for Venka Prime, the obvious mods are Body Count, Blood Rush, Pressure Point, and Organ Shatter. The question now is, do I need to use the last 4 slots for elements, or could I get away with only 2 slots dedicated to elements and sneak in Spoiled Strike and Berserker?

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5 hours ago, (XB1)D34thst41ker said:

According to the Wiki, the slow effect does indeed have a cap: no matter how much Power Strength you have, the Slow will never go above 75%. However, it doesn't mention any cap for the Armor and Attack Speed buffs, so it's still worth stacking Power Strength when you've hit the Slow cap.

As for Venka Prime, the obvious mods are Body Count, Blood Rush, Pressure Point, and Organ Shatter. The question now is, do I need to use the last 4 slots for elements, or could I get away with only 2 slots dedicated to elements and sneak in Spoiled Strike and Berserker?

Put in Berserker and Fury, then 2 elementals. Venka is really slow, BErserker and Fury combo really helps it.

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On 6.02.2017 at 5:21 PM, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

It's more likely "Sacrifice Energy to save HP", not an Energy issue.

From your statement: 300 Dmg without SF+ Rage= 120 into Energy, so u immediately can cast Warcry with Blind Rage, which gives u 117 free space for another Dmg>Energy conversion thru Rage, while with SF u must wait for another Dmg.

Opinions, I guess. I prefer to play it safer, your way of playing is higher risk, higher reward.

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7 minutes ago, Slaviar said:

Opinions, I guess. I prefer to play it safer, your way of playing is higher risk, higher reward.

U play best when u know how to play, personal preference. It's also fun. Try to max attack speed on Galatine prime: Maiming strike, Berserker, Primed/Fury, Quickening (yes Quickening), max Life Strike, Arcane Strike, Naramon Focus. 

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So, I'm pretty happy with the Venka Prime build. I've even got all the mods. I just need to get a Stance mod for some extra capacity, then Forma it once or twice to get everything equipped and maxed. As it is, I don't have enough Capacity to equip any Elemental mods, so I'm losing quite a bit of damage there. Still, I have everything but the Stance, so that's just a matter of time.

What I'm still uncertain on are the Frame mods. Steel Charge, Eternal War, Vitality, Steel Fiber, and Rage are the ones I definitely want to keep. Most of this is pretty self-explanatory, but I feel that Rage needs some explanation. In endless missions, yes, this is unneeded. The sheer number of enemies coming at you allows Eternal War to do it's thing, and also counters the fact that enemies aren't guaranteed to drop anything, much less Energy orbs. However, I'm not doing Endless missions exclusively, so Energy is still an issue I have to address. I will put together a build that doesn't use it for when I do go into an Endless mission, so feel free to suggest replacements for it, but I don't feel like I can completely forget about it given the stuff I'm currently doing.

The other slots, though, I'm not sure about. The ones I chose were literally just 2 Strength and 2 Duration mods. There have been plenty of builds posted here, and I don't like ignoring them, but there's really been no explanation on why those mods were chosen, so I'm not sure which setup would be best. I'm not trying to get a build and run it; I'm trying to get a build and understand why it works so that I have a better idea of what I'm doing when I try to put together builds for other frames, and so I can choose something that works with how I play.

Finally, I should take some time to thank you guys. For me, this back-and-forth discussion is as much a part of the game as actually playing it, and I enjoy it just as much as I enjoy the game itself. I really do appreciate.

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20 hours ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

U play best when u know how to play, personal preference. It's also fun. Try to max attack speed on Galatine prime: Maiming strike, Berserker, Primed/Fury, Quickening (yes Quickening), max Life Strike, Arcane Strike, Naramon Focus. 

I don't like slide attacks so I think I'll pass. But hey, at least I could profit from my Maiming Strike.

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My build is this:

Aura: Corrosive Projection/Steel Charge

I usually use Corrosive projection because armor reduction is usually your biggest dps boost when fighting enemies that are actually very beefy.

Exilus: Handspring

This is actually very important. Melee combat leads to you get knocked down a lot and can easily lead to your death in high level missions. This stacked with Valkyr's passive makes your recovery almost instant.

Blind Rage (rank 8)


This gives a 211% power strength stat which to me is enough to reach blistering attack speeds and good armor. You could use a maxed blind rage, but I like to use paralysis a good amount and feel even more efficiency trade off is worth the amount of power strength.

Eternal War

This is the point of the build so it's self explanatory


Steel Fiber

Need to up that EHP. I also always use life Strike so having more armor and health to recover mitigates a lot of damage.

Primed Continuity

I feel the base duration for Eternal war is not enough. Primed continuity definitely gives enough duration to make one cast warcry missions possible. Narrowminded is also a consideration but again I like to use paralysis a good amount so I don't like the negative range. The range is also good when initially casting warcry so you can slow a bunch of enemies to kill immediately to get you warcry duration up.


Primed Flow

This is where many people will want other things, but I feel this is key to making the build self sufficient. I like to channel and I mean a lot. Always having energy means you will always have health in mid combat from life strike. Flow gives you the energy pool to store all this energy.

