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Maiming Strike Needs A Nerf


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19 hours ago, (PS4)joshw1400 said:

Overreacting. You can barely kill level 100 with a Telos Boltace and it only really benefits reach weapons like the whips or orthos prime.

You can use it with anything with a crit multiplier of 2x or more. Telos Boltace is one of the worst examples in late game, actually. So if you're using that, you're missing on so much damage.

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Would be happy if they would allow us to mute the sound they make when others use them, along with some other annoyingly repetitive noise makes.  Excal, I am talking about you. 

Agree with OP on the rest.   Would be ok with it if status weapons and raw damage weapons got balanced with similar mods that worked for them.

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1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

You can use it with anything with a crit multiplier of 2x or more. Telos Boltace is one of the worst examples in late game, actually. So if you're using that, you're missing on so much damage.

It still won't benefit since most crit weapons don't have range or spin damage.

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21 hours ago, mobilehacker said:

No my friend, it should stay is it is now. Not many weapons can benefit from it, other are just good without it. I dont understand why would you want a nerf. I would not sacrifice a slot on every weapon just to put a Maiming Strike. Try playing Status Builds if you dont like spin2win.

How wrong you are.

Even with it's puny 5% crit chance the Secura Lecta deals consisten redcrits after a few spins - with a BloodRush/ BodyCount/ Maiming strike build

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23 minutes ago, bubbabenali said:

How wrong you are.

Even with it's puny 5% crit chance the Secura Lecta deals consisten redcrits after a few spins - with a BloodRush/ BodyCount/ Maiming strike build

If nothing else they need to fix its interaction with Blood Rush. The fact that it can make essentially any weapon Blood Rush viable is even more problematic than making all weps zerker viable. 

I didn't even realize it could still interact that way with Blood Rush currently or I would have mentioned it in the OP, I thought that had been fixed. I guess not. 

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So i read all the comments and the OP and here is what I take away from it.

Before Maiming Strike everyone used Nikana series, Orthos Prime, and Heavy Blades (War, Scindo Prime, Galatine).

Now we have a mod that can help many different weapons catch up including Atterax, Lecta, Lesion, Boltace, and other long reach weapons. 

So essentially people want to go back to everyone running nikana prime and Orthos Prime? IMO Maiming Strike is powerful, but it expands the arsenal. I used to only run Prisma Cleavers and Dragon Nikana from July 2015 - January 2016. After Shadow Debt, I went back to some good weapons such as lesion, Lecta (Secura when that released), Atterax, Boltace (Telos later on), Lacera, Mios etc...

I think we should leave it alone and stop calling for nerfs, but instead bring MORE mods like maiming strikes for status to give status weapons almost equal playtime as crit weapons. 

I too got my maiming strike for free during shadow debt, and I believe nerfing it brings back boredom of everyone run nikana or orthos to go anywhere into late game. That's no fun, and using my Atterax or Mios is much more fun that nikana prime.

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22 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

What do you all think about this?

I think you should lend me your Maiming Strike so I can see for myself :D

Nah, seriously, I agree it may be yet another mandatory mod, and that sucks, but since they dumped damage 3.0, this won't ever be solved...

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5 minutes ago, The_Doc said:

I think you should lend me your Maiming Strike so I can see for myself :D

Nah, seriously, I agree it may be yet another mandatory mod, and that sucks, but since they dumped damage 3.0, this won't ever be solved...

But it isn't mandatory. If you put maiming strike on weapons like daggers, Dual Swords, Nunchuks, Hammers, Swords, Heavy Blades (Galatine and war exception), you are wasting a slot. The only weapons that really are affected by the mod are:

Whips, Blade and Whips, Polearms, and Galatine/War, Tonfas.

I think this mod widens the arsenal instead of everyone running blood rush body count nikana prime everywhere.

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3 hours ago, -Voltage- said:

But it isn't mandatory. If you put maiming strike on weapons like daggers, Dual Swords, Nunchuks, Hammers, Swords, Heavy Blades (Galatine and war exception), you are wasting a slot. The only weapons that really are affected by the mod are:

Whips, Blade and Whips, Polearms, and Galatine/War, Tonfas.

I think this mod widens the arsenal instead of everyone running blood rush body count nikana prime everywhere.

No, not putting Maimin Strike on any weapon is wasting 99% of it's damage potential. Whitch is cancer for diversity.

Every melee weapon now needs a Blood Rush\ Body Count (or its Nightmare equivalent)\ Maiming Strike setup to be "of use".

On status weapons put in your fav element combo + Weeping Wounds and you're golden.

Leaves two slots for Primed Reach and Primed Pressure Point - there the layout for every melee weapon ever.

Edited by bubbabenali
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6 hours ago, AxcelZ3r0 said:

...So you're basically saying that everyone who's running a Blood Rush build without Maiming has a useless melee?

The words of someone who never had his hands on Maiming Strike...

Blood Rush/ Body Count is certainly a very good loadout and I'd prefer it because I'm a fan of melee combos.

But putting a Maiming Strike in this equitation (even on a 1% crit chance weapon) and your standard crit build looks like a dull blade.

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On 2/6/2017 at 3:46 PM, ConzyFTW said:

Doesn't need to be nerfed when things like the tonkor and synoid simulor exist.

Irrelevant. The Maiming Strike problem still exists regardless of other weapons. Please stop with the rhetorical deflection and false dilemmas.

Hell, I see more people spamming MS Telos Boltace/Atterax/Secura Lecta nowadays than the two weapons you mentioned.

