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Why Is Everyone Speed Running Through Missions?


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Works both ways here. However, the Devs have sided with the non rushers saying they don't want people to just rush the missions, they want people to explore.


So they want us to explore please make a more interesting dungeon that has more than one way to reach the end, feels like I'm being herded like cattle.

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Yes I have asked them to slow down. Also when I make a group I ask them not to speed run. If they do I leave, forfeit the missions and I tell them I will leave if they do speed run. I am sorry but it's really annoying especially when you ask them and you get no co-operation even when you make the party.


This has just started happening in the last week. Everyone is in a hurry. I try to play with friends and I have made a few who feel the same way so we duo the missions. But when it's an alert and you make the party, you ask them not to speed run and they disregard that's what's annoying!!


I am not on "My high horse" just stating facts.

It is most efficient if you farm your mat on certain missions. Thus, it is most efficient to rush, as it takes less time to achieve the objective. This is a farming game, for me, efficiency on a farming mission or getting to the farming mission beats "fun" or exploring. 

I run other missions with other objectives when I do that. Sometimes I do defense just for the challenge of higher levels, I got all the rewards anyways. 

Edited by tgipier
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Go fast or go solo.

I disagree, why force others to keep up with you? Why can't rushers go solo? It's not like bosses are super tough. Now, if you plan to explore EVERYTHING in the map, then yeah, solo is probably better for you. If you plan to rush to the boss, and kill him, then quit the game, solo is probably better than you.

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I like the way you (op) say that you will quit and for fit the mission if ppl don't do what you say , you do realise that doing this has no effect on the other people in the lvl ,

The problem with all these rush complaints is that we all have the tools/options to controll how our in game experiance pans out and going in pub matches isn't using any of them.

Regarding that stament that devs have said they want people to explore , we'll you can still explore at rush speeds and tbh I think one of the reasons they want you to explore is so you can find more time efficient/faster ways across the tile sets

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I disagree, why force others to keep up with you? Why can't rushers go solo? It's not like bosses are super tough. Now, if you plan to explore EVERYTHING in the map, then yeah, solo is probably better for you. If you plan to rush to the boss, and kill him, then quit the game, solo is probably better than you.

So by your logic Go solo or go solo

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I personally solo all day unless clan mates say something is happening or it's a mobile defense alert with something good to get from it but there's absolutely no reason to stop rushing once you've played the game as long as I have. Farming ferrite is even a rush mission.

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Works both ways here. However, the Devs have sided with the non rushers saying they don't want people to just rush the missions, they want people to explore.

Sadly the game itself is slowly gaining sentience and going against the wishes of the devs and practically forces rushing

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So they want us to explore please make a more interesting dungeon that has more than one way to reach the end, feels like I'm being herded like cattle.

A more interesting dungeon?

We are on space ships and futuristic bases


This topic has been brought up countless times, if you don't like people rushing you can literally just leave. If you don't want those mission aborts on your player card, then you need to do what the group does. By going into a public game, you're going to have to play with them, not play your way and hope they do what you do.


"but shouldn't they play with me then?"


You're right, if there are 2-3 people going slow trying to explore, and one guy that's just sprinting to the end, then he's in the wrong.

At the same time, if there are 2-3 people going fast and one guy going slow, the guy going slow with start yelling at everyone because his way is the right way


If you don't like how certain people are playing, you can leave, and if you want to play a certain way make sure you make a group with people that feel the same.





Go fast or go home

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So by your logic Go solo or go solo

No, extremes go solo. In online play, you should expect to go a little faster than normal, but not ignore everything along the way.



Sadly the game itself is slowly gaining sentience and going against the wishes of the devs and practically forces rushing

Yeah, and it's due to the design partly, just more and more grind (dojo required grinding, the void and it's items required grinding, research stuffs require grinding, etc).

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I started out as a farmer/explorer, but when you need to run so many times to get what you want, you start to rush.

Yeah, they could make the game harder, have more breakers in, but can you imagine running that 50 times the same level lasting half an hour to get what you want ?

If I do decide to do a farming run, I run solo.

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This is not an exploration game. This is a third-person space ninja dungeon crawler with guns and magic. If you want to explore, go play Minecraft. You must complete the objective by whatever means necessary, which includes going fast, which just so happens to be less boring than walking through the level. Yes, I've seen people walk all the way to extraction.


There is nothing to explore in this game, if you've been playing for 2 months, which I kind of doubt, you'd know this by now.

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This is not an exploration game. This is a third-person space ninja dungeon crawler with guns and magic. If you want to explore, go play Minecraft. You must complete the objective by whatever means necessary, which includes going fast, which just so happens to be less boring than walking through the level. Yes, I've seen people walk all the way to extraction.