Additional Notes:

My life strike is kept at rank 1 as I feel that has the right trade off of energy for life, and  if you are in a big need of health a life strike finisher on an enemy affected by paralysis will get you to full health.

I use zenurik as my focus school for the constant ability to channel which equals life and more dmg. Naramon is also feasible, but that really weakens the effects of rage and many of the arcanes at your disposal.

I use Arcane Avenger and Arcane Strike sets. Strike gives you a tad more attack speed and is easy to acquire. Avenger is a bit hard to get, but is a huge Dps boost with bloodrush and can turn any melee weapon into a berserker viable weapon. This allows me to use long range weapons like the kesheg for high dmg and CC with its slam attack. Grace+Guardian are also considerations here, but I prefer the dps boost.

Tl;dr This build's theory is that you should always have energy, and therefore you will always have health. Also constant Channeling is a significant dps boost on your already high bloodrush red crits.

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1 hour ago, Slaviar said:

I don't like slide attacks so I think I'll pass. But hey, at least I could profit from my Maiming Strike.

So as I, but MS grants u that Berserker and Shadow Step will be triggered with next slide. Btw Shadow Step, I don't use him against Grineer, because only way how to charge Energy thru Rage is enemy's fire, while Corpus have Sapping Ospreys field and Infested have Toxic clouds and mug.

Forgot to thank u for constructive dialogue, it's somewhat hard to find on Forums players like u.

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54 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

So as I, but MS grants u that Berserker and Shadow Step will be triggered with next slide. Btw Shadow Step, I don't use him against Grineer, because only way how to charge Energy thru Rage is enemy's fire, while Corpus have Sapping Ospreys field and Infested have Toxic clouds and mug.

Forgot to thank u for constructive dialogue, it's somewhat hard to find on Forums players like u.

I pretty much stopped using Shadow Step. It's cool ability but I feel it's too boring to fight enemies that way. And thank you for discussion too.

7 hours ago, (Xbox One)D34thst41ker said:

So, I'm pretty happy with the Venka Prime build. I've even got all the mods. I just need to get a Stance mod for some extra capacity, then Forma it once or twice to get everything equipped and maxed. As it is, I don't have enough Capacity to equip any Elemental mods, so I'm losing quite a bit of damage there. Still, I have everything but the Stance, so that's just a matter of time.

What I'm still uncertain on are the Frame mods. Steel Charge, Eternal War, Vitality, Steel Fiber, and Rage are the ones I definitely want to keep. Most of this is pretty self-explanatory, but I feel that Rage needs some explanation. In endless missions, yes, this is unneeded. The sheer number of enemies coming at you allows Eternal War to do it's thing, and also counters the fact that enemies aren't guaranteed to drop anything, much less Energy orbs. However, I'm not doing Endless missions exclusively, so Energy is still an issue I have to address. I will put together a build that doesn't use it for when I do go into an Endless mission, so feel free to suggest replacements for it, but I don't feel like I can completely forget about it given the stuff I'm currently doing.

The other slots, though, I'm not sure about. The ones I chose were literally just 2 Strength and 2 Duration mods. There have been plenty of builds posted here, and I don't like ignoring them, but there's really been no explanation on why those mods were chosen, so I'm not sure which setup would be best. I'm not trying to get a build and run it; I'm trying to get a build and understand why it works so that I have a better idea of what I'm doing when I try to put together builds for other frames, and so I can choose something that works with how I play.

Finally, I should take some time to thank you guys. For me, this back-and-forth discussion is as much a part of the game as actually playing it, and I enjoy it just as much as I enjoy the game itself. I really do appreciate.

Rage is good because extra energy is always good. Valkyr benefits from it more than average frame because she almost always takes health damage.

As for Venka stance, the easiest one to get right now is probably Vermillion Storm. It drops fairly often from Kuva Guardians.

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1 hour ago, Slaviar said:

I pretty much stopped using Shadow Step. It's cool ability but I feel it's too boring to fight enemies that way.

I totally feel the same way as this statement. Wouldn't be surprised to see it get nerfed when they finally take a pass at the focus system in 2020 lol.

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Well, if we're talking Venka Prime - here's my build. Primed Pressure Point, Blood Rush, Buzz Kill, Drifting Contact, Berserker, True Steel, Organ Shatter, last slot interchangeable:

1. Body Count. To keep combo counter where it would otherwise reset. Best choice for most missions.

2. Life Strike. If you're too lazy to switch to Hysteria to heal.

3. Weeping Wounds. For high level stuff like lvl100 Kela De Thaym or really high level mobs to inflict lots of bleeds.

No need for any elements, cause the damage up to the point where any elemental or physical damage starts to fall off drastically will still be overkill once you get the combo counter up a bit. But when it starts to falls off you will see huge bleeds even without Weeping Wounds. If you want to cheese run combine this with Naramon invisibility which I personally almost never use sticking with just the critical chance increase from that tree.

Edited by frohdoe
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