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:) I dont need Maiming strike sold it early days around 350 i belive 

body count + blood rush = more my thing

i personaly think that there is no need for nerf, the mod works like intended . OP can be anything only with the correct mods

I wanna see you try Kuva fortress with lvl 148 when you around 1hr of enemys .. you gonna wish that you have would be OP  hehe

Things that are better than lvl 30 are automaticly OP to you all and needs an nerf :( how can you ask for an nerf this will break allot of waepons to the elite players that are using the mod Maiming strike so funny to see everyting goes to crap while enemys become endless levels and will run over you like an train

some combinations are suited to do lvls beyond 100 :) that why people wanna go endless 


Edited by GameKingMike334
Yup just like an Choo choo train
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8 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

The fact that it can make essentially any weapon Blood Rush viable is even more problematic

u mean red crit viable?

Well ... i read all u post and correct me if im wrong, but seem like the main thing u want is to "nerf" maiming strike by .... introduce an attack speed mod for status? cuz i find that it's kinda unrelated, ppl ask for status berserker long before maiming strike introduced

Dont forget that we recently have the Condition Overload that potentially give u 240% damage independent from combo counter, with skill casting in place of building up combo. it just need a really specific loadout and different playstyle to get there.


Edited by FireSegment
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Another nerf thread... ugh. Maiming is fine as is. It is only viable on a handful of weapons and as someone already said this mod allows to use more weapons apart from the meta weapons which is GOOD. So there is really no need to nerf this mod at all.

Edited by Sm0kiT
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Maiming strike is a small problem. The most overpower thing for melee right now is definitely stealth multiplier with slash and gas proc. It gives you 8x damage on your melee attacks and 64x damage on the slash and gas proc. People who say status is weak don't know how to build it. They think crit has the best damage multiplier but they are all wrong. Nothing in this game can give you that 64x damage multiplier and you don't even need to use any mod for it. Just before you think only stealth frames can do this, there is a focus school call naramon that makes you invis for all day.

Back to the topic, maiming strike really isn't that strong. You are forced to use spin attacks which is very awful to use and will hurt your fingers. Its not even a mod that you will automatically put on every single build unlike pressure point and body count/drfiting contact. The mod gives you nothing close to 64x damage and its not game breaking. So maiming strike really doesnt need a nerf.

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3 hours ago, FireSegment said:

Dont forget that we recently have the Condition Overload that potentially give u 240% damage independent from combo counter, with skill casting in place of building up combo. it just need a really specific loadout and different playstyle to get there.

Condition overload sucks because it has a ramp up innate to the status system itself, combined with a selection of weapons that can't really make optimal use of it compared to other mods.  You cannot apply more than a single status effect to an enemy per hit.  Applying the same status effect twice to the same enemy doesn't count as multiple status effects for the CO mod.  This means that you have damage ramp up PER ENEMY, as you have to cover them in a wide variety of status effects before you get the real effect of the mod.  Most of the decent status weapons in game have only a single element type as their root damage.  That means that at best, you'll be able to get out 2 status types from them.  A handful of decent status weapons have combined elements for their base damage, or have IPS stats that overwhelmingly favor one damage type (meaning very few, if any procs of the lesser damages).  To say that the range of CO viable weapons is smaller than that of maiming strike viable weapons is a huge understatement.  The bottom line is that getting anything more than 2 or 3 reliable status types from your melee weapon for CO to feed off of is highly impractical and you're better off using other mods.  

In terms of guns, most players don't run a wide range of status effects across their whole loadout, but instead optimize for the enemies they're fighting.  Only vs Sentients does it make sense to bring weapons with all sorts of damage types.  Add in slow as crap holstering and it's a terrible idea to rely on status procs from all your different guns to make CO work well.  

About the best weapon set up to do it with would be the pox with blast + corrosive with maybe a dark weapon with viral and heat or a slash weapon with radiation and viral.  Even then, you'll kill stuff faster with maiming strike.  You could even conceivably use a shotgun with 100% status like the Tigris P or the Boar P.  Either way, you're relying on quick melee while your gun can probably finish stuff off faster.

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The only reason anyone would consider nerfing it to begin with is because of how prevalent hybrid builds have become, and once the Melee rivens roll out who knows what melee weapons will be capable of. I'm not gonna say it needs a nerf but hitting well over the 200% crit chance on spin attacks for any weapon cause of blood rush with a flat 90% base crit chance that gets boosted by blood rush seems a little excessive.

Edited by Gravalite
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Smells like another one of those "Telos Boltace trigger me" threads, except disguised as another topic, you see them allot, people getting massive salt cause Telos boltace can clear rooms faster than any weapon in the game....aside from Zena star...you want that nerfed too?

Edited by Knight_Ex
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1 minute ago, Knight_Ex said:

Smells like another one of those "Telos Boltace trigger me" threads, except disguised as another topic, you see them allot, people getting massive salt cause Telos boltace can clear rooms faster than any weapon in the game....aside from Zena star...you want that nerfed too?

Oh and don't forget the Atterax as well. :P

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Maiming strike builds eat up most of your mods slots, you cant even squeeze in an elemental combo, so its only good for quick melee spin attacks. Of course at higher combo multipliers you basically one-hit everything, but you also do that with other proper melee builds.

And while that is true that all weapon became berserkable because of it, using a primed fury for low crit weapons is better imo, cuz its only 1 mod.

As far as market price goes, back in the day both Fanged Fussilade and Buzz Kill was around 1000 platinums, and they are not even half as useful/powerful as maiming strike is.

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Honestly I don't get why ppl would use maiming strike for zerking on non-crit viable weapons. You are wasting two mod slots for very little damage increase versus just using primed fury. It's what, like 19% more attack speed at the cost of two mods on a 1.5 crit multiplier. That is 50% bonus damage, versus using just about any damage mod that would be better. Just not sure about this being so OP. Perhaps it's more hype than anything else.

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