There is nothing to explore in this game, if you've been playing for 2 months, which I kind of doubt, you'd know this by now.

...but should we be sprinting by all the enemies? And we need resources for weapons, we gotta "explore" (i.e. take time to look around and gather mats that drop) to make them.

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I'm pretty sure that most "rushers" kill plenty of enemies along the way. It just so happens that enemies can respawn if no one is near that area. Thus, by the time the turtles get there, more enemies have come back from the dead already. Stick to defense missions if you don't like moving.

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No. You're literally saying everyone else should go slower because YOU want them too.


How about you go faster?


You don't join a group and suddenly get to call the shots, you're just as much of a pug in that group as the other 3 are, if the other 3 aren't actually a premade party.


Get off your high horse and stop pretending you own the place.


You sure are rude. Regardless of whether his opinion differs from yours, there is no excuse for this behavior. How dare you speak to someone like this? I bet you don't talk to strangers like that when offline. But of course, anonymity is like alcohol; it makes regular folks act like brash jerks. I sure wouldn't associate with you if you acted like this every time someone disagreed with you.


Act your age and start using the manners your parents taught you. Shame on you.

Edited by Kahruvel
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The starting assumption should be: "Normal". Neither searching through all cracks and crannies, nor rush past containers/mobs to the objective and then to the extraction. Think it is fair to assume that the team should clear enemies, open containers on the way to the objective (may sidetrack if they stay together) and similarly on the way to extraction.

If there are wishes to explore/rush in a PUG, COMMUNICATE. If there are disagreement, go "normal". (in this case, I think disagreement will mean as long as there are any conflicting desires, regardless of majority or whatever)


Player 1: I want to rush!

Player 2: I want to explore!

Result: Lets go normal.


Player 1: I want to rush!

Player 2: I want to explore!


Player 1:F*** you! I will complete the objective and get to extraction in 2 minutes.

Player 2:F*** you! I will be exploring this map for 10 minutes, and then whine on forums when you force me to extract.

On topic: OP, this is the game. You know what? Nobody cares for your way of playing. Those who want to rush will rush. I am a rusher myself. If somebody asks me to slow down, then ok. But when I see someone exploring EVERY corner of the map, I just rush through the mission. You may not understand this, OP, but your way of playing as much annoying to rushers as their playstyle annoying to you. So if 3 people in your group are rushers, that means you're in minority, so you must rush, not them to slow down.

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You sure are rude. Regardless of whether his opinion differs from yours, there is no excuse for this behavior. How dare you speak to someone like this? I bet you don't talk to strangers like that when offline. But of course, anonymity is like alcohol; it makes regular folks act like brash jerks. I sure wouldn't associate with you if you acted like this every time someone disagreed with you.


Act your age and start using the manners your parents taught you. Shame on you.


Overreacting is equally rude.

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I'm pretty sure that most "rushers" kill plenty of enemies along the way. It just so happens that enemies can respawn if no one is near that area. Thus, by the time the turtles get there, more enemies have come back from the dead already. Stick to defense missions if you don't like moving.

Pretty sure they don't. They rush to the boss kill him, rush to exit.

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You sure are rude. Regardless of whether his opinion differs from yours, there is no excuse for this behavior. How dare you speak to someone like this? I bet you don't talk to strangers like that when offline. But of course, anonymity is like alcohol; it makes regular folks act like brash jerks. I sure wouldn't associate with you if you acted like this every time someone disagreed with you.


Act your age and start using the manners your parents taught you. Shame on you.

Are you insane? You should take your own advice before you speak. You complain about manners and follow on to berate that poster with either a total lack of self-awareness or consideration for others.


You don't barge into a persons home and expect them to accomodate you. Similiarly you don't join a random group and expect them to conform to how you want to play. You ask them, they say yes, fantastic, they say no, you either quit or you deal with it. To whinge and complain when others refuse to follow along is infantile and immature and throwing a tantrum when others don't do what you want is downright pathetic.


There's no drama here, there's no big debate. It's really as simple as using some common sense, going private when you want to do your own thing, going public when you're prepared to make compromises.

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I hate speedrunners, then again I am hypocrite as I occasionally do it myself. I will say here that my intentions are to go Private with friend but yesterday I did do few Online ones by accident when I was trying to carry my friend to Vauban helmet alert. What I suggest though is finding a group that does not want to speedrun trough missions. I usually play with my real life friends so I have good times most of the times but in PUG's, I'm prepared to speedrun trough missions.

That being said, DE is looking for other ways to make it slower and insufficient, so let's keep our hopes up.

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