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Why Is Everyone Speed Running Through Missions?


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The only planet I complain about speed runners on is Neptune. That is the ONLY planet that drops Control Modules. Everyone rushes the boss, and gets maybe 2 Control Modules out of 10 runs. I can usually manage to get at least 8 every 10 runs when I stop to look through stuff. I'm not saying take every untreaded path, but instead of rushing in and leaving the Frost/Rhino behind because you're in a hurry on Volt/Ember, stay with the group, and maybe you'll find something good.

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OP it sounds like the mission-type for you is Defense Missions. Nobody goes anywhere, waves come to you.  You still run into the problem of kids who think kills matter and they push monsters all the way to their spawning points to the point where they get backdoored and fail the mission. Also it makes the loot kinda spread out instead of localized. But a good duo like you have can trade off playing saftey at the pod. It's a good farm map for whatever you need.

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To the average player who doesn't pay attention to what the Devs are saying, that isn't obvious at all. If they want to take a stance on a certain playstyle they need to back it up with gameplay changes, not just say 'hey guys... quit goin' so fast'.

But they already did: exploring in void missions tends to be rather lucrative.


But outside of that I see no reason why you wouldn't want to rush: if you want to farm slowly and kill every enemy that appears go do defense missions. That's what they're for. I always imagined that rushing should be encouraged (but made more dangerous - eg a lot more enemies or ambushes etc). That the faster you complete it the better (because it looks cool as well - think of movies!).

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Works both ways here. However, the Devs have sided with the non rushers saying they don't want people to just rush the missions, they want people to explore.

They want people on a treadmill.  The longer you spend in game doing the same thing the more likely you are to start looking around for novelty.


Novelty = new stuff, and new stuff eventually leads to microtransactions.


The devs don't care that you rush a mission, but they would prefer you see all the things in the game that might be more fun with a new weapon or a new frame.

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Some do speed runnings to clear all maps in a planet. Making alerts possible just in case. You cant really blame them, just do solo runs if you're hunting for mats and bring a damage frame or a frame depending on the map you want to run.

This, pretty much. After playing what is basically the same mission for several hundred times, missions just don't draw you in and you just want that part of the map exposed so that you can continue on to the next bit - either to expose future alerts or to bring you closer to the boss.


As for materials farming, there's a tradeoff to be found between searching every corner of the map against just rushing the boss and repeating if you don't get what you want. An extreme example would be getting morphics out of Vor - he's very easy to kill and you might get more resources per unit time if you just charge through, murder him and charge out again.

Edited by DoomFruit
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I'm fairly new to this game & even though i find it fun & addictive, i have already had to adopt to the speed runners tactics as they far outway those who prefer to fight their way to the obj/goal as a "co-operative-team". I agree its down to the individual on how they want to play this game but constantly speed running through the battle seems a cheap tactic as it defeats the games purpose by splitting up the team in such a poor fashion... almost offers the impression those speed runners are scared of some combat along the way.


Would most speed runners then attempt to go back to help a fallen teammate...of course not, as their selfish priority is the obj even at the cost of his/her fellow players. Therefore the only silver lining for me, is when on my map, it displays that speed runner got their a$$ kicked for being impatient & needing assistance... too bad they are so far ahead for me to help them :)


To those that simply say to others they should learn to move quicker... its a shame you have already forgotten when you first started playing this game & also hoped for better "co-op" from your fellow & more experienced players.




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I've started to speed run after around 250 hours of gameplay.. why? because for 250 hours i kept doing the same thing.. kill kill kill kill anything in my way, killing doesn't entertain me any longer

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OP it sounds like the mission-type for you is Defense Missions. Nobody goes anywhere, waves come to you.  You still run into the problem of kids who think kills matter and they push monsters all the way to their spawning points to the point where they get backdoored and fail the mission. Also it makes the loot kinda spread out instead of localized. But a good duo like you have can trade off playing saftey at the pod. It's a good farm map for whatever you need.


Point is I don't want to do just Defense Missions because that's not where all the mat's are.


For those of you to keep saying go solo to farm I guess you didn't read my post on page #5.


I guess we will agree to disagree.

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I kind of agree with the OP. I think a big part of the problem is the gameplay mechanics that we have. Currently, nothing supports the slower pace. If we actually had a cover system the game would slow down a little. I still think it would be bad &#! leaping from cover to cover sword'in fools in half. Even some peak and pop game play would be fun and more tactical. This game desperately needs a cover system like Mass Effect.

