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Why Is Everyone Speed Running Through Missions?


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Maybe a solution would be to just add a LEAVE MISSION option at the end of a mission. So "rushers" don't have to wait, and don't force the "explorers" out of the regular missions. Also add the feature where you can't fight the boss until everyone is there (like the Fossa mission) unless you solo the boss levels of course. If everyone can cooperate with eachother on the jackyl boss then it can be done with all of the bosses so no one misses out on the fun of the WHOLE boss mission.

I think then most the arguments will stop.

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play loki with max rush, stretch and dual zorens. Take your time, open all the crates, go smoke a cig, pet your cat, and when you want to catch up with the team  



*hi five* My loki has a loot radar and master thief permanently glued to him too :D



So dear OP.... that's a suggestion for you right there.

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I used to go slow... and then I developed a taste for killing 'neer. If there ain't no 'neer, I ain't stayin'. Gotta go kill. Thrill of combat. Never enough 'neer to slaughter.


Materials are well and good, but even when I open every locker on the level, I never find the stuff I need. Farming gets boring. Killing is the only thing that remains fun.

Naturally, this is my opinion, so you're welcome to disagree.


Live to kill. Kill to live. =).

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I agree with OP. All this rushing is annoying. It's like people actively try to avoid playing the game, and then complain about having to farm because they run past all containers and enemies.


What's worse is that only the rushers get to decide how fast you have to go. If you want to actually play the game you end up not getting to the exit in time. Basically, rushers are forcing their way to play the game on everyone else.


That was a big issue in the beginning because even in the lowest levels there are experienced players rushing past everything and leaving people behind. I usually slow down when there's somebody lagging behind but thanks to the rushers that's often not an option if I want to get to the exit in time.


I wish there were more roadblocks  that slow people down like the doors you have to override; or at least don't start the timer until 3 out of 4 people are at the exit.

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hey pal, don't tell me how I should or should not play my game.  If i want to go to the end of the match fast, then get out of my way and don't keep me waiting.  Rushing, is such a silly word to use.  I prefer to say that Im actually playing the game, but its understand able that some people think that Im fast, even though Im not even trying to rush.

Edited by Law_Abiding_Engineer
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To the average player who doesn't pay attention to what the Devs are saying, that isn't obvious at all. If they want to take a stance on a certain playstyle they need to back it up with gameplay changes, not just say 'hey guys... quit goin' so fast'.

yes stop running from every @(*()$ mob out there its the reason i hate volt every volt player just runs trough the map does the objective and once again runs back, i dont see the point of even playing the game if all you do is speed trough skipping almost every enemy there, and i stay and figth them they just go to extraction and the mission is over stop running like scared horses trough the damn levels, i realy hope they get something to prevent all the content skipping, i have nothing against speed killing everything but i hate those who skip mostly all the level

Edited by cemeriann
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Basically, rushers are forcing their way to play the game on everyone else.

and here you are, trying to force them to play how you want to play :)

just runs trough the map does the objective ... [then]

they just go to extraction and the mission is over

Now I might be wrong... but isn't going to the objective playing the game likes it is intended.

Because there certainly isn't an AI and a waypoint telling you to go into that side room and slowly run to that locker :)

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Now I might be wrong... but isn't going to the objective PLAYING THE GAME LIKE ITS INTENDED?

avoiding all the enemies along the way isn't however.


Don't pretend avoiding all the enemies and sprinting to the boss, killing him, and sprinting out is how they intended you to play the game when they've stated otherwise

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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You guys seem to be taking one or two instances of running in to psychos and trying to impose a speed limit on the rest of the player base then.

I'm perfectly capable of killing my way to and from most bosses without stopping my movement, but what you're describing is going to every single side room and opening every single locker. That's not warframe, that's lootframe.

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If you want to farm for materials efficiently it is best to solo so you aren't tethered down by a group. If anything, the group will slow you down. When you're after materials in any sort of timely rate on a game largely dictated by RNG? Speed is imperative if you ever want to make any progress.

Farming Loadout: Build a frame that moves fast (Loki or Volt) deck it with rush, marathon, quick rest, loot radar, redirection, streamline, and a Shade. Equip a potato'd forma'd automatic weapon when farming bosses quick regenerating shields so that the sustained damage keeps them from regenerating shields.

Rare mats:  Pop containers on the way to the boss, kill the boss, if your loot is not satisfactory at that point start over, if you are satisfied pop containers on the way out, start again.

Common/Uncommon:  Farm common and uncommon materials in Grineer sectors whenever possible to take advantage of the vast amounts of containers on the Grineer Galleon tileset as a rule of thumb. Mprime for example is great for Ferrite. Don't rule out defense for farming. Europa defense missions are excellent for Rubedo. ect.

Research: Consult the wiki for drop rate and location info --- experiment with different suggestions in the comments to sort the real information from the misinformation.

Mods and Voidkeys: Farm mods from infested defense missions. Farm keys from Xini and Pluto defense missions.

Slowing down to enjoy the game(Most important step): 

When you've got the item you are farming for building, take some time to pug or solo while leveling up your weapon or frame. I love defense missions, so for me this means running those rather I need what drops there or not. When the item is done, take some time to enjoy the new toy.

I'm mostly a soloist barring defense missions, I get no enjoyment out of playing with randoms. I have my reasons. I'd rather play with people I know, my friends who I can communicate with on skype, or with no one at all. There are disadvantages but I feel the advantage outweighs them by far.

The advantage to this is that I get to control the pace of the game.

If I've got something I want to build I make it my personal mission to make that happen as quickly as possible.
If I want to slow down and enjoy the game, I don't want to be rushed.

I suggest you find a like-minded group of individuals to play with, or play alone!

