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Coming Soon: Devstream #88!


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As of right now in Warframe, there is no UI to tell you that you are broadcasting on voice chat. I have seen many new players, and a few veterans, to believe that voice chat did not work or exist. Can we get some sort of UI for that like an output volume bar?

Edited by Razgriz8492nd
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-Any chance archwing will get its own devteam like conclave has ?

-any plans to add void/moon archwing missions ?

-any plans to add sentient and orokin archwing enemies ?

-Since we have infested boss battle with archwing(Jordas), is there any chance we get archwing boss battle with corpus and grineer(and sentients)  factions?

-any plans to add to archwing game mode unique secondary weapons ? for example mecha-style missile pods or shoulder/backpack cannons

-what about archwing cosmetics like skins and stuff attached to archwing ?

-could we get some archwing companions, either sentinels or even better: completly unique compaions to archwing ?

-any chance for space dogfights in archwing ? current hovering while shoting each other combat can be really boring, it would be really cool if we could switch between our current "hover" type combat and high speed combat like space jet fighters in other games(something similar to dual modes of strike suit zero)

-Any chance for frame-archwing synergy ? for example different frames giving different bonuses in archwing

-Could we get 'evolving' emblem(like stratos emblem) related to archwing that we 'evolve' as we do archwing related events(like fomorian), missions or challenges. I want something to show off that I am skilled pilot of archwing.

-Will archwings get their own passives ?

-Any chance for switchable movement/combat mods like in strike suit zero(ship-mech modes) ? for example switching between our new movement/combat system and old, for example new for high speed battles and old for precision, this should satisfy fans of both new and old movement.

-Are there any plans to add to game archwing version of Stalker, Zanuka Hunter or The Grustrag Three ?

-any plans for syndicate archwing melee and primary ?

and here are two questions unrelated to archwing:

-when will we see rest of orbiter and liset docking to it ?

-any chance that we will get list interior that looks more like in old concept arts ? everyone agree's that interior in concept arts looked MUCH cooler:




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I Honestly hope its not that "roll into rift" concept. I always bullet jump and roll to move fast.


Besides that, will weapons ever get muffled when using the silence mods like hush,silent battery, supress?? Although it doesnt alert the enemies, it still sounds like its normal and no suppressing has been added. Just a thought. 

Edited by Cynaren
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I am a Limbo main and cannot wait! Questions:

1- When Limbo is in Rift the scenario darkens a bit which sometimes makes it dificult to see where I am going, specially on Grinner Ships and the Kuva Fortress. Is this going to be addressed? (maybe a flashligh effect)

2- Limbo's Surge ability only works inside the rift. Is this going to change? Maybe useful outside the Rift OR being in Rift automatically increases damage.

3- Will the Rift be able to jam Nullifiers now?

You can use my account if you want but I am on PS4 - leonidasx666 ;P

Unrelated note: the boss of Europa Raptor need your atention! I keep helping new player because they don't understand that there is a explosive because the icon is the same as the chimenies AND ALSO they keep droping the explosive in the same chimeny because the icon does not disapear once it has exploded.

Edited by (PS4)leonidasx666
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Had a couple quick questions.

Any news on the Nexus app for us Windows Phone 10 users? (Pleeeeeease?)

Will Kubrow/Kavat armor sets ever be separated so we can equip individual parts like the armor pieces for the Warframes? I like a lot of the armor sets except for the helmets. I want to be able to see my Kubrow's chubby cheeked face but still give her some fancy armor.

Is a second PC to console migration still in the works? I believe in a past DevStream there was something said about wanting to do another.

Equinox noggle(s)?! (Light, Dark and combined? Or just combined? :laugh:)


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So, I do have a question regarding my sweet sweet Limbo. 

Will us people who still play Limbo and love him for who he is, and not just his rescue king status, be able to transition smoothly into this new rework, or will it be a big game changer for us and how we work on out play style for him. 

Oh, and I'm interested in having my account demoed. Just noticed that part of the 'What' section and thought I'd at least ask. 

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Hi, I don't really have a question, rather a request. Since you're demoing Limbo with users accounts and such, I was wondering if you could do either mine, or my friends account. My friend is a huge Limbo fan, and he mains as him when ever we play. Lately though, he hasn't been playing Warframe as much as he used to. I was hoping that you showing off his Limbo build might help him to regain intrest in the game and come back. If you need his tag, let me know and I'll send it to you. 