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...Here's an idea: REMOVE THE OBJECTIVE MARKER UNTIL THE OBJECTIVE IS COMPLETE! Knowing where you need to go from start to finish removes the need and the incentive to figure things out on your own. Doing this will actually force players to interact and work together, encourage the actual incentive to explore, and overall make the community better in the long run. The change WILL be met with resistance, hate, and rage quit but you know what? People will get over it, as long as DE stays adamant about it, should they ever do this.

I think the reason people rush is because they ALWAYS know where to go. Remove this until the objective is actually finished, just have it always pointing to the extraction point, or even having it only be visible for a few seconds every few minutes and making it more noticeable to compensate is what I feel SHOULD be done.

you can't do this.

most people will suffer from their... coddled(right?) sense of orientation. they remain stunned and helpless, or run in circles screaming hysterically. ;) i know it; i experienced this rare case:

after killing earth's boss (just can't remember the name), a bug set the minimap marker directly on the exit instead of the next door.

so what happened? of course everybody ran in a different direction. including myself, yep... but after 10 minutes of methodically searching for the exit i found it. i kept waiting there for another 15 minutes and prepared for work; by the time i had to switch off they still didn't find it but kept complaining. note they needed more than half an hour!

if this is what awaits us, the game will lose 75% of players. ^^

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As much as i hate speed runners, i have to agree with what someone said before,
After a certain point in the game (+200 hours)
you literally just speedrun missions because there simply isnt that much to do there besides farm the one material you want or something,
All the tiles become the same and boring cause theres not much differentiation...

ONE thing i think is a step in the right direction.
Void missions..
when you see an alternate path and the whole team is like "hey guys this way to the secret area!!!"

if there were things like that, just more things to do in normal missions then yeah noone would speedrun that often

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  • 3 weeks later...

you can't do this.

most people will suffer from their... coddled(right?) sense of orientation. they remain stunned and helpless, or run in circles screaming hysterically. ;) i know it; i experienced this rare case:

after killing earth's boss (just can't remember the name), a bug set the minimap marker directly on the exit instead of the next door.

so what happened? of course everybody ran in a different direction. including myself, yep... but after 10 minutes of methodically searching for the exit i found it. i kept waiting there for another 15 minutes and prepared for work; by the time i had to switch off they still didn't find it but kept complaining. note they needed more than half an hour!

if this is what awaits us, the game will lose 75% of players. ^^

try Nightmare - no map for the actual experience.

lol. at least nightmare runners can't really complain about it coz "we asked for it". It's real nightmare now...

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Maybe a solution would be to just add a LEAVE MISSION option at the end of a mission. So "rushers" don't have to wait, and don't force the "explorers" out of the regular missions. Also add the feature where you can't fight the boss until everyone is there (like the Fossa mission) unless you solo the boss levels of course. If everyone can cooperate with eachother on the jackyl boss then it can be done with all of the bosses so no one misses out on the fun of the WHOLE boss mission.

I think then most the arguments will stop.

Posting this again

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Different play styles which is meh I just don't stick with them and try to form my own cells with my friends/clannies.  It's generally not an issue except today when some jag decided to rush off on pluto and got himself + nick killed and we failed the mission then he starts berating me over VoiP calling me a dirty %!& and a terribad.  That rubbed me the wrong way - he got himself killed and it's not my job to carry him if he decides to run off and do his own thing.


Mostly, to each their own - try and find like minded people and don't S#&$ on people who play differently than you. 

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if people are gonna just speed rush a mission just do it solo. since you will be extremely rarely have to kill anything theres no point in having a team mate. If I am in a mission with a speed rusher, if he/she runs off and gets killed don't expect me to reive you. I'll just stroll along past your dying/dead body. One thing these people forgot is that all the enemy they aggro and left on the beaten path for the rest of the team to clear.


I don't go explore every nook and cranny of a map, I just open and kill anything on the way to the objective. Gets me plenty of materials that people on the forums complaining that they cant get.

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Maybe a solution would be to just add a LEAVE MISSION option at the end of a mission. So "rushers" don't have to wait, and don't force the "explorers" out of the regular missions. Also add the feature where you can't fight the boss until everyone is there (like the Fossa mission) unless you solo the boss levels of course. If everyone can cooperate with eachother on the jackyl boss then it can be done with all of the bosses so no one misses out on the fun of the WHOLE boss mission.

I think then most the arguments will stop.

Hit the escape pod, grab that yellow bar, and pull!


Sadly things like Datamass and Prisoners become an issue which would also have to be addressed as would the resetting of containers on host migration.

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