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Coming Soon: Devstream #88!


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@STEVE I just would like to clarify something that it is most important to me.

At the War Within quest, when I was prompted with the decision about the Grineer Queen fate, I decided for Teshin to kill her. But, and this is important, not moved by despise or hatred at her, or for the sake of controlling Teshin now. I took my decision under the idea that I was giving Teshin the chance to take revenge of all that time being under her control, and as a catharsis to shape the regain of his self control back. 

I'm not saying that I didn't deserve a Moon mark on my morale compass, I just feel that I wanted to make it clear to you guys why i did it.

P.S.: I know that that may be out of order, but it's been bugging me hard for some time now. I may be not at my best emotional moment, and I'm aware that kind of little things shouldn't be that important to me, but this game has helped me to evade and walk through some tough times and it means the world to me. Thanks for your work

Truly yours


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I would love my limbo to be demoed to seeif i need to modify my builds (or if they're decent)! Feel free to judge my (mediocre) fashion limbo.

I also plan on purchasing that tennogen helmet, the plague doctor theme is sweet.

Limbo question: when the rework is completed, will a limbo deluxe skin release with it?

Edited by Rogue_Striker
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When will we be able to color each part of our warframe separately?

Could we please have a third sigil slot that is on our helmet?

Please buff Machete and Machete Wraith.

It would be cool if we could have our liset's appearance as part of our warframe's loadout, 
so we can have matching warframes and ships at all times.

Any chance for a Prisma Machete sold by the Void Trader soon?

Any chance we'll have Syndicate cosmetic skins and/or helmets one day?

Detron got a Void Trader variant, will Brakk be getting one too?

Will Machete receive a Augment mod or buff?
It's currently the weakest weapon in the game, and could use some love.

Will there be Vandal skins for Warframes?
I like the designs of the Vandal weapons, 
but they don't really match any of the warframes.
Would be cool if their colors where changeable, 
or at least there where matching Warframe skins.

Will we ever be getting a male Grineer themed tank/combat warframe with tons of armor?
Hopefully with a Rocket Punch power.

Would be cool is there where optional secondary missions during your main mission.
Like, during a spy mission, a officer could spawn,
and you could go capture him.
If you fail or choose not to do the optimal mission you don't fail your main mission,
it's just a chance at getting extra affinity,
and something to freshen up the game-play a little.

Would be cool for each Relay to get their own Bar where the Void Trader could go.
(he's always talking about wanting you to come to parties he's throwing.)

Would be cool of the Relays could have an Arcade, 
where you can play the different mini games like Happy Zephyr and Wyrmius.

Would be cool if the Relays could have a fighting pit where anyone in the relay can fight each other.

Also, could we get a smaller Kubrow body type?
I want to make a tiny dog, but even the smallest one isn't small enough.

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4 hours ago, raydog said:

What's the difference with what they do now. They are more likely to make money off tennogen, than being contracted for a one time thing.

Difference being non-steam Tenno could globally get the things?

Don't see why it wouldn't work (of course I don't know the finer details) but they have contracted artists before and to great effect.

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With the new Glast Gambit quest, we've been given another "morality choice" at the end. However, the choice we picked, and the result we got (both from the alignment change and the e-mail we received) don't match due to a bug. No proper retroactive fix has been implemented as of yet, and so while I picked to "Let Neewa choose", I got an e-mail suggesting I "Sent Neewa home" instead.

Since you guys made the effort of introducing this system within quests, and bringing players to be involved in the story/lore/characters this way, it would be wise, in my opinion, to make sure that such bugs are retroactively fixed so those who are involved are properly rewarded. Any chance of such a fix any time soon? It really does leave a bitter feeling to me that the choice I made isn't registered due to a game bug.

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My main gripe with playing alongside limbo is when defending certain objectives Limbo will shoot me straight into the rift, instantly making me unable to kill surrounding enemies. Would it be possible to include some way for Limbo's teammates to opt-in to limbo's rift so I can choose to go in when I want rather than letting Limbo tell me when?

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On February 14, 2017 at 6:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


Join us this Friday, February 17th for Devstream #88! 

Who: Join the usual crew on the couch: Rebecca, Steve, Sheldon, Scott, and Geoff!

What:  We’ve been talking about Limbo and our plans to revisit his powers for several months – it’s time to show what progress we’ve made!  If you’ve taken the time to play and learn Limbo and want to see how your build (or a style of build) works, please leave a comment that says you’re interested in having your account demoed! Limbo won’t steal the whole show, though – we’ve got lots more to discuss and share about TennoCon Tickets! Don’t miss it!
Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes and during the Livestream! 

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

When: Join us this Friday, February 17th at 2 p.m ET!  (http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/

If you have questions, post them below! This thread closes at 10 a.m. on February 17th!  

I am being serious about this. Can we please have a Neko girl(Cat girl) sentinal? Like I'm not playing. I would really like one. It would also spice up the game a little bit. Anyways, i know it sounds dumb, but you never know. Thanks 4 reading and keep up the good work.

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1) Could we get "Copy __________ Colors" for EVERYTHING? Like, for Warframes, "Copy (Sentinel/Companion/Primary/Secondary/Melee) Colors"?

2) More Corrupted Mods that have different stats they raise and lower?

3) Prisma Secondaries?

4) More themed weapon sets, especially for the Viper (my favorite weapon aesthetically)?

5) Yet MORE weapons with unique abilities? OR More unique weapon mods?

6) Augments that radically change the way Warframes' powers work?  For example, Embers Fireball becomes a flamethrower instead?

7) Related to #6, a description of the effects of the Augment on the Abilities screen in the Arsenal AND in levels?

8) Not sure what you'd call them, but something like an Aura slot for Primaries and Secondaries?  I was thinking something like a Silencer part, but you'd still have the silencer mods in case you decided to attach a different part.

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Hey guys! Do you have a rough estimate on when we will be able to get our hands on the new Bard Warframe? Back at PAX Aus you initially expressed your desire to have both the Bard 'Frame and Nidus out before the end of the year. I understand that some time was lost due to changing how Bard was going to work, however we have already wandered into the second half of February, and the suspense is killing me!

It all looks fantastic either way, and please keep up the great work :D!

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