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If you could give chroma a real passive what would it be ?


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I think he should get an adaptive pelt along with the current change of elemental by energy color or be select-able. The pelt would work like the sentient resist damage type after x amount of damage with maybe two resist types, but the pelt will be a water down version as to not make anything severely over powered at least is what I think. Also, when chroma goes does his sentry pelt thing, the adaptive pelt passive is disabled until the sentry mode ends and he gets his pelt back on. He also keeps whatever resist damage type he had before sentry mode.

Another passive I can think, would be the ability to swap elemental during missions by lets say hold one and it cycles through your appearance tab with an effect of the current energy color lightly covering his whole body and slowly change or just change into the next energy color in the appearance tab IE A -> B -> C -> A so on so forth. One downside I can think of would be if someone was trying to match everything they have for the mission. Ohh, I just thought up of how you know there is that fire burnt skin glitch that frames get from getting burn from time to time? Well, Chroma uses that along with his current energy color where the energy color starts "seeping" out of him and his "skin" becomes more crisp until he gets that burnt skin glitch look and the color changes at the peak. After that the burnt skin look can either fade with the new color or falls of like you would blow in the ash in the fireplace off of his body to reveal his new appearance.

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12 hours ago, (PS4)Akuma_Asura_ said:

sorry I can't take you seriously man after that 

Well, considering that it did ruin the way everyone plays Nyx, yea, it ruined her. Assimilate is hot trash, Nyx was never about being slow and tanky, Nyx is chaos on the battlefield. You cast a few powers and then enjoy watching enemies rip themselves apart for you so you can mop up the rest later after looting their lockers

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13 hours ago, LazerSkink said:


Every frame's passive is centered around the frame; Chroma is centered around his "passive". His ability to change elemental output has been a feature solely meant for his abilities and how he plays since the beginning. When giving every frame a passive, DE completely brushed off Chroma and excused a frame exclusive feature as a passive (yes, Equinox has the same, but her's only matters at the very beginning of a mission).

He's got 12 unique powers because of that though, pretty sure a passive on top would be overkill. On top of that he still earns more credits when using Effigy too. The problem with Equinox is that switching sides is not encouraged ever because you can clear an entire map with one power and actually switching takes too long. Limbo doesn't have a passive eiither if that's the logic we're going with.

Honestly I'd love for Chroma to get a passive, but first DE should look at reworks and giving every frame proper passives that aren't hot trash, such as Rhinos or tweaking Oberons or Embers. Rhinos passive would actually be useful if it had more range. The elemental frames should obviously also have a minor resistance to their elements, while the other frames could be up for cool new mechanics, like reduced enemy accuracy against Loki when he's jumping or wall latching or something like that because he's a deceiver frame. 

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When you take off that dragon skin thing to attack enemies, your weapons get buffed by the element you chose plus an extra movement buff depending on which element you chose but only for the duration of the flying skin.

Example Fire element buff with a weapon with toxic damage turn weapons' buff to Gas and your movements get a buff that knocks down enemies who are close to you.

Same goes with other elements, Cold makes you invincible when you roll plus weapon buff and Toxic poisons enemies who shoot you plus weapon buff ofc.

Edited by (PS4)ArnnFrost
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I would give him +30% resistance to the element he is using, that way fire and Toxic Chromas become a lot more viable for Grineer and Infested missions respectively.

14 hours ago, g4yb4ll said:

what's chroma? oh right that fodder frame i havent seen him in any pug game since 2015

with an Ice build, he's an excellent tank. you're entitled to your opinion, but I'd recommend trying a good Ice Chroma build before dismissing him as "fodder".

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Passive: Elemental Mastery - Elemental Status Effects on Chroma are reduced in duration (needs to be stack-able with Rapid Resilience), and have a chance to proc an Elemental boost. Ideas for the Elemental boosts:

  • Heat, Regenerate 1 health for duration of Status Effect.
  • Electric, Shield Recharge rate is boosted for a short duration
  • Toxic, chance to absorb and/or disperse/dissipate Toxic Clouds.
  • Cold, chance to be unaffected by Status Effect and proc Freeze on melee attackers

The Passive could use some tweaking, I was just trying to find minor auxiliary effects that are different from Ember, Volt, Saryn and Frost but could sorta mimic and fit within what Elemental Ward does. I feel that Chroma needs to be able to use all of his powers and have a bit more reliability in his abilities also:

  1. Spectral Scream - instead of being a channeled ability, it takes on the Afterburn capacity as a Burst ability. As the projectile travels can leave an AoE trail behind the burst that works like the basic channeled ability. Obviously the math on the ability will need to be tweaked, as well as the initial cost to use. Could also have Duration leave a lingering cloud, mimicking Naplam type visuals that would match the chosen Energy Color.
  2. Elemental Ward - Add the ability to change Element during a mission, using the tap/hold functionality. Maybe increase base Aura Range.
  3. Vex Armor - Since Warframes use Ferrite Armor type currently, Vex Armor adds a base 50% Puncture Resistance to offset Puncture's +50% boost against Ferrite, if Warframes continue to use Ferrite. Also, Instead of when the timer runs out, the whole amount of boost is lost, allow the percent values to decay at some rate until recast, and stop decaying once Vex Armor is reactivated.
  4. Effigy - Either reduce the energy drain on the ability or give Effigy a duration like Rumblers, and allow it to mimic the new Spectral Scream firing bursts as described above.
  • Augment Idea for Effigy - Gives Tap/Hold functionality to have Effigy work as it does now or allow it to follow Chroma like a Bodyguard, ala Tenno Specters and Clem.

That's more or less the direction that seems sensible for Chroma to me. And so the onr thing that bugs me is whether to have that Puncture Resistance be built into Vex Armor or not, since I would actually rather have a new Tenno Armor type for how that Attribute works on all Warframes.


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