Also, my question, how would Limbo's rework affect him in sorties?

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1. Can we get all cinematics prime trailers ingame on the codex for the prime frame that has then?

2. Will we get Valkyr trailer before her prime access ends?

3. Is there any plan on checking Ash - Blade Storm , while i like the new ash his 4 still keeping me stuck in animation isnt very fun?

4. With Banshee being the next prime is there any plan to rework any of her abilities?

5. With clan based events and missions , will there be more options for clan sizes? (10 to 30 , 30 to 100 <-- seens alright of a jump , 100 to 300 <-- too much  , 300 to 1000 <-- way too much for the new system where you want as many people helping as possible) So maybe some middle ground (100 to 200, 200 to 300 , 300 to 500 , 500 to 800 , 800 to 1000).

6. Again with clan based events and missions , can we have a way to see wich players contribute with what inside our clans before those events hit us? (While i understand this can present a few problems on the community , if i want to be competitive i will also want to know where my weakness/strenght are.. Also have a way to reward the most helpful players on my clan)

7. Is there any plans to make the glacial place (from the TWW quest line) be a relay or a place where you can only access as operator , for us to show our operators around?

Thanks i hope you get some of my questions! =D

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Do you think about redoing some of the dyndicate melee abilities, some are awesome as they are now, but some are just rough damage, not always an upgrades. 

Overused lekta and boltace, and pretty much every other melee forgotten. For example heliocor and sydon both are not used very often. 


Oh, and how about token system? Is it scrapped or WIP? Even after duplicate rework i still get a fair amount of useless stuff for me. Anly once i got a reactor, other times-endo/cores.

P. S: you can take my 6-forma weird build Limbo, i would be proud of that

Edited by Quanlain
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If some mods being "mandatory" won't be going away for reasons related to weapon strength, what about reasons related to build diversity? Right now many weapons have so many mandatory mods that they take up half or more of the available mod slots. Is this a potential reason to address mandatory mods, or do you have other ideas on how to expand build diversity? For instance, perhaps the problem lies in "mandatory" mods not having enough viable competitors.

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well i dont hav much questions but here they are

1. when is barframe coming??? really hyped for it

2. more info on the new sytem on clan dojos.

3. any thoughts on damage 2.0???

4. this has been here for years but WHEN IS UMBRA COMING??? any updates on umbra will be appreciated alot.

5. any fixes on sortie drop tables???

6. more deluxe skins coming??

7.what other reworks are ongoin or are being thought of??

8. when is the next cinematic quest coming?? what will it be?? very mild spoilers will be appreciated or info will do too.

9. when will we see more operator gameplay??? how wil it work??

10. last but not least, when will there be more graphics enhancement based on the 'no performance downgrade' thingy???

would luv it if all these are answered or maybe most. 

luv u all at DE.... made my life alot better....

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On 14/2/2017 at 7:03 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:

If you have questions, post them below!

Alright then,

1.       You know we got this “Claim all” button when our extractors are ready to be harvested? Well, will we ever have that button replaced with a “Redeploy” button after we claim it so that we don’t have to go planet by planet placing each extractor individually? I have 10 Extractors and lets say I deployed 4 extractors on Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, I claim them but they all got damaged but when I hit the “Redeploy” button it deploys 4 more extractors from the 10 I have that are not damaged (or have the highest hp of them all) but it deploys them on the same planets.

2.       As we know there are 3 faction specific containers and they all have common, uncommon, rare, and reinforced varieties each. I am a codex freak so I scan everything I see but I’ve had a hard time scanning the rare and reinforced corpus containers since other players break them before I get there and since they get destroyed I cannot scan them, this does not happen with Orokin and Grinner containers since they leave behind a “shell” that is scanable too, could we have the same mechanic for rare and reinforced corpus containers? I know it can be done since normal Orokin containers break the same way as corpus ones do.

Edited by Dragonwarp2510
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I would LOVE to demo the new Limbo! I'm totally in love with the way Limbo currently works, his abilities radically change the way you play the game and I love that. I play on PC, my username is TheFinalCreation. Thanks so much! I'm also looking forward to trying out that witch doctor helmet for him!

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