Edited by Rudest
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Ok I am sick and tired of every mission I go into missions with pugs that all they do is speed run through missions. What is wrong with you people? Can't get drops or get materials I need. This game is NOT all about speeding through stuff. And don't tell me to do solo runs either. This is a community. You want to speed run through missions go solo yourselves. I have lost to many credits due to the fact that someone is way in front at evacuation point.


It's not a race people!!!


Ninjas are suppose to be fast and quick....the desires for each tenno will varry,if you wish to farm materials i would suggest Defense Missions as:


1)You can sprawl around the map killing enemies and collect materials without having worry of a timer,only reach every set of 5 waves for the reward menu to pop up~


2)Everyone's goal is to protect the cryopod to a desired wave to claim a reward and  there is no real worry of an evacuation tenno.


3)Easier to manage on material collection as the enemies come to you bringing the materials closer to you.


Also...if you are so sick and tired of pugs,it is you that decided to farm in them instead of you going solo or asking someone to farm with you,if you wish to farm freely,you will have to be faster tenno.


Time waits for no one.

Edited by Clarencezer
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Oh, here we go again.


As I previously stated in this thread... https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/44147-rushers-vs-non-rushers-solution/



As far as I'm concerned, unless DE say something one way or the other I'm going to continue treating PUB games as the Wild West - anything goes.


Rushing is a tactic, just like weapon loadouts. If you don't approve of other peoples loadouts, either learn to adapt around them or get a group of friends together, organise yourselves....


And play a private game.


Public games are for people who can adapt to any play style. If you can't do that, play with friends.

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They have just as much right to rush as you have to take it slow. So really you don't have much substance to your argument, you could just play solo, and it works the other way around as well. Sure you're more affected by there rushing than they are to you being slow but that doesn't change the point that they have just as much right to rush.

The only way you're gonna be able to play the way you want is on your own or with friends/clan. Personally i always play solo or with friends unless it's a hard boss that I can't beat (although currently I haven't run into a boss that I can't solo anymore).

The only time I might really need a group is if I want to reach a certain wave in defense.

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After playing this game for months you'd understand that farming is so dull and boring if you are searching for specific mats that instead of searching entire levels which can take 30 mins to and hr, people usually just rely on boss drops. Even worse if they are only looking for BPs, the boss is all that counts and the rush to kill and get out is there. If there were other ways to get mats people would rush less, but they would also do less missions as the same standard types do get boring after awhile. Its really something even you will end up doing after playing the game for a while.

Edited by MrHeartless
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...Here's an idea: REMOVE THE OBJECTIVE MARKER UNTIL THE OBJECTIVE IS COMPLETE! Knowing where you need to go from start to finish removes the need and the incentive to figure things out on your own. Doing this will actually force players to interact and work together, encourage the actual incentive to explore, and overall make the community better in the long run. The change WILL be met with resistance, hate, and rage quit but you know what? People will get over it, as long as DE stays adamant about it, should they ever do this.

I think the reason people rush is because they ALWAYS know where to go. Remove this until the objective is actually finished, just have it always pointing to the extraction point, or even having it only be visible for a few seconds every few minutes and making it more noticeable to compensate is what I feel SHOULD be done.

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...Here's an idea: REMOVE THE OBJECTIVE MARKER UNTIL THE OBJECTIVE IS COMPLETE! Knowing where you need to go from start to finish removes the need and the incentive to figure things out on your own. Doing this will actually force players to interact and work together, encourage the actual incentive to explore, and overall make the community better in the long run. The change WILL be met with resistance, hate, and rage quit but you know what? People will get over it, as long as DE stays adamant about it, should they ever do this.

I think the reason people rush is because they ALWAYS know where to go. Remove this until the objective is actually finished, just have it always pointing to the extraction point, or even having it only be visible for a few seconds every few minutes and making it more noticeable to compensate is what I feel SHOULD be done.


The problem isn't rushing. the problem is rushers who can complete the mission solo joining a pug because they believe the number of player increase the drop rate and loot. They intentionally screw over other player for their own gain. 

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...Here's an idea: REMOVE THE OBJECTIVE MARKER UNTIL THE OBJECTIVE IS COMPLETE! Knowing where you need to go from start to finish removes the need and the incentive to figure things out on your own. Doing this will actually force players to interact and work together, encourage the actual incentive to explore, and overall make the community better in the long run. The change WILL be met with resistance, hate, and rage quit but you know what? People will get over it, as long as DE stays adamant about it, should they ever do this.

I think the reason people rush is because they ALWAYS know where to go. Remove this until the objective is actually finished, just have it always pointing to the extraction point, or even having it only be visible for a few seconds every few minutes and making it more noticeable to compensate is what I feel SHOULD be done.


Doesn't work as rusher just rush to every room.

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The problem isn't rushing. the problem is rushers who can complete the mission solo joining a pug because they believe the number of player increase the drop rate and loot. They intentionally screw over other player for their own gain.

Is this true? (about drop rates and loot?)


If so scumbag Sushi must join more pugs to farm then. lol. (j/k I farm solo cuz it seems faster for me and I can do it at my own pace.)

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Is this true? (about drop rates and loot?)


If so scumbag Sushi must join more pugs to farm then. lol. (j/k I farm solo cuz it seems faster for me and I can do it at my own pace.)


Not sure if you are j/k or not and i dunno if its true or not but there are rumours and there are believers. 

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I don't know about everyone else but I seriously don't need to stop and farm for anything in particular anymore. I've ran the same missions hundreds of times, do you think I really want to slow down to see if I can find another small crate to pop open for only 200 credits? You're daft. It's like when you drive to work for the first time and you're trying to memorize everything on the way there. After you've been on the same route a few hundred times, you don't care about the scenery anymore. The only thing I think during a mission is that I can't wait to get out of it.

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